Pediatric Cutaneous Tuberculosis: Indian Scenario: Review Article

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Review Article

Pediatric Cutaneous Tuberculosis: Indian Scenario

Abstract Bhushan Kumar,

Burden of tuberculosis still persists in developing countries despite major advances in its treatment Sheetanshu Kumar1
strategies. Cutaneous tuberculosis which is a form of extra-pulmonary tuberculosis is seen in a small Consultant Dermatologist,
but significant subset of patients visiting dermatology outpatient services. Cutaneous tuberculosis Shalby Multi speciality
is characterized by a spectrum of multiple distinct clinical and histopathology presentations. A Hospital, Mohali, Punjab,
significant proportion of patients with cutaneous tuberculosis are seen in paediatric age group. 1
Senior Resident, Department
Clinical features in children remain mostly the same as that in adults with cutaneous tuberculosis. of Dermatology, Venereology
However, systemic and lymph node involvement and incidence of disseminated disease is observed and Leprology, Postgraduate
more commonly in paediatric age group . Awareness among clinicians of the clinical manifestations Institute of Medical Education
and Research, Chandigarh,
of cutaneous tuberculosis is of paramount importance for early diagnosis and management of cases
with paediatric cutaneous tuberculosis. This would significantly prevent morbidity and complications
of the disease . This review aims to discuss the epidemiology, clinical and histopathological features,
diagnosis, differential diagnosis and treatment options in children with tuberculosis, especially in the
Indian context.

Keywords: Cutaneous tuberculosis; lupus vulgaris; paediatric cutaneous tuberculosis;

scrofuloderma; tubercular

Introduction Around 18% of newly detected TB cases

in India (2015) were extrapulmonary
Tuberculosis (TB) is known as a disease
according to WHO data. Cutaneous TB,
of poverty. The burden of TB, especially a form of extrapulmonary TB, accounts
in developing countries like India still for around 0.9% of patients attending
remains a daunting challenge for the global dermatology outpatients.[3] Cutaneous TB
and national health programs. According has a spectrum of multiple yet distinct
to the WHO Global TB report 2017, the clinical presentations both in adults and
estimated incidence of TB in India in children. Children constitute a significant
2015 was around 2.8 million (27%) out proportion of overall cutaneous TB
of an estimated global incidence of 10.4 cases and present mostly with similar
million. In India, the annual incidence of clinical features as that of adult cutaneous
TB in pediatric age group was 0.26 million TB. Involvement of lymph node and
accounting for 8.9% of overall incidence.[1] systemic organs along with disseminated
The persistence of TB as a global health presentation is more common in pediatric Address for correspondence:
problem can be attributed to socioeconomic patients.[3‑6] Thus, early diagnosis and Dr. Bhushan Kumar,
Former Professor & Head,
factors such as overcrowding, poor living treatment are imperative to avoid significant Department of Dermatology,
conditions, poor nutrition, immigration morbidity and complications in children. Venereology and Leprology,
as well as medical factors such as surge The objective of this review is to discuss Postgraduate Institute of
clinical features, diagnosis, and treatment Medical Education and
in HIV‑positive patients and infections Research, #81, Sector 16A,
with multidrug‑resistant strains. Delay options in cutaneous TB among infants and Chandigarh ‑ 160 015, India.
in diagnosis and proper treatment of children in the Indian context. E‑mail: kumarbhushan@
TB patients is a major concern in a
country like India. TB was declared as a
global emergency in 1993 by WHO, but TB has been a known entity to humans Access this article online
unfortunately apart from the emergence of since ancient times. The tomb portraits
drug‑resistant strains, nothing much has of ancient Egypt (3400 BC) civilizations Website:

changed.[2] exhibit individuals with hunchbacks DOI: 10.4103/ijpd.IJPD_63_18

demonstrating Pott spine deformities which Quick Response Code:

have been confirmed by the examination
of the Creative Commons Attribution‑NonCommercial‑ShareAlike 4.0
License, which allows others to remix, tweak, and build upon the work
non‑commercially, as long as appropriate credit is given and the new How to cite this article: Kumar B, Kumar S. Pediatric
creations are licensed under the identical terms. cutaneous tuberculosis: Indian scenario. Indian J
For reprints contact: Paediatr Dermatol 2018;19:202-11.

