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My favorite movie is "The Impossible" (2012). It is a fascinating and entertaining story that
shows the wonderful family union in difficult times. This dramatic film is amazing and
compelling because it is based on real events. The stage recreates the tsunami that
occurred in Thailand in 2004, with fabulous special effects that make you feel involved in the

In the movie, Henry Bennett (Ewan McGregor), his medical wife Maria (Naomi Watts), and
their three children Lucas (Tom Holland), Thomas (Samuel Joslin) and Simon (Oaklee
Pendergrast) go on a Christmas vacation in 2004 to Khao Lak, in Thailand. At Christmas
they settle and start enjoying the beach. Two days later, the horrible Tsunami occurs.

Maria and Lucas survive, but Maria suffers serious injuries. The locals transfer them to a
local hospital in the city of Takua Pa, where Maria encourages Lucas to help others find their
relatives. While he is doing that, Maria is surgically intervened for her chest injuries and her
medical history is confused with that of another patient who had died. Lucas returns and
finds his mother's bed empty and then he is taken to a tent with children without family.
When Lucas cannot identify any of the dead woman's jewels, he discovers that there is an
error and, later, he reunites with his mother.

Henry, Thomas and Simon have also survived the tsunami together, although Henry is
injured, but the search for his missing relatives continues.
.From a distance, Lucas recognizes his father. Henry realizes that Maria is in that place and
manages to meet with her and then with the whole family. Maria survives the surgery, and
the next day everyone is evacuated to Singapore in an ambulance plane.

I was fascinated by this movie and its special effects, but at the same time I was depressed
by the dramatic situations that the family experienced.

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