Outline Debate: Group 3: VINH, Nhat, Nam

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Group 3: VINH, nhat, nam

1) Technology can help people improve productivity skills
 create high quality products
 reduce time-consuming while producing
 keep off poisonous substances

=> Against:

 Not much has changed since the rise of the internet in the 1990s,
and companies are not yet tapping the potential of smartphones,
robots, or other recent innovations
 Facebook and electronic devices are productivity killers in the
 Productivity rose rapidly in the 1990s with the rise of computers.
But today, companies have not invested in new technology
equipment to continue the upward trend.
 + Constantly communicating via email and social networking also
takes away from worker leadership and communication skills
+ If people don't talk to each other and problem solve, it will have
an effect on the economy
 Happiness is also key to employee productivity

2) Technology helps students better

 Improve personal skills: collaborating with others, solving complex
problems, critical thinking, developing different forms of communication
and leadership skills,…..
 Expose to new teaching method  study effectively and engrossingly
=> Against:
 Computers distract pupils, make them lazy thinkers and can even
lower grades
 Technology in the classroom can be a distraction
 Technology can disconnect students from social interactions.
 Technology can foster cheating in class and on assignments

1. People nowadays are too depending on the modern tech. The reliance on
technology is causing isolation among internet users, damaging a great deal on
2. People are spending too much time communicating that can cause seeing and
hearing problems

3. the technology might be able to replace humans soon -> Shortage of jobs

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