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Slideshare > user > streetview99 password > genecayce7777777

photobucket > user > password > genecayce7777777

Phone > <?php if($custom_2 != '') echo $custom_2; ?>
2nd Phone > <?php if($custom_4 != '') echo $custom_4; ?>
Fax > <?php if($custom_5 != '') echo $custom_5; ?>
2nd Fax > <?php if($custom_6 != '') echo $custom_6; ?>
Cell > <?php if($custom_7 != '') echo $custom_7; ?>
2nd Cell > <?php if($custom_8 != '') echo $custom_8; ?>
Tollfree > <?php if($custom_9 != '') echo $custom_9; ?>
Email <?php if($custom_10 != '') echo $custom_10; ?>
Skype ID > <?php if($custom_11 != '') echo $custom_11; ?>
Yahoo IM > <?php if($custom_12 != '') echo $custom_12; ?>
Win/Live IM ID > <?php if($custom_13 != '') echo $custom_13; ?>
AIM IM ID > <?php if($custom_14 != '') echo $custom_14; ?>
Meebo IM ID > <?php if($custom_15 != '') echo $custom_15; ?>
Clickable email link to open default browser email program > <?php echo $custom_
44; ?>">
Custom email address image > <?php echo $custom_65; ?>

widgets with embed/object etc codes:
94 My Picasa Slideshow
157 authorSTREAM PowerPoint Viewer
31 Your Name 50?
32 Secondary Title/Subtitle 50
48 Greeting Message/Page Title 50

2 Phone 15
4 2nd Phone 15
7 Cell Phone 15
8 2nd Cell Phone 15
5 Fax 15
6 2nd Fax 15
9 Toll-Free Number 15
10 Email 25
44 Clickable Email Link 25
65 Custom Email Signature Image 75
11 Skype ID
12 Yahoo Messenger IM ID
13 Windows Live Messenger IM ID 30
14 AIM/AOL Wimzi IM ID 30
15 MeeboMe IM ID 30

Phone > <?php if($custom_2 != '') echo $custom_2; ?>
2nd Phone > <?php if($custom_4 != '') echo $custom_4; ?>
Fax > <?php if($custom_5 != '') echo $custom_5; ?>
2nd Fax > <?php if($custom_6 != '') echo $custom_6; ?>
Cell > <?php if($custom_7 != '') echo $custom_7; ?>
2nd Cell > <?php if($custom_8 != '') echo $custom_8; ?>
Tollfree > <?php if($custom_9 != '') echo $custom_9; ?>
Email <?php if($custom_10 != '') echo $custom_10; ?>
Skype ID > <?php if($custom_11 != '') echo $custom_11; ?>
Yahoo IM > <?php if($custom_12 != '') echo $custom_12; ?>
Win/Live IM ID > <?php if($custom_13 != '') echo $custom_13; ?>
AIM IM ID > <?php if($custom_14 != '') echo $custom_14; ?>
Meebo IM ID > <?php if($custom_15 != '') echo $custom_15; ?>
Clickable email link to open default browser email program > <?php echo $custom_
44; ?>">
Custom email address image > <?php echo $custom_65; ?>
Phone, 2nd Phone, Cell Phone, 2nd Cell Phone, Fax, 2nd Fax, Toll-Free Number, Em
ail Address, Clickable Email Link (opens visitor's default email program on thei
r computer), Custom Email Signature Image, Skype ID, Yahoo Messenger IM ID, Wind
ows Live Messenger IM ID, AIM/AOL Wimzi IM ID & MeeboMe IM ID
57 My Scribd Document Link
62 Youtube vResume/Profile/Introduction
<?php if($custom_62 != '') { ?>
<embed src="<?php echo $custom_62; ?>" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" widt
h="435" height="455" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true"></embed>
<?php } ?>
138 Seesmic vResume/Profile/Introduction

139 Vimeo vResume/Profile/Introduction

<?php if($custom_139 != '') { ?>

<iframe src="<?php echo $custom_139; ?>?title=0" w
idth="435" height="355" frameborder="0"></iframe>
<?php } ?>
1 Whole Resume Page Background Image

