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My Experience Being UGM Student

Since I was a child, I always wanted to be a UGM student. UGM is the best
university in Indonesia that I knew, because when my parents told me about
the best university in Indonesia, they always talked about UGM, besides that
UGM was also close to our house, so we often passed by and stopped for a
walk at UGM. Because of that, my motivation is great to be a UGM student.
With great effort, I was finally accepted at UGM. I am very grateful and happy.

Before starting college in UGM, I was given an assignment for PPSMB. The task
given in my opinion is heavy as a new graduate of high school. I began to think
that tomorrow’s assignments would be tough. Beginning in college all new
students must attend PPSMB. When PPSMB is finished, we immediately go to
college. In the first week, the lesson was easy because of only the introduction
and review of the material. In the second week, as I thought before, we were
given many assignments, and the assignments were also difficult. The
assignments are like about OSN. And the time allotted is not too much
considering the many other learning tasks or organizations. Hopefully, I can get
through all of these tasks. Amin

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