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House Objects: My TV set is great. I have a bookcase for my magazines.

MY HOME, MY FOLKS Rooms of the House: My kitchen is convenient. My room is very comfortable.
Types of Houses: I live in an apartment. My sister lives in a flat.
THEMATIC UNIT: PERSONAL MATTERS Adjectives She is intelligent. I am serious.
THEMATIC CONTENT: SOMETHING ABOUT ME Word Order: (Adjetivos y sustantivos) I love that really old big green antique.

Possessive Adjectives (mi, tu, su: de él, de ella, de ellos, de ellas): My best friend is special. Her
brother is so smart?
Task: A host family will welcome you, so they have requested you to Saxon Possessive (‘s): The principal´s director office is on the third floor. Students´ lives are
make a short video introducing yourself with basic personal information energy consuming.
and a brief description of your regular activities in order to get to know Yes/no Questions: Do you have a part-time job? Does your advisor work at the university?
you better.
There Is/Are: There are several libraries at the university. There isn’t a physics lab on block 2.

GOALS: Prepositions of Place (en - sobre - entre, y otras): There is a cafeteria behind the museum. There
• To fill out an application form with personal information. are several rooms in block  5.
• To answer a personal information survey. Sports and Leisure Time Activities: I practice soccer and baseball. I do karate.
Context: You are going to apply to an exchange program in an English speaking country. A Feelings And Personality Traits: She is so funny. I feel moody today.
host family has requested you a short video introducing yourself in order to get to know you
better. Can / Can’t, Be Able To (Negative Form) I can graduate from a program. I can´t be mediocre, I
am able to do what I want, I am not able to fail.
LANGUAGE FOCUS Infinite: To have an interview. To read an article.
Greetings and Farewells: How are you? How do you do? Have a good night.
2 The alphabet: How do you spell your name? How do you spell your last name? 3
Numbers  (1-100):  What’s your phone number? What’s your address?
Months: When is your birthday? When is Colombia’s independence?
Days of the Week: Class is on Monday. I rest on Saturdays.
Countries: Where are you from? What country would you like to visit? ACTION ONE: Fill out an application form with general personal information.
Expressions of Time (early, on time, o’clock, at night, in the afternoon,in a rush...): I arrive on time
to the English class. I have science class at night. 1. Imagine that you are requested to make a video giving basic information about yourself
Frequency Adverbs: On Sunday, I usually go to the university at 8:00 o’clock, I visit my parents on and your daily routines. From the items in the boxes below, choose those you think you
vacations. should include in your video and discuss your choices with your teacher and classmates.
Sequence Connectors: First, later, then, after, before, finally.
2. Watch the video My First Project. Someone is giving personal information and describing
Basic Action Verbs: Study, Work, Eat, Go. part of the daily routine. Do the activities proposed below.
Verb to Be: I am a student, She is my professor.
My name Place of birth My e-mail
Simple Present Tense (affirmative, interrogative and negative): I usually work on weekends. I do not
sleep at home on Fridays, What do you like to do on weekends? How often do you go to the library?
Family Members: How many brothers do you have? What is your father´s name? My favorite My interests My age
Colors What is your favorite color? Do you prefer red or green?
My Mother’s Name
Family Types: Do you have step-siblings? What does you father-in-law do? An anecdote of
Occupations and Jobs: What does a researcher do? What does a scientist do? my childhood
What I do on weekends My favorite school
Physical Descriptions: How do you look like? What do you look like? teacher’s name

Body Parts: My hair is black. Your eyes are beautiful. My address and
My occupation phone number

Programa Institucional de Inglés

Da te of birth
First Listening: Identify which of the topics are also included in the description Cou nt ry of birt h
(you may write them on a separate piece of paper).
Second Listening: Answer the following questions: A ddress

a. What is her name? ___________________________________________________ Nationality

b. What’s her occupation? __________________________________________________________ Cit y
c. What are some of her interests? ___________________________________________________ Post code
_________________________________________________________________________________ Home phone nu mber
d. What does she do in her free time? _________________________________________________ Cell phone nu mber
_________________________________________________________________________________ Marital stauts
La nguages spok en

FILLING A PERSONAL INFORMATION FORM WHILE: Fill out this form with your own information

A form is a formatted document containing blank fields that users can fill
with data. There are many situations in which you will need to fill a form or USE BLOCK LETTERS TO COMPLETE THE INFORMATION BELOW
an application. For example, if you are planning to register for an academic
program at a college or a university, you will most likely need to fill one of
Name_______________________ Middle Name_______________________ Family Name_______________________
these documents.
Think and discuss: What are other similar circumstances when you may be Date of Birth___________ / __________ / __________ Age_________________ Sex M F
requested to fill in a form? Month Day Year
4 5

