University of Baguio Senior High School Department

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University of Baguio Senior High School Department

Education provides proper knowledge, skills and attitude to the learners so that they
would be able to grasp and manage different opportunities and develop various potential
success in the chosen field of endeavor (Laguader, Velasquez & Florendo, 2013). It also
involves both learning and teaching. Sometimes, people learn by teaching themselves. But
they also learn with the help of other people, such as parents or teachers.
While tourism on the other hand is the act and process spending time away from
home in pursuit of recreation, relaxation and pleasure (Walton, 2017). The term also refers
to the supplying of services to tourists. Tourism is a major industry worldwide. The industry
includes international and domestic airlines; railway, bus, and taxi operators; hotels,
restaurants, and clubs; tour operators and travel agents; national parks and other tourist
attractions; and manufacturers and retailers of souvenirs. Tourism has brought economic
benefits to many countries through job opportunities and income (Tourism.2019).
Tourism has emerged as a growth
industry in many national economies and, as a consequence, an increasing proportion of
the world's population is dependent upon the continuing viability of this activity (Faulkner
& Tideswell, 1997). The benefits and costs of tourism reach virtually everyone in the region
in one way or another (Stynes, 1999 as cited in the study of Tyagi & Singh, 2007). Hence,
many small states are now concerned that they are becoming over-dependent on tourism,
and that there may be substantial economic, socio-cultural and environmental costs
associated with its continued expansion (Ayres, 2000).
Educational tourism can be defined as tourism that pursues educational learning as
a pretext for a trip, either learning knowledge or learning a language more and more
practiced every day. Education has used tourism as a tool to complement learning,
accumulating experiences from practice. This well-developed trend and combined with
new technologies is a good opportunity to implement this form of cultural enrichment in
primary school, compulsory and higher education. ("Educational Tourism, A New
Opportunity For The Industry", 2018).

Educational tourism is also called by other names such as job development, career
enhancement or self-discovery experiences. The idea is that apart from self-improvement,
travel can be relaxation, learning can be more fun than ever and there is no age bar
restricting people from learning by travelling. This does not include people who wish to
travel for educational purposes but are unable to travel due to health problems
(“Educational Tourism Outlook Sector”, 2019).
Studies have shown that educational tours intend to direct students to a more
effective learning where in it helps them to discover more and seek personal meaning
regarding a subject matter (Knowledge Base, 2016). For example, educational tours can
impart learning in any field. There are places that can be explored in science, history,
geography, English language, commerce and much more. This is especially for tour guiding
students who seeks to nurture their knowledge in tourism.
Educational tour is a newly added spectrum in the tourism industry where students
are encouraged for taking up travel trips to different parts of the country as a part of their
curriculum. These educational trips are provided to both, the school and the college
students. Educational tours are meticulously planned and are helpful in imparting some of
the most significant and valuable lessons of the life in a short span. For instance, India is a
diverse land of culture, religion and traditions and in the recent time has stepped out from
its past image of being the snake charmers’ country. India celebrates diversities in every
aspect and the same is not restricted only to its people but also to its landscapes. Each
destination is uniquely different from the other be it culture, food, language, lifestyle,
clothes, rituals etc. Education tours to India can make the younger generations have a great
understanding and assimilation (or the integration of foreign culture to local) of a different
culture. These trips have benefited many overseas students and made them into a better
human being. These tours to India would allow them to have a first-hand experience of all
that they have been reading through various books on India (Indian Holiday, 2013)
In the Philippines, educational tour is defined by the CHED (Commission on
Higher Education) Memorandum Order No. 17 Series of 2012 as an extended curriculum
and to be aligned with the national educational standards. Moreover, they stated that places
must be well-known cultural and learning sites base on the student's courses and subjects.
Some activities which are related to their suggestions are in line to practical approach are
the production procedures in a factory, on air programs in radio stations, process in crime

scene investigation room, work routines in hotels and the like.

The Lyceum of the Philippines University (LPU) – Batangas is the Philippines most
awarded Hospitality and Tourism educational institution, and it is the first university to
have the center of excellence in its HRM (Hotel Restaurant Management) course and center
of development in its Tourism course. ("International Tourism and Hospitality
Management", 2012). The Lyceum of the Philippines University already had its tours in
Pampanga, Palawan and Ilocos from the year 2013 until the year 2016 which made the
students’ learning process meaningful as well as entertaining. It also had its own hotel
familiarization in different well-known hotels in the Philippines and it gave them a glimpse
of what it looks like working in that kind of institution. They also had a day tour in wine
museum and it gave students additional knowledge about the different kinds of wine and
making them experience tasting some excellent wine and food pairings.
In Baguio City, educational tourism is not a trend or has not yet flourished. There
are many schools in the city that offers SIHTM (School of International Hotel Tourism and
Management), but sadly most of them do not have educational tourism. In University of
Baguio Senior High School Department, educational tour was tried by the Grade 12
students batch 2018-2019. The students have visited sights in Baguio City like Camp John
Hay and tried different activities. In the academic year 2019-2020, the conduct of Ed-tour
in UB Senior High School was put into a halt. Budgetary constraints is one reason that was
said that this undertaking was put into a stop.