<embed src="<?php echo $custom_72; ?>" type="appl

ication/x-shockwave-flash" width="190" height="275"></embed>
20 My Facebook Page 75
21 My MySpace Page 75
22 My Twitter Page 75
50 Your LinkedIn ID 50
55 Google Doc(s) Link
19 My Audio Greeting
25 Press/Media 75
26 Additional Press/Media 75
27 Even More Press/Media! 75
3 My RSS Feed 75
46 Visit my Blog! 75
18 Yahoo Pingbox IM Widget
<object id="<?php echo $custom_18; ?>" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" data
="" width="180" height="420"><param
name="movie" value="" /><param name=
"allowScriptAccess" value="always" /><param name="flashvars" value="<?php echo $
custom_28; ?>" /></object>
custom 18 > pingboxa2tkfrn246o0W 20 digits
<object id="pingboxa2tkfrn246o0W" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" data="htt
p://" width="240" height="420"><param name=
"movie" value="" /><param name="allo
wScriptAccess" value="always" /><param name="flashvars" value="wid=qTnKvOW8Rmzhh
xX.zCz1ts51sQ--" /></object>
custom 28 > wid=qTnKvOW8RmzhhxX.zCz1ts51sQ--
wid=JBMXFsO8Rmzv_1sT6VBg4S3V3g-- 32 digits
<object id="pingboxcwssp0t7pc00W" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" data="htt
p://" width="240" height="420"><param name=
"movie" value="" /><param name="allo
wScriptAccess" value="always" /><param name="flashvars" value="wid=JBMXFsO8Rmzv_
1sT6VBg4S3V3g--" /></object>
<div style="clear: left; text-align: left; margin: 0 auto; padding: 0 0 1em; dis
play: inline-block;"><img src="
ault/images/yahoomessenger1.png"><span style="font-size: 1.4em;"> ~ Yahoo Ping
box How-to > Go to > & create a Yah
oo Account. Then go to > . Click "Create a P
ingbox". Select your Pingbox style. Click "Add to Website". Click "Copy to clipb
oard". Open a new Notepad or text editor page. Paste the code into your favorite
editor. There are 2 simple code lines you need here to make a Yahoo Pingbox sho
w on your Resume page. The code string you need to paste into the box above is s
imply the "object id" number/letter code string in the TOP line. It looks like t
his > "pingboxiovmbfl32pg10". 20 characters in all. Yours will be different th
an this one. Paste it above. DO NOT PASTE THE QUOTES. Just the numbers/letters.
The 2nd code line/string you will need to paste is in the last line of the "embe
d" code. It needs to go into the text input box below. It contains 32 character
s. Here is a non-working example of what it looks like > <br />wid=JBMXFsO8Rmzv_
1sQ6VBg4S3V3g--<br /> This goes into the box just below.
You must be logged into Yahoo Messenger for this to work. When you get online ju
st make sure you are logged into Yahoo. Then if a visitor happens by your Resume
page & wants to chat you'll be ready. This is what it will look like: </span><b
r />

<script language="javascript">
var popupWindow = null;
function positionedPopup(url,winName,w,h,t,l,scroll){
settings =
popupWindow =,winName,settings)
<a href="" onclick="positionedPop
up(this.href,'myWindow','500','300','100','200','yes');return false">See how thi
s Yahoo Messenger IM widget will look on your page by clicking here!</a>

