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J Oral MaxillofacSurg


Accuracy of Model Surgery:

Evaluation of an Old Technique and Introduction of a
New One

This article evaluates the ability of 4th-year residents to accurately perform

maxillary model surgical repositioning in the conventional manner. Using
a special model surgery-measuring platform, measurements of the max-
illary dental casts were recorded before and after model surgery was per-
formed by residents in 20 bimaxillary cases. The model surgery was per-
formed in the usual manner described in several texts, using reference
lines scored on the casts and measurements made to the incisal pin and
upper member of the articulator. Analysis of the differences between the
planned movements and the postsurgical position of the maxillary model
surgery casts showed statistically significant errors in maxillary reposi-
tioning for all measures. This indicates that the manner in which model
surgery was performed by the residents, as reported in the literature, was
inaccurate. A new technique and instrument for more accurately recording
measurements and repositioning the maxillary cast is introduced.

Mock surgery on dental casts is a routine proce- during bimaxillary surgery. In the usual sequence of
dure for purposes of both diagnosis and treatment steps performed during bimaxillary model surgery,
planning in patients with dentofacial deformities. the first is repositioning the maxilla. After section-
The technical details of model surgery have ap- ing the maxilla, repositioning it in all three planes of
peared in the clinical literature for years, with little space to the desired location is extremely difficult.
difference in their content.lm5 However, all tech- In isolated maxillary model surgery, the mandible
niques described contain potential errors that serves to determine the proper anteroposterior and
lead to inaccuracy and difficulties. These can be transverse position of the maxilla once the proper
summarized as 1) improper mounting of the casts; vertical dimension has been attained. In contrast,
2) errors in the placement of reference lines on the during bimaxillary model surgery the mandible can-
casts; and 3) errors in measuring the surgical dis- not be used as a guide for maxillary repositioning
placement of segments. because it will also undergo changes in position.
The most difficult aspect in performing model The necessity of holding the maxillary cast on the
surgery is in the repositioning of the maxillary cast articulator against the pull of gravity adds to the
difficulty; frequently, it becomes displaced before it
can be secured.
* Associate Professor, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, The Because surgical splints are made from the repo-
University of Texas Southwestern Medical School, Dallas.
This research was supported in part by a grant from the sitioned models, it is important that model surgery
Chalmers J. Lyons Academy-James R. Hayward Research be performed accurately as errors will be trans-
Fund. posed to the patient. To date, no studies have been
Address correspondence and reprint requests to Dr Ellis: Di-
vision of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, The University of performed that determine the accuracy of maxillary
Texas Southwestern Medical School, 5323 Harry Hines Blvd. model repositioning during bimaxillary model sur-
Dallas. TX 75235. gery. The purpose of this investigation was to de-
0 1990 American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Sur- termine how accurately 4th-year residents can per-
geons form maxillary model repositioning during bimaxil-
0278-2391/90/4811-0005$3.00/0 lary cases.



Twenty consecutive cases of bimaxillary surgery

that met the following criteria were included in this
study: 1) a dentition at least first molar to first molar
bilaterally; 2) the entire maxilla was to undergo re-
positioning in any direction without segmentation;
3) sufficient details on the proposed maxillary sur-
gery were available: the planned change in antero-
posterior and vertical position of the incisor, the
planned change in vertical position of the molars,
the planned change in the position of the dental mid-
lines, and the planned mediolateral position of the
posterior dental arch. The dental casts of each case
were mounted on a semiadjustable articulator using
a face-bow transfer and centric relation interoc-
clusal registration. Following mounting and verifi- FIGURE 2. Method of measuring the vertical position of the
maxillary incisor.
cation that the casts were mounted correctly, the
maxillary dental cast was removed from the articu-
lator and mounted on the Erickson Model Surgery tical position of the mesiobuccal cusp tip of the first
Platform (Great Lakes Orthodontic Ltd, Ton- molars bilaterally (Fig 3); 3) the anteroposterior po-
awanda, NY). The model surgery platform is a de- sition of the most prominent central incisor (Fig 4);
vice that allows mounting of the models, after re- 4) the dental midline (Fig 5); 5) the mediolateral
moval from the articulator, on a square model-block position of the first molars (Fig 6). The maxillary
for measurement before, during, and after model cast was then replaced on the articulator and one of
surgery (Fig 1). Measurements of the casts are four senior residents performed maxillary model
made using a digital caliper that is mounted in the surgery in the classic manner. This included scoring
base of the model surgery platform. In this manner, reference lines on the sides of the cast to record
all measurements are made either perpendicular or changes in position of the maxilla. Most residents
parallel to the platform and, therefore, parallel or also measured from the facial surface of the central
perpendicular to Frankfort horizontal. The follow- incisor to the incisal pin for determination of antero-
ing measurements were recorded by the author for posterior movements of the maxilla. Some also
each maxillary cast before model surgery: 1) the measured from the incisal edges of the teeth to the
vertical position of the incisors (Fig 2); 2) the ver- upper member of the articulator or the mounting