Conceptual Framework

Educational tourism is focused on a number of students basic needs: physiological,

psycho-logical, emotional expressions, social, self-actualization (or self-fulfillment) needs,
intellectual development, the exploration and development of creative potential (Abubakar,
A. M., Shneikat, B.H.T., Oday A., 2014). As pointed out
by William (2010), the pedagogical (relating to education) and didactic (to teach people
something) base for the development of educational tourism concept lies in the sectoral
tourism pedagogy, which is defined as a science about the laws of education and upbringing
of an individual by using tourism instruments.

Significance of the study


The student-researchers believe that the outcome of this study once completed will
determine the influence of educational tourism in Senior High School students of
University of Baguio.

Objectives of the Study

1. To identify the influences of educational tourism among the students of UBHS

Senior High School in terms of:
a. broadening the knowledge of students about the educational tourism; and
b. assess the impact of educational tour as a learning method to the Senior High
School students of University of Baguio


Study Design

In this study, the student-researchers will utilize a qualitative research design. This
is through a participatory research. Having a one-on-one interview that will be used as a
data gathering instrument from University of Baguio Senior High School who will
voluntarily agree to participate.

Population of the study

The study will be conducted for the Grade 12 students who are currently enrolled
in SY 2019-2020 at University of Baguio-High School. This is located at General Luna
Road, Baguio City residing building A and F.

Data Gathering Tools

The main instrument the student-researchers will use in data gathering is one-on
one interview. This part of the study presented the discussion of the methods and
procedures that we are going to use in the study which includes the one on one interview
questions (please refer to the attached document).

Data Gathering Procedure


In order for the student researchers to gather the research participants, this study
will adapt simple random sampling. This is where the research participants will randomly
be chosen from each strand in tour guiding and each member of each strand has an equal
chance of being selected as a research participant.

Treatment of Data
The student-researchers will get the ideas of the research participants about the
impacts of educational tourism through recording of the data while interviewing the
research participants and comparing it to the other ideas of other research participants and
making a conclusion/ summarizing all their ideas. The data interpretation is by way of
theming. This is a method in qualitative studies that focuses on examining themes or
patterns of meaning within data. This method can emphasize both organization and rich
description of the data set and theoretically informed interpretation of meaning.

Ethical Consideration
The student-researchers have prepared an informed consent for the future research
participants for them to know the objectives of the study (please refer to the attached
document). The students-researchers ensure adequate level of confidentiality of the
research data and the protection of privacy of the research participants.


Abubakar, A. M., Shneikat, B.H.T., & Oday, A. (2014) Motivational Factors for
Educational Tourism. Retrieved from


Ayres, R. (2000). Tourism as A Passport to Development in Small States: Reflections on

CyprusRetrieved from

Educational Tourism : A new Opportunity for the Industry. (2018,March 2014).

Retrieved from

Educational Tourism: Sector Outlook (2019,December). Retrieved from https://future

Fulkner, B. & Tideswell,C. (1997). A Framework for monitoring the Community Impacts
of Tourism, Journal of Sustainable Tourism, vol. 5, no.1, pp 3-28.

Indian Holiday ( 2013, September 11) . Educational Tours to India. Retrieved from

International Tourism and Hospitality Management:Lyceum of the Philippines University

-Batangas (2012). Retrieved from

John Walton. (2017). Tourism. Retrieved from

Knowledge Base (2016, January 1). Field trips are valuable learning experiences.
Retrieved from

Laguador,J.M., Velasquez,M.E.,& Oday, A. (2014).Leadership Capability Assessment of

Senior Industrial Engineering Student .Retrieved from http://lpubatangas.

Singh, A. (2007). NEO-Tourism: Embracing Tourism Promotion Corporation of India

Bill, Conference on Tourism in India Challenges, pp 59-64.

Stynes, D.J. (1999). Economic impact Approaches. Retrieved from


William, P. (2010). Educational Tour: Understanding The Concept, Recognizing the

Value. Retrieved from;jsession

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