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1. Mrs. Manuel believes in the power of environmental print to develop the pupils’ sight word
recognition, print orientation, and even comprehension in a meaningful way. Which of the
following materials is NOT an example of environmental print?
a. Old boxes of powdered milk
b. Chocolate bar wrappers
c. Car stickers
d. Big books

2. Ms. Lopez teacher’s preschool. She is preparing to employ a shared book experience activity
foe her kindergardeners. Which of the following materials should Ms. Lopez probably need?
a. Flash cards
b. Big books
c. Basal texts
d. Word lists

3. Ms. Dona asks her pupil to point the first word that should be read in the big book. Then, she
asks the pupil to point to the last word to be read. Which of the following assessment measures
does Ms. Lopez employ in this situation?
a. Assessment of Reading Comprehension
b. Assessment of Spelling Ability
c. Concepts about Print Test
d. Vocabulary Test

4. Ms. Padilla is Grade 1 Teacher who is concerned with building letters into words into
sentences. She uses flashcards so the pupils can sound out syllables and words correctly. What
reading model is reflected in Ms. Padilla’s instruction?
a. Bottom-Up model
b. Top-Down model
c. Interactive model
d. Schema model

5. Ms. Torres believes that her pupils need direct sensory contact and physical manipulation in
the classroom so that they learn easily and recall input effortlessly. What is the grade level of
Ms. Torres’ class? \
a. Pre-school
b. Primary
c. Intermediate
d. High School
6. Mr. Lee is a Grade 1 Teacher who plans reading instruction as part of the language block. He
provides varied reading experience that involves children sitting quietly, silently reading library
books or making a book based on their own experiences. What theoretical model of reading does
Mr. Lee show?
a. Bottom-Up model
b. Top-Down model
c. Interactive model
d. Schema model

7. One Grade 3 teacher of English to multilingual learners has just finished reading a story about
to the class. Which of the following is the best post- reading activity for the learner?
a. Provide students with guide for reader-text interactions
b. Have students write about what they have read
c. Give them comprehension questions
d. Let them rest for a while

8. Mr. German is a teacher handling English for a culturally-diverse class. He would regularly
read about to his pupils, would provide time for free silent reading, recreational reading, and
would lend them magazines and newspapers. What factor in reading does Mr. German want to
cultivate among his pupils?
a. Emotional/ social development
b. Physical development
c. Interest in reading
d. Intelligence

9. Mer. Lee is a new Grade 1 Teacher who is unsure whether the pupils are ready for beginning
instruction. What must he observe before he begins these lessons?
a. The pupils are emotionally prepared for social interaction and competition.
b. The pupils have achieved unity of their capabilities with their interests
c. The learners can respond to simple questions and instructions
d. The learners show desire to learn in the class

10. Teacher Lee knows well that the text or the print material is one factor that affects reading.
So she tries to match the text with ease or difficulty of students’ comprehension based on the
style of writing. What text factor does Teacher Lee consider in the choice of reading materials
for her class?
a. Organization
b. Format
c. Readability
d. Content

11. Ms. Dizon teaches her grade 6 class how to write a summary of an expository text. In her
discussion, she explains what it is, models it through think aloud, and informs her pupils when
and how this skill learned in the classroom can be used even during their own free silent reading.
She provides them with guided and independent practice before she conducts an evaluation.
What approach to teaching is reflected in Ms. Dizon’s practice?
a. Indirect instruction
b. Explicit instruction
c. Intrinsic instruction
d. Independent instruction

12. ReQuest is a strategy used to develop learners’ ability in asking significant questions. The
teacher needs to model questioning skills and let the pupils practice the same until the learners
are ready to use the skill automatically. What is the reason for teaching the learners this skill?
a. Learners become purposive when they set their own question while reading
b. Teachers find time to review the questions of the learners
c. Learners feel important when the make question
d. Learners feel important when they make questions

13. Mr. Lee is planning to have a list of 200 words in Science for school’s vocabulary
development program. After going through all the books used by his fourth grade pupils, he is
still in the dark as to what words need to be included in his list. Which of the following criteria
should NOT be the basis of Mr. Lee for word selection?
a. High frequency words
b. Content area words
c. High utility word
d. Difficult words