202 © 2018 Indian Journal of Paediatric Dermatology | Published by Wolters Kluwer - Medknow
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Kumar and Kumar: Pediatric cutaneous tuberculosis

of mummies from that era.[8] Old Chinese writings with cutaneous TB. As reported by Pandhi et al.,[3] majority
from 2700 BC describes people with emaciation and of the patients belonged to lower socioeconomic class
symptoms of fever cough and hemoptysis suggestive of living in crowded localities.
TB.[8] Hammurabi, the renowned monarch philosopher of
As compared to adults, children with cutaneous TB have
Babylonians, has also mentioned about TB in his illustrious
a higher propensity for lymph node and systemic organ
code of law of ancient Mesopotamia.[8] involvement.[16] The prevalence of systemic involvement
Earliest mentions of cutaneous TB has been in gospels and among paediatric cutaneous TB has ranged from 12.7% to
old testaments in which cutaneous disease resembling lupus 53.2% in Indian studies.[3‑6] Lungs were the most common
vulgaris (LV) has been termed Tsara’ath.[7] Term “Lupus” systemic organ to be involved followed by bones and
which means ‘wolves” in Latin has been used for skin abdominal organs.[4]
conditions associated with chronic and disfiguring lesions in
mediaeval ages.[9] It was in 1887 when William Tilbury Fox Classification and Clinical Features
first used the term “LV” specifically for cutaneous TB.[9] Cutaneous TB can be classified on the basis of route of
Ancient French writers used the term “scrofulous gumma” infection[17] and bacterial load[18] as summarized in Table 1.
for scrofuloderma.[10] Ernest Besnier elaborated about There exists another simple classification of cutaneous
scrofulous gumma in 1883 after the earlier writings of TB for easy comprehension as illustrated in Table 2.[19,20]
Jean Alibert and Delpech.[10] First published case in history
recognizing the association of mycobacterial infection with
cutaneous lesions was description of his own prosector’s Table 1: Various classification systems of cutaneous
wart by Rene Laennec’ in 1826.[11] tuberculosis[17,18]
Detailed elucidation of histopathological features of Classification system based
cutaneous TB was first published by Carl Rokintansky and on route of infection[17]
Rudolf Virchow.[7] Giant cells and epithelioid cells in skin Exogenous route Tuberculous chancre, LV, and TVC
biopsy of LV were first described by Forster in 1855.[9] Endogenous route
Contiguous spread Scrofuloderma, Orificial tuberculosis
Epidemiology Hematogenous spread Acute miliary TB, metastatic
tuberculous abscess (gummatous
The proportion of childhood cutaneous TB among overall
TB), tuberculids, and LV
cutaneous TB incidence in previous studies from India was
Lymphatic spread LV
63/199 (31.7%),[6] 75/402 (18.7%),[5] 68/142 (47.9%),[3] and Classification system
103/191 (53.9%).[4] Apart from India, the prevalence of based on bacillary load[18]
pediatric cutaneous TB reported were 82% in Pakistan,[12] Multibacillary Tuberculous chancre, scrofuloderma,
6% in Tunisia,[13] 24.3% in Ethiopia,[14] and 36.3% in orificial TB, acute miliary TB, and
Hong‑Kong[15] of the total cases of cutaneous TB. The gummatous TB
disparity in case definition of “childhood” ranging Paucibacillary TVC, LV, and tuberculids
from <14 years to <19 years might have contributed to the LV ‑ Lupus vulgaris; TVC ‑ Tuberculosis verrucosa cutis;
difference in prevalence among these studies apart from the TB ‑ Tuberculosis
regional disparity in prevalence.
In substantial majority of the cases, the age group of Table 2: Simpler classification of cutaneous
10–14 years was predominantly affected. The time delay in tuberculosis[19,20]
definite diagnosis after disease onset ranged from 2 months True TB
to 10 years as reported by Ramesh et  al.[6] Kumar et  al.[5] Primary Tuberculous chancre
found that the time delay in seeking treatment was less than Miliary TB
a year in 69% of cases while the delay was >3 years in Secondary Scrofuloderma
only 9% of cases. Delay in seeking treatment is one of the LV
factors in predisposing patients to the risk of widespread TVC
and disseminated disease and its sequelae of deformity and Tubercular gumma
disfigurement. Orificial TB
A considerable number of pediatric patients were found to Lichen scrofulosorum
have one or more household contacts with positive history PNT
of TB in all reported studies. The percentage was noted to Erythema nodosum
be 41% by Pandhi et  al.,[3] 32% by Vashisht et  al.,[4] and Erythema induratum
19% by Kumar et  al.[5] implying that household contacts LV ‑ Lupus vulgaris; TVC ‑ Tuberculosis verrucosa cutis;
were one of the major source of infections to the children TB - Tuberculosis; PNT ‑ Papulonecrotic tuberculid