17 Windows Live IM Widget 16

24 Plugoo IM Widget 17
<object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" id="plugoo" data= "http://www.plugo<?php echo $custom_3; ?>" width="140" height="300"> <param name
="movie" value= "<?php echo $custom_3; ?>" /> <
param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always" /> <param name="wmode" value="tran
sparent" /> </object>
71 AIM Wimzi IM Widget
<embed src="<?php echo $custom_
71; ?>&theme=morningmist" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="190" heigh
t="275" ></embed>
72 MeeboMe IM Widget
33 "Easy Welcome" Section Text
34 "Easy About Me" Section Text
36 "Easy Objective" Section Text
38 "Easy Career/Work History/Experience"
39 "Easy Education: High School"
153 "Easy Education: College/University"
37 "Easy Professional Bio" Section Text
40 "Easy Skills" Section Text
41 "Easy Personal Interests" Section Text
42 "Easy Professional Certifications"
43 "Easy Awards & Honors"
45 "Easy Quotes & Comments About Me..."
47 "Easy References"
35 "Easy Summary" Section Text
154 Allow Google Map?
53 MP3
54 My MP4/iPod/Audio Book Recording
59 My Flickr Photostream
<div style="clear: left; text-align: left; margin: 0 auto; padding: 0 0 1em; dis
play: inline-block;"><img src="
ault/images/flickr.gif"><span style="font-size: 1.4em;"> ~ To add a 5th Flickr
photo > Again, If you have photos uploaded at you can display them d
irectly on your Resume page. Simply visit the photo, click "Share this", click "
Grab the HTML/BBCode", grab the code & place it above. Chose the "Medium 500" co
de in the dropdown menu. It will show a photo 500 X 375 pixels. That's a good si
zed picture for the main column of your Resume page. The other sizes won't look
good. Use "br" code to place a description under the photo if you know a little
HTML. </span></div>
<a href="" title=
"Snc10624 by genecayce, on Flickr"><img src="
/2899551699_5bec01ec15.jpg" width="500" height="375" alt="2899551699_5bec01ec15.
60 My 1st Flickr Photo edit to show how to add text w/ photo
58 My 2nd Flickr Photo edit to show how to add text w/ photo
173 My 3rd Flickr Photo edit to show how to add text w/ photo
174 My 4th Flickr Photo edit to show how to add text w/ photo
175 My 5th Flickr Photo edit to show how to add text w/ photo
63 2nd Youtube Video
<embed src="<?php echo $custom_63; ?>&hl=en_US&fs=1&border=1" type="application/
x-shockwave-flash" width="180" height="180" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfull
<?php } ?>
64 3rd Youtube Video
<embed src="<?php echo $custom_63; ?>&hl=en_US&fs=1&border=1" type="application/
x-shockwave-flash" width="180" height="180" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfull
<?php } ?>
70 My Vimeo Videos
<br />
<!-- START Vimeo Badge ... info at -->
<style type="text/css">
/* You can modify these CSS styles */
.vimeoBadge { margin: 0; padding: 0; font: normal 11px verdana,sans-serif; }
.vimeoBadge img { border: 0; }
.vimeoBadge a, .vimeoBadge a:link, .vimeoBadge a:visited, .vimeoBadge a:active {
color: #3A75C4; text-decoration: none; cursor: pointer; }
.vimeoBadge a:hover { color:#00CCFF; }
.vimeoBadge #vimeo_badge_logo { margin-top:10px; width: 57px; height: 16px; }
.vimeoBadge .credit { font: normal 11px verdana,sans-serif; }
.vimeoBadge .clip { padding:0; float:left; margin:0 10px 10px 0; width:180px; li
ne-height:0; }
.vimeoBadge .caption { font: normal 11px verdana,sans-serif; overflow:hidden; wi
dth:100px; height: 30px; }
.vimeoBadge .clear { display: block; clear: both; visibility: hidden; }
<div class="vimeoBadge">
<script type="text/javascript" src="<?php echo $custom_70;
<!-- END Vimeo Badge -->

66 Disqus Comments short name 20?
<div id="disqus_thread"></div>
<script type="text/javascript">
* var disqus_identifier; [Optional but recommended: Define a unique identifi
er (e.g. post id or slug) for this thread]
(function() {
var dsq = document.createElement('script'); dsq.type = 'text/javascript'; dsq
.async = true;
dsq.src = 'http://<?php echo $custom_66; ?>';
(document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0] || document.getElementsByTagName('b
<noscript>Please enable JavaScript to view the <a href="
oscript=<?php echo $custom_66; ?>">comments powered by Disqus.</a></noscript>
<a href="" class="dsq-brlink">blog comments powered by <span cl
67 JS-Kit Comments
<div class="js-kit-comments" permalink=""></div><script src="
or/<?php echo $custom_67; ?>/comments.js"></script>
137 IntenseDebate Comments System
var idcomments_acct = '<?php echo $custom_137; ?>';
var idcomments_post_id;
var idcomments_post_url;
<span id="IDCommentsPostTitle" style="display:none"></span>
<script type='text/javascript' src='

