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Jishu Hozen Activities

Jishu Hozen Steps

Step 1 - Initial Cleaning Step 5 – Autonomous Inspection
Step 2 – Countermeasures against Sources of contamination Step 6 – Standardization
& Hard to access areas
Step 3 – Preparing tentative standards Step 7 – Autonomous Management
Step 4 - General inspection
Step 1 2 3 one set of steps. From step 4, quantum jump in level. After thorough step 4, go to step 5. Otherwise you
falter in step 5.
Implementation of Step 1 in part 1
All Product units started Jishu Hozen step 1 activity. Kobetsu Kaizen sub committee classified machines into “A, B & C”
rank. Jishu Hozen sub committee concentrated on “A” rank and few “B” rank machines for break down, defect, accident
reduction & to increase the availability and reduce cost. Team of workmen and officers were involved in the initial
cleaning. During cleaning, abnormalities were identified & tags were attached. Tags were classified into red & white, red
tags are removed by the plant maintenance & white tags were rectified by Jishu Hozen team members.
Clea ning of Ma chine by tea m

Ta g Identifica tion

Cla ssifica tion of ta gs in Red & White

Prepa re Ta g ma trix

Identifica tion of source of contimina tion

Identifica tion of Difficult to CLI

Step 1 implementation
Implementation of Step 2 in part 1
Red and white fuguai were removed in Jishu Hozen Step2. Countermeasures were taken against the sources of
contamination by providing localized guards, arresting leakages and horizontally deployed in all other areas.
Countermeasures were taken against difficult to clean, lubricate and inspection areas, thus the Jishu Hozen activity time
for cleaning, lubrication and inspection is reduced and machines remains clean without cleaning.
C ountermeasures against fuguais

STEP 2 C ountermeasures against source of contamination

C ountermeasures against hard to access areas for C LI

Step 2 Implementation
Implementation of Step 3 in part 1
Tentative standards were prepared for Cleaning, Inspection & Lubrication. Following colour codes & symbols were
developed for carrying out the activity & indicating its frequency.

C reate tentative standards for C LI

Route map marking around the machine

Preparation of C LI check sheet

Implementation of visuals

Step 3 Implementation
Figure 5.3 Step 1 implementation
S ta n d ard co lo u r co d e s y m b o ls .

A C T IV ITY D A IL Y W EEKLY M ON THLY Q UAR TERLY Visuals are implemented on the machines for ease of inspection like
marking of lubrication / hydraulic oil level, motor RPM direction, belt
(B L A C K ) direction, oil tank colour coding, pipe line colour coding.
(O R A N G E )

(B R O W N )

Activities under Part 2

To restore JISHU HOZEN activity, we developed ‘Dry Floor Steps 1, 2 & 3’ apart from the regular JIPM Steps.

Basic A pproach not Consolidated

A ctivities restricted to only selected
manufacturing areas

C hange visible on Equipment STEP 7

but no change in people



DRY FLOOR STEP 3 Ac tivities with

Empha sis on
STEP 3 DRY FLOOR STEP 2 fundamentals for a
strong foundation



Jishu Hozen steps

Wider implementation

Machines = 406, Operators = 1020 Machines = 646, Operators = 1986

Assy stages = 0, Support function = Assy stages =39, Support function =
0 Jishu Hozen circles = 0 19 Jishu Hozen circles = 161

A Rank
A Rank M/C
M/C 100 %
100 % B Rank B Rank
Operators Operators
55 % 60 % 100 % 100 %

PART- 1 C Rank PART - 2 C Rank

Stores Stores M/C
0% 100 % 100%

Maintenance Area
0% Assembly Maintenance 100 %
Area 100 %
Inspection Inspection
Area Area
0% 100 %

Wider implementation of Jishu Hozen

Focus on Circle up gradation concept


A ctivity

C ircle

Jishu Hozen concept

Organization Chart & Circle formation

All equipment & all people are involved. Each circle was allocated multiple numbers of equipments. TPM organization
was formed consisting of Plant head, Unit heads, Product unit heads, and Module managers, Officers and Operators.

Plant Head V. P.