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Kumar and Kumar: Pediatric cutaneous tuberculosis

In this classification, cutaneous TB is classified as true TB of activity at one area and simultaneous healing, atrophy,
and tuberculids. True TB is further classified as primary or and scarring at other area resulting in a geographic
secondary based on the previous sensitization. pattern [Figure 5]. The enlarging plaque is formed by
coalescing of multiple microgranulomatous papules which
The clinical presentations of various forms of cutaneous
on diascopy are seen as soft, reddish‑brown, “apple jelly”
TB are described briefly.
nodules more easily appreciated in fair skin. The lesions
Scrofuloderma are usually dry but seropurulent discharge, crusting, and
secondary bacterial infection can be seen.[19,20]
Scrofuloderma is the most common form of cutaneous TB
among children.[3‑5] The proportion of scrofuloderma was Severe scarring may lead to fibrosis, contractures of the
found to be 53.3% by Kumar et al.[5] and 36.9% by Vashisht joints, and mutilation in children.[19,20] Oral, genital, and
et al.[4] Scrofuloderma arises due to contiguous spread of an nasal mucosa can also be involved often as an extension
underlying tuberculous focus to the overlying skin. Lymph of skin involvement. LV localized to genitalia in children,
nodes are the most common underlying foci out of which although rare, can lead to severe mutilation and scarring,
cervical lymph nodes being the most common group being especially of vulva.[6] Rarely, destruction of ear and nose
involved.[4] The habit of drinking unboiled or unpasteurized can also be seen [Figure 6]. Contractures involving knee,
milk in rural areas may be one of the contributory factors elbow, and wrist joints are other disabling sequelae of
for infection of cervical lymph nodes.[5] Inguinal, axillary, LV.[3,6,16,21]
submandibular, epitrochlear, and supratrochlear lymph Morphological variants of LV include classic plaque
nodes are among other commonly affected group of lymph [Figure 7] or keratotic type [Figure 8], hypertrophic,
nodes.[19,20] ulcerative, atrophic, and papulonodular. Keratotic type
Systemic TB foci are seen in up to 66% of cutaneous TB is most commonly seen whereas ulcerative and atrophic
cases. Bones, joints, testes, breast, and lacrimal glands variants are the least common in children.[19,20]
are the other underlying foci of infections leading to Apart from the classical clinical variants, kissing LV,
scrofuloderma. Hepatic and intestinal TB also is the rare involving the gluteal cleft, and multifocal lesions involving
source of cutaneous infections.[3] the head‑and‑neck area, extremities, and mucosae are
Clinically, scrofuloderma is characterized by asymptomatic the unusual clinical variants of LV reported in children.
subcutaneous swellings which persist for several months Symmetrical LV involving the knees and ankles possibly
before softening and ulcerating to form discharging due to exogenous inoculation of the organism has been
sinuses and ulcers. Typically, the ulcers are shallow with reported. Atypical forms of LV can be seen in children
undermined and bluish edges [Figure 1]. Scrofuloderma in such as deeply destructive papillomatous and sclerotic
children may present with multiple and widespread lesions variants leading to deformities of the limbs. LV with a
as compared to adult scrofuloderma where the lesions are sporotrichoid pattern due to lymphatic spread has also been
more localized [Figure 2]. Scrofuloderma heals typically described [Figure 9].[4,5,19,20] LV developing at the site of
with cribriform, bridging, and puckered scars.[19,20] Bacillus Calmette–Guerin (BCG) vaccination and near the
opening of scrofuloderma sinus has also been reported.
Lupus vulgaris
Constitutional symptoms are generally absent or very
LV is the most common variant of cutaneous TB in adults, mild and systemic involvement is less commonly seen as
but in pediatric age group, it is the second most common compared to scrofuloderma. Regional lymphadenopathy is
after scrofuloderma.[5,16] The proportion of LV among all frequently associated with LV.[4,5,19,20]
children with cutaneous TB in major studies from India
has been given in Table 3. Predominantly, LV is observed Tuberculosis verrucosa cutis
most commonly affecting lower half of the body in Indian Also known as warty TB, tuberculosis verrucosa cutis
children including lower trunk, thighs, buttocks, legs, and (TVC) manifests after exogenous inoculation of tubercule
feet [Figure 3].[3,4,6] This pattern can be attributed to the bacilli in previously sensitized individuals with good
widespread habit of spitting and defecating in open areas immunity. The prevalence of TVC predominantly in
and the children squatting and playing without proper pediatric group has been <4.5% in studies reported
clothes and footwear, more so in children with lower from India.[16] The lower part of the extremities is most
socioeconomic background.[6,16] LV is usually known to commonly involved due to trauma. Lesions of TVC present
manifest in previously sensitized individuals. Although characteristically as verrucous papules and plaques, with
the lesions of LV are solitary, multiple and multifocal fissures, clefts, and crusting over the surface  [Figure 10].
lesions can be noted in pediatric age group [Figure 4].[19,20] Lesions may extrude pus, and perilesional inflammation
The typical lesion of LV is characterized by its onset as and erythema may be seen. Serpiginous outline is seen
asymptomatic papule or small plaque which progresses commonly due to irregular extension of the lesions with
gradually to form a well‑demarcated plaque with evidence involution at the center.[16,19,20] Symmetrical lesions of TVC