var idcomments_acct = '<?php echo $custom_137; ?>';
var idcomments_post_id;
var idcomments_post_url;
<script type="text/javascript" src="
73 Evoca Recording Player AT BOTTOM
<embed src="<?php echo $cust
om_73; ?>&teu=" wmode="transparent" allowscriptaccess="neve
r" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage="
o/getflashplayer" height="165" width="180">
54846 >>>>>>> is user id for evoca recorder
219732 >>>>> is recording id needed for placing a player
49 Evoca Voice Recorder AT BOTTOM
<div id="evoca_inBlogRecorder_vert"><object width="210" height="250">
<param name="movie" value="
rder_v.swf" />
<param name="quality" value="high" />
<param name="AllowScriptAccess" value="always" />
<param name="wmode" value="transparent" /><param name="FlashVars" value=
"ownerid=<?php echo $custom_49; ?>&teu=
ue" />
<embed src="" All
owScriptAccess="always" FlashVars="ownerid=<?php echo $custom_49; ?>&teu=http://" quality="high" pluginspage="http://www.mac" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="210"
height="250" wmode="transparent" ></embed>
219732 >>>>> is recording id needed for placing a player with one recording
<object classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" codebase="http://fp,0,0,0" wi
dth="305" height="275" id="wimpy2337">
<param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always" />
<param name="movie" value="" />
<param name="loop" value="false" />
<param name="menu" value="false" />
<param name="quality" value="high" />
<param name="scale" value="noscale" />
<param name="salign" value="lt" />
<param name="bgcolor" value="000000" />
<param name="flashvars" value="wimpyReg=YOUR_REG_CODE&wimpyApp=&wimpySkin=http:/
/<?php ech
o $custom_78; ?>|<?php echo $custom_79; ?>|<?php echo $custom_80; ?>|<?php echo
$custom_81; ?>" />
<param name="wmode" value="transparent" />
<embed src="" flashvars="wimpyReg=YOUR
ml&autoAdvance=no&playlist=<?php echo $custom_78; ?>|<?php echo $custom_79; ?>|<
?php echo $custom_80; ?>|<?php echo $custom_81; ?>" loop="false" menu="false" qu
ality="high" wmode="transparent" width="305" height="275" scale="noscale" salign
="lt" name="wimpy2337" align="center" bgcolor="000000" allowScriptAccess="always
" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage="
/getflashplayer" />
78 My 1st MP3 recording 75
79 My 2nd MP3 recording 75
80 My 3rd MP3 recording 75
52 My 5th MP3 Recording 75
81 My 4th MP3 recording 75
82 Google Call Me Now Button
<?php if($custom_82 != '') { ?>
<object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" data="
oice/embed/webCallButton" width="230" height="85"><param name="movie" value="htt
ps://" /><param name="wmode" value=
"transparent" /><param name="FlashVars" value="<?php echo $custom_82; ?>" /></ob
<?php } ?>

<object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" data="

oice/embed/webCallButton" width="230" height="85"><param name="movie" value="htt
ps://" /><param name="wmode" value=
"transparent" /><param name="FlashVars" value="id=dfd094be5485ec469dc21d0adfd217
706c656b9d&style=0" /></object>
<object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" data="
oice/embed/webCallButton" width="230" height="85"><param name="movie" value="htt
ps://" /><param name="wmode" value=
"transparent" /><param name="FlashVars" value="id=52812ed3e2529cf8c4eb6dcb1d6f28
50d8c95ac8&style=0" /></object>
164 My Google Doc Viewer
<div style="clear: left; text-align: left; margin: 0 auto; padding: 0 0 1em; dis
play: inline-block;"><img src="
ault/images/googledocgif.gif"><span style="font-size: 1.4em;"> ~ If you have P
DF documents, PowerPoint presentations, and/or TIFF files located on a server wi
th a url address & you want to display them in a Google Doc Viewer on your Resum
e page then go to the <a href=""> Google Doc
Viewer Link Generator Page</a>. Place the url for your particular document into
the first text input box on that page. Skip the second box. Click > "Generate li
nk". You will now see 3 codes/urls generated below that button. You need the url
address only from the code below the text line that reads > "For an embedded vi
ewer, use this HTML tag instead:". Just the url between the quotes >"" ONLY. Do
not include the quotes. Cut & paste it above & your document will show in a Goog
le Doc Viewer on your Resume page. That's it.</span></div><hr>
<iframe src="
irs-pdf%2Ffw4.pdf&embedded=true" width="570" height="780" style="border: none;">

<?php if($custom_164 != '') { ?>

<iframe src="<?php echo $custom_164; ?>" width="570" height="780" style="border:
<?php } ?>
90 Slideshare Document Viewer

91 Slideshare Playlist Feedurl
<?php if($custom_91 != '') { ?>
<div style="width:570px;margin:auto;"><object style="margin:0px" width="577" hei
ght="410"><param name="movie" value="
dget.swf"/><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"/><param name="allowScriptA
ccess" value="always"/><embed src="
et.swf" flashVars="<?php echo $custom_91; ?>" type="application/x-shockwave-flas
h" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="577" height="410"></
embed></object><br/><div style="font-size:11px;font-family:tahoma,arial;height:2
6px;padding-top:2px;text-align:left;"><a title="SlideShare" href="http://www.sli"><img src="
_embd.png" style="border:0px none;margin-bottom:-5px" alt="SlideShare"/></a> | <
a href="" title="Get your SlideShare P
laylist">Get your SlideShare Playlist</a></div></div>
<?php } ?>