Foundry PU Manager
Axle PU Body PU Engine PU TMPU Vehicle PU

Maintene Manufa ct Module

QA Assembly Stores Manager
nc e uring

Cell Leader
C ell 1 Cell 2 Cell 3 Cell 4

Circle Leaders
Circle 1 Circ le 2 Circle 3 Circ le 4 Circ le 5 C irc le 6

Organization Chart & Circle Formation

TPM is a system of overlapping circles. Equipment approach is not wrong. But equipment does not change on
its own. It is the organization that owns it.
While forming the circle please keep organization in mind. Each circle ideally should contain 8 to 10 persons.
Purpose is to groom the circle leader to do the work. No of equipment & No of persons should be balanced. In a
circle you have circle leader and member.

Implementation of Dry floor steps at manufacturing shop
D ry flo o r p la n t

D ry flo o r sh o pCs irc le m e e t in Ag cs t iv it y b o a rd O P L'S

D ry flo o r ste p 1 D ry flo o r ste p 2 D ry flo o r ste p 3

C la ssific a t io n S o u rc e s o f Te n t a t iv e
M a na ger E a sy t o C a p tu rin g
5 D O N 'TS o f 7 t y p e s o f c o n t a m in a Le
ti a k a g e s st a n d a rd s fo r V isu a ls
ro u n d a c c e ss t h e lo sse s
ta g s on C IL

Concept of Dry floor steps

Activities for Dry Floor Step 1: Re- Initial Cleaning (IC)
It is not just cleaning. We say cleaning is inspection. Cleaning time becomes zero only when your sources of
contamination becomes zero.
IC means restoration of ignored equipment to bring to original condition. Your machine needs initial cleaning.
Continue cleaning till sources of contamination become zero.
IC is to find fuguai
a) Functional cleaning - superficial cleaning no good. Only functional cleaning of the equipment helps in
finding out fuguai. I do not want spic & span equipment. Ideally yes. Purpose is functional cleaning. When
you do the manager model, uniform tells the story. Initially everyday m/c becomes dirty after cleaning of
previous day. That takes you to step 2. You must do something.
b) Identification of sources of contamination & hard to access areas – this has to be done hard way, not by
observation but by having folded arms. Ideas come when you get involved. So this is very important. Link
with step 2. Textbook says source of contamination in step 2, but step 1 leads to step 2. More effort in step
1, better the step 2. In JH stagnation comes if step 1 not thorough.
Only with supervisors u can not change shop floor. JH circle need to be functional
In Dry floor step 1 additional activities like daily manager round & 5 DON’T’S activities were introduced to strengthen
the Jishu Hozen circle activities. Fuguai classification is done to prioritize the fuguai removal.
5 Don’t on the Shop Floor:
1. Don’t keep -Material/Jigs/ Tools/Measuring Instruments/Products directly on the shop floor/equipment.
2. Don’t keep Material/Jigs/ Tools/Measuring Instruments/Products directly on the shop floor.
3. Don’t write directly on machines/walls/doors etc.
4. Don’t stick things directly on machines/walls/doors etc.
5. Don’t take the temporary countermeasures
2 Do’s on the Shop Floor:
Vicinity of Equipment:
1) Fix position 2) Fix quantity
Excess must go out (Tools/Jigs/Material/Products/WIP)

DryFloorStep 1 Equipment Initial Cleaning

Daily Manager Round Fuguai Identification

5 Don’t's Fuguai Classification

Fuguai Rectification

5Don’t's Fuguai Classification

1) Don't keep Material on Shop 1) Unsafe places
Floor 2) Unwanted / Slow moving
2) Don’t Keep Material 3) Quality defect
randmoly. 4) Hard to access
3) Don't write directly on 5) Sourcesof Contamination
Machine, .Walls& Doors 6) Basic Condition
4) Don't stick thingsdirectly 7) Minor defects.
on .Machine ,Walls& Doors
5) Don't take temporary
counter .... .measures.

Dry floor step 1 implementation

Fuguai classification & Approach towards fuguai
In Phase-II fuguai classification was done as follows for prioritizing the fuguai removal.
(Meant for JH circles – teach them)

Fo Re
un ctif
d ied

Minor Basic Source of Hard to Quality Unnecessar Unsafe

Defect Condition Contaminat Access Defect y Point

How to identify which type of fuguai is it?

