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Pumping Nylon The C Me Handbook Nor) co! Bt ci compositions by en en Ban Head Sr ere Se ens Data ion) ein Edited by Nathaniel Gunod oN Pumping Nylon The Classical Guitarist’s Technique Handbook SCOTT TENNANT Edited by Nathaniel Gunod ‘fred, the leader in educational publishing, andthe National Guitar Workshop, one of America’s finest guitar schools, have joined forces to bring you the bes, mast progressive ‘educational tools posible. We hope you will eroy ths book and encourage you to ook for other ine prac from ‘ted and the National Guitar Workshop. for Joe Fava 1sil-I964 teacher and rend “Compe aap panes pet pape thea teak of bce te abit of eve Th baal ba hy ae ih it he bring Bama wale” “dames Allen Soom Ave Man Tht Copyright © MEMRCY Aled bling Clo ‘Alright reserved. Pein USA Ain bl ic ppg mir dege Nal mo: Wetahp A Table of Contents ‘About the Body = About Holng the Gute The Tangle ‘The La Hand Finger Placement and Accuracy — Proure and Reese — Presureflese Exercie — Fer Exchange Ascending Slr (Hammers) Descending Sar (Paoli) Fagen “1 15: Opin Hason 1 Notnnal Chara Belo Olas Foote Dl he Spt There ‘Weghn Pome Baig Sutera Simming eal Upon nhl yb Ane Ya — ‘ours Sed ore La Hand Py ‘oie Bran Hel Shr Sy 6 “The Right Hand. “Tone Production Nal Length and Shape oo {Nal Length newsmen ~ Nal pes ~ Shaping the Nile Angle and Phcenen - Rest Siro (Apayand). — Poston —— ‘The Movement Phang. ~ Premure - Relewe — Fee Soke (ands) Righ-Hand Finger Independence. ‘Walking Ace rm Tare Th Cpl Tl Sk won 38 ‘The Thumb a o ‘Shaping te Na — 40 Develop Tht Tb scone 2 Table of Conte RENT RT mE Flamenco Techniques. ‘What Bi Can the Thun Dot z ‘Sib Pals: = from Turina ig. From Rodiigo Com dda Pad Maeno onan? Daily Warm-Up Routine efeHand Walking 41,42 8 KS 8 ‘cening las—¥ i Descending Shin #5 pl Figd-Finger Bxcrnes 97 © nono Righe Hand Walking ® aan Tre Fage Ranged #10 cxnnrnn Trem = Paychoogical Oudoak es rer nn Lopsded Tremeloe =sasseaes (Chan ty Bran Hea A Temala Stuy Sealer Control and Vlas ‘Misconceptions aboot speed = RigheHand Vly Synchronization Sting Crown coaaiens Ping Things Taper a Some Other Sped Ads ~ Rhythne Vrinone Speed Burts Problem Saving in Sales Mata Sag a Evaaton of Scale ‘Seale Study Doe rom th Cort Para Na, BWV 1012, hsm Sebaan Bach mn RRRRRRRR SERRR LeB Be as Arpeggio 73 ull Posting and Sequential Planting 73 Gialins 120Righe Han Sa 3 Practicing Tp a 3 ite ile by Bae ore 88 “Tile of Contre 5 Authors Preface Welcome! ‘Thien ie book sbout guia chaque. I want eo make cea om dhe treat the nae shiek seattle ay own wy f dig thing on te tetrument The execs ae fone tht have helped me some of whic atl rate every da. ‘The goa of Pani oil ids tha wil apse various tech pebls, The ide was soir clear of tnemblng nyt ha rsembled amend bok. Rather, yen was focus oly ‘om ape ena ies which Fe had nt bees clealy explained elsewhere. Generally the ses "llr wth inthis boo are those tht have Been brought uptime and ine agai y ston in master ‘lass and lesons over the past en years. ‘The exercise and muse examples have ben chote because of hi unique tec challenges, For instance, he ach Dil was ten ro guitar arrangement, sipped fale bass noes end ‘sor comfortable Rngeing and anformed int avery aflccve rng-rig and scale tly | dost pretend a ba adress very tue. (There are oo mary ut there for oe book!) The reader, howeves i srnglyeacouraged to lnventbisher own execs whenever neces, ice all of or tecnica neo aes very dere. Tope yo find ew aners io same of your questions. Go ge'em! Twould like to thank [Nat Guood. for coaching me hough this proces fr the ato year: ein Head and Andy York for comping thi wonder ‘madeto-order crude Bly Arc for posing for the photos that were used tocrenethellastaione Durmel DeLeon