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Philosophical Background

Teachers are heirs to a rich philosophical heritage. Passed on to us are a number of

philosophies of various thinkers who believed before us. These thinkers reflected on life in this
planet. They occupied themselves by searching for answers to questions about human

Five Philosophies of Education

Essentialism: Main proponent-William Bagley

Progressivism: “Education is nor preparation for life” Main proponent-John Dewey

Perennialism:Main proponent- Robert Hutchins

Existentialism:Existence precede essence” Main proponent- Jean Paul Sarte

Behaviorism: Main proponent-John Watson


Man by nature is curious. He wants to know the “whatness, whyness, and howness” of the
things around him. It is in the exploring of things that he finds fulfillment for the numerous
complexities that confront him. The eagerness to look for more answers or find solution to
manifolds problems that beset him leads him to the undending journey of seeking for truth. Truly
, this manifests the true desire of man which is to know. It affirms not only his essence, his
rationality. It is also a fulfillment of his purpose to keep the truth and pass it from one generation
to another so as to preserve humanity.

Ideas flow from the human mind eternally. It is in the ideas that the truth lies. Undending as the
ideas are, the more the need for a man to harness and cultivates it to perfection. Ideas that are
not nourished and protected will not just prevent man in possessing the truth but it will also
deprive him a taste of his rationality. Hence , ideas must and should be at all times shine in
luster of naturalness, profound by simplicity and contain true and real meaning.

The truth in the ideas must be preserved in as much as man wants to preserve the gift of
knowledge and wisdom that it brings. And delicate as it is, it should be protected from all forms
of deterioration and artificialities. Presented it maybe in various ways, the real meaning must be
conveyed at all times.

It is Philosophizing that the ideas can be best presented and conveyed. This can be best
enhanced through proper education. Since then philosophy and education complement and
work hand-in-hand in the acquisition of knowledge and the preservation of Truth. True enough,
one can say then that Philosophy is knowledge and Education is the most essential tool of
philosophy in the search for wisdom and truth.

Man and Philosophy

The ultimate aim of man is to possess for the Truth. The process ends not in the search but in
the possession of the truth. It is in his capacity to think, to rationalize that the responsibility of
philosophizing is realized. It is but proper then to have a closer look on the man and a glimpse
of what philosophy is, so that we can fully understand the meaning of our search for the truth
and the desire to possess it.

Definition of Man

The quest for the truth is the ultimate goal of man. There is no way but up, the goal is to achieve
it. Thus, man is defined vertically as Rational Animal.

Innate in man is the desire to be with his fellow beings. It is in his relationship with others that
fulfillment of another dimension of his rationality is achieved. Time and time, it has been proven
that man cannot live by himself alone. The need to share himself with others-share his
innermost thoughts, feelings, experiences and unravel the kind of person he is-is a must fully
realize the aspect of being political animal. Hence , the aim to develop a relationship not only
with him spreads to other beings. Here he develops friendship, camaraderie, companionship
with other fellow beings. He grows and finds fulfillment with them. This, man is defined
horizontally as a SOCIAL or POLITICAL ANIMAL.

Being rational and social or political animal are not enough to realize the value of man. Another
aspect must also be present, functionality. Man is created for a certain reason or purpose. He
has a role to perform in order to preserve him and all other beings. He is the steward of the
world. In this regard, man should work. Hence man is defines as a Working Animal.

Relationship of Philosophy and Education

While philosophy establishes the fundamental principles (concepts, theories, learning). It is

Education that carries out these principle. Furthermore, it is Philosophy that provides the goal or
aims while Education is the instrument in realizing these goals.

Philosophy and Education complement each other. Both of them spouse theory and practice.
The absence of one of the one will make a man insufficient and aimless.
Philosophy of Education

 Rooted from Ancient Philosopher such as Thales, Anaximander, Anaximenes
 Denies everything that has supernatural significance-dogmas/revelations-for all
can only be found through nature
 Preserves the natural goodness of man
 Truth can only be found nature
 Advocates: J.J. Russeau, John Lock, Montaigne
 On Education
 Naturalism stands for democratic and universal way-everyone must be
educated in the same manner.
 Education is in accordance to human development and growth
 Emphasis is given more on the physical development- informal exercise-
and hygiene of the person rather of the 3R’s
 Aims to unfold the child’s potential not to prepare him for a definite
vocation or social position-but to prepare him to adapt to the changing
times and needs. Consequently, ones conduct is governed by impulse,
instinct and experience.
 It puts the child at the center of educational process and prepares him to
experience life as it is.

