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Rescue and harmonious development"

The Teaching of Grigori Grabovoi - this is a science that, for the first time in the
history of our civilization, has paved the way for all people who were intended by
the Creator to create our world, and who taught concrete technologies that
would allow anyone, the irrespective of age, nationality, creed and profession
......................... «.
The schema of spiritual development that had been used earlier, that is, a scheme
of renouncing the physical body, no longer corresponds to the current rate of
development of society, of science and of technology. Precisely for this reason,
man begins to get lost in the ever-increasing complexity of technology and
emerging problems of general character, such as the danger of nuclear
annihilation or the global ecological catastrophe. Man feels that he is unable to
cope with the increasing problems to cope with the outer world. And the reason
for this is that the development of his inner world is much slower than is needed
today. To accelerate this development and finally use its full potential - that is the
task of today. Their fate depends on all of us, the fate of the whole world
».Grigori Grabovoi "The resurrection of human beings and eternal life are our
reality from now on!"
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Grigori Grabovoi enables mankind to be saved by attaining the creator
abilities. This is the most important value of his teaching. That knowledge that
frees man of the greatest consolidated error in collective consciousness that has
caused a false and twisted reality compared to the original plan of God: ie, the
myth of the existence of objective physical reality other than physical
consciousness of mortality, is dependent as an inevitable condition of man. It is
only the consciousness that creates the world and it is always the consciousness
responsible for the mortality or immortality of man.
Man is mortal, but that is not a law of nature. "Everything that exists around us:
the earth, the sun, the stars, the space and the whole world, everything is created
with the consciousness; this consciousness includes the Creator's
consciousness. So if we know what the mind is, what consciousness is, we can
resurrect people, we can create space, we can build the world, we can do any
creative act. "
The basic idea of the teaching of Grabovoi - is that all future events can be
reshaped at the present time by concrete actions in the mind of man.
This process is called by Grabovoi - control of reality.
According to Grabovoi, human consciousness must be developed down to the
level of the soul, today consciousness does not yet reflect the 0, ...% of the
potential of the soul; she is immortal and has all the knowledge. When the
consciousness expands enough and the soul light and knowledge can be reflected,
the physical body will inevitably be immortal.
At the same time, the expansion in this collective consciousness of all surrounding
reality will change. Because we now know that the physical reality as we perceive
it is determined by the collective consciousness. So when the consciousness will
reach certain levels, the natural consequence will be immortality, the whole
reality will be completely different. Since it is obvious that an eternal punishment
would be to live forever in the world as we know it today.
FB Group "Harmonious development of the soul in this world"


The doctrine we are discussing here is known to some as one of several
scriptures, another hears it for the first time. In 1992, when several institutes in
Russia began researching the general salvation and further harmonious
development of the world (perceptible reality), this knowledge arose, which has
since developed steadily and constantly shows new results. Meanwhile, people of
different religions, in different languages around the world, speak of these
results. This doctrine assumes that the creation (God) exists universally in any
belief and culture.
This is not a new religion, but the knowledge of the creation itself, which is
rediscovered and made known by Grigori Grabovoi. Grigori Grabovoi talks about
the fact that the world (outer reality) and the soulful (inner reality) are
informative structures: " When we look at the world, the people in this world,
and how man develops in this world, we see, that everything changing comes
from man. That is, the world (external reality) is developed by man through his
conscious or unconscious inner world. "
Grigori P. Grabovoi writes: «the (life) task is to translate the knowledge of the soul
into a logical form and to use it consciously». For that you need the knowledge
that comes from the Creator! All methods of salvation, self-restoration, and
control of one's own situation, which Grabovoi holds for the people, are based on
the unique knowledge he has received from the Creator. Whereby this unique
knowledge is expressed in the terms and concepts of modern science.
But Academician Grabovoi has not only created methods to save humanity . The
greatest merit of Grigori Grabovoi is, first and foremost, that he examines the
subtle world, redefining the laws of this world . This subtle world is completely
unknown to most scientists, but one can work with this world if one has only the
knowledge of these laws and their regularities.
Grigori Grabovoi says through his technologies that everything is in and within us
and that everyone can use this knowledge. One can - and must - use it creatively,
in the sense of salvation and harmonious development.
A goal of Grigory Grabovoi's doctrine "Salvation and Harmonic Development" is
both the general salvation and salvation of every personality, the supply of
eternal creative, harmonious development . A major task of the teaching of
Grigori Grabovoi is the real prevention of the potential global catastrophe.
Everything in the universe represents objects of information, and the whole world
is a very complicated informative system. Information plays a fundamental role
in the life of every human being . All living beings on earth are from their birth
and to the end of their existence as objects of information, in an informative
field. Life on earth would be impossible if the living beings did not capture the
information received from the external environment, would not understand it,
process it, use it and send it to other objects of information.
All objects in the world are interconnected through informative relationships. If
you essentially change any connection, you can change the system as a
whole . Grabovoi has developed control of such systems which essence consists in
influence on this information system of the person about consciousness and
perception . As Academician Grigori Grabovoi notes, the total volume of
information consists of the information of matter, consciousness and external
environment . And on a conservation law of information change of the volume of
information of one of these forms causes the corresponding change of the sizes of
information in other forms.
The human is an informative object, also the disease is an informative object
and any situation is a set of informative objects and relationships around. The
human being with his ability of thinking, able to create everything, can create
any informative objects, fill them up with the necessary qualities and qualities,
and through them cooperate with the external informative field. In a word, they
control! It is necessary to note that a certain - but unconscious - control of
information is constantly carried out by us. It is precisely this control that saves
us from catastrophes and cataclysms.
If the person consciously unites his personal task with the global task of saving all,
then the transition from the physical level of control to the system of thinking is
carried out. According to the present technology, thinking itself becomes the
- Question to Grigori Grabovoi: What is a disease?