14. Mr. Elizalde is teaching a 3rd year high school class in world history. The students need note
taking, outlining, and study skills. If he wants to help the students learn these strategies, which of
the following skills should he model to them first?
a. Getting main idea
b. Sequencing events
c. Reciprocal teaching
d. Rhetorical patters of expository texts

15. Which of the following beliefs is consistent with the bottom-up perspective in reading?
a. A reader could read a text when he uses prior knowledge to make sense of the text.
b. A reader could read a text when she selects only the meaningful segments in the text
c. A reader could read a text when she relates the text to other texts previously read.
d. A reader could read a text when he can translate the visual symbols to their aural

16. Which of the following reading skills or strategies utilizes a bottom-up procedure in dealing
with unfamiliar words?
a. Inferencing
b. Structural analysis
c. Predicting outcomes
d. Using contextual clues
17. Before a reader could read the WORD, he must learn to read the WORLD first. What does
this imply?
a. Students or readers or readers must know the names of the letter first before the will know
what word means.
b. Readers must know the sounds of the letters first before they will know what the word means
c. Words are only representations of the concepts that the child or reader knows before
encouraging the print
d. The text supplies the readers with necessary knowledge they need to make sense of the print

18. Mr. Vasa explicitly teaches his students the rhetorical patterns of an informational text taken
form a science textbook. Which of the following does the teacher want to develop in the reader?
a. Print skill
b. Content schemata
c. Formal schemata
d. Vocabulary knowledge

19. Ms. Rebo uses the timeline as a graphic organizer to teach the readers to understand a given
expository text. Which of the following organization structures might be the one used in the
exposition of the text’s information?
a. Cause and effect
b. Comparison and contrast
c. Enumeration-description
d. Sequential or chronological

20. Which of the following is the BEST reason why regression is a good metacognitive reading
a. Readers use it to search for key words in a text
b. Readers use it to read a passage all over again
c. Readers use it to highlight important lines in the text for retrieval purposes.
d. Readers use it to monitor comprehension when the text seems not to make sense.

21. Edward is reading a book and he needs to know the meaning of the word: obliterate”.
However, the passage does not enough clues for him to figure out what the word means. He
decided to use his pocket dictionary so he would know what the world means. Which of the
following strategies should he use so that he would know the meaning of the unfamiliar word?
a. Scanning
b. Skimming
c. Close reading
d. Careful slow reading

22. Ms. Sigua entered the classroom and posted images that she has taken from the story of the
class; she grouped the students and asked them to make a story out of the pictures posted on the
board. Which of the following approaches reflects the practice of the teacher?
a. Explicit Phonics
b. Basal Approach
c. Embedded Phonics
d. Language Experience Approach

23. Mrs. Dizon entered the classroom and showed a list of word families like cat, mat, fat, rat,
pat, and bat. What approach is described in this situation
a. Whole- language approach
b. Language experience approach
c. Literature-based approach
d. Phonics approach

24. Mr. Palo distributed a K-W-L chart to his students so they could fill up K and W columns.
Which of the following reasons DOES NOT justify such activity?
a. Setting a purpose for reading
b. Activating prior knowledge
c. Confirming, revising or rejecting an earlier assumption about a topic
d. Sharing assumptions related to the topic of the text to be read

25. Mr. Lilang wants to develop creative thinking in his students even before he asks his students
to silently read the short story for the day’s reading lesson. Which of the following activities
should he provide the students so he could achieve his aim?
a. Unlocking of vocabulary words by finding their meaning in the dictionary
b. Asking the students to write story impressions out of the posted pictures of scenes taken
from the story to be read
c. Pronouncing five unfamiliar vocabulary words that will be encountered in the story
d. Asking the students to list down certain experiences they had, with may related to the main
character in the story to be read
LET REVIEWER September 24, 2017
With Rationalization

1. Corruption in far provinces is reported in the radio and TV. I don’t agree with the report, so I
a. No, it is not true.
b. Yes, it is true
c. Yes, it often is.
d. Yes, at times it is.
A- Clearly, option A is the answer since that the rest of the options started with “Yes” which
contradicts the statement “I don’t agree with the report”.

