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Am J Clin Dermatol (2018) 19:119–126


Evaluation of the Relationship between Alopecia Areata and Viral

Antigen Exposure
Christopher T. Richardson1 • Matthew S. Hayden2 • Elaine S. Gilmore3 •

Brian Poligone2,3

Published online: 11 August 2017

Ó Springer International Publishing AG 2017

Abstract presence of AA and these conditions was higher than in

Background Alopecia areata (AA) is an autoimmune dis- AA patients without these associated conditions or therapy.
ease characterized by non-scarring alopecia with T-cell Results An increased frequency of AA among those who
infiltration at the affected hair follicle. received the HBV surface protein antigen [odds ratio (OR)
Objective Our aim was to study the potential link between 2.7, p \ 0.0001] was identified, and an independent anal-
hepatitis B virus (HBV) antigen exposure and AA. ysis revealed an increased frequency of AA in those
Methods Two pediatric patients with AA following hep- receiving IFN-b treatment (OR 8.1, p \ 0.05). One
atitis B vaccination were identified in a general dermatol- potential antigenic target identified was SLC45A2, a
ogy clinic. A bioinformatics analysis and an electronic melanosomal transport protein important in skin and hair
medical record (EMR) database query were performed at pigmentation. The longest potential vaccine peptide frag-
the University of Rochester Medical Center to identify ment match (8-mer) was to a segment of natural killer (NK)
patients with AA, coexisting viral infections, vaccinations, cell inhibitory receptors, KIR3DL2 and KIR3DL1. Pre-
or interferon (IFN) therapy in order to determine if the dictive modeling of major histocompatibility complex
(MHC)-peptide binding demonstrated potential binding of
this peptide to MHC relevant to AA.
Limitations The results will need to be verified in addi-
tional patient databases allowing analysis of temporal
relationships, and with molecular experiments of the
identified antigens.
Elaine S. Gilmore and Brian Poligone contributed equally to this
work. Conclusions Our data confirm associations between viral
infection and IFN treatment with AA. It establishes that the
Electronic supplementary material The online version of this hepatitis B surface protein antigen has shared epitopes with
article (doi:10.1007/s40257-017-0312-y) contains supplementary
material, which is available to authorized users.
human killer immunoglobulin-like receptors.

& Elaine S. Gilmore
& Brian Poligone
Division of Allergy, Immunology and Rheumatology,
University of Rochester School of Medicine, 601 Elmwood
Avenue, Rochester, NY 14642, USA
Rochester General Hospital Research Institute, 1425 Portland
Avenue, Rochester, NY 14621, USA
Universal Dermatology, PLLC, 6800 Pittsford Palmyra Rd,
Suite 150, Fairport, NY 14450, USA
120 C. T. Richardson et al.