83 Username for Sidebar
<div style='width:190;margin:auto'><object type='application/x-shockwave-flash'
er/<?php echo $custom_83; ?>' width='190' height='725'><param name='movie' value
?php echo $custom_83; ?>' /><param name='allowScriptAccess' value='always'/><emb
ed type='application/x-shockwave-flash' src='
/blogbarwidget_black.swf?sidebarfeed=user/<?php echo $custom_83; ?>' allowscript
access='always' width='190' height='725'></embed></object><div style='font-size:
:center;'><a href='' title='Get your
Sidebar Widget' style='border:0px none;margin-bottom:-5px' >Get your own Widget<
156 SlideShare Presentation Pack ???????????????????????????????????????????
<div style="clear: left; text-align: left; margin: 0 auto; padding: 0 0 1em; dis
play: inline-block;"><img src="
ault/images/slideshare3.jpg"><span style="font-size: 1.4em;"> ~ My SlideShare
Presentation Pack > If you w
ant to show multiple presentaions, like PowerPoint Presentations, Slidecasts, Sl
ideshows etc., NOT documents, you can use the SlideShare Presentation Pack. To g
et it signin to SlideShare, scroll down to the bottom of the next page & near th
e lower right click > "Presentation Pack". You should already have your presenta
tions uploaded to a folder. Now perhaps on this page maybe you don't need to cha
nge a thing but perhaps give your uploads a title. You can do that in the box to
the right of > "Customize Pack title". Click > "Preview changes". Scroll down t
o see your SlideShare Presentation Pack Viewer. If it is to your liking simply g
rab the code & place it into a Notepad/text editor. You need a snippet of this c
ode to place the SlideShare Presentation Pack into your Resume page. Look for th
is line > flashVars="feedurl=user/YOURUSERNAME&widgettitle=My%20Presentations".
Place into the box above only the code inside the quotes (""). DO NOT paste the
quotes. Just what's between the quotes. "YOURUSERNAME" should be your own userna
me. That's it. The SlideShare Presentation Pack will be in your Resume page.</sp
<?php if($custom_156 != '') { ?>

<div style="width:540px;margin:auto;"><object style="margin:0px" width="538" hei

ght="341"><param name="movie" value="
et2.swf"/><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"/><param name="allowScriptAc
cess" value="always"/><embed src="
.swf" flashVars="<?php echo $custom_156; ?>" type="application/x-shockwave-flash
" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="538" height="341"></e
mbed></object><br/><div style="font-size:11px;font-family:tahoma,arial;height:26
px;padding-top:2px;text-align:left;"><a title="SlideShare" href="http://www.slid"><img src="
bd.png" style="border:0px none;margin-bottom:-5px" alt="SlideShare"/></a> | <a h
ref="" title="Get your Presen
tation Pack">Get your Presentation Pack</a></div></div>
<?php } ?>
<div style="width:540px;margin:auto;"><object style="margin:0px" width="538" hei
ght="341"><param name="movie" value="
et2.swf"/><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"/><param name="allowScriptAc
cess" value="always"/><embed src="
.swf" flashVars="feedurl=user/streetview99&widgettitle=My%20Presentations" type=
"application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true
" width="538" height="341"></embed></object><br/><div style="font-size:11px;font
-family:tahoma,arial;height:26px;padding-top:2px;text-align:left;"><a title="Sli
deShare" href=""><img src="http://static" style="border:0px none;margin-bottom:-5px"
alt="SlideShare"/></a> | <a href="
n-pack" title="Get your Presentation Pack">Get your Presentation Pack</a></div><
89 Slideshare Profile Icon - White
92 Slideshare Profile Icon - Black
95 My 280 Slide/Presentation
28 Your Scribd Document Viewer "Url" Number 8 characters
23 Your Scribd Document Viewer "doc_name" Number 15 characters
61 Your Scribd Document Viewer "Scribd Doc Key"
29 DocStoc Document/Object ID in Embed Code
30 DocStoc Member ID
56 My DocStoc Document
visitor option link
75 Zoho Document Viewer Embed Url
159 Zoho Document Viewer Page Url
160 Zoho Show Presentation/Slide Page Link Url
76 Zoho Show Presentation/.ppt Embed Viewer
77 Download My .rtf Microsoft Word Document
MAKE REQUIRED MAKE REQUIRED ________________________________
142 Adv. Greeting
143 Adv. About Me
152 Adv. Education High School
100 Education: College/University
101 Education: 2nd College/University
107 Education: 3rd College/University
108 Education: 4th College/University
133 Education: Additional Education
102 Work Experience: Latest/Current
109 Details & Duties of Latest/Current Job ENTER JOB DESCRIPTION OR JUST
110 More Details & Duties of Latest/Current Work Experience
112 More Details & Duties of Latest/Current Work Experience
111 More Details & Duties of Latest/Current Work Experience
113 More Details & Duties of Latest/Current Work Experience
103 Work Experience: 2nd Latest
114 Details & Duties of 2nd Latest Work Experience
115 More Details & Duties of 2nd Latest Work Experience
116 More Details & Duties of 2nd Latest Work Experience
117 More Details & Duties of 2nd Latest Work Experience
118 More Details & Duties of 2nd Latest Work Experience
104 Work Experience: 3rd Latest
119 Details & Duties of 3rd Latest Work Experience
120 More Details & Duties of 3rd Latest Work Experience
121 More Details & Duties of 3rd Latest Work Experience
122 More Details & Duties of 3rd Latest Work Experience
134 More Details & Duties of 3rd Latest Work Experience
105 Work Experience: 4rd Latest
123 Details & Duties of 4th Latest Work Experience
124 More Details & Duties of 4th Latest Work Experience
125 More Details & Duties of 4th Latest Work Experience
126 More Details & Duties of 4th Latest Work Experience
127 More Details & Duties of 4th Latest Work Experience
106 Work Experience: 5th Latest
128 Details & Duties of 5th Latest Work Experience
129 More Details & Duties of 5th Latest Work Experience
130 More Details & Duties of 5th Latest Work Experience
131 More Details & Duties of 5th Latest Work Experience
132 More Details & Duties of 5th Latest Work Experience
145 Adv. Special Skills
146 Adv. Personal Interests
147 Adv. Professional Certifications
148 Adv. Awards/Honors
149 Adv. Press/Media
150 Adv. Quotes & Comments About Me...
151 Adv. References
144 Adv. Summary
99 Background Image Behind Resume Text
98 Page Divider Image
97 Bullet List Image

