Stumpf Resume

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Claudia J Stumpf

1 Pleasant Street Terrace  Stoneham, MA 02180

Phone: 617-981-2276  E-Mail:


Tufts University, Medford MA

PhD in English Literature (2015)
MA in English Literature (2008)
Provost’s Fellowship, Dissertation Writing Fellowship, GIFT Fellowship

Yale University, New Haven CT

BA in English Language and Literature (2003)
Cum laude, with distinction in the major, recipient of the Mead and Langdon Scholarships

Professional Experience

Bentley University, Waltham MA September 2014-present

Full-Time Lecturer, English and Media Studies Department
Coordinator, Gender Studies Minor
 Have full instructional control over courses focused on expository writing and literature in a
business school setting. Attend regular pedagogical training workshops and events on campus,
including those run by the Teaching and Learning Council.
o Courses include: The Victorian Period; Women in Literature; Introduction to Gender Studies;
The Literature of the French Revolution; Expository Writing I: Critical Thinking and Writing;
Expository Writing II: Advanced Inquiry in Writing
 Responsible for departmental service, including membership on Research and Pedagogy Committee.
 Mentor and advise approximately 20 students per year as part of the First Year Seminar and Liberal
Studies Major programs.
 Serve as the program coordinator for the Gender Studies Minor, including advising students,
developing marketing materials, monitoring course offerings, and serving as a liaison to other
campus departments and groups.

MCPHS University, Boston MA September 2013-May 2014

Adjunct Instructor of English, School of Arts and Sciences
 Designed syllabi, taught and graded in the first-year writing program, a two-semester sequence
focusing on critical reading skills and college-level writing.
o Courses: Expository Writing I, Expository Writing II (Introduction to Literature)

Suffolk University WGS Department, Boston MA Fall 2013

 Had full responsibility for teaching an introductory level interdisciplinary undergraduate
Women’s and Gender Studies course to a diverse group of students.
o Course: Women, History, and Culture
Tufts University English Department, Medford MA September 2006-May 2013
GIFT Teaching Fellow (Summer & Fall 2011)
 Attended an intensive pedagogy course at the Center for Learning and Teaching’s (CELT) Graduate
Institute For Teaching (GIFT).
 Co-taught an upper-level seminar with a tenured faculty member.
Graduate Lecturer and Teaching Assistant (Fall 2006 – Spring 2013)
 Designed syllabi, taught, and graded for the Tufts First-Year Writing Program. Had full
responsibility for multiple courses.
Student Office Assistant (Summer 2009, Summer 2010)
 Responsible for answering phones, maintaining records, and assisting with research needs.
 Wrote and designed a new graduate program handbook.

Community Research Initiative of NE, Boston MA June 2006-August 2013

Communications and Development Specialist (January 2011-August 2013)
Development Assistant (June 2006-January 2011)
 Contributed writing, editing, and design to institutional newsletter, press releases, and email
communications. Re-designed application for HDAP program. Developed departmental SOPs.
 Planned fundraising events (including parties and other social events, bike rides, and design
showcase) that raised up to $100,000.
 Updated organization website using HTML-based content management system. Increased page
views dramatically through the design and management of a new website.
 Managed departmental volunteers and interns.

Lexington Symphony, Lexington MA June 2009-August 2012

Communications Director (July 2010-August 2012)
Electronic Communications Manager (June 2009-June 2010)
 Responsible for the orchestra's online presence, including email campaigns. Wrote press releases,
website content, brochures, and all other development text.
 Primary organizational grant writer; wrote successful grants to local and regional government
organizations and multiple foundations.
 Routinely filled a concert hall with 800 seat capacity for orchestra concerts in a suburban town
hall, helped develop a core of season ticket holders.

Technical Skills

Software: Mac and Windows versions of Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, Powerpoint, Outlook, and
Publisher), Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, and Adobe Acrobat Pro
Web: basic HTML, WordPress, Constant Contact, Etomite CMS, Sage Fundraising Online
Learning Management Systems and Online Learning: Blackboard, Trunk, D2L, Canvas, Zoom
Database Systems: Sage Fundraising 50 and PatronManager
Languages: Proficient French and German

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