mechanisms, including molecular mimicry, superantigens,

Key Points and epitope spreading. Molecular mimicry has been
described for multiple autoimmune diseases [8].
A bioinformatics analysis was performed showing a Vaccination could trigger autoimmunity through the
correlation between alopecia areata and hepatitis B same mechanisms. The hepatitis B vaccine is the most
virus (HBV) vaccination, hepatitis A virus commonly reported vaccine trigger of AA. From 1978 to
vaccination, cytomegalovirus infection, and 1995, 60 cases of hair loss after routine immunizations
interferon (IFN) treatment. were reported to the US FDA, including 46 cases following
hepatitis B vaccination [29]. Sixteen of these cases were
Through analysis of peptide sequences from the
positive after rechallenge with the vaccine. However, it is
HBV vaccine and virus, potential antigens were
unknown whether antigenic hepatitis B virus (HBV) pep-
identified, which may activate T cells after HBV
tides are similar in structure to melanocyte or hair follicle-
related proteins.
Taken together, the results presented are suggestive We identified two cases in which HBV vaccination was
of a link between robust IFN-driven immune associated with the onset of AA. Based on these cases and
responses and the development of AA, and point to existing literature, we sought to determine whether HBV
specific viral antigens for future investigation. antigen exposure and AA were correlated in a larger pop-
ulation through an analysis of the University of Rochester
Medical Center electronic medical records (EMRs). We
identified a correlation between HBV vaccination and AA,
and therefore performed a bioinformatics analysis to
identify potential HBV antigens sharing epitope cutaneous
1 Introduction
proteins. We identified antigens with potential relevance to
AA that should be further studied in both animal models
Alopecia areata (AA) is a complex autoimmune disease in
and patients with HBV-associated onset of AA.
which hair-bulb inflammation and loss of hair follicle
immune privilege (HFIP) leads to non-scarring hair loss
1.1 Cases
[1, 2]. Pathogenesis may be driven by antigen-specific
T-cell responses against hair follicle-associated proteins
Patient 1 presented as a 3-year-old female with hair loss of
[3, 4], as evidenced by a mouse model using melanocyte
several weeks’ duration (Fig. 1a). Alopecia began 4 days
peptide-stimulated T cells [5] and reports of human
after receiving the third dose of the hepatitis B vaccine.
leukocyte antigen (HLA) associations with AA [6]. While
The patient also developed transient joint pain of the
genetics contribute to AA development [7], the initial
wrists, arms, and right knee without associated swelling.
triggering events are not well-defined. Potential triggers
She had a positive antinuclear antibody (ANA) (1:320
include emotional stress, metabolic or endocrine disorders,
speckled/homogenous pattern). Complete blood count
infections, drugs, and vaccines, several of which induce an
(CBC), erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR), C-reactive
interferon (IFN) response.
protein (CRP), and rheumatoid factor were normal, and she
A strong IFN gene expression signature has been found
had no significant medical history. Her family history
in AA lesions in both humans and mouse models [8–13].
included a mother with positive ANA and AA, and a sister
Case reports of alopecia following treatment with IFN-a or
with positive thyroid antibodies. Physical examination
IFN-b also implicate type I IFNs in initiating hair loss
revealed widespread and well-demarcated alopecic patches
[14–17]. In addition, type I IFN-related proteins have been
on the scalp without scarring, erythema, or scale. There
found to be upregulated in inflammatory scalp lesions of
were no nail changes. The patient was prescribed clobe-
patients with AA [18]. Furthermore, Janus kinase (JAK)
tasol 0.05% solution applied once daily to the affected
inhibitors, which inhibit IFN and common c cytokine sig-
areas o fthe scalp, alternating weekly with tacrolimus
naling, have recently been shown to be effective in both
0.03% ointment.
animal models and patients with AA [13, 19–22].
At 6 weeks her scalp examination was largely unchan-
The loss of HFIP may be due to a non-specific bystander
ged and therapy was continued. After 2 more months, an
effect of the IFN response to viral infection. Several reports
ophiasis pattern had developed, in addition to persistent
have suggested a link between viral infection and the
alopecia on the crown. Clobetasol and tacrolimus were
development of AA [15, 17, 23–26], although others dis-
discontinued, and tretinoin 0.1% cream was applied once
agree [27, 28]. Alternatively, viral infection might con-
daily, with which there was minimal response over
tribute to the onset of AA through several other potential
4 months. Five months later, at which time the patient had
Evaluation of the Relationship between Alopecia Areata and Viral Antigen Exposure 121

ANA, double-stranded DNA (dsDNA) antibody (Ab),

thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH), antithyroglobulin Ab,
rheumatoid factor, veneral disease research laboratory test
(VDRL), and glucose, was normal. Her medical history
and family history were non-contributory. Examination
revealed diffuse alopecia of the scalp, with a few sparse
hairs on the occiput. No other changes from prior
examination were noted. Treatment was begun with
pimecrolimus 1% cream once daily. At 3 months
her examination was unchanged. The patient was
instructed to continue the pimecrolimus and to start tri-
amcinolone 0.1 % cream daily for 1 week each month.