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Kumar and Kumar: Pediatric cutaneous tuberculosis

Figure 1: Scrofuloderma (Photograph courtesy: Prof. Archana Singal, Figure 2: Scrofuloderma in sporotrichoid pattern (Photograph courtesy:
UCMS, Delhi) Prof. Archana Singal, UCMS, Delhi)

Figure 3: Lupus vulgaris over buttocks-central zone of scarring and Figure 4: Multiple lesions of lupus vulgaris: Keratotic and ulcerative variants
peripheral zone of activity-plaque variant (Photo courtesy: Prof. Archana (Photo courtesy: Prof. Archana Singal, UCMS, Delhi)
Singal, UCMS, Delhi)

Figure 5: Plaque variant of lupus vulgaris with central zone of atrophy and Figure 6: Mutilating lupus vulgaris over face (Photo courtesy: Prof. Archana
scarring with peripheral zone of activity Singal, UCMS, Delhi)

Figure 7: Lupus vulgaris over knee-plaque variant (Photo courtesy: Prof.

Archana Singal, UCMS, Delhi) Figure 8: Lupus vulgaris over dorsum of hand-keratotic variant

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Kumar and Kumar: Pediatric cutaneous tuberculosis

resistance. Children with malnutrition, immunosuppression,

or lymphomas are more susceptible compared to general
population.[20] It is considered to be the severe variant
of scrofuloderma by few authors. The typical lesion
is characterized as single or multiple soft, dermal, or
subcutaneous nodules which soften(s) to form fluctuant
nontender abscesses and later breaking down to form ulcers
or sinuses with undermined edges. Multiple confluent
swellings and sinuses affecting contiguous groups of lymph
nodes with finger‑like extensions radiating across the neck
or chest wall can be seen sometimes. On histopathology,
tubercles with caseation necrosis are characteristically seen.
Acid‑fast bacteria (AFB) are usually easily isolated from
the pus.[16,20]
Tuberculosis cutis orificalis
Figure 9: Lupus vulgaris in sporotrichoid pattern
It is caused by autoinoculation of the organisms in
individuals with abdominal or pulmonary TB and is seen
rarely in children. Oral cavity is the most commonly
involved site followed by the genital or anal mucosa.
Shallow, granulomatous, and painful ulcer with undermined
bluish edges is the typical presentation.[19]
Acute miliary tuberculosis
Acute miliary TB is the more florid variant of TB due
to hematogenous dissemination of Mycobacterium
tuberculosis. Cutaneous findings consist of widespread
erythematous papules, pustules, or vesicles or nonspecific
lesions. Marked constitutional symptoms are common along
with internal organ involvement especially the lungs and
meninges. Tuberculin skin test is typically negative. Acute
inflammatory cells with numerous microabscesses are seen
Figure  10: Tuberculosis verrucosa cutis (Photo courtesy: Prof. Archana
on histopathology. The organisms are usually demonstrated
Singal, UCMS, Delhi) on aspiration smear or histopathology.[19,20]
Tuberculids result from a delayed‑type hypersensitivity
reaction to occult tubercle bacilli in a patient with moderate
to high immunity. The diagnostic criteria of tuberculids
include tuberculoid granuloma on histopathology, strongly
positive Mantoux test, absence of M. Tuberculosis in
smear and culture, and resolution of skin lesions with
antituberculous therapy (ATT). Classification of tuberculids
a b
is discussed in Table 1. Erythema nodosum is considered
to be a facultative tuberculid as M. Tuberculosis is one of
Figure 11: (a and b) Lichen scrofulosorum- multiple, pinhead-sized grouped,
follicular, and parafollicular papules over trunk (Photographs 11a and b the many causative factors for erythema nodosum. Despite
courtesy: Prof. Archana Singal, UCMS, Delhi) the smear and culture negativity for M. tuberculosis,
polymerase chain reaction (PCR) techniques have identified
on the extremities have been described.[22] There is absence mycobacterial DNA in the lesional tissue of all types of
of constitutional symptoms while lymph nodes may be tuberculids.[19,20]
Lichen scrofulosorum
Tuberculous gumma
Lichen scrofulosorum is the most common variant of
Tubercular gumma, also known as metastatic abscess, tuberculids seen in children. The prevalence of lichen
results from disseminated infection by the hematogenous scrofulosorum in different Indian studies in children is
route from a primary focus during periods of lowered summarized in Table 3. While earlier Indian studies had

