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Productivity Tools

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Implementing Oracle Engagement Cloud 13 - 1


After completing this lesson, you should be able to:

• Describe productivity tools available in Oracle Engagement Cloud
• Set up hotkeys
• Set up the SmartText feature

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Implementing Oracle Engagement Cloud 13 - 2

Agent Productivity

• Can be enhanced by the use of Engagement Cloud tools including:

– Keyboard shortcuts
— Are keystroke combinations that perform actions in the user interface
– SmartText
— Is a feature that allows creation and use of saved text snippets that can be quickly
selected and inserted into service request (SR) problem descriptions and responses


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Snippets are small standardized pieces of text that are saved for re-use. Snippets allow a user to
avoid repetitive typing of commonly-used text items.

Note that keyboard shortcuts are an opt-in feature in R13. A deploying company must opt-in to this
feature in order for the administrator to be able to access the setup page.

Implementing Oracle Engagement Cloud 13 - 3

Keyboard Shortcuts

• Enable a user to perform an action with a simple combination of keys, rather than by
typing a more complex command or clicking a control with a mouse
– For example, the key combination Ctrl-Alt-R creates a response to a service request

When Messages
is selected,
pressing Ctrl-Alt-R
opens the editing
screen to
compose a new

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Implementing Oracle Engagement Cloud 13 - 4

Keyboard Shortcut Actions

• Allow users to access user interface controls including buttons and action menu choices
directly from the keyboard, rather than by using a mouse or other pointing device
• Are of two types:
– Button Access Keys (hotkeys)
– Action Commands


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Button Access Keys

• Allow users to execute a button click from the keyboard by pressing a key combination
that includes:
– One or two modifier keys (Ctrl, Alt, or Shift)
– An access key which is underlined on the button text in the user interface
• Note that different browsers require different modifier keys
– For example on a Windows Operating System, use:
— ALT+ Access Key for Internet Explorer
— ALT+SHIFT+ Access Key for Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome
The access key for
the Cancel button is C

The underlined v indicates that

there is a hotkey combination The underlined S shows that
available to execute the action the hotkey for this button is
of this button – for example, S, so you would use Alt+S in
Alt+Shift+V for Firefox Internet Explorer

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Action Commands

• Allow the user to perform actions that are defined within the Actions menu or other
menus such as Compose
• Begin with Ctrl+Alt and end with a letter

The Actions menu

shows available
actions and their
equivalent The Compose
shortcuts menu

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Enabling Keyboard Shortcuts

• Use the 'Manage Keyboard Shortcut Profile Options" task to enable keyboard shortcuts

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Keyboard Shortcut Configuration

• Certain shortcuts are configurable to allow users to define their own access keys for:
– Personal preference and convenience
– To avoid reserved keys that may already be in use by the browser for other purposes
• Use the "Manage Service Requests Keyboard Shortcuts" task to modify any mappings
between a keystroke and action

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Note that for some shortcuts the access key letter cannot be changed or removed. As a result,
that access key letter also cannot be assigned to any other shortcut

Implementing Oracle Engagement Cloud 13 - 9


• Allows an agent to quickly enter standardized fragments of text such as greetings or

signature blocks or other commonly used phrases
– For example, "Thank you for contacting Vision Corp. We are happy to be of service.
Remember our motto: 'See farther with Vision'. "
• Lets agents work more quickly
• Ensures that response text is more:
– Consistent
– Error-free
– Appropriately worded and branded according to enterprise standards

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Implementing Oracle Engagement Cloud 13 - 10

Accessing SmartText

• An agent working on a service request can expand a pane on the right to show the
SmartText tab Select the
SmartText tab

Hovering over a
SmartText title
shows its text

List of available
SmartText entries

Click to expand or
collapse the
Text pane

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Implementing Oracle Engagement Cloud 13 - 11

Inserting SmartText

• While composing a response or writing in the SR description, use the SmartText icon to
select and insert SmartText

Click to enable / search /

insert SmartText

Click to enable / search /

insert SmartText

Icon will be blue when

SmartText is enabled

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Note that the Problem Description field (unlike the Response field) does not support HTML, so that a
SmartText entry that includes HTML tags or variable placeholders cannot be inserted into the
Problem Description.