2 Materials and Methods

2.1 Electronic Medical Record Database Search

The EMR at the University of Rochester Medical Center

was evaluated for patients with AA and coexisting medical
conditions. The search was performed according to uni-
versity policy and was exempt per the Research Subjects
Review Board (RSRB). The following portions of the EMR
were included: problem list, past medical history, and
encounter diagnosis. The following Current Procedural
Terminology (CPT) or International Classification of Dis-
ease, Ninth Revision (ICD-9) codes were used to search the
database: alopecia areata (704.1), hepatitis B vaccination
(90731, 90740, 90743, 90744, 90745, 90746, 90747),
hepatitis A vaccination (90632, 90633, 90634, 90730),
hepatitis B infection (070.2, 070.3), hepatitis C virus
infection (070.41, 070.44, 070.51, 070.54, 070.70, 070.71),
Epstein–Barr virus (EBV) infection (075), cytomegalovirus
Fig. 1 Cases of alopecia areata following hepatitis B vaccination. (CMV) infection (078.5), IFN-a treatment (J9212, J9213,
a 3-year-old female who presented with concern for hair loss of J9214, J9215), IFN-b treatment (J1826, J1830), and IFN-c
several weeks’ duration. b 21-month-old female who presented with
concern for hair loss of sudden onset, beginning at age 15 months
treatment (J9216). Alopecia totalis (AT) and alopecia
universalis (AU) are coded as ‘alopecia other’ (704.09),
stopped all prescription medications and had started a which was not used in this database search since it includes
South American herbal remedy called Suelda con Suelda many miscellaneous alopecia conditions. There were 656
(likely Phoradendron spp.), examination revealed diffuse cases of AA in the database, 1897 cases of HBV exposure,
new hair growth on the scalp of a few inches in length, with and 243,294 HBV vaccinations. Of these, 243,249 were
one patch of alopecia on the right scalp and some irregu- vaccine only, 749 were virus only, and 1148 were indi-
larity of the hair line. viduals with both.
Patient 2 presented as a 21-month-old female with hair
loss of sudden onset beginning at age 15 months 2.2 Basic Local Alignment Search Tool (BLAST)
(Fig. 1b). Hair loss began 2 weeks after receiving the Query
third dose of the hepatitis B vaccine. Approximately
1 month prior to presentation at our clinic, the patient was Queries were performed against the human non-redundant
evaluated by a dermatologist and was noted to have protein sequences (NR) database using blastp (protein-
approximately 80% hair loss of the scalp, with downy protein BLAST) using all 221 potential 6-mers from the
brown hair on the temples and occiput. The body was Merck Recombivax hepatitis B vaccine peptide (menits-
without hair, although the eyebrows and eyelashes were gflgpllvlqagfflltriltipqsldswwtslnflggspvclgqnsqsptsnhsptsc
intact. No nail changes were noted. Work-up, including ppicpgyrwmclrrfiiflfilllclifllvlldyqgmlpvcplipgstttstgpcktct
122 C. T. Richardson et al.

Fig. 2 Association of alopecia Prevalence of Alopecia Areata

areata with other medical
conditions. a Prevalence and A 350
b odds ratio of alopecia areata
associated with several 300 ***
vaccinations, infections, and

Prevalence (per 100,000)

treatments. *p \ 0.05,
**p \ 0.005, ***p \ 0.0005. 250
CMV cytomegalovirus, EBV
Epstein–Barr virus, HAV 200
hepatitis A virus, HBV hepatitis
B virus, HCV hepatitis C virus,
IFN interferon


Population Vaccine Vaccine Infection Infection Infection Infection Treatment
(1865415) (n=61576) (n=29042) (n=1897) (n=1914) (n=412) (n=5119) (n=687)

Association with Alopecia Areata

B 100


Odds Ratio

*** ***
2.73 3.01 2.91 2.89


Vaccine Vaccine Infection Infection Infection Infection Treatment
0.1 (n=61576) (n=29042) (n=1897) (n=1914) (n=412) (n=5119) (n=687)
Paent Populaon (n=1865415)

tpaqgnsmfpsccctkptdgnctcipipsswafakylwewasvrfswlsllvpf B*12, B*18, B*52, C*0401, C*0702, C*1502, Cw*0704

vqwfvglsptvwlsaiwmmwywgpslysivspfipllpiffclwvyi). [5, 30–37].

2.3 RANKPEP Analysis 2.4 Statistics

RANKPEP ( was A two-sample t test between proportions was performed to

used to predict major histocompatibility complex (MHC)- determine whether there was a significant difference
peptide binding of the 218 possible 9-mers from the hep- between the prevalence of those with AA in the general
atitis B vaccine peptide. The following HLA relevant to population and the prevalence of those with various vac-
AA in various patient populations were evaluated: DPw4, cinations, infections, and treatments. Odds ratios (ORs)
DQ1,DQ7 (B1*0301), DR1, DR4 (B1*0401), DR5, DR11 were calculated for the association of AA with various
(B1*1104), A*0101, A*0201, A*0301, B*2701, B*62, vaccinations, infections, and treatments. 95% confidence
Cw*0702. However, the following MHCs relevant to AA intervals were determined and the Pearson’s Chi-square
could not be evaluated by RANKPEP: DQ3 (B1*03), test with Yates’ correction was used to determine p values.
Evaluation of the Relationship between Alopecia Areata and Viral Antigen Exposure 123

