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such method, where the teacher simply asks the class to

execute actions (“Pick up your pencil … Okay, write your

Quality Teacher Talk for

name on your paper … Now, circle your family name …”). ZZZVHRVHRNRUNU
Another activity that checks student understanding is to

Quality Language Learning

have the class say “No!” when they hear impossible actions
that the teacher has intentionally interspersed into the
teacher talk (“And then the boy flew to the top of the hill.”
— “No!”). The teacher may also intersperse their teacher
Words and Photos Courtesy of Dr. David Shaf- talk with yes-no questions directed at the whole class or at
individual students (“He went with his family to Myeong-
sa-shimri for a vacation at the beach. Have you ever gone
We are happy to welcome you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ
to Myeongsa-shimri?”). Or, you may elicit short responses and to have you comfortable in our church.
that require the student to provide information (“Where
sonal story or words of wisdom, as

did you go during your summer vacation?”). 6LPXOWDQHRXVDQG&RQVHFXWLYH,QWHUSUHWDWLRQ

Korean teachers are so eager to give. .RUHDQŇ(QJOLVKIRU
Tell Them a Story
Teach Frequently-Used Expres- 6HRVHRN &KXQJDQJ

sions Over the years, I have often heard students say that the

teacher who they liked best was the one who related sto- +RVSLWDO &KXUFK

To facilitate the understanding of the ries – life-lessons, actually – from their own lives or oth-
teacher-talk expressions that are most ers. Such a technique can be incorporated into teacher talk.
commonly used in the classroom, You may wish to incorporate hand-held pictures or images

some class time should be spent in projected onto a screen. For lower-level learners, heavy 6DOHVLR*LUOVď
teaching these expressions, in mak- reliance on images can be very helpful as an aid for their

ing sure that the students have a clear comprehension. It is also a good idea to retell the story 3OHDVHDVNIRUDUHFHLYHUDWWKHIURQWGHVNRQHQWHULQJWKHFKXUFK
understanding of what they mean. later, and on each telling, rely on fewer images. With young
These expressions should be used of- learners, you may wish to tell well-known folktales, such as
ten in the classroom. Use expressions the Chilseok story of Gyeon-u and Jik-nyeo. These stories
that bring the class to order (I often could be supplemented with pictures or even with short
say, “Okay, class, settle down,” when online video clips of the folktale with the audio turned off.
I am ready to begin). They would

Short videos on any topic with the audio off can be used
t was more than 30 years ago that nied by quality. Teacher talk is bet- include grouping expressions for ac- with students at any level for story-telling. You can use the
Stephen Krashen told us that stu- ter than recorded speech, because it tivities (“Okay, let’s make groups of same video with different proficiency levels, adjusting your
three,” “Count off from one to six.”), The Author
dents need a lot of “comprehensi- can be a method used for providing teacher talk to the level of your class. And you can tell dif-
ble input” to learn a second language. interactive success with the class and corrective feedback (“Okay, let’s try ferent stories using the same video. Your story-telling op- David E. Shaf-
fer is President
November 2016

That is especially true in an EFL en- on topics of interest to them. The talk that again,” “How would I pronounce
tions are virtually limitless.
it?”) and praise (“There you go!). It is of the Gwangju-
vironment like Korea, where learners should be at the level of the class or
Jeonnam Chapter
may have little to no English to inter- just a little above. Learning is most not a good idea to try to teach them
of Korea TESOL
act with outside of the classroom. In efficient when the learner is present- all of these phrases in the same les- Gwangju-Jeonnam KOTESOL Monthly Meeting (KOTESOL). On
such an environment, it is imperative ed with challenges that they can be son. Just a couple of them each lesson behalf of the Chap-
that the teacher provide that English - successful at without too much diffi- should be used, preferably after using Gwangju-Jeonnam KOTESOL Monthly Meeting ter, he invites you to
that “teacher talk” - in class. This talk, culty. Having students speak to each them in an authentic situation. Date: Saturday, November 12 participate in the teacher development
however, needs to be more than just other is useful for speaking practice, workshops at their monthly meetings
Place: Gwangju National University of Education (2nd Saturday of the month). For many

small-talk. It needs to be planned. It but they also need teacher talk, be-
Encourage Interaction years, Dr. Shaffer has been a professor of
needs to be principled. It needs to be cause they need to listen to language • Morning Reflective Practice Session (Kenya Café)
English Language at Chosun University,
quality teacher talk. that is more difficult and more fluent Although the term “teacher talk” • Two Main Session Presentations of EFL Topics

November 2016
where he has taught graduate and un-
than what they or their classmates suggests that it is the teacher, and • SwapShop – Share with the group an activity or dergraduate courses. He is a long-time
can presently produce. Teacher talk solely the teacher, that does the talk- teaching idea that you have. member of KOTESOL and a holder of
Quantity and Quality
comes in many packages. It may be ing, quality teacher talk builds lay- various KOTESOL positions, including
While learners need a lot of input in instructions to activities, explana- ers of interaction on the part of the For full conference details: First Vice-President and Publications
the form of teacher talk, one must tions of grammar structures and student. This student interaction may • Website: Committee Chair. He credits KOTESOL
not think that any kind of talk will word meanings, feedback in the form be silent or spoken. The technique of • Facebook: Gwangju-Jeonnam KOTESOL for much of his professional development
of corrections or praise or even a per- Total Physical Response (TPR) is one in English language teaching.
do. The quantity must be accompa-

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