Students Will Understand That

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Date : March 4, 2019

Time : 3:00 – 4:00 p.m

Grade & Sec.: Grade 11
Time Frame : 1 Hour
I. Essential Understanding
Students will understand that…
Art is found in almost everything that we see
II. Essential Questions
Students will keep considering the following questions…
How does art represent our emotions?

III. Learning Objectives

Through interactive discussion, the students will be able to:
Define what the Forms of Artistic Expression are.

IV. Learning Content

a. Topic: Philippine Art
b. References: Philippine Contemporary arts
c. Materials: Technology based materials, chalk, chalkboard and book

V. Learning Experiences
1. Preliminary Matters
a. Prayer: Prayer
b. Greetings: Peace and All-Good
c. Checking of Attendance
d. Checking of Cleanliness
e. Reminders
 Participate actively in the discussion
 Sit properly
 Remember always our class rules
2. Introduction
a. Review:
Through PowerPoint presentation the students will be ask what is art.

b. Motivation
The teacher will present some pictures and will let the students say something
related to the pictures presented.

c. Introduction of Essential Questions/Objectives

 How does art represent our emotions?
3. Interaction
a. Activity: “what do I represent?”
 The teacher will ask a student to give a color and will let the other
students answer what the color represents for them.
b. Processing
 What is art?
 What are forms of artistic expression?
c. Discussion
 Art is the expression or application of human creative skill and
imagination, typically in a visual form such as painting or sculpture,
producing works to be appreciated primarily for their beauty or
emotional power. The various branches of creative activity, such as
painting, music, literature, and dance.
d. Generalization
 In a ½ crosswise paper, enumerate and define the forms of artistic
expression produce by humans.

4. Integration
a. Valuing
 Situational Analysis
 As you walk around your hometown you have felt the peace
produce by nature that not everyone may be able to experience,
how are you going to express it using art?

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