FIGURE 3. Method of measuring the vertical position of the

maxillary molar. The vertical position of the first molars are
FIGURE 1. The Erickson Model Surgery Platform (Great recorded bilaterally so that any mediolateral “cant” of the oc-
Lakes Orthodontic Ltd, Tonawanda, NY). clusal plane can be identified.

FIGURE 4. Method of measuring the anteroposterior position FIGURE 6. Method of measuring the mediolateral position of
of the maxillary incisor. The model-block is simply turned on its the posterior maxillary dental arch. The caliper is brought in
side (heel) and a measurement is taken to the facial surface of the contact with the facial surface of the first (or second) molar or
incisors. orthodontic tube.

ring for determination of the vertical position of the direction. Thus, mean error values reported repre-
maxilla. Once the resident felt that the maxillary sent total variance from the planned value, not di-
model was in its proper postsurgical position, it was rection of movement. Comparison between the
returned to the model-block for repeated measure- planned and actual movements for each variable
ments by the author to determine the actual changes were made using the paired t test. Pearson’s corre-
induced by model surgery. lation coefficients were calculated to determine the
The planned and actual values for the change in significance of interactions between variables.
anteroposterior and vertical position of the incisor,
the vertical position of the molars, the position of Results
the dental midlines, and the mediolateral position of
the dental arch at the first molars were tabulated. The data for each of the 20 cases are presented in
All measures were converted to positive numbers Table I. The anteroposterior position of the central
for statistical analysis to factor out differences in incisor in the twenty cases had a mean deviation of
1.2 mm (SD, 0.9) from the planned value. This was
a statistically significant difference (P < 301). The
1 vertical position of the central incisor had a mean
deviation of 1.1 mm (SD, 1.2; P < .OOl) from the
planned value. The vertical position of the right and
left molars had mean deviations of 1.1 mm (SD, 0.9;
P < 301) and 1.2 mm (SD, 1,l; P < .OOl), respec-
tively, from planned values. The mediolateral
change in position of the maxillary midline varied
0.9 mm (SD, 0.5; P < 301) from the plan. The
mediolateral change in position of the first molar
(posterior dental arch) varied 1.9 mm (SD, 0.7; P <
401). Thus, the mean movements of the maxilla for
all variables were significantly different from the
planned movements at greater than the .OOl level of
confidence. This statistical test, in effect, analyzed
the mean difference between the planned and actual
positioning of the maxilla to determine if they were
FIGURE 5. Method of measuring the mediolateral position of
the maxillary dental (incisor) midline. This is performed by tum-
significantly different from 0, which they were. The
ing the model-block on its side and sliding the caliper to the data were also subjected to the paired t test to de-
interdental space between the incisors. termine the significance of differences between the

Table 1. Predicted and Actual Measures of Maxillary Position After Model Surgery
A-P Ul v UI VU6R v U6 L ML M-L U6
Case P A P A P A P A P A P A