- A disease is a mismatch of desires, needs, with existing tasks in the

world. Disease must be considered from the point of view of harmonious
relationships in the world. If somewhere and in anything the harmony is broken,
then a discomfort arises.

- Grigori Grabovoi, what is your health understanding?

- Health is a state of reality in which the relationships between man and the
external world are in the greatest possible harmony. But health is not just the
physical condition. It is both a moral and a social and even a political
phenomenon. Health is a system of relationships in which the healthy body exists.
Three internal structures happening via the controller are:
the soul
the ghost
The soul is the "substance" created by the Creator according to the eternity of the
world - an eternal element of the world. The soul is unshakable, it exists as an
organizing structure of the world and therefore, in principle, it produces the
reproduction of such concepts as, for example, the mind , where the concept of
action belongs. So that one can say that - in a certain understanding - the actions
of the soul are spirit. Therefore, perfecting the spiritual basis in the direction of a
creative development of the world, one can change the soul . One of the
principles of "reviving" is that eternal life requires the need for soul
development, In fact, in eternal life - depending on the development of man and
society - all tasks will be new - and new ones will emerge. Therefore, the
development of the soul is absolutely necessary, so that the person is adequately
able to master these new challenges. The soul is a personal work of the Creator -
it is the light of the Creator. The soul exists in a certain, "absolute" space in which
God the Creator created it.
Awarenessis a structure that allows the soul to control the body. The soul whose
material part is the body interacts with reality through the structure of
consciousness. In the wider sense, therefore, consciousness is a structure that
unites the spiritual and material worlds. By changing the consciousness one can
also transform the mind and thus the actions, which means: the events, because
the soul is part of the world, thus present in any event. Then, the change in the
consciousness of man entails the change of all other elements of the world. The
development of man, his perfection, is connected with the development of his
consciousness. A change in the state of consciousness and the rise to ever higher
states of consciousness is precisely the main task,
According to the available findings, the world is structured in the following way:
The soul creates light and information, the mind moves this information from
the soul into the consciousness, the consciousness takes over the information
and realizes it in the form of objects (matter) that we see around us in
forms. Changing information, man changes the world and himself.
The world depends directly on the consciousness of man. To change the world,
one's desire to recognize oneself is enough. Recognizing oneself, man finds
creation, God. Only recognizing oneself, man can communicate directly with God
and creation. One seeks God in Tibet, one in India, another in the cosmos, etc.,
but God is in every man and his soul. The soul is creation, part of God, and
through consciousness all things are manifested in the experienceable
world. When a person develops spiritually, he finds God and recognizes creation
in all that is. In this case, man gets unlimited possibilities and creativity. Grigori
Grabovoi says that every person can use this knowledge and achieve the results
when using it.
Regenerating lost organs is possible because information about the healthy organ
remains stored forever in an informative field. The physical human body is a
manifested structure that evolves from an informational structure, a primal
matrix, predetermined by creation. We also speak of being children or the image
of God. In the human soul there is a point of archiving in which all information
about its individuality is preserved. Working with this knowledge in the point of
archiving, every person can be renewed again. To initiate the process of
restoration, all it takes is the impulse of light from the soul of man. To give this
impulse from the soul, already the desire of man, to help yourself or other
people. But a visible success depends on an important condition, the belief in
creation. In order to restore a lost organ, faith in an all-inclusive God and in us as
His creation is necessary. If man does not believe this, all effort is in vain. The
world is God and God is the world! Everything we perceive around us, including
ourselves, is an expression of God and His creation. When man begins to
acknowledge this, he is able to creatively influence his health and events in his life
through his soul. is the belief in an all-inclusive God and in us as his creation
needed. If man does not believe this, all effort is in vain. The world is God and
God is the world! Everything we perceive around us, including ourselves, is an
expression of God and His creation. When man begins to acknowledge this, he is
able to creatively influence his health and events in his life through his soul. is the
belief in an all-inclusive God and in us as his creation needed. If man does not
believe this, all effort is in vain. The world is God and God is the world! Everything
we perceive around us, including ourselves, is an expression of God and His
creation. When man begins to acknowledge this, he is able to creatively influence
his health and events in his life through his soul.
Creative action
As Grigori Grabovoi says, we are always in control of our lives, but mostly
unconsciously. The result of unconscious control is often disease and events,
which we usually accept as our unchanging fate. But the world and life are
changeable at every moment in the direction of eternal harmonious
development, which corresponds to our true nature.
In our cells the information of eternal life is stored. We do not have to age, do
not get sick or die . We do it all because this information is stored in our
consciousness, since we have lived Eons of years with this conviction.
The great transformations our planet Earth is currently undergoing require us to
reorient ourselves to live new (albeit original) laws. These are:
Living in love, harmony and joy of eternal development.
Because, as Grigori Grabovoi said:
"Only joy, light and love are the ways of understanding the world."
Grigori Grabovoi gives us the tools to make it all playful and easy to reach. Main
tools are:

 rows of numbers
 Geometric shapes
 sounds
 Colours
 Literal wordings and
 light

At all times the effects of the numbers have been known.

"Omnia in numeris sita sunt" - "Everything is hidden in numbers" (lat.)
"... The number is the very source of sacred information. By their nature, the
numbers are eternal and contained in the Divine Word, along with
humanity. The numbers are part of Biblical history, the role of mediators
between Human Perception and Divine Revelation. "
In people's consciousness there are segments associated with each
number. When you concentrate, the vibration is created in these segments. The
language does not matter.
On this basis, by focusing on numbers, man changes his spiritual world toward
eternal harmonious development, achieving his original eternal essence of
creating the eternal body. Through the knowledge contained in the numbers,
man moves in the direction of spiritual development that represents eternity.
Grigori Grabovoi gave us plenty of creative figures. They are in the following

1. Concentration exercises for every day

2. Restoring the human body by focusing on the numbers (pharmacy, which
includes numbers for about 1000 different diseases)
3. Restoration of Human Matter by Focusing on Numbers, Part 1 and Part 2
4. Number series for Psychological Norming
5. The numbers of the stars for an eternal life

and vm
Some examples:

Harmonization of the present 71042

Harmonization of the future: 148721091

Harmonization of the past 7819019425

plants 811120218

animals 555142198110

Normalization of financial situations * 71427321893

Solution to common questions / problems * 212309909

Harmonious relationships in the family 285555901

Harmonious relationship in the workplace 141111963

Determination of the children in learning 212585212

Transformation of Negative into Positive 1888948

Control with geometric shapes

According to Grigori Grabovoi's doctrine, there are innumerable geometrical
forms around us, with which we can use our methods to control our health and
the events of our lives. Each piece of information can be printed out in a
geometric form and thus also be guided in the direction of the norm of the
Creator. The Creator's norm is the original information created by the Creator
that is always in our information field. It should only be revived. The result is
organs that have been surgically removed, diseases are cured, situations in life
develop harmoniously.
All methods from the Grigori Grabovoi teaching are very simple and are applied
by adults as well as children with ease.
How exactly does this happen, you learn at the seminars, also how to make
conscious contact with the soul.

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