Table 1 Hepatitis B vaccine Human protein (gene) Peptide

peptide sequence homology to
human peptides Killer cell immunoglobulin-like receptor 3DL2 (KIR3DL2) IFLFILLL
Killer cell immunoglobulin-like receptor 3DL1 (KIR3DL1) IFLFILLL
Membrane-associated transporter protein (SLC45A2) SLYSIV
BLAST query results revealed three 8-mers, eight 7-mers, and 169 6-mers from the vaccine peptide with
exact sequence homology to human peptides
A full listing of identifed proteins are presented in the Electronic Supplementary Material
BLAST Basic Local Alignment Search Tool

3 Results hepatitis A vaccination) and IFN-a, IFN-b, and IFN-c

treatment were evaluated (Fig. 2a). Given that few patients
3.1 Relationship of Alopecia Areata (AA) in the query received IFN-a (n = 72) or IFN-c (n = 4),
with Hepatitis B Vaccination and none with AA, statistical analysis could not be per-
formed on these data. The prevalence of AA was signifi-
The two case reports presented, along with similar reports cantly higher in those vaccinated against HBV or hepatitis
in the literature [8], suggest a potential relationship A virus (HAV) (p \ 0.0001), as well as those with a his-
between hepatitis B vaccination and AA. To examine this tory of CMV infection (p = 0.028) or treatment with IFN-
potential relationship, the EMR database at the University b (p = 0.0005). The prevalence of AA in those with a
of Rochester Medical Center was queried to identify history of HBV or EBV infections approached significance
patients who had received the hepatitis B vaccine and also (p = 0.11) but was limited by the small sample size. Of
had AA. The odds of a patient receiving the hepatitis B note, no patients with a history of HCV infection had AA.
vaccine also having AA was significantly increased com- This could potentially be due to the fact that chronic HCV
pared with patients who had not received the vaccine (OR infection does not induce type I IFNs [40]. The OR of
2.73, p \ 0.0001). The OR is reported as opposed to rel- association of AA with the above conditions followed the
ative risk as the temporal association between the occur- same general trend (Fig. 2b).
rence of AA and hepatitis B vaccination was not
determined. An accurate analysis of this association with 3.3 Hepatitis B Virus Vaccine Peptides with Human
AT or AU was not possible given that the ICD-9 code for Sequence Homology
these two conditions is the same as for a wide variety of
differing forms of alopecia (704.09, ‘other alopecia’), A second potential mechanism whereby vaccination might
although a future analysis may be possible with ICD, Tenth lead to AA is via molecular mimicry. In order to investi-
Revision (ICD-10). gate this possibility, all 221 potential 6-mers from the
hepatitis B peptide (226 amino acids) used in the vaccine
were queried against the human non-redundant protein
3.2 Relationship of AA with Other Vaccinations, sequences (NR) database using BLASTP (protein-protein
Infections, and Interferon BLAST). MHC I and II typically bind peptides 8–11 amino
acids in length. 6-mers were analyzed to allow for some
One potential mechanism whereby vaccination might differences from human peptides. Although this does not
trigger AA is through the induction of IFN. This mecha- account for all of the potentially similar peptides, further
nism of induction of AA is non-specific, with any number analysis was beyond the scope of the present study.
of vaccinations or infections potentially leading to hair Using this method, no exact match larger than eight
loss. Given that vaccination is known to lead to a type I peptides was found. Three 8-mers, eight 7-mers, and 169
IFN response [38], a type I IFN signature was found in 6-mers from the vaccine peptide were found to have exact
scalp lesions of patients with AA [25], and alopecia is sequence homology with human peptides (Table 1). One
associated with IFN-a and IFN-b treatments [14–17], one potential antigenic target identified by the search is
potential mediating factor is type I IFN. In order to melanosomal transport protein SLC45A2 (solute carrier
examine this hypothesis, additional EMR database queries family 45 member 2), alternatively known as membrane-
were performed. Prevalence and associations of AA with associated transport protein (MATP) or antigen in mela-
other DNA viruses (EBV, CMV), viral hepatitides and noma 1 (AIM1). SLC45A2 has been found to be a key
vaccinations (hepatitis B infection, hepatitis C infection, regulator of melanogenesis [39], and is important in both
124 C. T. Richardson et al.