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Kumar and Kumar: Pediatric cutaneous tuberculosis

Table 3: Major Indian studies on childhood cutaneous tuberculosis

Ramesh et al.,[6] Kumar et al.,[5] Pandhi et al.,[3] Vashisht et al.,[4]
n (%) n (%) n (%) n (%)
Sample size 63 75 68 103
Location Delhi Chandigarh Delhi Delhi
Duration of study 7 years 25 years 15 months 18 months
Age group included in the study ≤15 ≤16 ≤14 <19
Proportion of childhood cases 63/199 (31.7) 65/402 (18.7) 68/142 (47.9) 103/191 (53.9)
Male: female ratio 0.91:1 0.74:1 0.7:1 0.98:1
BCG vaccination (%) 57.2 50 41.2 51.4
Clinical subtypes and their percentage
Scrofuloderma 23 (36.5), neck 40 (53.3), neck 30 (44.1), neck 38 (36.9), neck
LV 40 (63.5) lower 30 (40.0), face, 15 (22.1) face, 22 (21.3%), lower
limbs lower limbs lower limbs limbs, face
TBVC ‑ 3 (4.0) 3 (4.4) 4 (3.9)
Gumma ‑ 1 (1.3) 0 2 (1.9)
Lichen srofulosorum 0 1 (1.3) 16 (23.5) 34 (33.0)
PNT 0 0 0 4 (3.9)
Others ‑ ‑ ‑ 3 (2.9)
Multiple patterns 1 0 4 5
Systemic involvement 8 (12.7) 16 (21.3) 26 (38.2) 55 (53.4)
Mantoux reactivity 62 (98.4) 61 (85.9) 66 (97.1) 68 (66.0)
Clinicohistological concordance ND 48 (64.0) 54 (80.6) 73 (70.9)
AFB positivity on histology 3 (4.7%) 13 (17.3%) 2 (2.9) 17 (16.5)
AFB positivity on cytology ND ND 7 (10.3) 19 (18.4)
AFB culture positivity 4 (6.3) ND 6 (8.8) 11 (10.7)
Percentage of patients completed treatment 38.1 ND 73.5 84.5
TBVC ‑ Tuberculosis verrucosa cutis; BCG ‑ Bacillus Calmette‑Guérin; PNT ‑ Papulonecrotic tuberculid; AFB ‑ Acid‑fast bacilli; ND- Not done

