Papper Maths Class 8th

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Chose the correct options

1) A_____________ is a colleetion of dirtict object.

O Natural Number O Whole Number O Set O None
2) Z Represents The Set of __________________ Number.
O Natural O Whole O Integer O Set
3) ______________ Satisfy Commutative Property of Union and Intersection.
O Natural Number O Real Number O Set O All of them
4) Number of elements in Power Set {3,4,5,6}
O5 O 10 O 16 O 32
5) a € A Stands For.
O A is Member of A O A is SubSet of A O A is Not Number of A O A is Less then A
6) Acording to De-Morgen’S Law (A v B )′=_______________
O A′ v B′ O A′ B′ O (A B) ′ O A B′
7) Set That Contains All Subset of a given Set is called _____________
O Empty Set O Common Set O Proper Set O Power Set
8) The Sets A= {a,b,c} B= {c,b,a} are
O Infinite Sets O Equal Sets O Singleton Sets O Disjoint Sets
9) Subtraction of a Set from Universal Set is Called _______________
O Union of Sets O Disjoint Set O Universal Sets O Compliment of Set
10) Disjoint Sets have ______________ Elements.
O Common Element O Three O No Common O Two
11 A Rational Number is Such Number that can be written in the form of _____________
12) Union of Rational and Irrational Number ᶖᶚ.
O Negative O Positive O Real O None
13) Square of 25 is _____________
O5 O 125 O 625 o 50
14) In , 4 is called ____________________
O Numerator O Denominator O Even O Add
15) Perfect Rquewe Have _________________ Number of Zorro at the end.
O5 O2 O odd O Even
16) there are ______________ methods of finding require root.
O3 O2 O4 O6
17) Cube root of 343 is ______________
O7 O 49 O 1092 O none
18) Cube and Cube root are _________________ to each other
O Equal O Not Equal O Inverse O None
19) 0.333………. is called _______________ decimal.
O None recurring O terminating O recurring O none
20) 3x3 = _______________
O1 O3 O9 O0
21) Cubed value of fraction is always _____________ original fraction.
O Greater than O Smaller than O Equal to O None
22) Which of the following is a perfect cube ?
O 64.25 O 36 O 49 O 64
23) Which number is an irrational number?
O O 2 O -2 O2

24) 2+3 = 3+2 is called ________________ property.

O Associative Distributive O Commutative O All
25) 2( 3-2) =2+3 – 2+2 is called ______________ Property.
O Associative Property pf Multiplication. O Distributive Property of Subtraction.
O Commutative Property of Subtraction. O Distributive Property of Multiplication over.
26) (10)2 + (10)2 = _________________
O (10)2 O(110)2 O (100)2 O (111)2
27) To convert a decimal number into baring number the number is divided with.
O1 O2 O3 O4

28) 10+3 in decimal will be ____________ I base 5.

O (13)5 O (23)5 O (20)5 O (30)5

29) Number of digits used in base 5 number system.
O 10 O8 O5 O2
30) (432)5 – (243)5 =_______________.
O (243)5 O (143)5 O (341)5 O (241)5
31) We write 9 in bring system as.
O (1100)2 O (1010)2 O (1001)2 O (1110)2
32) 52x1 +51x2 + 50x1 =______________
O 36 O (36)5 O 121 O210
33) (11)2 x (42)5 x (45)8 = ______________________
O 3220 O 2442 O 6500 O None
34) (7461)8 + (3747)8 =_____________________
O 13430 O 43013 O 30134 O 13043
35)(85901)10 is known as ________________ System.
O octal O binary O decimal O none
36) In octal system 18 is written as ______________ .
O (22)8 O (24)8 O (22)2 O (20) 10
37) (232)8 can written in decimal .
O 340 O 339 O 300 O (339)5
38) The co –efficient of n y _____________________ .
O2 O1 O1 O2
39) The degree of 4ņ3 + 8n2 y3 + 4y2 is ________________ .
40) 9y4 ÷ 3y2 = _________________ .
41) (n+2) (n-4) – (n+4) (n-2) =__________________ .
O0 O 2n2 + 4n-16 O -4n O 4n
42) In the expression 3n2, 3 is called_________________ .
O Exponent O power O odd number O coefficient
43) In expression 4n2y3+2, 2is _______________ .
O Even O prime O constant O all
44) The product of 2n2 and 3n3 is _______________ .
O 6n5 O 5n5 O 6n-1 O 6n-5
45) If an algebraic expression has two terms it is called .
O terms O trinomial O binomial O all
46) A set whose elements are countable is called _________________ .
O Infinite set O prime set O finite set O odd set
47) The set of rivers in Pakistan is __________________ .
O Infinite set O empty set O finite set O odd set
48) Any number divisible by 3 if the sum of digits are divisible by _______________
O2 O3 O4 O3
49) 2 is ____________________ number.
O Only even prime number O Even O Natural O All
50) 16.02 xo.oo1 =_________________
O 0.001602 O 0,01602 O 0.1602 O 1.6002

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