Implementing Oracle Engagement Cloud 13 - 12

Enabling Smart Text

• Use the "Manage Standard Text Profile Options" task to enable Smart Text

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SmartText Privileges

• Use SmartText (SVC_USE_STD_TXT_PRIV)

– Allows a user to view, search, and insert SmartText
– The Customer Service Representative/Customer Service Manager job roles have the
Use SmartText privilege
• Author SmartText (SVC_MANAGE_STD_TXT_PRIV)
– Allows a user to create, edit, or delete SmartText that will be available only to
– The Customer Service Representative/Customer Service Manager job roles have the
Author SmartText privilege
– Allows a user to set the scope of a SmartText entry to GLOBAL which allows any
user with the Use SmartText privilege to view and use that entry
– The Customer Service Manager job role has the Admin SmartText privilege

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Creating and Editing SmartText

• New SmartText can be created or edited from within the SmartText panel
• Users with the Author SmartText privilege can create personal SmartText entries for
their own use
– As delivered, the Customer Service Representative job role has this privilege
Create a new
SmartText entry

Edit an existing
SmartText entry

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Placeholders in SmartText

• In addition to standard fixed text, your SmartText can include placeholders for variables
that represent values in whatever SR is current, such as the name of the contact, the SR
reference number, or the product
View all available
Variable holding
name of agent this
SR is assigned to

Select and insert


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Saving Personal SmartText

• Saving an entry makes it available for use only by the person who created it

After creating or
editing an entry,
save it to make it
accessible only to
the person who
created it

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Setting GLOBAL Scope for SmartText

• Users with the Admin SmartText

privilege, such as the Customer Service
Manager, can set the scope of a
SmartText entry to GLOBAL
– This makes the SmartText
available all users with the Use
SmartText privilege

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Implementing Oracle Engagement Cloud 13 - 18

Recommended Practices

• If your organization has all agents use the same browser, test all key shortcuts and
replace any that conflict with browser functionality
• Create standard SmartText in order to:
– Increase agent productivity
– Ensure that responses sent by agents are appropriately worded and branded as the
enterprises wishes
• Let agents create certain individual SmartText entries as appropriate
– For example, a signature block
• Consider creating temporary SmartText entries, such as text that you want to have
included in each response for a limited time
– For example, you can change an existing SmartText entry or create a new entry for
use during a sales promotion, then remove that text when the offer expires

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While both button hotkeys and SmartText entries can increase productivity, SmartText entries are
also useful for controlling how an agent communicates with customers. SmartText entries can be
pre-composed to meet branding standards, marketing positioning, and legal requirements for public-
facing statements.
It is not necessarily required that you allow agents to create their own SmartText entries in order to
make their responses more personal. For example, you can create a standardized signature block
with a variable for the agent's name.
However, experienced agents can often be made more productive if they are allowed to create
personal SmartText. You may want to create roles for agents with various levels of experience or
seniority and grant the Service Request Troubleshooter role (or another role with the Manage
SmartText privilege) only to certain agent roles.
For temporary SmartText entries, it may be more effective to edit existing SmartText entries rather
than to create a new entry, since it may be harder for busy agents to remember new task
requirements. For example, changing a standard closing to include a seasonal greeting or to remind
customers of a temporary promotion ensures that agents use the new wording without requiring any
additional actions on their part, and that they will stop using it whenever that is appropriate.

Implementing Oracle Engagement Cloud 13 - 19

Lesson Highlights

• Keyboard shortcuts make it easier and faster for agents to perform actions in the user
• Many keyboard shortcuts are configurable
• Button keys and action commands allow agents to access user interface controls directly
from the keyboard
• SmartText:
– Lets agents quickly enter small standardized pieces of text into a response
– Ensures more consistency in responses
• SmartText entries can be established by a system implementer for global availability
• Individual agents with appropriate privileges can create their own personal SmartText

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• Create and use a new SmartText entry

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Implementing Oracle Engagement Cloud 13 - 21

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