reported lower frequency of LS, recent reports show Papulonecrotic tuberculid

higher prevalence.[16] Higher index of suspicion may be
Papulonecrotic tuberculid (PNT) is a less common form
responsible for higher prevalence in recent studies. Lichen
of tuberculid as compared to lichen scrofulosorum.
scrofulosorum is an underdiagnosed and underreported The prevalence of PNT in children was around 4% in
condition as subtle and asymptomatic lesions are either as reported by Vashisht et  al.[4] while earlier studies
missed or misdiagnosed as other follicular conditions reported almost zero prevalence of PNT.[3,5,6] The typical
such as lichen nitidus, keratosis pilaris, and pityriasis lesions are characterized by symptomatic symmetrically
rubra pilaris. Although M. tuberculosis is commonly distributed firm and dusky‑red necrotizing papules over the
associated with lichen scrofulosorum, rare association with extremities which heal by varioliform scarring. The acral
Mycobacterium avium intracellulare and Mycobacterium regions are the common sites of predilection; however,
szulgai infections have been reported.[23] lesions localized to buttocks and face have been described.
Lichen scrofulosorum typically presents as asymptomatic Association with pulmonary and lymph node TB and
or mildly symptomatic, pin‑head‑sized grouped or phlyctenular conjunctivitis have been described.[16,19,20]
clustered follicular, and parafollicular papules mostly Erythema induratum of Bazin
over the trunk [Figure 11a and b] or proximal extremities
which can be skin colored, erythematous, or lichenoid It is the rarest form of tuberculid with no childhood case
in color.[20] The papules are characteristically flat‑topped reported from India till date.[23] It is characterized by
subcutaneous nodules over posterior aspect of legs which break
although overlying micropustules or crusting can be seen.
down to form an ulcer healing with atrophic scar. Lobular
Extensive psoriasiform lesions have been reported in
panniculitis with vasculitis is seen on biopsy along with
lichen scrofulosorum.[24] Coexistence with other forms of
strongly positive Mantoux test. PCR for mycobacterial DNA
cutaneous TB such as scrofuloderma, LV, and erythema
is positive in more than 50% of cases.[25] Frequent association
induratum has been seen.
with pulmonary TB is seen.[26] While erythema induratum and
Underlying focus of TB is seen in substantial majority with nodular vasculitis has been used interchangeably in the past, it
lymph nodes (cervical, mediastinal or hilar) being the most has been found that not all cases are associated with TB. It has
common involved foci, followed by lung and bone.[4,20] been proposed that the term “erythema induratum of Bazin”

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Kumar and Kumar: Pediatric cutaneous tuberculosis

should be reserved for those cases only which are associated serological antibody detection tests for TB are of no clinical
with TB. The term “erythema induratum of Whitefield” had utility owing to their inaccuracy and inconsistency and have
been used in the past and presently nodular vasculitis, for been strongly discouraged for the diagnosis of TB.[32]
cases not associated with TB.
Sporotrichoid skin tuberculosis
Biopsy for histopathology[33] and culture should be taken
Lymphatic spread of the tubercular infection from a from the edge of the sinus or ulcer which would show
primary entry focus can lead to linear arrangement of tuberculoid granuloma along with neutrophils, eosinophils,
the lesions, mostly over the extremities. Such pattern and caseation necrosis. Characteristic tubercular epithelioid
is called sporotrichoid pattern as it resembles the linear cell granulomas with lymphocytes and Langhans type
lesions of sporotrichosis. Sporotrichoid skin TB has most giant cells are the hallmark of cutaneous TB. However,
commonly been reported among children from developing nonspecific changes can be seen in some cases. In addition,
countries.[27,28] Similar to sporotrichosis, cord‑like the presence of tuberculoid granulomas in other diseases