For this you always start from the right hand side as shown by the arrow. Let’s consider the example of screw
missing at any point. By considering this you just think, can the screw missing cause unsafe condition? If the
answer from this is yes than this fuguai belongs to unsafe point other wise ask the same question for unnecessary
items. Is the missing screw unnecessary? If the answer is yes then classify the abnormality (Fuguai) in
Unnecessary other wise ask the question -Is the missing screw causing quality defect? If the answer is yes then
categorize it as quality defect other wise ask the next question. Same for other types also.
Suppose nut / bolt loose – you think deviation from basic condition. Don’t do that. Start from RHS. If any safety
hazard due to loosening, it will fall under safety point. It may also fall under unwanted/unnecessary. Then remove.

If there is some quality problem, it could be under quality defect. It was loose because it was hard to access.
Suppose chips falling due to loosening then source of contamination. If it falls under one condition, stop. If it does
not fall under any of six condition then under minor defect. Bolt/nut generally basic condition.
One Point Lessons
One Point Lessons are imparted to JISHU HOZEN Circle members for
- Basic Knowledge: Points that must be known
- Improvement Cases: Point that prevents the recurrence of troubles
- Trouble Cases : Points of improvement concept / method leading to positive results


Basic Knowledge Improvement Cases Trouble Cases

One point Lesson

Activities for Dry floor Step 2: Kaizen/Countermeasures for

contamination/Leak free & Easy to access equipment
Reduction of C L I time is key parameter. Sum up these through Kaizen example sheet / OPL (generated thru CLI
Normally machine cleaning of 15 hours/man/month is required. Only then machine changes. Particularly for
manager model. If manager model > 20 hours but no perceptible change then they are losing time somewhere.
Some team good change in 10 hours. Learn from them. For step 3, less time required.
Fuguai removal is done as per the priority of Fuguai classification. To achieve & sustain leakage free equipment,
the following approach is used:
DryFloorStep 2

Contamination Free Equipment Leakage Free Equipment

Provision of Conversion of
Reduction of Modification of
Localising the Elimination of Guardsto arrest Flexible Hosesto
Contaminant Pressure/Directio
Contaminant Contaminants splashesof Oil & Permanent
Generation n of Oil/Coolant
Coolant Metallic Pipes

Difficult to Access

Modification of
Relocation of Rerouting of guards,
element pipes/ cables platforms&

Dry floor step 2 approach

(I)Arresting Sources of Contamination

Sources of Contamination:
Chips, Oil, Sand, Dust, Coolant, Humidity, Noise, fumes/ smoke, sputters, water/air leakage, spray, oil soaked
water, paint sludge, steam, people etc.
Identify all sources of contamination. Even the product can be a source of contamination. In sugar factory sugar
itself can be a contaminant. Dropping of product should not happen.

Kobetsu Kaizen teams consisting of manufacturing, improvement cell, maintenance were formed to help Jishu Hozen to
eliminate Source of contamination. Countermeasures against source of contaminations were taken by applying the
methodology to contain the source of contamination.

Can I
the source?

Oil leakage- in principle- eliminate it. If not

possible (rare), minimize it wherever it
Collec Minimize
involves high cost.
Collection – If leakage from top, put it close to
source. Don’t come straight to collection.
Don’t provide huge collection pan. Put a visual
control mark.

Methodology to contain the source of contamination

Put S No.
Empty it every
If you do that, you’ll know lesser or more than previous day. Then why why.
I saw very big collection pan & almost full. That will not do. Follow this approach.
Put S. no.
EVERY DAY wise action plan was prepared to arrest the source of contamination

Sourc e of c ontamination reduc tion

C h ip s O il / C oo la nt Sa nd

Red u c tion O p timisa ti Use of Se a lin g of Use o f d ust c o nve yors

Use of Pro visio n Use o f Pro visio n o f
in De sig n on of gua rd s a t o p e nin gs e xtra c tio n b e lt w id th
loc a lise d lo c a lise d c olle c tio n skirtin g on
ma c hinin g c h a ng e d ire c tion & d isc ha rg e in sa nd system a t inc re a se d
gu a rd s gu a rd s tra ys c o nveyors
stoc k p re ssure e nd o f c on ve ying g e ne ra tio n to 800 mm
c on ve yors syste m p o ints from 550
C o lle c tio n Re d uc tio n Pro c e ss O p timisa ti W orn o ut Pro visio n o f
of c hip s b y of c h ip size c ha n ge on o f d ie surfa c e trollie s to
using tra ys, b y c utting fro m w e t c oo la nt re c o n d itio c o llec t
c hu te s, to ol a ngle to d ry flo w nin g sp illed
tro llie s mo d ific a ti c uttin g sa n d
Actions for source of contamination
(II) Leakage Free Equipment
To achieve the leakage free equipment Elimination, Minimization, Localization of the contaminant was done.
Leakage Free Equipment

