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Adverb- An adverb is a word used to modify or describe an adjective, a verb or another adverb.

Adverb expresses particularly matter of time, manner of acting or doing. place and the. Examples:

 Mohan writes neatly.

(Modifies the verb write)

 This is a very sour orange.

(Modifies the adjective sour)

 In sentence 1, neatly shows how (in what manner) Mohan writes, neatly modified the verb
 In sentence 2, very shows how much (in what degree) the orange is sour, i.e., very modifies the
adjective sour.

An adverb answers three questions: how, where, and when.

Kinds of Adverbs- According to their meaning, adverbs may be divided into adverbs of time, place,
manner, frequency, degree or quantity, reason, and affirmation and negation.

1. Adverbs of Time: They answer the question : when. Words such as today, yesterday.

tomorrow, after, before, ago, now, then, always, sometimes, late, still, seldom, early, etc.

are adverbs of time. Examples:

1. She died two years ago.

2. I wrote to him yesterday.
3. May I leave now?
4. Have you seen him before?

2. Adverbs of Place- They answer the question where. Words such as here, there

everywhere, nowhere, wherever, near, far, up, down, within, without, in, etc. are adverb:

of place. Examples:

1. I searched my pen everywhere.

2. We have been living here for many years.
3. He decided to go there.
4. They went downstairs.

3. Adverbs of Manner: They answer the question how or in what manner. Words such as

neatly, nicely, bravely, clearly, quickly, carefully, etc. are adverbs of manner. Examples:

1. The soldiers fought bravely.

2. Do your homework carefully.
3. Mohini does her work nicely
4. Rohan reads clearly
4. Adverbs of Frequency: They answer the question : how often. Words such as once

twice, often, always, again, seldom, never, ever, frequently, firstly, secondly, sometimes

etc. are adverbs of frequency. Examples

1. You are always welcome.

2. I have visited the Taj Mahal only once.
3. We visit Birla Mandir frequently
4. I often go there

5. Adverbs of Degree or Quantity: They answer the question: how far or how much, or to

what extent. Words such as very much, little, enough, quite, too, partly, rather, almost

etc. are adverbs of degree or quantity. Examples:

1. Nurjahan was very beautiful.

2. He was rather busy.
3. The construction of my house is almost finished.
4. He is quite strong.

6. Adverbs of Reason: They answer the question : why. Words such as thus, hence,

consequently, therefore, doubtlessly, likewise, etc. are adverbs of reason. Examples:

1. Sohan did not work hard, therefore, he failed.

2. Consequently Monica refused to come.
3. Rout is hence unable to refute the invitation.
4. Radhika is doubtlessly a brilliant student.

7. Adverbs of Affirmation and Negation : They answer the questions raised by others. Words such as
yes, yeah, certainly, surely, etc. are adverbs of affirmation and words such as no, never, not, perhaps,
etc. are adverbs of negation. Examples:

1. They will not come.

2. do not know their family.
3. We will certainly help you.
4. Yes, I will come.

Fill in the stars with suitable adverbs from the options given.

A. One day mom cut her hand. Since then she peels the vegetables __________________.
i. carefully
ii. quickly
iii. neatly
iv. fastly
B. The team ran ............. and won the race.
i. slowly
ii. hastily
iii. quickly
iv. carelessly
C. I sat in the class ...
i. silent
ii. quickly
iii. quietly
iv. slowly
D. The turtle walked………………………
i. carefully
ii. carelessly
iii. fastly
iv. slowly
E. My mom ........... makes delicious cakes.
i. always
ii. ever
iii. somewhere
iv. nowhere
F. We will go to the concert............
i. always
ii. tomorrow
iii. ever
iv. sometimes
G. The boy whistled………………………
i. quick
ii. nice
iii. softly
iv. hardly
H. The dog barked ……………………..
i. seldom
ii. always
iii. somewhere
iv. continuously
I. We will eat dinner............
i. later
ii. at evening
iii. always
iv. earlier
J. Shah waited ______________ for his turn to come.
i. always
ii. patiently
iii. seldom
iv. continuously

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