2. A platoon leader ordered his troop to proceed. Which reply shows full compliance?
a. Sir, yes, Sir!
b. Sir, we are about to go
c. Sir, Sir? Yes, Sir!
d. Sir, we are on leave.
A- Option A is the correct answer because it expresses full conviction- as proven by the
exclamation point.

3. The DepEd Secretary Admits that text messaging keeps parents aware of their children’s
whereabouts. He registered concern on the effects on:
a. Spelling of words
b. Connect communication
c. Structural distortions
d. Vocabulary limitation
B- At first glance one might think that the answer is A because the current issue against text
messaging is on spelling but if we look closely, the question is concerned about the children’s
whereabouts and totally not spelling.

4. After hearing the campaign commercial, a voter remarked, “I am used to the same tales.” This
a. This is very original
b. There is nothing new in the story
c. There is a miscommunication
d. Vocabulary limitation
B- The statement “I am used to the same tales” is a common idiomatic expression that connotes
discontent towards repeated actions or happenings. But if ever this is the first time you heard this
statement, you may use the phrase “used to” as a context clue.

5. What is the meaning of this statement. “History never cited a leaderless nation.”
a. Nations can survive without leaders
b. A leader can fade away, but another will come up
c. Leaders are always born
d. Leaders are matched with Historical events
D- Among the options given, A and C are the most unlikely, so we will just limit it to options B
and D. Option B talks about the never ending cycle of emerging leaders, while option D
mentioned things like “history”, “matched”, and “leaders”---thus, making D the correct answer.

6. Complete the statement using context clues. The flowers ________ in the spring.
a. Weaken
b. Die
c. Bloom
d. Wither
C- This is an easy question to answer. We just have to think about the four seasons---Summer,
Fall, Winter, and Spring. Normally, flowers start dying during fall, and would totally wither
during winter. Flowers bloom normally during spring.

7. The Philippine Basketball Team lambasted the Lebanese Basketball Team. This sentence
a. The Philippine Team welcomed the Lebanese
b. The Philippine Team beat the Lebanese
c. The Lebanese beat the Philippine Team
d. The Philippine Team helped the Lebanese Team
C- This question does not call for much thinking. Logic would tell us that the answer is indeed
option C because all the other options contradict what the given sentence tells about.

8. Traffic was heavy. Evann was afraid of not catching his flight so he ___________ with a taxi
cab and jumped at the door.
a. Catch-up
b. Caught-up
c. Was watching
d. Has caugh
B- This question could also be under the Grammar section because this concerns consistency or
tense. The answer is B “caught-up” because clearly, the sentence is in the past tense and not in
the past progressive (was catching)--- because the action is not a continuing action in the past,
nor in the present tense (catch-up)--- because the other verbs in the statement are in the past
tense, and definitely not in the present perfect tense (has caught)---because the action is no
longer happening at present and at the same time it ended not in the very recent past.

9. Traffic enforcers wear brightly colored vests for them to be __________ as possible.
a. Courteous
b. Covert
c. Conspicuous
d. Conscious
C- This question could also be under Vocabulary section because this concerns semantics. By
using context clues, we can clearly and surely say that the answer is C “conspicuously”. The
phrase “brightly colored” greatly helps us in determining the correct answer. Webster defined
“conspicuously” as an adjective meaning “visible”--- and we all know that brightly colored vests
are used by those who want to be seen visibly.
10. In the _________, we could rely on our government officials.
a. Pass
b. Past
c. Fast
d. Passed
B- This question is almost a give-away. The obvious answer is B “past” because the other
options are clearly not in any way connected or related to the statement.

11. The renaissance_____________ when scientific discoveries started:

a. Cited
b. Flourished
c. Ended
d. Commenced
D- In this particular question, we can immediately eliminate options A and C. We just have to
decide if which among B and D is the correct answer B “flourished’ could also be the answer,
but if we would think carefully, we should consider the clause “when the scientific discoveries
started” We just have to remember that scientific discoveries would have to be one of the reasons
for the “rebirth” and without those discoveries, the renaissance would not take place. Having said
this, the word “flourished” is no longer appropriate.

