Properties of Dieectric Fluid

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Properties of dielectric fluid:

1.0 Functions of dielectric fluid :-

1. It controls the electrical discharge through the medium.

2. It act as a coolant to cool the workpiece. EDM, debris are solidifies due to discharge of fluid.
3. It works as a medium to carry away the debris from the discharge gap.
4. It absorb and carry away the heat released by the discharges from both the electrode and

2.0 Properties Dielectric Oils :-

2.1 Viscosity:
Viscosity is the property that defines as the resistance of a fluid to flow.
Normally, The flushablility is better in case of thinner fluids and the oil will be thinner if the
temperature increases.

2.2 Flash Point

The lowest temperature at which vapors above a volatile combustible substance ignite in air
when exposed to flame. The flashpoint in EDM dielectric fluids ranges from 160º F to 255º F.
The higher the flashpoint the better for machining.

2.3 Dielectric Strength (Break down voltage):-

Dielectric material and electrodes, the dielectric strength is the minimum electrical field that
produces a breakdown. The dielectric strength units are MV/m or V/mil.

2.4 Volatility
Volatility is a measure of the tendency of dielectric fluid to vaporize.
Most of the dielectric fluids will exhibit some degree of evaporation, the more volatile dielectric
fluids will evaporate significantly more rapidly than their less volatile cousins. Volatility in
dielectric oils is generally related to the flashpoint. Volatility is often not listed in the
specifications for a dielectric oil, however, an oil with low volatility is more desirable.

2.5 Oxidation Stability

Oxidation stability is a measure of the dielectric fluids' tendency to react with oxygen. Having
greater oxidation stability means that the dielectric fluid will resist degradation longer, retaining
its clarity, initial viscosity, and give longer service life. Oxidation stability is often not listed in
the specifications for dielectric oil; however, oil with high oxidation stability is more desirable.

2.6 Acid Number

The acid number is used to quantify the amount of acid present in a sample of dielectric oil.
Excessive levels of acid in a dielectric oil could lead to corrosion in the dielectric system

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