135 Large Font Type

Comic Sans MS
Trebuchet MS
Lucida Sans Unicode
Courier New
Lucida Console
Ariel Black

136 Small Text Font Type

Comic Sans MS
Trebuchet MS
Lucida Sans Unicode
Courier New
Lucida Console
Ariel Black

140 Want SexyBookmarks?

157 authorSTREAM PowerPoint Viewer
<div><h3 style="padding: 0px; margin: 3px;"><a href="
/Presentation/Group402-575313-inforsystems-cyberbullyingassignment/" target="_bl
ank" style="font:normal 18px,arial;">inforsystems_cyberbullyingassignment</a></h
3><object width="425" height="354" id="player"><param name="movie" value="http:/
/" /><param na
me="allowfullscreen" value="true" /><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="alway
s"/><embed src="
043631250" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allow
fullscreen="true" width="425" height="354"></embed></object><div style="font-fa
mily: arial; font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: normal;font-
size: 11px; line-height: normal; font-size-adjust: none; font-stretch: normal;">
See more <a href="" target="_blank">presentations</a
> by <a href="" target="
_blank">Group402</a> | <a href="
" target="_blank">Upload your own PowerPoint presentations</a></div></div>
158 authorSTREAM PowerPoint Link Url
74 Password Protect Username
16 Password Protect Password
93 My Photobucket Slideshow
Photobucket allows you to create a slideshow of your photos that you display on
your Resume page. Simply signin, go to your account page, click > "Slideshow" &
start dragging your pictures on the left side into the middle column. Then click
a slideshow format on the left side that you like the best. Experiment. When yo
u get it right grab the "HTML" code & paste it above. It will show on your Resum
e page!
<div style="clear: left; text-align: left; margin: 0 auto; padding: 0 0 1em; dis
play: inline-block;"><img src="
ault/images/pb.png"><span style="font-size: 1.4em;"> ~ Photobucket allows you
to create a slideshow of your photos that you display on your Resume page. Simpl
y signin, go to your account page, click > "Slideshow" & start dragging your pic
tures on the left side into the middle column. Then click a slideshow format on
the left side that you like the best. Experiment. When you get it right grab the
"HTML" code & paste it above. It will show on your Resume page!</span></div><hr
<div style="width:480px; text-align: center;"><embed type="application/x-shockwa
ve-flash" wmode="transparent" src="
" height="360" width="480"><a href="" target="_
blank"><img src="" style="float:lef
t;border-width: 0;" ></a><a href="
ayce/?action=view&current=932ea581.pbw" target="_blank"><img src="http://pic.pho" style="float:left;border-width: 0
;" ></a></div>
Photobucket is a great service that allows you to upload photos like Flickr & th
en gives lots of different ways to share them. This is a widget you can use to e
ither upload photos you have after registering or signin & find photos you have
already uploaded. Just signin, scroll through your pics, click on the one you li
ke & then grab the HTML link code below it. Place it into the box above. The pho
to will display on your Resume page. You can display up to 5. They will show in
a given space on the Resume page according to the actual size they actually are.
They will not be resized. Check your Resume page to see if you like them as the
y are presented. There is only so much space. If your photo is too large it migh
t not look right. There are 4 more text input boxes below. Find 4 more pics, gra
b their code & place into each box. See your page. That's it! Here is the Photob
ucket widget:
68 My 1st PhotoBucket Photo
69 My 2nd PhotoBucket Photo
155 My 3rd PhotoBucket Photo
96 My 4th PhotoBucket Photo
51 My 5th PhotoBucket Photo
<a href="
=construction.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="
yy152/genecayce/construction.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>
94 My Picasa Slideshow
<div style="clear: left; text-align: left; margin: 0 auto; padding: 0 0 1em; dis
play: inline-block;"><img src="
ault/images/picasa3.gif"><span style="font-size: 1.4em;"> ~ If you use Google'
s Picasa to upload, store & share your photos & images you can embed them in you
r Resume page! This option is for embedding a Picasa slideshow of your selected
photos/images. Create an account at <a href="">Google P
icasa</a>. Creating this account gives you access to all of Google's other servi
ces as well. Download the software, Upload your pics that you want to show on yo
ur Resume page into their own album only. Login to your <a href="http://www.pica">Picasa account</a>. Click on that album. Now on the next page
in the right grey column click > "Link to this album". Below that link will app
ear another link > "Embed Slideshow". Click it. A popup will appear with embed c
ode you will need to paste into the box above. In the dropdown menu below > "Sel
ect slideshow size:" choose/click the > "Large 400px" option. Click the code in
the box to copy it. Then bring it back here & paste it above. That's it. The pre
viewed Picasa slideshow will show on your Resume page!</span></div><hr>

