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An experience on Nuclear Personnel Certification System in

Indonesia according to ISO-17024

B. Hanurajie1, R. Luhuring Tyas1

Center for Nuclear Standardization and Quality-BATAN

Corresponding author:

Research, development and utilization of nuclear science and technology in Indonesia
implemented through a nuclear program for peace full purposes. Application of nuclear
technology has been done on global industrial such as petroleum, aviation, petrochemical and
so on. One of the utilities are radiography testing which have been carried out from the first
decade until now. Even these are many competitor in NDT, but conventional radiography in
Indonesia still continue because some advantages of the method.
The important point in radiography test is the inspector or personnel. The personnel involved
in these nuclear activities such as radiography shall be competent. This paper is dealing with a
concept that is now being developed in the National Nuclear Energy Agency of Indonesia
(BATAN) for establishing a system for personnel certification in nuclear field to demonstrate
personnel competence according to ISO-9712. A personnel certification body has been
established after getting a licence from KAN (National Accreditation Committee) with license
number LSP - 010 - IDN in accordance with ISO-17024. This body will issue awards
credentials to individuals that meet specific competence requirements relating to a profession,
an occupation or a job in nuclear field. The certification body also follow the National Nuclear
Regulation Act as safety requirements.
The scope of certification body are Radiography Test Level-1 and Level-2. The requirements
for personnel certification consists of psychology test, education, experience, training and
examination. The psychology test and examination are done by Center for Nuclear
Standardization and Quality, and Training personnel by Educational and Training of BATAN.
For the future, BATAN plan to improve these LSP - 010 - IDN are increasing the scope, the
sector of industry, the facility of exam with others institution. The recognition of the body to
others industrial sector and abroad also should be a priority with the cooperation between
institutions, at least in our regional.

Keywords: standardization, nuclear personnel, certification

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