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Tech 3 Design Instructor: Ms. Barbara Edwards

Student Centered-Learnin
MYP Level 3 - Grade 10

The MYP Technology Objectives

The MYP Technology Objectives utilize the design cycle model as the central tool to
help students create and evaluate products/solutions in response to challenges. The
MYP technology design cycle consists of four major stages and these relate to the
objectives of the course.

Your Assignment:
Creation of an Education Facility Design Structure and Administration.
We want your Educational Design Summative Presentation to be featured as the finest
education system, architecture, and design project in the industry. Your projects will be
shared with the largest and most influential audience in the education facility. of course,
The faculty, staff, and students, at the Metropolitan Learning Center. Bloomfield,

The goal of this project is to share ideas that will help achieve the best possible
learning environments and to recognize the Students that have made these ideas
a reality. Good Luck!

The Final Date for Briefs Entries is October 12, 2018.
Portfolio/Powerpointmaterials are due by October 19, 2018.

Criterion A: Inquiring and Analyzing a.k.a. Investigation

The first stage of the design cycle is the Investigative stage. We will begin to
evaluate the importance of the problem for life, society, school, and your
We will outlinea design brief, formulate and discuss appropriate questions
that guide the investigation,
Identifyand acknowledgea range of appropriate sources of information.
• Evaluate the sources of Information
List the specific requirements that must be met by the product/solution
Generateseveral feasible schools that are creditable that meet design
specification and research students and draw from.
Tech 3 Design Instructor: Ms, Barbara Edwards
Student Centered-Learnin
MYP Level 3 - Grade 10

• Evaluato their designs against your design specification.. See Rubric : )

Please check out these websites below to get an idea of what the Industry js
doing in school design specifically in Planning 8 Management 2018 and beyond

• The Digital editions of School Planning & Managementand College Planning &
Management Magazines
• On the web at www.spaces41earning.com
• In the Facilities+Design E-Newsletter
On the web at www.edspaces.com

To enter Your project(s):

1. Submit entries to Schoology before deadline to indicate your interest.

All projects will be reviewed for excellence in design and functional planning directed toward
meeting the needs of the education program. Grand Prize and Honorable Mentions are awarded
to the most outstanding projects.

AWARDS and RECOGNITION Two GRAND PRIZE winners- one from the pK-12 categories
and one from the higher education categories —as well as HONORABLE MENTIONS in any
category. All other projects selected by the jury for publicationwill be designated as a PROJECT

For information contact:

Ms. Edwards/ Integrated Technology Design Facilitator Phone: 860/242-7834
Email: bredwards@crec.org
Tech 3 Design Instructor: Ms. Barbara Edwards
Student Centered-Learnin
MYP Level 3 - Grade 10

Cost to Build School

Elementary School Middle School High School
$306.00 per sq ft $242.96 per sq ft $303.00 per sq ft
43,693 per pupil 43,635 per pupil 49,000 per pupil

U.S. Spends 14 Billion on Construction Projects 2015-2019

New School Existing School Retrofit+Modernization

of Existing Structure
7.8 Billion 3.2 Billion 3.14 Billion

Additional Info:

Of the Construction project amounts. Your project can not go over this budget
amount. You should have enough money to buy land, and construct a building of
choice, and purchase any and all necessary supplies, equipment,and salaries for staff
etc. Please create a spreadsheetof these expenses on Google spreadsheets.Please
be organized during the developmentof your project. Screenshot budget sheet and
attach to PowerPoint Presentation. Have Fun with your spending. But be smart about
how you spend the money.

*Some research has been done for you. Just add these figures to spreadsheet when needed.

Registering a Business in the U.S $750.00 Supplies $50,000

Leasing a Standard Facility $350,000 Building a school website $600.00
gas, sewer, water, electric $6,500 Fire, Health, Safety, Sign Permits $16,000
Insurance Premium $30,400
Tech 3 Design Instructor: Ms. Barbara Edwards
Student Centered-Learnin
MYP Level 3 - Grade 10

What to Include in Your Design Brief

Project Data Sheet


School Logo & Profile: Submit a short

word statementthat brieflydescribes your school and include logo and logo
description. The JPEG logo should be
clear image. 300-DPI JPEG files. Please limit the size to 1.5" x 1.5". 5 —

Project Narrative: Please submit a

special challenges faced, innovative solutions, narrativethat brieflydescribes your project including unique features,
and how the educational needs were met through your design.
Please submit questions that describes
description; goals and visions for the project;project in more detail. Narrative should include: a general project
special challenges and solutions; unique how it meets the educational need/program;the planning process;
features/innovations;safety and security considerations; sustainability/
environmental considerations; materials choices; site
any other information you feel necessary considerations; cost effectiveness; project delivery method;
to explain the project.