1 + 3.0 + 0.8 0.0 J 2.2 t 6.0 t 5.4 t 6.0 t5.1 0.0 0.4R 0.0 2.lR
(error) 3.8 2.2 0.4 2.1
2 -+ 5.0 -+ 4.4 t 6.0 t 5.0 t 6.0 t::: t 6.0 t::; 2.OR 1.6R 0.0 1.4R
(error) 0.6 0.3 0.4 1.4
3 + 7.0 -+ 7.1 0.0 1::: 0.0 7::; 0.0 t 1.3 0.0 0.6L 0.0 2.2L
(error) 0.1 0.7 0.6 2.2
4 0.0 +- 2.4 t 2.0 r::: t 7.0 f 6.8 t 7.0 t::: 1.5L 1.8L 0.0 2.6L
(error) 2.4 1.3 0.4 0.3 2.6
5 + 4.0 + 4.7 4 3.0 4 2.1 J 3.0 r::: 4 3.0 i 2.9 0.0 1.4L 0.0 3.lL
(error) 0.7 1.4 3.1
6 + 2.0 + 2.1 t 2.0 7;:: t 2.0 r::: t 2.0 r;:: 2.OL 1.5L 0.0 0.9L
(error) 0.1 0.2 0.5 0.9
7 + 3.0 -+ 2.1 J 3.0 r::: 4 4.0 r::; J 4.0 J 7.0 2.OR 2.5R 0.0 l.lR
(error) 0.9 0.1 3.0 0.5 1.1
8 + 5.0 + 5.8 0.0 J 0.8 0.0 1;:: 0.0 J 1.3 0.0 1.7L 0.0 2.8L
(error) 0.8 1.0 1.3 1.7 2.8
9 -+ 2.0 + 1.1 13.0 i;:: J 4.0 13.0 0.0 J 0‘7 2.OL 0.9L 0.0 2.4L
(error) 0.9 0.9 1.0 0.7 1.1 2.4
10 + 5.0 + 4.7 J 4.0 J 3.5 5_4.0 12.5 4 4.0 J 3.9 0.0 2.lR 0.0 2.lR
(error) 0.3 0.5 1.5 2.1 2.1
11 0.0 + 0.8 0.0 J 5.5 t 3.0 t 1.6 t 3.0 r::: 0.0 1.4L 0.0 2.5L
(error) 0.8 1.2 1.4 2.5
12 + 4.0 + 3.3 4 2.0 $:Z t 3.0 t::: t 3.0 t 2.9 0.0 1.8R 0.0 1.7R
(error) 0.7 1.8 1.7
13 + 5.0 -+ 2.4 t 4.5 ts:; t 6.0 7;:: T 6.0 t;:t 1.OL 0.2R 0.0 2.lR
(error) 2.6 1.5 2.2 2.9 1.2 2.1
14 + 2.0 + 3.8 t 7.0 t 8.1 t 7.0 T 6.7 t 7.0 16.7 2.OR O.9R 0.0 1.8R
(error) 1.8 1.1 0.3 1.1 1.8
15 0.0 + 0.8 t 3.5 t 4.0 13.5 7 1.9 t 3.5 T;:: 0.0 0.6 0.0 I .8R
(error) 0.8 0.5 1.6 0.6 1.8
16 -+ 2.0 --+ 1.3 J 3.5 J 3.5 -13.5 J 4.0 4 3.5 I::: 0.0 0.8L 0.0 1.5L
(error) 0.7 0.8 1.5
17 -+ 5.0 -+ 5.6 t 1.0 r::; t 1.0 t;:; t 1.0 r;:: 0.0 0.7R 0.0 1.3R
(error) 0.6 1.1 0.5 0.7 1.3
18 0.0 + 1.9 t 2.0 t;:; t 1.0 t4.6 t 1.0 $ 1.6 1.OR 0.4R 0.0 0.8R
(error) 1.9 0.3 0.6 0.8
19 + 10.0 + 12.0 0.0 to.2 0.0 4;:; 0.0 $ 0.0 0.8R 0.0 2.4R
(error) 2.0 1.5 0.8 2.4
20 0.0 --f 1.2 t 1.0 t::‘6 t 2.0 4::; t 2.0 12.1 0.0 0.4R 0.0 0.9R
(error) 1.2 0.4 3.2 4.1 0.4 0.9

Abbreviations: A, actual; A-P Ul, anteroposterior position of the maxillary central incisor; L, left; ML, maxillary dental midline (right
c) left); M-L U6, mediolateral position of maxillary first molar (either); P, predicted; R, right; V Ul, vertical position of the maxillary
central incisor(s); V U6 L, vertical position of the maxillary left first molar; V U6 R, vertical position of the maxillary right first molar;
+ , anteriorly; + , posteriorly; t , superiorly; J , inferiorly.

