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Project management is the application of knowledge, skills, tools, and techniques to project activities to
meet the project requirements.

Project management is essentially aimed at producing an end-product that will effect some change for
the benefit of the organization that instigated the project. It is the initiation, planning and control of a
range of tasks required to deliver this end product, which could be a physical product, it could be new
software or something less tangible like a new way of working.

A key factor that distinguishes project management from just management is that it has this final
deliverable and a finite time span, unlike management which is an ongoing process. Because of this a
project manager needs a wide range of skills; often technical skills, certainly people management skills
and good business awareness.
Preliminary investigation:-

Project management processes fall into six groups:

 Planning
 Analyze
 Design
 Develop
 Implement
 Maintain

Project management knowledge draws on several areas some are given below:


Integration management is a collection of processes required to ensure that the various elements of the
projects are properly coordinated. It involves making trade-offs among competing objectives and
alternatives to meet or exceed stakeholder needs and expectations.

Project scope is the part of project planning that involves determining and documenting a list of specific
project goals, deliverables, features, functions, tasks, deadlines, and ultimately costs. In other words, it
is what needs to be achieved and the work that must be done to deliver a project.


Gantt charts are useful for planning and scheduling projects. They allow you to assess how long
a project should take, determine the resources needed, and lay out the order in which tasks need to be
carried out. They are useful in managing the dependencies between tasks.


Cost management is the process of planning and controlling the budget of a business. Cost
management is a form of management accounting that allows a business to predict impending
expenditures to help reduce the chance of going over budget.


Quality management is a discipline for ensuring that outputs, benefits, and the processes by which they
are delivered, meet stakeholder requirements and are fit for purpose.


Project procurement management is the creation of relationships with outside vendors and
suppliers for goods and services needed to complete a project. This process is comprised of
five steps, including initiating and planning, selecting, contract writing, monitoring, and closing
and competing.

Human resources

Project Human Resource Management Major Processes• Organizational Planning – Identify, document,
and assign project roles, responsibilities, and reporting relationships• Staff Acquisition – Getting
the human resources needed assigned to and working on the project.


Communication is a skill that is never perfected, can always be improved and is pivotal in being able to
initiate and mobilize a project effectively. The PMI (Project Management Institute) suggest a project
manager should spend 90 per cent of their time communicating.


To develop an online portal to manage the final year projects proposal. As the supervisor faces difficulty
to manually check which projects were submitted in the past by the students and using what
technologies which causes takes too much time and is error prone. Students need to know in advance
which proposals have already been submitted using what technologies alike and therefore want to
select less frequently submitted proposals.


The purpose of project is to abandon the paper work done by the supervisor, record information, its
overall rating and to avoid inconsistency in data and to centralize the knowledge base for university’s
final year projects proposals. The student could see the past proposals and their results so that they can
better select and propose their final year projects and skill used in them.


1. Define the Objective To minimize the risk of getting off the right track, management must clarify the
objective of the project well in advance by

a) Defining management's intent in undertaking the project

b) Outlining the scope of the project, that is, identifying the departments, companies, functions and staff
involved and their approximate degree of their involvement

c) Describing the end results of the project and its permanent effects, if any, on the company or division.

2. Establish a Project Organization

This includes

a) Appointment of an experienced manager to run the project full time

b) Organization of the project management function in terms of responsibilities

c) Assignment of a limited number of staff to the project team

d) Maintenance of balance of power between functional heads of departments and the project


Developer Requirements

 Hardware requirements:
o Laptop /personal computer
o Core2Duo Processor
o Minimum 4GB RAM
o Minimum 1GB Graphic Card

 Software Requirements:

o SQL Server

End-User Requirements

Following are the hardware and software requirements for end user;

 Hardware Requirements
o Laptop /Personal Computer
o Minimum 4GB RAM
o Minimum 1GB Graphic Card

 Software Requirements
o Visual studio 2013


The person has a good knowledge of Database and the background of that person is from Computer
science and a Command of SQL language is required to Operate this Software.


 Software Cost
Software Cost is Null
 Hardware Cost
The price of dual core and palm laptop price is 16k


Requirements & Summary:

• A university has a name, address, website URL and is uniquely identified by its ID.
• A department has a name and is uniquely identified by its ID. For each department we want to record
the ID of the university to which it belongs.

• A university must have two or more departments but a department must belong to only one

•A skill has a name and is uniquely identified by its ID. For each skill we want to record the ID of the
department to which it belongs.

• A department must have two or more specializations but a specialization must belong to only one

• A specialization must have one or more projects and a project must belong to only one specialization.

• A student has a name, date of birth, phone number, email address and is uniquely identified by his/her
ID. For each student we want to record the ID of the specialization to which he/she belongs.

• A specialization must have ten or more students but a student must belong to only one specialization.

• A project has a title, report URL, references URL, date and is uniquely identified by its ID. For each
project we want to record the ID of the specialization to which it belongs and the IDs of the students to
which it is assigned.

• A project must have two to five students but a student must work on only one project.

• A supervisor has a name, email address and is uniquely identified by his/her ID. For each supervisor we
want to record the ID of the department to which he/she belongs and of the project he/she supervises.

• A project can have at most one supervisor and a supervisor must supervise only one project.

• A department must have five or more supervisors but a supervisor must belong to only one

Entities & Attributes

Entities Attributes

University ID (primary key), University Name, University Address,
University Website URL.


Department ID (primary key), Department Name, University ID(foreign key).


Specialization ID (primary key), Specialization Name, Department ID(foreign key)


Student ID (primary key), Student Name, Student Date Of Birth, Student Phone #,
Student Email, Specialization ID (foreign key)


Project ID (primary key), Project Title, Project Report URL, Project Date,
Project References URL, Specialization ID (foreign key), Student ID (foreign key).


Supervisor ID (primary key), Supervisor Name, Project ID (foreign key),

Supervisor Email, Department ID (foreign key)



SN Table/Field Name PK/FK Data Type Field Size Constrain

Id PK int
ProposalId FK nvarchar 128
SkillId int
CreatedDate Datetime

Id PK int
ProposalId FK nvarchar 128
StudentId nvarchar 128
CreatedDate Datetime

Id PK int
DepartmentId FK int
Name varchar 50

Id PK nvarchar 128
ProposalTittle varchar 100
Proposal Description nvarchar max Null
ReportUrl Varchar 250 Null
Refrence Url varchar 250 Null
SupervisorId nvarchar 128
StudentId nvarchar 128
SubmissionDate Datetime
ApprovalDate Datetime Null
ClosingDate Datetime Null
Status char 1
Marks int

Id PK nvarchar 128
RegisterAs nvarchar max Null
Name nvarchar max Nul
RollNumber varchar 50 Null
DepartmentId int
Email nvarchar 256 Null
EmailConfirmed bit
PhoneNumber nvarchar max Null

Id PK int
Name FK varchar 100
UniversityId int
CreatedDate Datetime

Id PK Int
Name varchar 100
Url varchar 500 NULL
Address varchar 100
CreatedDate Datetime

Screenshots student

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