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A wonderful thing that I've been here all of you, enjoying together, we are alive together, and
of course, we are blessed together no matter what happened that ruined in our life is still
really tough the bond of our relationship my countrymen. Anyway good morning to all of you
my respected colleagues, my supporters and especially to the people opposing my self
hopefully, vote for the right hands who administered to the beloved country Philippines.

Before I start it, I would like to say right away my endless gratitude to all of you! Thank you for
coming. Thank you for being here to support the true holder of this community. So we will
raise together our country let’s fight the corruption, the poverty, the drugs and anything
problem in our country.

We live in a democratic country, your regular election we have a tall except if we have a
government of the people but is it a government of a people? That’s the problem. Ahh!!
There’s so much trouble in this country that is no peace for all of us Pilipino people and in all
faces of the Philippines. Is that pretty? What I worried is to run of this kind of battle. Many
Filipino choose the wrong one instead of choosing a right that will make our country’s
beautiful or make a peaceful life in our country. It’s very unfair or very disgusted or annoyed
while the head of state is just sitting only to his throne to make him wealthier and to make him
hallowed by their authentic nasty name. That’s why I miserable when will occur this
circumstance and so, in fact, I’m running for president to serve as you people not letting by
your skills let’s enhance our purity heart to being a kind person not just being greedy that I
don’t want to happen

Back to the problem of our country, a lot of things that are messy to us. It’s very disorderly a
people do not have security so the rooted problem of this is a crime then the government
shouldn’t care about it? What kind of government that? Is that a government by the people?
No, it reflects suddenly by the previous administration not only on that as well as the current
government. The government do not know how to define what’s the government by the
people. Are the people is to serve in the government that’s how they define it? What kind of
government that? I need something else… I need a peculiar or unique that will make our
fellow smile with their fully bottom of the heart, that’s why I ran as I said a while back. I want a
peaceful life, not to my self but in my fellow, I’m sure a hundred per cent that our government
system is a fully active even on the night or whatever. This country is dropping down our
economy, our number of being educated student is decreasing also that’s why our job can’t
move up because lack of student not educated of course caused by the poverty I’m here all of
you to fight poverty so including the corruption, drugs, lack of student being educated as I said
the outset. I will raise our school system and our judicial system and also our manufacture I
will uphold this to achieve our on what we want. At the school, I will make sure we will provide
more effectively school supplies that highly influenced by our student we will take first the
needs of the people not the wants of the government. Needs of material things, needs of the
house, needs of food and anything else that the basic needs. And also I will remove the ruling
of the community that all he does is to make him impressed so well or a corrupt government,
agencies, or other institutions of the Philippines. I’m also taking our transportation to move
faster, to easily go to what your destination and at last our judicial system, the death penalty
2in the Philippines should be legalized now to fight the crimes to decreased our crime rate to
the safety of my fellow, they will no longer be afraid. And when it comes to the wrong scourge
that he will be deposed is I will make the polices or even soldiers is always get prepared always
ready and always be active on the kind of this incident, I will not let my police is a silly on this
country and not burden in society, I will raise the voice of our society to develop more than
the previous day, And so this is what you deserve my countrymen, vote a true leader in our
country don’t let the other lead will make you silly just be a smart thinker, don’t click suddenly
find out first what his true purposes and try to obey what your heart says not in the
encouragement by others don’t let him fool you, VOTE WISELY, in other words, VOTE your
respective and your next president MR. MAC DOMINGO

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