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ENGL 112 – Grammar


Decide which conditional type each sentence belongs to, then use the verb in brackets in the correct

Cond. Sentence
1. If we ______________________________ (travel) to London, we
______________________________ (visit) the museums.
2. If Tony ______________________________ (know) her phone number, he
______________________________(give) it to Frankie.

3. If we ______________________________ (go) to a good restaurant yesterday, we

______________________________ (have) better food.

4. Your car ______________________________ (break down) in the middle of the

road last week if you ______________________________(check) it before going
on a road trip.

5. If you ______________________________(want) to come,

______________________________ (call) me before 5:00.

6. If she ______________________________ (bully) her classmates, she

______________________________ (have) more friends now.

Re-write the following sentences using the given word. Make sure the second sentence has the same
meaning as the first one.
1. Mike talks too fast. This is why Stephanie can’t understand him. WOULD
If Mike ______________________________________________________________________.
2. She didn’t buy a new hard disk and this is why she lost all her data. HAD
If she _______________________________________________________________________.
3. My mom always makes me lemon tea with honey when I get sick. IF
__________________________________________________________ lemon tea with honey.
4. You have to clean up your room. Otherwise I will not make you brownies. DON’T
If you _______________________________________________________________________.
5. Your teacher called me because you cheated in your exam. WOULDN’T
If you ____________________________________________________________________me.

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