Conversion of Provision of
Modific ation of
Flexible Hoses to Gua rds to arrest
Pressure/ Direction
Perma nent splashes of Oil &
of Oil/C oola nt
Metallic Pipes Coola nt

Hose pip es Use of sea la nts Reduc tion of Reloc ation of Reloc a tion of Optimisation of Use of loc alised Use of gua rds Use of guards
rerouting with for fittings extra length c oola nt, oil / lubric ant pressure of oil / guards with c ollection with c ollec ting
rigd cla mping pipes lub rica nt tanks nozzles lubric a nts trays duc ts

Actions for leakage free equipments

III. Activities for Hard to Access area
Hard to Access Areas means:
Difficult to lubricate
Difficult to inspect
Difficult to clean
Difficult to retighten
Difficult to operate
JH is not only for maintenance of machine but also for operation of it. Even set up /adjustment comes under it.
Counter measures against Hard to access areas for cleaning, Lubrication, Inspection and retightening are Identified and
Hard to access

Easy to access for

Esay to access for Easy to access for
Inspection Lubrication

Re routing Modificatio Removal of Relocation Implementa Relocation Rerouting of

of pipes / n of unwanted / of gauges tion of of pipping
cables platforms big guards visuals lubricating

Use of plain Provision of Relocation Modification

conduit ladders / of of filling
inplace of stair case lubricating caps
spiral units

Activities for Dry Floor Step 3 – Preparing Tentative Standards

for Contaminant/Leakage free equipment

With the help of Planned Maintenance & Machine manuals, Tentative Cleaning, Lubrication and Inspection
Tentative Standars

standards, check-sheets & route maps are developed by operators for daily Cleaning, Lubrication, Inspection &

Step 3

CILCheck Sheet Route Map

Hydraulic Situated
power 7 on
pack 4 platform
Visuals For CLI
Cleaning Daily 4
Cleaning Weekly
Cleaning Monthly Machine
5 column
Blow 3
Inspection Daily plate
ic valve
Inspection Weekly lifter
Inspection Monthly
Lubrication Daily
Lubrication Weekly
Left hand Right hand
Lubrication Monthly Lubrication
part part Inspection
standard 2

2.Check ical
sheet ol

For each of these (C L I) a set of
three required.
Dry floor Step 3 implementation

You don’t carry standard all the time. Standard is for understanding. Check sheet is for filling up.

Step 3 also visual Control.

If oil level green, ok but if always in green, same level, then not ok.

It must go down otherwise it is not functioning.

R When you teach operators to see oil level, tell them to monitor if it is going
down or not. Only mechanical checking will not do. Visual control help you to
certain extent but you need to bring ingenious ideas in that.

If fan is moving or not seeing that is enough. Go a step further, ball,

how high it is flying, whether flow enough. Do such ingenious ideas.
This reflects on your activity.
paper Fan

Education on
Minor Stoppages General
Loss is generated when equipment stops for less than 15 minutes & machine component is not replaced.
Capturing Minor Stoppages, incidents have beenLeaders
done by the JISHU HOZEN Circle members to improve performance
rating & OEE.
Counter Measures are taken by the JISHU HOZEN circle members to reduce Minor Stoppages.
Step 4 activities – General Inspection
thru test
In step 4 we aim to understand the structure, functions & principles of the equipment & to study its ideal state, to seek the
utmost improvement in the efficiency of equipment. Aim to inspect all constituent mechanisms & parts of the equipment,
Leader towith
without exception, with the eye of an “operator skillful Circle
equipment”. In training modules are prepared to enhance the
skill & knowledge of circle members. There are 6 sub steps:
4.1 Nut & Bolt Inspection
4.2 Drives
4.3 Lubrication Rectification/
4.4 Pneumatics Kaizen for fuguais
New things will get Education on General
4.5 Hydraulics Revision of added. Make Inspection
4.6 Electrical & Electronics Std/ check sheet. correction in hand.
The sequence is important. There are 2 parts of step 4 for implementations as
shown here. Summary
These training manuals will be created by E & T. Actual implementation by JH. Actual Implementation of
Thus 2 pillars are involved Self Audit General Inspection
Methodology of step 4 implementation
Manager Audit