thickening of the lymphatics may also occur. Regional can pose a diagnostic dilemma. Clinicopathological
lymphadenopathy and ulceration can also be seen. Among correlation has been observed in 64%–85% of cases of
the variants of cutaneous TB, scrofuloderma and LV lesions cutaneous TB in children.[3,4] LV is more often associated
often present in sporotrichoid pattern. Retrograde lymphatic with classical tubercular histopathology as compared to
spread of the organism from inguinal lymph nodes can lead scrofuloderma. Histopathology is especially useful for the
to inverse sporotrichoid pattern. This refers to occurrence diagnosis of tuberculids in cases where ZN staining and
of linear lesions in proximal lower extremities, mostly isolation by culture is not possible.[16]
associated with TBVC and tubercular gumma.[19,20]
Cutaneous tuberculosis variants with well‑formed
Bacillus Calmette–Guerin and cutaneous tuberculosis granulomas without caseation necrosis
Although BCG seems to have a significant efficacy in Lupus vulgaris
prevention of pulmonary, miliary, meningeal and other
forms of systemic TB,[29,30] the role of BCG in prevention The typical histopathology of LV shows epithelioid
of cutaneous TB is not well established. BCG vaccination granulomas in the upper dermis with lymphocytes and
was found to be effective in prevention of skin TB in the Langhans giant cells in around 80% of cases. Rarely, foreign
study by Zodpey et  al. with an efficacy of 60.9%.[31] No body or sarcoidal granuloma can also be seen. Nonspecific
difference in the incidence and clinical presentation of changes are seen in around 20% cases.[16] The epidermis is
cutaneous TB was found between BCG vaccinated and characterized by atrophy or hypertrophy with acanthosis,
unvaccinated children in one of the earlier studies.[6] LV, papillomatosis and sometimes pseudoepitheliomatous
scrofuloderma, tuberculids and erythema nodosum have hyperplasia. There is dense lymphocytic infiltrate. Fibrosis
been reported at the site of BCG vaccination. As compared is seen in areas of scarring. There is a paucity of AFB and
to typical cutaneous TB, cutaneous TB induced by BCG detection of bacilli by staining and culture is difficult.[19]
vaccination develops more quickly and is less severe in Lichen scrofulosorum
presentation and easier to treat.[19]
Epithelioid cell granuloma with cuff of lymphocytes
HIV and cutaneous tuberculosis surrounding the follicles and sweat ducts, located
Some forms of cutaneous TB, tubercular ulcers, PNT, and more superficially in dermis are demonstrated on
miliary forms are more frequent and severe in HIV‑positive histopathology.[4,23] Giant cell, caseous necrosis, and AFB
individuals. In any of the major studies from India, no are not seen usually. PCR and culture for tubercle bacilli
child with cutaneous TB was found to be HIV positive. from lesional skin biopsies are usually negative.[23]
Hence, larger studies are required to establish the impact of Cutaneous tuberculosis variants with granulomas and
HIV seropositivity on cutaneous TB in children.[16,20] caseous necrosis
Diagnosis Tuberculosis verrucosa cutis
The diagnosis of cutaneous TB is based on clinical features The typical histopathology shows hypertrophic changes
and laboratory tests. Differential diagnoses usually include such as pseudoepitheliomatous hyperplasia, tuberculoid
atypical mycobacterial infections, deep fungal infections granulomas with caseous necrosis in the mid‑dermis, and
such as chromoblastomycosis and sporotrichosis, sarcoidosis, the presence of acute infiltrate in the upper dermis. AFB
cutaneous leishmaniasis and leprosy. Major laboratory are demonstrated rarely.[4,16]
investigations include direct demonstration of AFB on
Acute miliary tuberculosis
Ziehl–Neelsen (ZN) stained smears or biopsies, histopathology,
isolation by culture or detection by PCR, and Mantoux test. Nonspecific inflammatory infiltrate mainly of lymphocytes
Multiple meta‑analysis and WHO studies have confirmed that and plasma cells is seen. Focal caseous necrosis can be