There are many types of forms, and depending on the needs of the company requesting it, Country of Birth ____________________________ Nationality___________________________________
the data will be different on each case. However, there is some information that you will most
likely be requested to complete in most forms. Address ________________________________________________ City / Town ______________________________

Occupation_______________________________ Language(s) spoken:____________________________________

Marital Status: _____________________________ Number of children __________________________________
What are some of the questions, and answers you need to use in order to get
someone’s personal information? First, complete the question column. Then, get Phone number(s)_____________________________ email: _____________________________________________
together with a classmate and ask him/her the questions. Fill in the answer column with your
classmate’s information. Remember to use proper language for repetition and/or clarification:
POST: Practice numbers and letters
-Excuse me, can you say that again? / Can you repeat please? / How do you spell that word? Label the pictures using the names in the upper box. Then, get in pairs and
role-play short conversations with a classmate asking for and giving the
information in the pictures.
address cell phone number home phone number
birthday e-mail address zip code

First name What’s your first name? My first name is Carlos

Middle name
Family name/ L ast name 3008-555
Bon Park
Age 145 Main Street
Bon Park
145 Main Street
Anytwon, NY 50530 Anytwon, NY 50530
Da te of birth 808-555-8472 Tel: 808-555-8472 Tel: 808-555-8472
fax: 808-555-8773 fax: 808-555-8773
Cou nt ry of birt h
Programa Institucional de Inglés
A ddress
ACTION TWO: Create and carry out a survey about your classmates’ personal
PRE: Read about surveys

A. Read about some important things to take into consideration before you
survey someone.

A survey is a data collection method, which is designed and applied for

Survey some of your classmates following the suggestions you read above. Complete the chart with the informa-
particular purposes. For example, imagine you need to know how many of
your classmates are from different parts of the country and where exactly they
come from. In that case, you can create a questionnaire that contains particular
questions regarding that specific information. e,g., Are you from Medellin? or
Where are you from? In other words, an effective survey contains questions relevant to the kind
of information people need to obtain.
Another important thing to keep in mind before you apply a survey is the way you approach
the person you want to survey, and here are some things to consider in that case:

• Greet the person properly and introduce yourself.

• Inform the person about the purpose of the survey; that is, let the person know why you are
applying the survey.
• Ask questions clearly, and if necessary, repeat the question so that the surveyed person can
give you the right information.

• Once you have finished the survey, thank the person for his/her time and the information 7
that he/she gave you.

B. Review the following ways to greet and introduce yourself and other people:

WHILE: Apply and answer a personal information survey


Making contact: Introducing yourself:

• Excuse, me. Are you Mr._____ / Mrs._____? • Can / May I introduce myself? My name’s
Carlos. / Let me introduce myself. My
• Have we met before?
• I don’t think we have met. I am... • My name is... but you can call me...
• I’d like to introduce myself. I’m...
Greeting someone: • I don’t think we’ve met. I’m...
• Hello! • Nice/glad to meet you. I am...
• Hi!
Introducing someone else:
• Good morning/ afternoon/ evening.
• Can/ May I introduce a good friend of tion they give you.
• Nice to see you again. mine? This is...
• I’m glad/ happy/ pleased to see you. • Have you met...?
• I’d like you to meet.../ I want you to meet...
• How are you? -Fine, thanks. How about you?
• How have you been? -Not too bad, thanks.

Programa Institucional de Inglés

POST: Write about an interviewee
From your survey, select the information of one of the classmates you
interviewed and write a short paragraph with the information you collected.
Read the paragraph in class to introduce this classmate to the rest of the group.
Remember to use possessives: my, your, his, her whenever necessary.

This is my classmate; he / she

Pronunciation Task:
Pronunciation of / θ / And / ð / Sounds
1. Practice the pronunciation of the words on the right and left columns.
Discuss with your classmates and teachers: How does the pronunciation
differ in both cases?

2. Get together with a classmate and read the following

/θ/ /ð/ sentences. Underline the words you would pronounce
with / θ / and circle those you would pronounce / ð /.

Three They 1. Math is not my thing.

Thanks There 2. Matthew has three thousand
Thursday Then dollars.
3. The thief has the money there.
Thing That
4. This is the fourth time they sing.
Thousand Them 5. Their mother is is an athlete.
Thumb Those 6. The therapy is on Thursdays.
Theme These 7. Beth has a new clothing for her
Thick The birthday.

Programa Institucional de Inglés

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