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week units

1 1. Intro.
a) Skip Lists, Self-Organizing Lists
b) Sparse Tables
2. Decision Trees & limits of sorting speed.
3. Deletion by Merging, Deletion by Copying in binary trees
2 1. Balancing a Tree: balancing by preparing input data, DSW algorithm.
2. AVL trees - insertion.
3. AVL trees - deletion.
a) Self-Adjusting Trees.
4. B-trees.
3 1. B-trees
2. Red-Black (RB) trees

4 1. Intro to optimization; gradient method.

2. Neural nets
5 1. Neural nets

6 1. Neural nets
2. Genetic algorithms.
7 1. Genetic algorithms.
2. Dynamic programming.
8 Linear programming - Simplex algorithm.
9 Linear programming - Simplex algorithm.
10 1. Backtracking and when can it be useful. 8 queens problem and solving the maze –
the difference between them!
2. Intro to graph algorithms, graph representations (incidence and adjacency matrix).
3. Tree Traversal: depth first, breadth first.
4. Shortest path – Dijkstra algorithm.
11 1. Shortest path – Bellman-Ford algorithm.
2. WFI.
3. Disjoint Sets (Union-Find) structure
Self study:
a) Cycle Detection
b) Minimum Spanning Trees - Kruskal , Dijkstra and Prim algorithms. Graph
12 1. Disjoint Sets (Union-Find) structure.
2. Euler graphs - Fleury algorithm, Eulerizing a graph, The Chinese Postman
13 1. Hamiltonian graphs.
2. Traveling Salesman problem.
3. Network flow problem (Ford-Fulkerson algorithm).

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