12. This theory of language learning and literacy views children capable of relating new
information to prior knowledge.
a. Constructivist
b. Sociolinguist
c. Interactive
d. Reader Response
A- Constructivist is the answer because this theory is about constructing new knowledge based
on prior knowledge or schema.

13. The activists exclaimed, “Join the mass demonstration!” What was asked of the listeners?
a. Sympathy for a cause
b. Willingness to listen
c. Pathy for a cause
d. Avoidance of group action
A- In this particular question we can immediately eliminate options C and D. B which
“willingness to listen” is not the answer because the statement “join the mass demonstration!”
does not only call for passive listening, but for active participation, or at least sympathy.

14. When a president is succeeded by another president, the former is referred to as:
a. Replaced
b. Elected
c. Deposed
d. Dethroned
A- Among the choices, option B “elected” is the most unlikely. Option C “deposed” means to be
ousted or deprived rom office or official rank; option D “dethroned’ is considered a synonym of
“deposed” which leaves us to option A “replaced”---the most appropriate since that the sentence
states that the former president is not ousted but succeeded.

15. Venus is an exemplification of feminine pulchritude. Pulchritude means:

a. Plain
b. Beauty
c. Ugliness
d. Homeliness
B- The answer is B because the word “pulchritude” means physical beauty and grace. But if ever
you have no idea about the dictionary definition of this word, you can use your context clues
abilities. The word “Venus” is the most helpful clue. As we all know Venus is the Roman
goddess of beauty---this fact will help us in determining the right answer.

16. To HERALD primary economic and social innovations brought about by Science, means to:
a. End
b. Proclaim
c. Respond to
d. Encourage
B- The answer is B because “herald’ means to usher in or to proclaim. But if ever you have no
idea about the dictionary definition of this word, just think about one famous Christmas song that
goes like “hark the HERALD angel sing… “At times our prior knowledge about words is useful
in trying to derive meaning from a given word.

17. Nowadays, mobile phone manufacturers have begun to AUTOMATE their assembly lines by
using the concept of robotics. Automates means:
a. Assemble machines
b. Operate through machines
c. Produce more efficient cars
d. Operate through human workers
B- The answer is B because the word “automate” means to install or to convert to automation
equipment. Thus “to operate through machines” is indeed the best answer.

18. The President is a LOQUACIOUS speaker. Loquacious means:

a. Taciturn
b. Reserved
c. Reticent
d. Verbose
D- The answer is D because “reticent” (C) means reserved, “taciturn” (A) means habitually
silent, “reserved” (B) mean selfrestrained. Options A, B and C are almost synonymous, while D
“verbose” means wordy. It is also unlikely for a president to be reserved, since that being the
head of an organizations/ state requires a lot of verbal skills.

19. There was a HIATUS of four years before she returned home to her country. Hiatus means:
a. Length
b. Lapse
c. Continuation
d. Un- interruption
B- “Hiatus” means gap, and clearly option B, “lapse” is the nearest definition. But if you have no
idea about the dictionary meaning of “hiatus”, you may use your text clues abilities. By just
reading the statement you would have an idea that there is a gap of four years before the persona
was able to return to her country.

20. The pain of having a fractured bone is EXCRUCIATING. Excruciating means:

a. Mild
b. Slight
c. Unbearable
d. Endurable
C- The word “excruciating” has always been an adjective to describe extreme pain. Having said
this, options A (mild), B(slight), and D (endurable) are not appropriate to be used in the given
statement about fractured bones.