planned and actual maxillary movements greater tion noted was between the error in positioning the
than 1 mm. When the data were analyzed in this maxillary midlines and the error in mediolateral po-
manner, the only variable that still showed a signif- sitioning of the maxillary molar (r = .47; P < 0.05).
icant difference was the mediolateral position of the This showed that when there was an error in posi-
maxillary molars (P < .OOl). tioning of the maxillary midline, there was also an
Pearson’s correlation coefftcients showed that error in the mediolateral positioning of the posterior
there was a significant correlation between the error maxilla, and vice versa.
in vertical positioning of the right and left maxillary
molars (r = 31; P < .OOl). Thus, when the maxilla Discussion
was improperly positioned vertically on one side,
the other side also was improperly positioned in the The results of this investigation suggest that max-
same direction. The only other significant correla- illary model surgery performed in the classic man-

ner is variable, frequently imprecise, and in some

instances induces extreme errors. This is especially
remarkable given the fact that the maxillae used in
this study were not segmented. Five of the six vari-
ables examined had a mean error in repositioning of
at least 1 mm; the sixth variable, the positioning of
the dental midlines, was almost 1 mm (0.9 mm)
away from the planned location. Because means
and standard deviations may be misleading, an anal-
ysis of each case becomes extremely useful. If we FIGURE 7. Illustration showing how measurements made at
accept inaccuracies of less than 1 mm in model sur- the level of the osteotomy provide inaccurate information about
gery, a review of individual cases shows that 19 of the movement of the dentition when the occlusal plane is
the 20 cases had at least 2 (of the 6) measurements changed. A, Prior to model surgery. E, After model surgery to
with greater than I mm difference between the close an anterior open-bite by posterior maxillary impaction. If
measurements are made at the level of the osteotomy, they
planned and actual measures (Table 1). Thirteen would indicate that the maxilla had moved anteriorly approxi-
had at least three errors greater than 1 mm and four mately 5 qm. However, the arrows in both A and B are at the
cases had at least four errors greater than 1 mm. In same location with respect to the base of the dental cast, showing
fact, only one case had no errors greater than 1 mm that the incisal edge did not move in the anteroposterior plane.
(case 6).
The reasons for these inaccuracies are multiple,
but perhaps the most important reason is the differ- much more accurate in identifying the anteroposte-
ence between what one measures along the refer- rior and vertical position of the maxillary incisors
ence lines and what happens at the level of the than reference lines scored on the casts. Another
teeth.6,7 The further the reference lines are removed reason for the inaccuracies in performing model
from the dentition, the greater may be the differ- surgery stems from the difficulties in making pre-
ence between the movements at these areas. This is cise measurements along the complex surfaces of
especially important when the occlusal plane is the dental casts and articulator. This is especially
changed with surgery, for instance, in the correc- difficult when attempting to hold the maxillary
tion of an anterior open-bite, when posterior intru- model against the force of gravity while making the
sion of the maxilla is planned. Cases 1 and 4 had measurements.
much greater intrusion planned in the posterior Perhaps the most common yet occult inaccuracy
maxilla than in the anterior. In both of these cases, in performing maxillary model surgery during bi-
large errors in the anteroposterior position of the maxillary cases is in the mediolateral positioning of
maxillary incisor occurred during model surgery. In the posterior maxilla. It is extremely difficult to de-
both, the incisors moved posteriorly more than termine the symmetry of the dental arch in the me-
planned. This is easily explained if one considers diolateral plane when model surgery is performed
the geometry involved in using reference lines on the articulator. In fact, most cases with preex-
scored along the sides of the dental cast to deter- isting asymmetries in the mediolateral position of
mine the anteroposterior position of the maxilla. the posterior dental arch go unnoticed. For in-
With posterior intrusion, the anterosuperior aspect stance, in the 20 cases reported in this article, 16
of the maxilla (ie, anterior nasal spine) is moved had greater than 1 mm, 11 had greater than 2 mm,
forward. When measurements are made at the level and 4 had greater than 3 mm of asymmetry before
of the bone cut, it appears as if the entire maxilla model surgery. This means that if the case was
has moved anteriorly, when it is only the superior properly mounted on the articulator, asymmetries
aspect that has done so (Fig 7). As cases 1 and 4 were present that went unnoticed and were there-
illustrate, the incisor may not move anteriorly at all, fore untreated. A perusal of Table 1 shows that not
and, in fact, may move posteriorly. This same phe- a single case had correction of posterior dental arch
nomenon occurs during segmental surgery when asymmetry planned in the treatment, a reflection of
tilting of the maxillary segments and, therefore, ref- the fact that maxillary asymmetries are difficult to
erence lines can occur. It therefore behooves the determine clinically, radiographically, and on the
surgeon to measure directly to the dentition instead articulated models without accurate instrumenta-
of, or in addition to, the area of the bone cuts. Mea- tion.
suring from the facial surface of the incisor to the Of even more concern is the finding that maxil-
incisal pin, and from the incisal edge to the upper lary asymmetries are induced during model surgery
member or mounting ring on the articulator, is in a significant number of patients. The mean error