Top Mgt.
Audit (80%)

Next Sub Step9

Teach what kind of fuguais can be present. Set of OPLs required.
Summary of Results:
e.g. How many nuts and bolts together for inspection? How many fuguais identified. Categorize them e.g. Nuts
and bolts rusty, without washer, missing etc and review tentative standards created so far. Use red colour for
wrong check point. Include new items in red. Remove / cross points as applicable. In step 5 these standards get
converted into final standard.
Most important are tentative standard and check sheet. After education & training ,further changes are required.
Content wise step 4 fuguai has to be much deeper. In step 4 many many new fuguai will come to light. Till step 3
emphasis was on 5 senses and not on education & training. Now education & training and review of standards /
check-sheets / route-maps and the same need to be updated in step 4.
It is a good idea to plot the number of corrected standards (C L I ) against sub steps of step 4.
Step 5:
You have tentative standard + check sheet + maps corrected in step 4. In step 5, Combined final standard as
against one standard/check sheet/route map for each of C L I.

JH Implementation at Assembly line

Step 1 Activities -Initial Cleaning

Removal of waste,stain marks & dust

Arrangement of shelves, boxes,work table, tools & Jigs

Identification & removal of unwanted & slowmoving objects

Provision of area for non confirming parts

Implementation of displays

Identification & rectification of fuguais

Assy Step 1 implementation

During initial cleaning waste, stain marks & dust are removed. Arrangement of Shelves, boxes, worktables, tools & Jigs
are done. Fuguai’s were identified and rectified.Slow moving, unwanted objects are identified and removed from the area.
Storage place for non confirmative parts are provided. Visual controls are implemented.

Step 2 Activities - Countermeasures against Sources of

Contamination & Difficult to access
Counter measures are taken against
Countermeasures against bending , stretching & turning
sources of contamination, for moving
Countermeasures for moving heavy objects heavy objects, for elimination of
operations involving bending,
Eliminate double handling & inspection of parts
stretching, and turning of body & to
STEP 2 First in first out for parts reduce the time required for counting
parts. Placement of tools in such a
Poka Yoke to reduce defects
way that double handling/Inspection
Reduce time required for counting of parts eliminated by introduction of easy to
pick tools, ease of use of Jigs, Tools.
Storage place for removed packing materials
First In First Out for parts is started.
Assy Step 2 implementation

Step 3 Activities – Creation of Tentative standards

Thrust given on
Tentative standards for C IL implementation
of cleaning,
C IL time reduction Inspection &
Implementation of Visual C ontrols standards, and
Visual controls
Eliminintation of counting, searching, confirmation of parts by visual on assembly
stages .By
Review of w ork standards implementation
of visual controls
Review of setup & adjustement
non value added
activities like
Assy Step 3 implementation counting &
confirmation of
parts were eliminated. Reduction of losses like set up & adjustment is carried out.

STEP – 4: General Inspection

4-1 : Jigs & Tools used in Assembly
4-2 : Measuring Instruments
4-3 : Online Inspection
4-4 : Devices used in Assembly Line
4-5 : Operability / Sustainability
STEP – 5: Line Balancing
STEP – 6: Autonomous Control

3 treasures of JH:
1. Meeting
2. Activity board
3. OPL


Circl Dry Floor Plant Step 4
e Step Ste Ste Ste
Unit Cell Ste Ste Ste 4. 4.
Nam 1 p2 p3 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 p5
p1 p2 p3 5 6
Axl ng
n Cell

One circle in charge of multiple machines. Criteria for passing some machine –individual audit- when all
equipments pass, circle passes.

Data Required for JH:

1. Activity Time on JH Circles.
• TOTAL Activity TIME.
• Activity Time per person(Avg.)

By Experience, 15 hours/person /month required. change comes visible.
Distribution of time is also important. 20 minutes are not enough for functional cleaning. Additional cleaning say 2
Hrs at a time required for thorough Cleaning. 20 minutes they may or may not work. 2hrsx 3, 4hrs× 1, you can
have for concentrated JH in addition to daily 20 minutes.
2. No. of Fuguais DETECTED & RESOLVED
• 7 Classification of Fuguais
• RED & WHITE tags.
Conversion of RED to WHITE TAGS
3. Sources of Contamination
4. OEE Data (compilation by KK)
• Loss DATA
• Minor stoppage


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