21. Play directors use live music accompaniment to _________ the dramatic performances of the
actors on stage.
a. Compliment
b. Correct
c. Complement
d. Contemplate
C- At first reading, we can already eliminate options B and D. We just have to decide whether
“compliment” or “complement” is the most suitable answer “Compliment” means an expression
of admiration and praise, while “complement” means a thing that would complete the whole.
Clearly, the answer is indeed option C- “Complement”

22. The suspect on the witness stand seems CULPABLE. The word culpable means:
a. Guilty
b. Blameless
c. Innocent
d. Pliable
A-“Culpable” means deserving of blame and censure. Given this definition, we can say that A-
“guilty” is the best answer. But if ever you have no idea about the dictionary definition of the
word, you may use your context clues abilities and try to consider the word “suspect” as your

23. The National Heroes Day Celebration reminds us about historical personalities worth
a. Emanating
b. Appreciating
c. Studying
d. Emulating
D- In this particular question, we can immediately eliminate options C (studying) and A
(emanating). We can just limit our choice to either B (appreciating) or D (emulating). But since
the statement is about heroes plus the fact that the word “worth” is present, option D “emulating”
which means to try to equal or surpass is indeed the best answer
24. He has a very erratic behavior. ERRATIC means:
a. Inconsistent
b. Stable
c. Normal
d. Predictable
A-The word “erratic” means not conforming to standards. It could also mean irregular, thus
making option A “Inconsistent” the best answer.

25. If a thing doesn’t break that easy, it is:

a. Brittle
b. Ductile
c. Brilliant
d. Brisk
B-This is a give-away question, but you must read it carefully. The answer is B “ductile” because
if a material is ductile, it can be hammered into thin layers without being broken into pieces.

26. This one is made from ersatz coloring. ERSATZ means:

a. Real
b. Genuine
c. Authentic
d. Artificial
D- “Ersatz” means substitute. Given this definition, we can say that the closest word to
“substitute” is option D---“artificial” But if ever you don’t have any idea about the dictionary
definition, you can easily answer this question by choosing the word that doesn’t go along with
the other options. In this particular item all of the options are quite synonymous except option D.

27. Upon seeing anxious and uneasy guests, the master of the house exclaimed, “What are all
these HUBHUB about? HUBHUB can be defined as:
a. Stillness
b. Hush
c. Commotion
d. Serenity
C-Without even knowing what the word “hubhub” means, since that most of the dictionaries
don’t have this word on their list, we can use the classification method in determining the best
answer. Among the choices, option C-“commotion” is the only one not synonymous to the other
options given, making it the correct and best answer.

28. The president must be a HIGH- MINDED person. High-minded means:

a. Unprincipled
b. Mean
c. Corrupt
d. Honorable
D- This question is again a give-away. Even without using the dictionary, we can easily answer
this particular item by just looking at the set of options. Option D “honorable” is the answer
because among the choices given, it is the only one that is positive.

29. The votes of the poor might seem FRIVOLOUS to you, but most of the time, they are the
ones who change election history.
a. Significant
b. Vital
c. Practical
d. Worthless
D-The word “frivolous” means void of significance and reason. It could also mean trivial or
unimportant. That is why option D “worthless” is the best answer.

30. Government workers must deal with their clients ____________.

a. Covertly
b. Curtly
c. Rudely
d. Courteously
. D-The answer is “courteously” because among the choices given, this is the only attribute that
is expected from a government employee.

31. Her fondness of reading mystery novels and fairy tales made her __________.
a. Superstitious
b. Gullible
c. Easy-going
d. Trustworthy
B- “gullible” is the answer because normally, fairy tales and mystery novels have plots that are
too fancy to believe in---making readers believe in the impossible and at times in the “illogical”

32. The editor found the news story not so entertaining. He found it full of:
a. Adjectives
b. Verbs
c. Pronouns
d. Adverbs
C-The answer is “pronoun” because all other given options are content words. Content words are
those that carry meaning-nouns, verbs, adverbs, and adjectives are samples of this. On the other
hand functions words are those that don’t have any meaning if isolated with the content words---
preposition, conjunctions, and pronouns are samples of this. In addition, function words are just
there to give support to content word , and so, a sentence filled with function words would be
normally dull.

