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From this site you can get all the reference letter format

Sample Reference Letter Format

Below is a suggested format for reference letters. The bracketed words are suggested options to use when applicable
to your particular letter.




If written to a specific employer:

I am writing this reference letter at the request of [student] who is applying for the position of [job title] with your [firm,
company, school, etc.]

If written to whom it may concern:

I am writing this reference letter at the request of [student]. S/he has asked me to write this general letter which s/he
may show to any prospective employer who asks him/her for references.

If letter is confidential:
This is a confidential letter and should be shared only with people in your firm who are directly involved in the hiring
decision. This letter should not be shown to [student] who waived the right to see the letter.


I have known [student] for [length of time] in my capacity as a [your job title] at [your employer]. If
Applicable: [student] worked for me as a [job title]. or [student] belonged to the [club or
organization] for which I served as an advisor. or [student] took [number] courses from me,
including [names]. [Student] earned grades of [list grades], respectively, in those courses. Based
on [student's] grades, along with his/her [excellent, good, etc.] attendance and class participation,
I'd rate [students] performance in my class as [rating].


[Student] has a number of strengths to offer [an employer, a graduate program]. List qualities here, backing each one
up with examples. Try to pick qualities that tie into the specific type of job student is seeking or requested on the grad
school application. EXAMPLE: "[Student] often exhibited excellent leadership in my class, volunteering to lead groups
and then organizing the group's project quickly and efficiently. This attribute would serve [student] well in the position
of Assistant Manager with your company."


In conclusion, I would [highly] recommend [student]. If his/her performance in my class(es) is any indication of how
she/he'd perform [on the job, in graduate school, etc.], [student] will be a positive addition to your [firm, college, etc.].

Sincerely yours,

Sample Employer Letter of Reference

Re:       Letter of Reference
            Employee Name
To Whom It May Concern:

In my capacity as Title at Grand Rapids Community College, I have worked with Employee
Name for period of time employed.  Employee name has worked in department and position.
Throughout his/her employment, employee name has conducted his/herself with utmost
professionalism, dedication and dependability.  Contingency employees at Grand Rapids
Community College are asked to move into departments where there is a need and perform the
duties necessary to that area.  This requires a quick learning curve and adaptability.  Employee
name began her employment here working in an academic department where she functioned in
the capacity of Educational Support Professional.  Although this was an incredibly demanding
and highly skilled position, employee name exceeded expectation and was given glowing
reviews by her co-workers. 

I would highly recommend Employee Name for any clerical or administrative assistant
position.  Her skills, professionalism and dedication are outstanding.  Please do not hesitate to
contact me if you have any further questions.


Writing a reference letter for a co-employee may seem like a daunting task, but you should not be worried about it.
You just need to keep a few pointers in mind to make writing the letter easier. A good reference letter includes
important details about your co-worker like examples of job strengths, your relation to whom you are referring, and
why you are one of the best persons to give the referral.

What to Write in the Reference Letter

Examples of job strengths you should write in your reference letter for a co-employee should focus on how your co-
employee contributed to your workplace. If for example the two of you worked together in sales, write about the sales
experience your friend has and how he or she was able to close sales.

Any awards or recognitions your co-employee received are also great examples of job strengths to write. You can
highlight the important achievements of your friend in your workplace, like if he or she was awarded employee of the
month, or has received other awards or recognition for his or her efforts in the workplace.

Things to Consider

Of course, as much as you care for your co-worker and how much you want him or her to land the job they are
applying for, it is also very important to keep everything you write in your reference letter both real and verifiable.

This is very important because employers may call up references and inquire about the person being referred. If you
were to write false information to make your co-worker look good, you are actually going to cause more harm than
good as no one would want to hire a dishonest employee.
Sample Employment Reference Letter Template


Either "To Whom it May Concern" or if specifically addressed to an individual "Dear Mr
Jones". It is also acceptable to not include any salutation but to go straight into the body of
the letter.

Paragraph One
This outlines the reference's connection to the person they are writing about. It
indicates the length of time they have known the person and why they are qualified to
comment on their abilities and performance.

"As Sales Manager for XYZ Company, John Candidate has reported to me for the last three
years in the position of Sales Agent"

Paragraph Two
Outline the individual's position and responsibilities.

"John was responsible for marketing and selling both new and existing company products to
the local market area. This included selling and servicing customers by completing various
insurance applications, interpreting policies, explaining coverage and financing services.
John also provided quotes and organized payments."

Paragraph Three
Highlight the individual's qualifications, skills, abilities and accomplishments.

"John is skilled in (list skills) and has demonstrated the following abilities in this job
(eg.ability to handle pressure, manage time, organize and plan, communicate, work as a
team-member etc). During the time that John reported to me I was impressed by his
overall job performance and in particular by his ability to develop new accounts. His specific
customer base grew by 15 percent during his time at the company. I would describe John
as a hard-working and proactive salesperson who was able to come up with new
approaches to achieve his sales targets."