in mediolateral positioning of the posterior maxil- to one side in the posterior area and the occlusion is
lary dental arch was 1.9 mm when measured at the correct, the mandible will also be skewed the same
first molar (P < .OOl). Seventeen of the 20 cases had direction, resulting in facial asymmetry.
greater than 1 mm, 10 had greater than 2 mm, and 1 An advantage to the use of the Erickson Model
had greater than 3 mm of change in the mediolateral Surgery Platform for performing maxillary model
position of the posterior maxilla that was not surgery in bimaxillary cases is that preexisting
planned. When this occurred, it usually accompa- asymmetries can be easily identified before model
nied movements in the dental midline to the same surgery so that they can be corrected during model
side (r = 47; P < .05). Although minor maxillary surgery. An asymmetry readily identifiable with
arch asymmetries may seem inconsequential, one this instrument is the one described above, ie, me-
must remember that the maxilla, once secured in its diolateral asymmetries of the posterior maxilla.
planned position, serves as the target for mandibu- These are difficult to determine any other way and
lar repositioning during bimaxillary surgery. There- readily lend themselves to correction during bimax-
fore, any asymmetry in the position of the maxilla illary surgery.
will be magnified in the mandible, especially at the Another common asymmetry one finds is differ-
gonial angles, as these are a greater distance from ence in the vertical position of the maxillary molars
the axis of the asymmetry. from one side to the other, ie, the “cant” of the
Those surgeons who look critically at their pa- maxilla. These are usually small; when larger than 1
tients may have noticed an occasional patient who to 2 mm, they can also be seen on an accurate ceph-
appears asymmetric after bimaxillary surgery to alogram and identified clinically with careful mea-
correct a symmetrical deformity. Most commonly, surements between the canines and the medial can-
one side of the face appears more prominent than thi using a caliper. Note in Table 1 that only one
the other, especially along the lateral surface of the case (case 9) had differential vertical movements of
rami. An examination of the dental midlines may the posterior maxilla planned. Of interest, however,
show alignment with the facial midline. However, is that 13 cases had greater than 1 mm, 5 had greater
alignment of the dental and facial midlines should than 2 mm, and case 9 had greater than 3 mm
not lull the clinician into a false sense of security of vertical difference from one side to the other
that the surgery has been performed correctly, for present before model surgery. This does not mean
the posterior maxilla may be asymmetrical, ie, that a cant was present in every case, as an asym-
skewed to one side (Fig 8). If the maxilla is skewed metry in the position of the auditory canals may
also have been present, distorting the face-bow
mounting. However, only case 9 was planned for
correction of this discrepancy. If minor cants were
diagnosed either clinically, radiographically, or on
the model platform, they could have easily been
eliminated with bimaxillary surgery.
Because of the difficulties performing maxillary
model surgery for bimaxillary cases on the articu-
lator, the author and associates have used the
model surgery platform for over 5 years. We have
found it simpler and more rapid than performing
maxillary model surgery on an articulator. Because
the maxillary model surgery is not performed on the
articulator, but on the model-block, ie, “upside-
down,” gravity works to the advantage of the sur-
geon and greatly facilitates repositioning of the
model. Any point on the cast is measured by simply
sliding the caliper to the point on the cast being
measured. These points may be dental, skeletal, or
soft tissue. Measurements along the dentition pro-
FIGURE 8. Illustration demonstrating how a facial asymmetry vide information on the location of the teeth before
can be present even while the maxillary dental midlines are co- and after model surgery. Measurements can also be
incident with the facial midline. If the posterior maxilla is rotated
recorded at any level along the proposed osteotomy
to one side or the other during maxillary surgery, the mandible
will follow because it will be occluded with the maxilla during side if one desires to determine the osseous changes
mandibular surgery. at that level.

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