33. Ebett and Evann were mischievous children. They ______ tricks of their teachers which
always got them into a lot of trouble.
a. Could have played
b. Used to play
c. Could play
d. May have played
B-“used to” is the answer because this phrase connotes an action that was done consistently in
the past while the other options that used modals such as could and may connotes ability and

34. Samantha’s eye are blurred and her hands cried. She _________ at the computer for 6 long
hours. Finally, she took a break.
a. was seated
b. has seated
c. would have seated
d. had been seated
B-This items concerns tense. The answer “has seated” is in the present perfect tense and it truly
fits the thought of the sentence. Remember that the present perfect tense connotes actions that
started in the past and would have two possible outcomes---(1) still happening, (2) recently
ended. In the sentence “She________ at the computer for 6 long hours”, we are not certain if the
subject is still using the computer. You might confuse this to be under the past perfect tense
because of the sentence that followed. “Finally, she took a break”, remember that if the two
independent clauses are not separated by a period like “She_______ at the computer for 6 long
hours before she finally took a break” then we must use the past perfect tense. But in this item
there are three separate sentences

35. “When will Mr. Padilla retire?” “Soon, I think he ______ for a long time. He will probably
retire this year.”
a. Have been working
b. Had been working
c. Has been working
d. Is working
C-The answer is “has been working” because the subject is singular, that is why we can’t use
have. We must not also use had because it is only used in sentences in the past perfect or past
perfect progressive tenses.

36. There are great movies that are worth watching once, there are some that are worth watching
twice, _________ there are movies that are worth watching over and over again.
a. But
b. Still
c. And
d. Nevertheless
C-“and” is the answer because we are just merely enumerating things.

37. If I _________ rich, I would travel abroad every year.

a. Were
b. Am
c. Should be
A-The sentence in this item is an “If clause” and so the tense must be consistent. It is also
unlikely for us to use “was” or “am” for it has always been “If I were…”
38. This seatwork is difficult for Paul and ____________.
a. Myself
b. I
c. Me
d. Himself
C-Remember that “I” is used as the subject or the doer of the action, while “me” is used as the
receiver of the action. In the sentence given in this item the pronoun is the receiver of the action
and that is why “me” is the answer.

39. The candy cane smells ____________.

a. Sweet
b. Sweetly
c. Sweeter
d. More sweet
A-Always remember that verbs of senses may take two forms, (1) as a linking verb, or as a (2)
action verb. If it functions as a linking verb, then it must be followed by an adjective. On the
other hand, if it functions as an action verb, then it must be followed by an adverb. In this
sentence, since that candy cane is not capable of moving, we can say that “smells” functions as a
linking verb, so it must be followed by the adjective “sweet”

40. Whether or not a man likes what he ____________ is the measure of choosing well.
a. Choose
b. Has chosen
c. Chose
d. Is choosing
B-The answer is “has chosen” because the sentence states a condition that’s started in the past
and still true at present

41. Which ED end sound is different?

a. Needed
b. Granted
c. Wanted
d. Signed
D-“signed” is the answer because it only has one syllable and that affected its ending /ed/ sound.

42. Which among these words has the ending [d] sound?
a. Joked
b. Laughed
c. Walked
d. Played
D-“played” is the answer because all other words are with /t/ end sounds.
43. Which among these words has the [z] end sound?
a. Maps
b. Jokes
c. Laughs
d. Buys
D-“buys” is the answer because all other given words end with /s/ sounds “b u y s” ends with /z/
sound because the sound before the letter “s” is voiced

44. Which among these words has the [id] end sound?
a. Praised
b. Mailed
c. Judged
d. Needed
D-“needed” is the answer because among the given options it is the only one with more than one
syllable-that changed the ending /ed/ sound to /id/

45. Which among these words has the [zh] end sound?
a. She
b. Excursion
c. Chips
d. Fish
B-“excursion” is the answer because all the other options have either /ch/ or /sh/ sounds

46. “My loyalty to my party ends where my loyalty to my country begins.” This quotation is
a. Manuel L. Quezon
b. Carlos P. Garcia
c. Manuel A. Roxas
d. Ferdinand E. Marcos
A-Is the answer because the quotation given is one Manuel L. Quezon’s most famous.