forthe photography Jab Dearman an Mat Gre for thet tcc asistancrs av endl lt of rend forte costant encouragement nd the cent a the ‘National Guitar Summer Worksop, Sun Frenciso Conservatory andthe Unive of Soutere Cal Feria for being ot nya voluntary) "guinea pigs foe much the marl cortained erin. 4 Pace Editors Preface “This book eveed froma warm-p routine and technic gine hat Scat Tenant began teaching nd ring shout overl yore ago ei the dy warmup hatha imped the white, Purpiag [olor hae in the fllosing pages Set as dove far ore tar meray map out an execs routine He has provided a wealth f tecnica information not ely svaable sewer, He has aso come ‘aig ofboth wll and lem known echnical xcs suchas the 129 Rig an? Stata of Mauro ‘Giuln’and some arpegeo sue ty Pranceco Tamer. and has fered some exercises of his own at wel aio through Scott Tennant tht four great new sade, 0 by Bean Head and two by [dew York, hee been write and pubcbd ‘Bot Ishin be has dae lot more than eves hosting ‘What sudents and teacher alike wil fn in Pumping ina yl aine toward prblemaahing nthe clasical gui. There an underying menage thet iyo are wlingand able took at at ‘Due om = dierent perspective and if you can bring the sare cestive powers ht you bingo Your ‘Boncmaking to your echnical work, you can overcome bales Furthermore there's no a that ays icant be a, Anyone who has suid asic i going to Bnd somthing inthis book ht dec contri ‘rite you bve been aught what you techsboat mei. This sine Bat iyo dismiss {hs wrk for thar reason, you wl be mising mach. Lencourge You to read on. Take lok a al he eas present ber the great layer and teacher You wll come away beter fer it. RNR expec that for ears to come i wil be commonplace find wallavorn copie ofthis book in aden ams Cam ure that oe Sot Tennant er ml that wl be the bigest reward fortis eff. “Many thanks to che wonderful people at Alfred Publning expecially the MLL team for helping to tale this ad many ther National Guitar Warlabop books a rely. Nahas Guo Babimore, Maniand Sune 1995 bl Cd ily using Bn ys ea Tae sate fs oosend tae ete rn gu uv of Cnc Chri Bom Glenn dha nna he [Seon Mcp dint unr ae NOSW Can ar oar ee Some Do’ and Don'ts Before we inmere ures inthe tecricl exerci in his book, les coversome basin There are numerous guitarists who, despite the seninglystkeard appearance of hi lands, posture, and eh ‘ie produce aazing reuln General the pilosphy is leave wellsnaugh alone (ries Troe, don’ Rt). My orginal intenion fortis book wa to vod ling people exactly how to hold their hands, how tsi fe But there are sme physical problems which on shoud ave, nd some ‘icra ed to be are “The band shoud bein a constant ste of Ayumi rast. This means hey shoud aba be fe of cess tension. At the sun ine, they soul lays be on tnd by ready playin sn tant. Theo ‘hey hould emp, or rl jt a ily tn order Fr all ofthis to happen the hands ae co be postloned a gaara sis pile whe maintaining an advantageous angle w the tings. Forimasimum esl the wrists of bath he Ras shoud be arly aright (in ration the am not frced its bring wright. The diagrams blow ilstate his pit Seon tea ms he pe rte tsb a tat feb to eb sing ieee “Ty this experinent: keeping your wa Bene make ast, Not very comfortable? Tn ade for the Fingers to work corel comfortably and fr extended pred of ine, te tendons mut be asa pombe to move around ike the cals tat hey ar) iid the carpal anne The carpal tunnel the ney pasmge in gour wrist Bening the wrist to ar aggravates the endo and could evenly cause irepuable damage. © Some Dovand Dont Inthe wo diagean that fallow, notice haw the sane principle pli to he ee hand, Pes eit hemee edger rit te ae Sypris ioe ‘As for your lefthand thumb, ite generally ‘vine wo op if postiond art unde your second (idle) finger. This