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Kumar and Kumar: Pediatric cutaneous tuberculosis

seen with formation of microabscesses occasionally. AFB Direct demonstration of acid‑fast bacteria
are frequently demonstrated with their number varying
Direct demonstration of AFB in skin biopsy specimens
according to the severity of the condition.[33]
using ZN stain is a confirmatory test for the diagnosis
Tuberculosis cutis orificialis of cutaneous TB. Compared to culture, it is less
time‑consuming. However, the sensitivity is inferior
Tuberculoid granulomas with caseous necrosis is seen in
and observer dependent as compared to culture and
deep dermis around the site of ulceration.[33]
molecular‑based tests.[16]
Papulonecrotic tuberculid
Wedge‑shaped necrosis along with nonspecific perivascular
Positive culture is considered to be the gold standard for
infiltrate or typical tubercular granulomas surrounding the
diagnosis of cutaneous TB as for any other infectious
necrosis are the typical histopathological findings, along
disease. Culture has an additional advantage of being
with leukocytoclastic vasculitis, and perivascular edema
or follicular necrosis with suppuration. AFB is not usually able to test drug susceptibility. Traditional L‑J medium
demonstrable in PNT lesion; however, it is not unusual has low rates of positivity for cutaneous TB especially
to detect M. tuberculosis DNA by PCR.[16,34] It has been in children.[3,4] Owing to low sensitivity and tedious
suggested by Jordaan et al. to use the term “papulonecrotic procedure of traditional culture systems, newer culture
TB” over “PNT where M. tuberculosis DNA can be methods such as Radiometric BACTEC TB culture system
confirmed by PCR.[35] and liquid media are gaining popularity. Middlebrook
7H12 broth medium containing C‑14 labeled palmitic
Cutaneous tuberculosis variants with poorly formed acid for radiometric detection of mycobacteria is used in
granulomas with intense caseous necrosis BACTEC culture method.[37] In a study by Aggarwal et al.,
Scrofuloderma the sensitivity (62.8% vs. 25.7%) and mean detection
time (17.3 days vs. 39.4 days) of BACTEC system fared
Scrofuloderma is characterized by the presence of large better as compared to conventional L‑J medium. The study
central necrosis with the formation of abscess and in most also concluded that the combined isolation rate using both
cases, suppuration. Traces of the granuloma and AFB when media was superior as compared to either medium used
present are seen at the periphery of the lesion.[33] separately.[37]
Mantoux test Polymerase chain reaction
Mantoux test is a simple screening test to detect the PCR is a rapid method with a reasonable sensitivity and
presence of tubercular infection. Induration of 10 mm or specificity to detect cutaneous TB.[25,38] IS‑6110 gene
more is suggestive of infection but does not confirm the specific for M. tuberculosis complex is the most common
presence of active disease. target used in PCR.[25,38] Nonetheless, PCR requires
The sensitivity of Mantoux test for cutaneous TB ranges intensive labor and skill and is susceptible to technical
from 33% to 96% with a cutoff of 10 mm. In the study errors. Carryover contamination may lead to false‑positive
by Ramam et  al.,[36] specificity of Mantoux with a cutoff results. Degraded target DNA, insufficient extraction of
of 10 mm was found to be 62.5%. The sensitivity of target DNA, and clinical samples‑containing PCR inhibitor
Mantoux test in unvaccinated patients is much higher, substances are common causes of false‑negative results.[37]
close to 97%.[36] PCR is not able to distinguish live from dead bacilli. High
cost of this technique and inability to test drug susceptibility
The sensitivity and intensity of Mantoux test varies widely
are additional disadvantages of PCR.[16]
among the different presentations of cutaneous TB. While
Mantoux test is usually negative in tuberculous chancre, Therapeutic trial with antituberculous therapy
miliary TB and TB orificialis, strongly reactive Mantoux The rapid clinical response in case of cutaneous TB has
is seen usually in scrofuloderma, LV, TVC, and the led to the concept of therapeutic challenge with ATT as
tuberculids.[8] a diagnostic modality in doubtful cases where laboratory
Exposure to environmental mycobacteria as well as recent results are equivocal.[39,40] As suggested by Ramam et  al.,
BCG vaccination within 1 year can lead to false‑positive 5 weeks were found to be an adequate duration for a
results. Age <2 months, pregnancy, and immunosuppressed therapeutic trial in suspected cases of cutaneous TB. In
states such as malnutrition, diabetes, and HIV can be the absence of any significant response by 5  weeks, the
associated with false‑negative reactions.[33] The rate of authors concluded that further treatment was unlikely to be
Mantoux positivity in major Indian studies on pediatric beneficial.[41,42] In these cases, possibility of MDR‑TB or a
cutaneous TB has been given in Table 2. Vesiculation diagnosis other than cutaneous TB should be considered.
and ulceration can occur in children after severe Mantoux However, tuberculids are an exception as they may require
reaction.[3,4] more than 5 weeks to respond. Thus, prolonging the

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Kumar and Kumar: Pediatric cutaneous tuberculosis

therapeutic trial is advised in case of tuberculids before Table 4: Antitubercular drugs

considering alternate diagnosis.[42] Drug Dosage per day
Systemic screening for tuberculous focus First‑line drugs
Isoniazid 4‑6 mg/kg
In all children with cutaneous TB, thorough clinical Rifampicin 8‑12 mg/kg
assessment should be performed focusing on lymph nodes, Pyrazinamide 20‑30 mg/kg
pulmonary, gastrointestinal, nervous system, ocular, and Ethambutol 15‑20 mg/kg
musculoskeletal system. Fine‑needle aspiration cytology Second‑line drugs
and culture should be performed from any suspicious Amikacin 15 mg/kg
lesions. X‑ray of the chest and joints, computed tomography Kanamycin 15‑30 mg/kg
scan/magnetic resonance imaging of the brain and spine, Streptomycin 12‑18 mg/kg (not >750 mg)
ultrasonography of the abdomen and pelvis, sputum Ciprofloxacin 500‑1000 mg
and urine for AFB, and mycobacterial culture should be Ofloxacin 400 mg
undertaken to rule out tuberculous foci in any of the organ Levofloxacin 500 mg
suspected to be involved based on clinical findings. Gatifloxacin 400 mg

Conflicts of interest
Relaunch of our Revised National TB Control Program
There are no conflicts of interest.
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