47. “The Filipino is worth dying for.” This quotation by:

a. Benigno Aquino
b. Carlos P. Garcia
c. Jose Rizal
d. Fidel V. Ramos
A-is the answer because the quotation given is one of Benigno Aquino’s most famous quotes,
plus the fact that this quotation can be found on our 500 peso bill.

48. “You see things that are and you ask why but I dream that never were and ask why not.”
a. Clear thinking
b. Immortality
c. Curiosity
d. Rich Imagination
D-“curiosity” and “rich imagination” would be our two possible answers, but D is better than C
because asking “why” is being curious, while asking “why not” is being imaginative.
49. The song “No man is an Island” mirrors:
a. Individualization
b. Solitude
c. Independence
d. Brotherhood
D-“Brotherhood” is the answer because all the other options are its antonyms

50. The space shuttle is as fast as the wind. This is an example of:
a. Simile
b. Metaphor
c. Personification
d. Antithesis
A-The answer is simile because the statement compared two objects using the word “as”

51. ____________ wrote “Without Seeing the Dawn”

a. Maximo Ramos
b. Steven Javellana
c. Paz M. Venitez
d. Magdalena Jalandoni
B-Stevan Javellana

52. “She is the sun of my world.” This is an example of:

a. Simile
b. Metaphor
c. Hyperbole
d. Onomatopeia
B-The statement given is a direct comparison, that is why the answer is metaphor

53. Who is the author of this famous quote: “I die just when the dawn breaks to herald the day.”
a. Benigno Aquino
b. Manuel L. Quezon
c. Jose Rizal
d. Andres Bonifacio
C-Jose Rizal

54. This Filipino author wrote about the ill-fated love affair of Jose Rizal and Leonor Rivera.
a. Arturo Rotor
b. Francisco Icasiano
c. Zoilo Galang
d. Nick Joaquin
D-Nick Joaquin

55. “I am the master of my fate. I am the captain of my soul.” Which word should retain its pitch
to show confidence?
a. Am
b. Captain
c. Master
d. Fate
A-“Am” is the answer because being a verb of being nit connotes a statement of condition.

56. Read the following lines: “Midnight, not a sound from the pavement. Has the moon lost its
memory, She is smiling alone In the lamp light the withered leaves, Collect at my feet, And the
wind begins to moan. These lines mean:
a. Confusion
b. Optimism
c. Loneliness
d. Eagerness
C-These lines were taken from the musical “cats” and if we are to read/sing these lines,
loneliness would be the obvious emotion.

57. “Woe to every backbiter”--- Koran. This is about:

a. Sorrow for those who oppose other’s opinion
b. Punishment for those who say good things
c. Anguish for those who defend
d. Misery for those who talks ill of others
D-is the best answer because all the other options debunk the main statement.

58. “The man without a purpose is like a ship without a rudder… “Thomas Carlyle. From this
line, we can infer that:
a. There should be sufficient energy in one’s life
b. Direction can never come into one’s life
c. One’s life doesn’t need to be controlled
d. There is a strong driving force in one’s life
D-is the most appropriate answer because all other options are not in anyway related to the
quotation and some options debunk the statement.

59. Which among the lines below has the same meaning as this statement; “Our commitments
can develop us or can destroy us, but either way, they will define us.”
a. Flexible commitment is what we need today
b. We must make full commitment to worldly goals
c. Our lives are shaped by what we are committed to
d. Our commitments need not to be planned way ahead
C-Because option C somewhat states that our commitments would describe and determine the
person that we are.

60. “Have a good bank account, a good cook and a good digestion” Rousseau is pertaining to:
a. Security
b. Family
c. Duty
d. Investment
A-“Security” is the answer because all the options given constitute to it. Option A embraces the
importance of “family”, “duty”, and “investment



Basic Rule
The basic rule states that a singular subject takes a singular verb, while a plural subject takes a
plural verb.
NOTE: The trick is in knowing whether the subject is singular or plural. The next trick is
recognizing a singular or plural verb.
Hint: Verbs do not form their plurals by adding an s as nouns do. In order to determine which
verb is singular and which one is plural, think of which verb you would use with he or she and
which verb you would use with they.
Example: talks, talk
Which one is the singular form? Which word would you use with he? We say, "He talks."
Therefore, talks is singular. We say, "They talk." Therefore, talk is plural.