<embed type="application/x-shockwave-flash" src="

/bin/slideshow.swf" width="400" height="267" flashvars="
Drss%26kind%3Dphoto%26authkey%3DGv1sRgCLaXyY7-ppXw9AE%26hl%3Den_US" pluginspage=
<div style="clear: left; text-align: left; margin: 0 auto; padding: 0 0 1em; dis
play: inline-block;"><img src="
ault/images/picasa3.gif"><span style="font-size: 1.4em;"> ~ If you use Google'
s Picasa to upload, store & share your photos & images you can embed them in you
r Resume page! You can embed up to 5. Create an account at <a href="http://picas">Google Picasa</a>. Creating this account gives you access to all
of Google's other services as well. Download the software, Upload your pics that
you want to show on your Resume page into their own album only. Login to your <
a href="">Picasa account</a>. Click on that albu
m. Now click on the image you want to place on your Resume page. Now on the next
page in the right grey column click > "Link to this photo". Below that link wil
l appear another link > "Embed image". Below that & to the right of "Select size
" is a dropmenu. In that menu choose the "Original size". It must be 550px wide
or less to look right on the Resume page. Now click in the "Embed image" box. Co
py that code & bring it here & place it into the box above. That image will appe
ar on your Resume page! Thats it!. If you want to add more images just repeat th
e process & paste the codes into the appropriate boxes below.</span></div><hr>
<table style="width:auto;"><tr><td><a href="
/9CvWAACaS1JPZlKfeGSnMVy7mLCSfi6to5w6x8-lRLc?feat=embedwebsite"><img src="http:/
ortunities.jpg" height="207" width="277" /></a></td></tr><tr><td style="font-fam
ily:arial,sans-serif; font-size:11px; text-align:right">From <a href="http://pic
161 My 1st Google Picasa Photo
165 My 2nd Google Picasa Photo
166 My 3rd Google Picasa Photo
167 My 4th Google Picasa Photo
168 My 5th Google Picasa Photo
163 My ImageShack yFrog Slideshow
<div style="clear: left; text-align: left; margin: 0 auto; padding: 0 0 1em; dis
play: inline-block;"><img
"><span style="font-size: 1.4em;"> ~ If you use ImageShack to upload, store &
share your photos & images you can embed them as a slideshow into your Resume pa
ge! To embed an ImageShack Slideshow > Create an account at >> <a href="http://m"></a>. Fill in the form data & click
> "Sign up". Check your email & click > "Your registration link:". On the ImageS
hack page that opens click > "Upload Multiple Images" in the right sidebar, You
now have a small popup. Click > "Browse" to select a photo/image to upload. Cont
inue until you have all the photos/images you'd like to show. Click > "Upload".
You will now see your uploaded photos/images as thumbnails. Now to select photos
/images to add to a slideshow simply click on those images. Now click > "Create
Slideshow". Choose "Medium (426x320)". Click > "Proceed". On the next page make
any adjustments & then click > "Finish Slideshow". On this next page you will se
e the "embed" code. Now, we don't need that entire embed code. We only need a sm
all snipet of it. Place into the box above only the code directly after > flashv
ars= . The small line between the quotes ONLY. DO NOT add the quotes. This small
snippet will look like this (just an example) > id=img585/4821/
il . Simply cut & paste that snippet above & the ImageShack Slideshow will show
on your Resume page.</span></div><hr>
<embed src="" width="426" he
ight="320" name="smilplayer" id="smilplayer" bgcolor="FFFFFF" menu="false" wmode
="transparent" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage="http://www.macr" flashvars="id=img585/4821/1289087411mgu.smil"/>
<br/><a href="">Go to ImageShack&#174; t
o Create your own Slideshow</a>
176 Thumbnail Photo Gallery in Main Column (near the top