 Ideas are the only true reality, the ultimate truths for matter is nothing but just a mere
representation of ideas.
 Emphasis is given on knowledge obtained by speculation and reasoning for its central
tenet is that ideas are the only thing worth knowing for.
 Focus is on conscious reasoning of the mind in order to attain truth. This includes the
activities pertinent to the human mind such as introspection and intuition and the use of
 Advocates: Socrates, Plato
 On Education.
 Its aim is to discover the full potentials in child and cultivates it in order to prepare
him for a better position in the society and for him to serve the society better.
 Emphasis is given on subjects-philosophy, literature, religion and history that will
develop and enhance the mind of a child
 Methods used in teaching include lecture, discussion and the Socratic dialogue.
 Character development is through emulation of examples and heroes.

 Concerns with the actualities of life, what is real.

 Ultimate reality is the world of physical objects. Hence, reality is independent of the
human mind.
- Objective existence of the world and beings in it
- Knowability of these objects as they are in themselves
 Advocates: Aristotle, St. Thomas and Jonathan Herbart
 On Education:
- The most effective way to find about reality is to study it through organized, separate
and systematically arranged matter- emphasis is on subject matter concerning
Science and Mathematics
- Methods used in teaching include recitation, experimentation and demonstration
- Character development is through training in the rules of conduct

 Rooted from the dehumanization of man by technology and reaction to the traditional
Philosophy of Kant and Hegel
 Defining feature is “ existence precede essence”
- Man conceives and makes of himself
 Known as the Philosophy of Subjectivity
- Proclaims man’s freedom in the accomplishment of his destiny
 Conceives philosophy as something that is human life and the choice that each person
has to make.
 Advocates: Soren Kierkegaard, Jean Paul Sarte
 On Education:
- Subject matter is a personal choice
- Learning is based on the willingness of the student to choose and give meaning to
the subject
- Emphasis is given on the students rather than on curriculum content
- Students should not be treated as objects measured or standardized
- Methods are geared on giving opportunities for the students for self actualization and
self direction.
- Character development is through the personality of every individual in making a

 Rooted in idealism and realism and arose in response to progressive education

 Defining feature is ”essence precedes existence”
 Refers to the traditional or back to basic approach in education
 Concerns with the fundamental of education skill and knowledge without which a person
can’t either be efficient individually or socially
 Advocates: William Bagley, James Koerner, H.G. Rickover, Paul Copperman
 On Education:
-schooling is practical for this will prepare students to become competent and valuable
members of the society.
- Focuses on the “basics”-reading, writing, speaking and the ability to compute
Subjects that are given emphasis include geography, grammar, reading, history,
mathematics, art and hygiene
-Stresses the values of hard work, perseverance, discipline, and respect to authorities to
-Students should be taught to think logically and systematically-grasping not just the
parts but the whole (entirely)
-Methods of teaching centers on giving regular assignments, drills, recitation, frequent
testing and evaluations.


 What is experienced and observed is true. Hence, what is useful is true.

 Synonymous to functionality and practicality
 Focuses more on praxis’
 Thought must produce actions (realization) rather than continue lying inside the mind
and leading into uncertainty
 Advocates: Charles Sanders Peicer, John Dewey
 On Education:
- Involves students to work in groups
- Methods of teaching include experimentation, project making and problem solving
- Stresses on the application of what have learned rather than the transfer of the
organized body of knowledge

 The word itself means” eternal”, ageless, everlasting, unchanged’

 Influenced by the philosophy of realism
 Truth is universal and does not depend on circumstances of place, time and person.
 To learn means to acquire understanding of great works of civilizations
 Advocates: Robert Hutchins, Mortimer Adler
 On Education:
- Some ideas in the past are still taught because they are significant
- Curriculum should contain cognitive subjects that cultivate rationally, morality,
aesthetic and religious principles. This includes history, language, mathematics,
logic, literature, humanities and science.
- Curriculum must be based on recurrent themes of human life for it views education
as recurring process based on eternal truths
- The teacher must have the mastery of the subject matter and authority in exercising
- Aims for education of the rational person- to develop man’s power of thought
- The central aim of this philosophy