Rule 1
Two singular subjects connected by 'or' or 'nor' require a singular verb.
Example: My aunt or my uncle is arriving by train today.

Rule 2
Two singular subjects connected by 'either/or' or 'neither/nor' require a singular verb as in Rule 1.
Examples: Neither Juan nor Carmen is available. Either Kiana or Casey is helping today with
stage decorations.

Rule 3
When I is one of the two subjects connected by 'either/or' or 'neither/nor', put it second and
follow it with the singular verb am.
Example: Neither she nor I am going to the festival.

Rule 4
When a singular subject is connected by 'or' or 'nor' to a plural subject, put the plural subject last
and use a plural verb.
Example: The serving bowl or the plates go on that shelf.

Rule 5
When a singular and plural subject are connected by 'either/or' or 'neither/nor', put the plural
subject last and use a plural verb.
Example: Neither Jenny nor the others are available.

Rule 6
As a general rule, use a plural verb with two or more subjects when they are connected by 'and'.
Example: A car and a bike are my means of transportation.

Rule 7
Sometimes the subject is separated from the verb by words such as 'along with, as well as,
besides, or not'. Ignore these expressions when determining whether to use a singular or plural
Examples: The politician, along with the newsmen, is expected shortly. Excitement, as well as
nervousness, is the cause of her shaking.

Rule 8
The pronouns 'each, everyone, every one, everybody, anyone, anybody, someone, and somebody'
are singular and require singular verbs. Do not be misled by what follows 'of'. 14 | ENGLISH –
Examples: Each of the girls sings well. Every one of the cakes is gone.
NOTE: Everyone is one word when it means everybody. Every one is two words when the
meaning is each one.

Rule 9
With words that indicate portions—percent, fraction, part, majority, some, all, none, remainder,
and so forth —look at the noun in your 'of' phrase (object of the preposition) to determine
whether to use a singular or plural verb. If the object of the preposition is singular, use a singular
verb. If the object of the preposition is plural, use a plural verb.
Examples: Fifty percent of the pie has disappeared. Pie is the object of the preposition of. Fifty
percent of the pies have disappeared. Pies is the object of the preposition. One-third of the city is
unemployed. One-third of the people are unemployed.
NOTE: Hyphenate all spelled-out fractions.
All of the pie is gone. All of the pies are gone. Some of the pie is missing. Some of the pies are
missing. None of the garbage was picked up.
None of the sentences were punctuated correctly. Of all her books, none have sold as well as the
first one.

Rule 10
The expression 'the number' is followed by a singular verb while the expression 'a number' is
followed by a plural verb.
Examples: The number of people we need to hire is thirteen. A number of people have written in
about this subject.

Rule 11
When 'either' and 'neither' are subjects, they always take singular verbs.
Examples: Neither of them is available to speak right now. Either of us is capable of doing the

Rule 12
The words here 'and' there have generally been labeled as adverbs even though they indicate
place. In sentences beginning with here or there, the subject follows the verb.
Examples: There are four hurdles to jump. There is a high hurdle to jump.

Rule 13
Use a singular verb with sums of money or periods of time.
Examples: Ten dollars is a high price to pay. Five years is the maximum sentence for that

Rule 14
Sometimes the pronoun 'who, that, or which' is the subject of a verb in the middle of the
sentence. The pronouns who, that, and which become singular or plural according to the noun
directly in front of them. So, if that noun is singular, use a singular verb. If it is plural, use a
plural verb.
Examples: Salma is the scientist who writes/write the reports. The word in front of who is
scientist, which is singular. Therefore, use the singular verb writes. He is one of the men who
does/do the work. The word in front of who is men, which is plural. Therefore, use the plural
verb do.

Rule 15
Collective nouns such as team and staff may be either singular or plural depending on their use
in the sentence.
Examples: The staff is in a meeting.
Staff is acting as a unit here. The staff are in disagreement about the findings. The staff are acting
as separate individuals in this example. The sentence would read even better as: The staff
members are in disagreement about the findings.

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