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The sidewalk cay struggle against hunger and its own improvement Cay’

Carolina Gutierrez appears with her husband to perform a
In the Cay sector, Corregimiento 9, located in the Combeima canyon in the city of series of activities with the aim of collecting the supplies
Ibagué - Tolima. It inhabits a population of approximately 40 families that they live necessary to be delivered to those families in a vulnerable
in an unfavorable economic situation, their educational levels are so low that the lack state on the CAY sidewalk.JULIA
of work and opportunities is evident, that have led them to suffer hunger. She has humanitarian aid such as:
This population has not only had to go through the aforementioned, but has also had Food collection through campaigns to make market
to go through inconveniences caused by nature, those that have suffered a negative delivery.
effect that causes many of their crops to perish and their economic level is
decreasing. ZAIDA Collection of second-hand clothes through social
networks, campaigns and communicated to his closest
Carolina Gutiérrez Pineda is a seamstress, is 35 years old and is from Ibagué. She friends, who help with the good work, thanks to this
was born in a religious family that taught her values and ethics. manages to organize a flea market where all the income is
directed to the construction of the church of the Sector.
Carolina, in his spare time, performs a social work in the town of Cay, with the aim
of proposing, promoting and encouraging the inhabitants of this community to Make grocery sales based on collecting enough money and
improve themselves both in their personal lives and in education and the economy. thus make more than the 120 lunches that are delivered on

 Volunteering contributes and must continue to favor
the establishment of a true globalized culture of
solidarity. JULIA

 The importance that the value of solidarity has

acquired among the new generations, who see a great
good in helping the needy that we must rescue and
introduce into the social structure of the world.

By virtue of continuing to contribute to a vulnerable
society that awaits our intervention, we must not only
promote and strengthen the processes of change, but
also intervene and be part of social work activities.

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