Please submit one overall site/campus detail sketch and

or plan and one space plan with legend for each area being
developed in 2d Form. You can use the application Room sketcher.com
to complete project

Bubble Diagrams: Check out Bubble.us Please submit bubble diagrams

plan. These diagrams should illustrate the arrangementof space, depicting the site/campus plan and space
adjacencies, circulation,and design of the

Photographs: Submit a minimum of 8 photos. It is critical that the photographs submitted

of your project as described in the narrative. All photos should color, be a visual representation
aspect ratio. landscape/horizontal
orientation if possible. Include photos on Microsoft PowerPoint for final summative presentation.
Include: Categories

• Building Exterior: 2 photos

• Building Interior: 2 photos

• Special areas or innovative/creative elements you would like to highlight:

4 photos Additional Photo Requirements for "Renovations/Modernizations"and "AdaptiveReuse" projects: Include

"Before" and "After" photos. Include the necessary to best showcase the work done on the project. Be sure photos
are clearly labeled as to which "Before" photos go with which "After" photos.

Logo Design> Check out> LogoTournament.com or 99Designs.com, Logosquarespace.com

Tech 3 Design Instructor: Ms. Barbara Edwards
Student Centered-Learnin
MYP Level 3 - Crade 10

What is needed in a good Design Brief

The design brief serves as the guiding document for the prgect. Think of it as 'Ike a busyness
plan for a specific project. It should cover everything necessary for the prqect in a manner that
is easy to refer to throughout the project timeline. Make notes on your destgn briefs once you
start the project. Keep your proposal along with it as well as other importantdocuments.
Highlight the importantparts of each, or make notes in the margins. Don't just look it over at the
beginning and then file it away somewhere. Effectively using a desgn brief throughoutthe
process of putting together your PowerPoint Presentation can result in a much better end resutt.
Let's Score %.

Design Brief

Name of Project/School

Project Address: City:

Zip code:
Chief Administrator
Project Completion 2018-2019
Pk-12 InstitutionType Elementary School Middle School High School

College/University Type
Other •Online Homebase Prepatory
Destgn Capacity
($of Students)
Current Enrollment
(tof Students)
Tech 3 Design Instructor: Ms. Barbara
Student Centered-Learnin
MYP Level 3 - Grade 10

Gross Area of Building

(Square Feet)
Square Per Pupil
(Square Feet)
Site Size (acres)
Cost Per Student(total Via
cost/design capacity)
Cost Per Square s
Foot(total cost/area)
Total Construction Cost
Total Supplies Cost
List Materials in box



Tech 3 Design Instructor: Ms. Barbara Edwards
Student Centered-Learnin
MYP Level 3 Crade 10


Research 5 schools locally and/or Globally and Give 4 sentences about each
school and what piece of information from your research will develop your
about your school design. The research should be relevant to your schools type
of Institution. Please include citations.

Tech 3 Design Instructor: Ms. Barbara
Student Centered-Learnin
MYP Level 3 - Grade 10



1. what is your approach or MASTER PLAN to the development of your

Educational Design Structure. Example, would it be to preserve the rural,
natural beauty of the site and the community? How does the location chosen
relate to your ideal concept of your design? Explain
Tech 3 Design Instructor: Ms. Barbara Edwards
Student Centered-Learnin
MYP Level 3 - Crade 10

2. Paragraph of the Goals and Vision of your

Educational Design in 5 sentence
Summary. example is your building created to adjust to
new developments in
technology, engage in nature, or more proof to the changes
to environment and
or security in today's world of mass school shootings.

3. How will your school meet the educational and or psychological

needs of its
students. Explain the classroom dynamics and course work and how
your idea of
academics schedule and course work relate to your overall goals and mission
students. example; a curriculum focus on medical training required state of
art simulation and medical technology labs. The floor plan will to have
flexibility giving students a comfortable space as if they were working at home.
Tech 3 Design Instructor: Ms. Barbara
Student Centered-Learnin
MYP Level 3 Grade 10

4. Draw the schools campus layout. What would the campus design look
Where would you want the parking lot and all interior classrooms, lunch,
auditorium, bathrooms, office, Your style and size of office, conference rooms
etc. Create a sketch of this on paper and create colored coded key to reference
parts of building. You can create a 2d version in www.roomsketcher.com or use
additional sheet for drawing.

5.What should we consider about your site? ex: it will utilize "Smart Growth"
increase operational and energy effciency, allowing more dollars to be
other school
towards educations. What will your site bring differently than any
stand out from
that is in business now? Pleasestretch your thinking. It should
the rest.

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