Dispensing - Assignment 1 ANSWER

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Name: Date: _____________

Brand Name Generic Name Therapeutic Use

1. Unasyn Ampicillin + Sulbactam Used to treat bacterial infections
2. Rocephin Ceftriaxone Used to treat many kinds of
bacterial infections, including
severe or life-threatening forms
such as meningitis.
3. Zinacef Cefuroxime Used to treat a wide variety of
bacterial infections. It may also
be used to prevent infection
from certain surgeries
4. Zynapse Citicoline Used for Alzheimer's disease and
other types of dementia, head
trauma, cerebrovascular disease
such as stroke, age-related
memory loss, Parkinson's
disease, attention deficit-
hyperactive disorder (ADHD),
and glaucoma
5. Dalacin C Clindamycin HCl Used to treat certain types of
bacterial infections, including
infections of the lungs, skin,
blood, female reproductive
organs, and internal organs.
6. Ketesse Dexketoprofen Used to treat short-term painful
conditions such as muscular
sprains and strains, period
(menstrual) pain, and toothache
7. Lasix Furosemide Used to treat fluid retention
(edema) in people with
congestive heart failure, liver
disease, or a kidney disorder
such as nephrotic syndrome
8. Solu-Cortef Hydrocortisone Na succinate used to treat various conditions
such as severe allergic reactions,
arthritis, blood diseases,
breathing problems, certain
cancers, eye diseases, intestinal
disorders, and skin diseases.
9. Buscopan Hyoscine butylbromide It relieves the pain of stomach
and bowel cramps by helping the
digestive system to relax.
10. Keppra Levetiracetam used to treat children 12 and
older with juvenile myoclonic
epilepsy who get myoclonic
11. Syntocinon Oxytocin used during and immediately
after delivery to help the birth
and to prevent or treat excessive
12. Plasil Metoclopramide Chemotherapy induced nausea
and vomiting
13. Aloxi Palonosetron HCl Antiemetic and anti-nausea
14. Zantac Ranitidine Used to treat ulcers of the
15. Tramal Tramadol Used to relieve moderate to
severe pain
16. Hemostan Tranexamic acid Works by slowing the
breakdown of blood clots, which
helps to prevent prolonged
17. Clexane Enoxaparin Na Used to treat and prevent deep
vein thrombosis (DVT) and
pulmonary embolism (PE)
18. Nexium Esomeprazole Used to treat symptoms of
Gastro esophageal reflux disease
19. Lanoxin Digoxin Used to treat atrial fibrillation
20. Isoket Isosorbide dinitrate Severe or unstable angina
21. Cordarone Amiodarone HCl Persistent ventricular
22. Levophed Norepinephrine bitartrate used to treat life-threatening
23. Dynastat Parecoxib COX-2 Inhibitor
24. Propofol Lipuro Induce and maintain sleep as
part of anesthesia during surgery
for adults and children 3 years of
age and older.
25. Vessel Due-F Sulodexide Used for suppurative-necrotic
forms of diabetic foot without
critical ischemia
26. Exflem Acetylcysteine used to help thin and loosen
mucus in the airways due to
certain lung diseases (such as
emphysema, bronchitis, cystic
fibrosis, pneumonia).
27. Solunate Sodium Bicarbonate Correction of metabolic acidosis
associated with cardiac arrest in
patients with pre-existing
28. Isoptin Verapamil Calcium channel blocker used to
treat hypertension
29. Anektil Succinylcholine chloride Muscle relaxant
30. Nimbex Cisatracurium Muscle relaxant
31. Chirocaine Levobupivacaine Anaesthetize (numb) or make
free from pain, specific parts or
areas of the body before minor
surgery (including surgery to the
eye and mouth), and major
surgery (including having a baby
by caesarean section).
32. Basaglar Insulin glargine Lowers blood glucose levels
33. Sensorcaine Bupivacaine Given as an epidural injection
into the spinal column to
produce numbness during labor,
surgery, or certain medical
34. Evaprost Carboprost Used for Postpartum
hemorrhage due to uterine
35. Opigesic Paracetamol Symptomatic relief of mild to
moderate pain
36. Pletaal Cilostazol Used to treat intermittent
37. Serc Betahistine Used to reduce the number of
episodes of vertigo associated
with Meniere’s disease.
38. Neobloc Metoprolol Treatment of hypertension and
chronic angina pectoris
39. Gasmotin Mosapride It is usually used to treat
heartburn, nausea and vomiting
caused by chronic gastritis
40. Algesia Tramadol HCl + Paracetamol Used for short-term (5 days or
less) management of acute pain

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