rests cone what of wie and allows fra even dist bation f prewar throughout the hand. ees “The bany shold also be nel ss, While sted ty sretching your nc and spine upwards towards the cling pling your shuld bck gly Gust enough t keep tha fom droping for ‘wad Now rl our muscles oct your body sot of resae ula the pston. This a good ‘ate or the bad ten int. You shoulders shold not crunch upward ite yor aeck. Take ook at theilsrations nthe fllowng snston about halding he guitar Sone DerandDows 7 About Holding the Gu “The gitar touches the boy at thre points to crete wine: TT At the lower part of he ches oer the stern), 2. Ate tp ofthe el thigh 5 Arh incr pat of height hgh (OF cours, the severe apis ify phy lfthande! Thi tranle eld nt lace whan the ight Forearm rested on th suet. rat angle forte uta Fr good toe production, espe es basi ye, bt this postion provides the vibration af the back af the guitars ot compromised cially in concert sation, ise ‘ay placing ifs aginst your stomach, Since he gitar itch a diesnal trae (ands best sshtrever you sim the sounds), this angle alo allows for the sound ravel sete ane, be ‘Cau Lepe ua fom poi the intoumen at the Noe 5 Some Dot and Dont “Failure to prepare ts preparing to fail.” + John Wooden, former UCLA basketball coach * ie The Left Hand Domania mace leita tht one adopt strong lethand "stance nd place the agers in pon which lows or smsximum reach and sbi Ayu cane from theillsraton blow the agers fhe eft and are not alpaca onthe center of ‘he Fingertip. Rather an advantageoun positon forthe eft hand is Fallows 1. The fist finger () play on the fs ofits tip. 2 The second finger) playa tothe le fp 5. The hr ing (5) lay tt the igh ofp. 4 The fourth ingee (makes contac on the ight se fie ip. “This poston beings the lager muscles on citer side ofthe hand into ply, nt necessary to suppent Anges I and 4 (aibogh ha ss bene, but o balance the whole hand end ge a roger moe scare stance, Italo ll for grater Gage exer. [Nate the space brween the mille uint af each Ginger. They're nt ouchng! Not only ae they not touching but there isan intentional amour of ext pace. This allows the fing to prea part and reach wth greter sped when necessary Neve alow these ins wo touch, The acral takes more ‘monculreflat han hepig them apart and the basrword f this book "economy exmemy fer eomomy of ener cman of matin As for the thumb, keep it june ander the second Gage This pet dributthe presse evenly benwen the fingers and thumb, eating a sot of vse 10 The a Fad Piece ‘Teliailirze yours with this e-hand poston, expecially fine for you, pace the long PressurelRelease Exercise Pace you ef and inthe oret potion a show on page 10. (Dont eg: your amb ether) Pace Binge 1, 25, nd. eta Il, and TV respectively om any ang (ough saggest 308 ‘aoe with the third tring @)). Pres thee dawn on the string and then empty them (release the pressure), Topng your ages on the wring. From tha relued-o-deaing” prion priced to pees the fut Fingers down, then empy them. Press then emp. Pest then emp, and oon. Do hs a numberof timer whl Kesping your Singers on the tring The pit of his exer i fel the immediacy with ‘which your agers pres apply pressure) and then emp (eal release pressre) withthe same ime ‘dnc. Al fr ingers shoud ree and rlasesilaneosly, Fel the vise grip we spoke of eae: Fale pressure duit evenly throughout ll fur inges and thn Aer you ave reps his nny tes ad goten he hang oft yt presing he agers down eat ‘ime ‘Str othe same ponion ax efor thal our Fingers touching the ning bt no resin. Einger Exchange Aachen ar ay sea weaves niche ponte montnpeat iu snes oo if fend onrling be pes nd anton nthe ager Now ron aap hn tegen bee ne “The iave wth exchanging fingers ie minning the proper

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