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Investor Name:-___________________
This Investor Profile Questionnaire is designed to help you outline your investment objectives
and your investment personality.

1. How old are you?

 Under [15]

 30 – 39 [10]

 40-49 [05]

 50-59 [02]

 Above [01]

2. Your average household tax annual income from all sources (e.g.,employment,
investments, etc) is:

 Under Rs.100000. [01]

 Rs.100001 to Rs.300,000 . [02]

 Rs.300,001 to Rs.600,000. [05]

 Rs.600,001 to Rs.1000,000. [10]

 Over Rs.1000,000. [15]

3. You expect your current income level (at a minimum) to continue for the:

 Next 3 years [01]

 Next 6 years. [02]

 Next 10 years [05]

 Next 15 years. [10]

 Next 15 years or more [15]

4. What is your major goal for investment?

 Security . [01]

 Inflation Protection [02]

 Growth & Security [05]

 Growth [10]

 Maximum Growth [15]

5. How would you rate your family’s overall financial situation?

 We have no savings and large debts. [01]
 We have few savings and a fair amount of debt. [02]
 We have some savings but also some debts. [05]
 We save quite regularly and have paid off most debts. [10]
 We have few debts and are quite secure. [15]

6. Time Horizon: When you need the money, over what period of time will you withdraw

 Immediately. [01]

 Within 1 years. [02]

 In 1 to 2 years. [05]

 In 2 to 4 years. [10]

 In 4 to 8 years. [15]

 In more than 10 years. [20]

7. Suppose the markets go through a difficult period, what decrease in the value of your
Investments could you tolerate?
 No decrease [01]
 Less than 5% [02]
 Between 5% and 10% [05]
 Between 10% and 20% [10]
 Over 20% [15]

8. Realizing that there will be occasional ups and downs in the stock market, how long a
recovery period could you tolerate until your portfolio regained its value?

 Less than three months [01]

 Three to six months [02]
 Six months to one year [05]
 One to two years [10]

9. The accompanying graph shows the probable range of returns and losses of five
hypothetical portfolios over a one-year period. Which of these portfolios would you
prefer to invest in?

 Portfolio A - Either earn 5% or lose 0% [01]

 Portfolio B - Either earn 15% or lose 5% [02]

 Portfolio C - Either earn 25% or lose 10% [05]

 Portfolio D - Either earn 40% or lose 15% [10]

 Portfolio E - Either earn 50% or lose 20% [15]

10. How would you rate your level of knowledge in the area of investments?
 Poor. [01]

 Limited [02]

 Moderate [05]

 Good [10]

 Very good [15]

Total score ___________


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