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1. Where did you get the article?

I got the article from the internet. (


2. When did you get the article?

On Mei 15, 2019

3. How long did you read the article?

10 minute

4. What do you like about the article?

I got a lot of interesting things in this aticle, that is besides being delicious,
berries offer numerous health benefits. Berries contain antioxidants which
combat free redical and reduce inflammation in your body, aand resuce your
blood sugar and insulin levels.
Berries are nutririous, high in fiber, may lower cholesterol, and also keep
your anteries healthy. And best of all, this delicacy can it into just about any
diet, from low carb to peleo and of course vegan and vegetarian and are readily
available both fresh and frozen. By including berries in your diet on reguler
basis, you can improve overall health in a very enjoylable way.

 Vocabularies
1. Thawed (dicairkan)
2. Widely (secara luas)
3. Digestive (berkenaan dengan pencernaan)
4. Absor (menyerap)
5. Fairly (cukup)
6. Digestible (di cerna)
7. Impammation (peradangan )
8. Inadequate (tidak memadai)
9. Wrinkling (kerutan)
10. Excessive (berlebihan)

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