ASDC Alabama Resolution

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This resolution was passed unanimously by the Executive Committee of the Association of State

Democratic Committees (ASDC) on the monthly Executive Committee call on October 28, 2019.

Resolution on Alabama State Party Leadership

WHEREAS, ​the Association of State Democratic Committees (ASDC) is made up of State Party
Chairs and Vice Chairs from the 57 states and territories; and

WHEREAS,​ strong State Democratic Parties are vital to the success of the Democratic Party in
the United States of America. The ASDC is the only national party organization focused
exclusively on the current and future needs of State Democratic Parties, assisting them to fulfill
their vital roles; and

WHEREAS,​ State Parties play a vital role in building strong Democratic Party infrastructure
within their respective states to communicate with voters, engage base communities, and elect
Democrats at every level of office; and

WHEREAS,​ the DNC is providing unprecedented levels of support to State Parties through the
State Party Partnership (SPP) and State Party Innovation Fund (SPIF) Grants to ensure that State
Parties have the tools, data, training, and resources they need to be successful; and

WHEREAS, ​the Alabama Democratic Party is the only State Party not currently in compliance
with either the spirit or the letter of the SPP Opportunity Everywhere Agreement; and

WHEREAS,​ as we prepare for critical elections in 2020 it is vital that all State Parties are fully
operational so that they are prepared to assist in building a strong infrastructure and developing
core competencies that result in Democrats winning up and down the ballot; and

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT,​ the ASDC Executive Committee encourages

Alabama Democrats to elect new State Party leadership that will allow the Democratic Party of
Alabama to elect Democrats at all levels of office, guarantee full participation by all Democrats,
and build a strong Democratic Party infrastructure for the future.

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