Table 2 RANKPEP analysis of hepatitis B vaccine peptide: MHC potential 9-mers from the vaccine based on potential
binding binding to specific MHC class I and class II. Given that
Peptide Rank RANKPEP predicts binding to MHC class II using 9-mers,
the two vaccine 9-mers containing the KIR peptide IFL-
Class I
FILLL, as well as all such 9-mers containing the shared
HLA-A*0301 IIFLFILLL 3 sequence from SLC45A2 (SLYSIV), were evaluated.
HLA-Cw*0702 IIFLFILLL 4 Similar analysis was performed for binding to MHC class I.
HLA-A*0201 IIFLFILLL 7 The rank results indicate that among all potential 9-mers
HLA-B*2701 IFLFILLLC 15 from the vaccine, the one matching the portion of the
HLA-A*0101 IIFLFILLL 77 human KIR receptor is the most likely portion of the
HLA-B*62 IFLFILLLC 183 vaccine to bind to HLA-DQ1. This 9-mer is also one of the
Class II most likely to bind to several other MHC class I and II
HLA-DQ1 IIFLFILLL 1 relevant to AA (Table 2). In addition, one of the 9-mers
HLA-DR11 (B1*1104) IIFLFILLL 3 containing the sequence match with SLC45A2 is the most
HLA-DPw4 IIFLFILLL 12 likely to bind to HLA-B*62. While not predicted to bind to
HLA-DR4 (B1*0401) IFLFILLLC 14 many other MHCs, it is also very likely to bind to HLA-
HLA-DR5 IFLFILLLC 27 A*0201. Results based on this modeling software do not
HLA-DR1 IFLFILLLC 57 guarantee binding or initiation of an immune response, but
HLA-DQ7 (B1*0301) IIFLFILLL 122 merely indicate that the possibility exists.
This online program ranked all 218 potential 9-mers from the vaccine
based on potential binding to a specific MHC. The rank results
indicate that of all potential peptides from the vaccine, the one 4 Conclusions
matching the portion of the human KIR receptor is one of the most
likely to bind to several different MHC class I and class II relevant to
alopecia areata The clinical cases and preliminary investigation presented
MHC major histocompatibility complex, KIR killer immunoglobulin-
here support the proposal that exposure to hepatitis B
like receptor antigens, through either infection or vaccination, are
associated with AA in a subset of patients. We have per-
formed a bioinformatics analysis that has identified multi-
ple epitopes that could link HBV infection or vaccination
skin and hair pigmentation [40]. It is the underlying defect to the onset of AA. The HBV components in the vaccine
in oculocutaneous albinism type 4 [41] and is a suscepti- share sequence homology to hair follicle protein SLC45A2,
bility gene in melanoma [42]. Melanocyte peptides have which might serve as the target of an antigen-specific
been postulated to be the antigenic targets in AA [5]. T-cell response due to molecular mimicry. In addition,
Killer immunoglobulin-like receptors (KIRs) represent a 9-mer peptides containing IFLFILLL from KIRs show
second potential antigenic target. Two of the three longest strong binding to MHC. Intriguingly, this peptide has
BLASTP matches were to the inhibitory KIR receptors previously been shown to be an antigenic component of the
KIR3DL2 and KIR3DL1. These receptors are found on HBV vaccine to which strong T-cell responses have been
both natural killer (NK) cells, a subset of cytotoxic CD8? identified [46]. This leads us to postulate that HBV infec-
T cells, and regulatory T cells (Tregs) [43–45]. One tion or vaccination has the potential to initiate an antigen-
hypothesized mechanism of AA pathogenesis is through a specific response targeting inhibitory receptors on NK cells
subset of cytotoxic CD8? T cells that express the NK cell and some T cells. Such a response, either by inhibiting
receptor NKG2D [14]. These T cells are necessary and KIR3DL1/2 function on NK or CD8 cells, or by increasing
sufficient for the induction of AA in the murine model of KIR signaling in Tregs, could theoretically predispose
the disease, and efficacy of recently published treatments towards development of autoimmune diseases such as AA.
for AA correlate with effects on this cellular compartment While our data provide evidence of a significantly
[14, 18]. Interestingly, it appears that most T cells that increased risk associated with HBV antigen exposure, the
express KIR3DL1 also express NKG2D [43]. results are correlative and are limited by the inability to
Not all peptides are able to bind to MHC with equal confirm a temporal association with the current database.
affinity, or at all. RANKPEP, an online tool that predicts Further prospective evaluation and controlled studies
peptide binding to MHC, was used to evaluate which would be necessary to conclude that exposure to specific
portions of the hepatitis B vaccine peptide are most likely HBV antigens leads to AA. Genetic associations between
to bind to MHC. Analysis focused on MHC described as specific HLA alleles and chronic HBV infection have been
relevant to AA [32–40]. This program ranked all 218 described [47–49]. A recent genome-wide meta-analysis of
Evaluation of the Relationship between Alopecia Areata and Viral Antigen Exposure 125

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