Brochure Planning Memo

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From: Kacy Steiger, Erin Kisiel, Noah Berry

To. Dr. Wickliff

Date: November 12th, 2019
Subject: Brochure Planning Memo

I, Kacy, am in an internship at a library in which I plan to pitch a program idea to both our youth
services specialist and adult services/reference specialist. As part of my pitch, we as a group
have agreed to create a brochure that can be used to highlight the program to potential attendees;
this means that the program and its corresponding brochure will have not only consistency
between pieces, but the ability to be edited to fit the age group in which we plan to target. To
keep things simple for us and to coincide with the typically program brochure produced at my
branch we will stick to a simple, bifold, four-sided piece.
The cover page will have an announcement of the program, time, date and locations. RSVP will
be requested so that attendee numbers can be documented for statistics. We were discussing how
to make a graphic design to make the cover look like a book (this program is on creative writing
workshop and NaNoWriMo revisions) but the complexity may lead to easier graphics that still
correlate to theme. The back and final page will have information regarding the library and its
contact information along with any graphic required by library marketing.
The inside, pages 2 and 3, will include both graphics and blocks of information across both
pages. We did question having a graphic that crosses the gutter; whether creative or just a color
bar that stretches the length it is a option. It would be cohesive, draw the eye across the page and
lend to a profession air. Bold typeface will be saved for the front cover and the inside will be an
easy to read font to accommodate the ages targeted. Specifics like color, actual graphics and font
choices will be made throughout the process rather than a predetermined decision.
Information included will include a tagline (something that draws the reader in and makes them
interested in the program), outlines the program, who is the targeted audience, time, place and
the contact information to RSVP. May even include a quote that has to do with creative writing
or workshopping of work.

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