Republic Act 3846

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Republic Act 3846

“An act providing for the regulation of radio stations and radio communications
in the Philippine Islands, and for other purposes.”
1. An act providing for the regulation of radio stations and radio communications in
the Philippine Islands, and for other purposes.
- Republic Act 3846
2. What are the general classification of radio stations required of Franchise as per
section no. 1 of Republic Act 3846?
- Radio Transmitting station for commercial purposes
- Radio Receiving for commercial purposes
- Radio Broadcasting station
3. What are the general classification of radio stations not required for franchise?
- Amateur station
- Experimental Station
- Training station
- A station on board a mobile vessel, train or aircraft
- Private station in a place without any means of communication
4. A requirement need to comply of person, firm, company, association or
corporation to construct, install and establish or operate a radio station within the
Philippine islands.
- Franchise
5. Where to obtained franchise to construct, install and establish or operate a radio
- Philippine Legislature
6. A requirement before the construction the construction or installation of any
station to begin, granted by the Secretary of Commerce and Communications.
- Permit
7. He is empowered to regulate establishment use and operation of all radio
stations and of all forms of radio communications and transmissions within the
Philippine Islands and to issue such rules and regulations as may be necessary.
- Secretary of Commerce and Communication
8. It states the dates between which the station may be operated and it is issued by
the Secretary of Commerce and Communication.
- License
9. Application period for the renewal of license.
- At least two months before the expiration of the license
10. No license shall be issued for a longer period than ___________________.
- Three years
11. It is granted in any station license and shall not be exclusive.
- Privileges
12. He may cause the closing of any radio station in the Philippine Islands in time of
war, public peril, calamity or disaster.
- President of the Philippines/Governor-General of the Philippine
13. Appointed by the Secretary of Commerce and Communication whom shall take
charge of carrying out the provision of R.A 3846 and of the regulations
prescribed by him.
- Radio Regulation Section, Division or Office
14. They shall be exempt from the provisions of RA 3846 and subject to the
provisions of the International Radiotelegraph Regulations.
- Foreign Mobile stations
15. The power vested in and the duties imposed upon the Director of Posts which
are transferred to the Secretary of Commerce and Communication is under what
- Act No. 3396
16. An act to Amend Article One of Chapter Fifty-two and Section Twenty-seven
hundred and fifty-seven of the Administrative Code, Providing for the Effective
Radio Control which was repealed under Section 11 of RA 3846.
- Act No. 3275
17. Punishment for any person who shall violate any mandatory or prohibitory
provision of RA 3846 or any mandatory or prohibitory provision of the regulations
prescribed by the Secretary of Commerce and Communication under this Act.
- Fine not more than 300 pesos
- Imprisonment for not more than 3 months
- Or both for each and every offense.
18. Punishment for any firm, company, corporation or association failing or refusing
to observe or violating any provision of RA 3846.
- Fine not more than 1000 pesos
19. Effective period of RA 3846
- 3 months
20. It transferred all its power and duties imposed under Act no. 3396 to the
Secretary of Commerce and Communication.
- Director of Posts

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