Summing Up
Sum up why you are recommending the individual in a few lines.

"While understanding John's decision to leave our company his presence is sorely missed.
He got on very well with his colleagues and was highly respected as both a person and a
professional by management, his co-workers and customers. I can unreservedly
recommend John for a sales position. He will be an asset to any employer."

The final paragraph should include an offer to provide further information and give
your contact details.
Sample reference letter pic

This is a general job reference provided for an employee when they leave a company. It is
not addressed to any individual in particular and can be used by the candidate in their job

General Sample Reference Letter


To whom it may concern

John Smith was employed by ABC Company as a Junior Accountant from January 2006 to
December 2008. He reported directly to me during this period.

John was responsible for the preparation of monthly financial statements and monthly
financial reports. He assisted with tax computations and returns and with budgets and
forecasts. In addition he helped administer the payroll and coordinated the audit process.

John performed all these tasks competently and with commitment and enthusiasm. He has
demonstrated the ability to work under pressure and to plan and organize successfully to
meet tight deadlines. His close attention to detail has resulted in meticulous and accurate
work. His strong interpersonal and communication skills have allowed him to develop good
working relationships with both his colleagues and management.

John was a great asset to this company and I highly recommend him for employment.
Should you require any further information please do not hesitate to contact me.

Yours sincerely

Mike Manager
Company Name
Contact number
Email address
Second ex of sample reference letter

This job reference letter is for an employee who has been laid off. In addition to giving
reasons for the layoff it provides a strong recommendation for future employment.

Employment Reference after a Layoff


To whom it may concern

John Smith has been employed by ABC Company from May 2007 to March 2009 as a Call
Center Agent. He reported directly to me, the Call Center Manager, during this period. 

His duties included responding to customer inquiries and providing customers with product
information. He also processed orders and followed up with customers.

He performed these functions expertly with both commitment and enthusiasm. I can
recommend John for his strong communication skills, his excellent organizational ability and
his attention to detail. He was able to successfully use his initiative and good judgment in
dealing with customers and always stayed calm under pressure.

It is unfortunate that due to current economic constraints the company has had to
restructure its call center function and lose valued employees such as John. I can
confidently recommend John as a call center or customer service agent to any prospective
employer and I wish him all the best in his job search.

If you have any additional questions please do not hesitate to contact me.


Helen Joseph
Call Center Manager
ABC Company
Contact number
Email address
Tips for writing a reference letter

If you are writing a reference letter to guarantee a person who is applying for a job or academic courses, you must
follow some important guidelines. These guidelines include:

 You must mention your relation with the candidate for whom you are writing the reference letter. You must
also mention how long you know the candidate.
 Reference letters are written to guarantee a candidate’s special skills and abilities. Hence, you should
mention how the candidate is suitable for the post. You can list the qualities, skills and any reward given to
the candidate. Some specific examples related to the candidate’s current field of interest. These details
convince the reader about the applicant as best candidate for the post or course.
 If you are writing a personal reference letter, you must mention your qualifications and experience. Hence,
the reader can be impressed by your personality and may easily believe in your writing.
 Mention your contact information and your assurance for providing additional information about the
candidate at the end of the letter.
 Proofreading the letter is very necessary before sending it to the receiver. This helps you to avoid any
grammatical errors and typos.
Reference Letter for an Employee

A reference letter is written to give reference of your colleagues, friends and acquaintances. Employee reference
letter is required if you are changing a job and the management of the new organization needs it. This letter describes
your skills and qualities and what sort of an employee you are. The letter mentions your contribution in major projects,
responsibilities handled and how you lead a team effectively. This letter has to be short and precise. The letter has to
be full of positive tone and formal language.

This sort of letter is a professional document and can help some one get a better job opportunity. It has to be drafted
in such a manner that the reader feels that he has taken a right decision of recruiting the person who is referred to in
the letter. If you are aware of the entire profile of the person then only attempt to write a reference letter for him or
her. The letter has to be authentic.

Employee Reference letter Sample

Jessy Parker
Ascent Company
512 main street

Date: 6 January, 2006

Mark Miller
Magna Company
423 cross street

To Whom It May Concern:

I am very pleased to recommend Mr. Mark as an employee to your organization. He worked in our company as an
Administrative Assistant from 2001-2006. I believe that he will be a valuable employee to your company too.

He is known for his sincere work as an administrative assistant in all the departments. His excellent communication
skills and organized work style has impressed everyone in the office. He has the abilities to perform multiple tasks
and complete assigned projects within time.

Mr. Mark was always been cooperative with everyone in the company. His friendly behavior made the office
environment healthy and happy. We were proud of such administrative assistant in our organization. Please contact
me to know more about Mr. Mark.


Jessy Parker

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