 Rooted in the economic and political changes during the Renaissence period
 Has three main lines of growth:
-intellectual (includes Education
 Divisions:
1. Individualistic Humanism
- Making the most out one’s life
- Living life to the fullest
- Stresses on individual freedom, culture and development
2. Social Humanism
- Aims for social rather than individual happiness
- Includes social reforms and improvement of social relationships
 Advocates: Da Feltre, Erasmus, Pestalozzi
 On Education:
- Education is a process and should not be taken abruptly. The unfolding of human
character proceeds with the unfolding f nature
- The learner should be in control of his destiny
- Concern is more on methods which include theme writing rather than of oral
discussions, drills and exercises, playing.
- Asserts the importance of playing in the curriculum
- Emphasizes motivations and the use of praise and rewards
- Curriculum includes subjects concerning literary appreciation, physical education,
social training in manners and development

 Contrasted the traditional view of essentialism and perinnialism

 Emphasizes change and growth
 Stresses that man is a social animal who learns well through active interplay with others
 Learning is based from the questions of one’s experience of the world. Hence, it is the
learner himself if who thinks, solves and gives meaning through his individual
 Proponent: John Dewey
 On Education:
- Focuses on the child as a whole rather than of the content or the teacher
- Curriculum content comes from the questions and interests of the students
- Emphasis is given on the validation of ideas by students through active
- Methods of teaching include discussions, interaction (teacher with students) and
group dynamics
- Opposes the extreme reliance on bookish method of instruction, learning through
memorization, the use of fear and punishment and the four (4) walled philosophy of

 Rapid rise was in the 18th century

 Center of ideology is the concept of national sovereignty
 Aims for the preservation and glorification of the State
 Emphasis is on the development of loyalty, patriotism, national feeling and responsible
 Advocates: Jonathan Herbart, Johan Heinrich Pestalozzi
 On Education:
- The most important development was the creation of common language
- Stresses on the teaching of the principles of democracy and duties of citizenship
- Stimulates the development of the state which includes the control and support of
public school system
- Curriculum includes the teaching of grammar, geography and history
- Method of teaching gives emphasis on the content regarding on nature studies,
physical exercises and play activities.

 A philosophy of learning which asserts that reality does exist outside of human
conceptions. It is the individual that construct reality by reflecting on his own experience
and gives meaning to it.
 Learning is the process of adjusting one’s mental modes to accommodate new

 A philosophy that aims to awaken the consciousness of individual about the social
issues, concerns and problems that comfort him. This should involve him to look for
solutions and engage in addressing this social concerns and issues
 Primary goal is to achieve the elusive Social Change.
 Advocates: Theodore Brameld, George Counts, Paulo Friere
 On Education:
- Schools should originate policies and progress that will bring social reforms and
- Teachers should be an instrument to encourage and lead students in program of
social reforms
- Curriculum emphasis on social reforms as the aim of education. It focuses on
student experience and taking social actions on real problems.
- Method of teachings include the problem oriented type ( students are encouraged to
critically examine cultural heritage), group discussions, inquiry, dialogues,
interactions and community-based learning.
- The classroom will serve as a laboratory in experimenting school practices bringing
the world into the classroom.

 Rooted in the work of Russian experimental psychologist Ivan Pavlov and American
psychologist John Watson in the early 1990’s
 Asserts that human beings are shaped entirely by their external environment
 The only reality is the physical world
 Man by nature is neither good nor bad but a product of his environment. Hence, an
autonomous acting man is but an illusion since it negates the faculty of freewill
 Advocates: John Watson, B.F. Skinner
Other’s ISM’s

- Actions are geared toward the greatest total amount of happiness that one can

- Source of knowledge is the mind, independent of the senses


- Source of knowledge is the sense-based experience


- Form empiricism and asserts that they only reliable form of knowledge is gained
through scientific experiments

- Pleasure is the only good thing to the person

- Used as a justification in evaluating action by giving emphasis on ’how much’
pleasure can be achieved and how little pain that the action entails

- Considers as a form of ancient hedonism, it identifies pleasure with tranquility and

reduction of desire
- Epicurus claimed that the highest pleasure consists of a simple and moderate life.

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