162 My 1st ImageShack Photo direct link urls

169 My 2nd ImageShack Photo
170 My 3rd ImageShack Photo
171 My 4th ImageShack Photo
172 My 5th ImageShack Photo

<?php if($custom_171 != '') { ?>
<img src='<?php echo $custom_171; ?>' border='0'/>
<?php } ?>
<div style="clear: left; text-align: left; margin: 0 auto; padding: 0 0 1em; dis
play: inline-block;"><img src="
ault/images/imageshack.gif"><span style="font-size: 1.4em;"> ~ If you use Imag
eShack to upload, store & share your photos & images you can embed them in your
Resume page! You can embed up to 5. You don't even need an account to upload pic
s & show them here. You can just click the Browse" button below each text input
box here & below, chose your photo, upload, grab the "Direct link" url & enter t
o get a photo to show in your Resume page. They will not have captions though. T
he second way is to create an account at >> <a href="
istration/"></a>. Fill in the form data & click > "Sign up". Check
your email & click > "Your registration link:", Follow instructions in right sid
ebar (upload images), grab the uploaded image's "Direct link", place them into t
hese boxes to show those images on your Resume page. Images must be 550px width
or less to make them show correctly. Thats it!. If you want to add more images j
ust repeat the process & paste the codes into the appropriate boxes below. 2 sim
ple ways to add ImageShack Photos.</span></div><hr>
177 Gallery Photos > 1st Gallery Photo 75
187 1st Gallery Photo Caption/Title 100
178 2nd Gallery Photo 75
188 2nd Gallery Photo Caption/Title 100
179 3rd Gallery Photo 75
189 3rd Gallery Photo Caption/Title 100
180 4th Gallery Photo 75
190 4th Photo Gallery Caption/Title 100
181 5th Gallery Photo
191 5th Gallery Photo Caption/Title
182 6th Gallery Photo
192 6th Gallery Photo Caption/Title
183 7th Gallery Photo
199 7th Gallery Photo Caption/Title

184 8th Gallery Photo

200 8th Photo Gallery Caption/Title
185 9th Gallery Photo
201 9th Gallery Photo Caption/Title
186 10th Gallery Photo
202 10 Gallery Photo Caption/Title
206 Google Voice Message Player
<div style="clear: left; text-align: left; margin: 0 auto; padding: 0 0 1em; dis
play: inline-block;"><img src="
ault/images/googlevoiceplayer.gif"><span style="font-size: 1.4em;"> ~ If you w
ant to use Google Voice to create a voice greeting that can be played on your Re
sume page obviously you need a Google Voice account. Create a message/greeting (
simple phone call), go to your Google Voice account page, locate the particular
message you want to display, click > "more" under it's text, click > "embed", yo
u will see a small popup with the full "embed" code. We don't need the whole cod
e to place your player on your Resume page. Above in the text box, >> Add every
thing between > "FlashVars" & > </object>. We mean everything. The code snip h
as a very long number/letter string. </span><br />
<script language="javascript">
var popupWindow = null;
function positionedPopup(url,winName,w,h,t,l,scroll){
settings =
popupWindow =,winName,settings)
<a href="" onclick="positionedP
opup(this.href,'myWindow','900','50','300','50','yes');return false">See an exam
ple (just an example) of this code snippet we need installed into the box above
by clicking here!</a>
CDlpFeHpZqsEqrBgOj42bns2z2MS_LIc-zkgi594bug9Zim9S7J2RpY&baseurl=https://clients4" />

<?php if($custom_206 != '') { ?>
<object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" data="
oice/embed/embedPlayer" width="200" height="64"><param name="movie" value="https
://" /><param name="wmode" value="tra
nsparent" /><param name="FlashVars" <?php echo $custom_206; ?></object>
<?php } ?>
207 2nd Yahoo IM Pingbox Code String
The second string of numbers/letters & symbols you will need to make your Yahoo
Pingbox work are directly after > flashvars" value=" . 32 characters in all. H
ere is a non-working example of how it looks ><br /> wid=JBMXFsO8Rmzv_1sT6VBg4S
3V3g--<br /> Do not include the quotes. Place that code string into the text inp
ut box above. After you submit these 2 codes you will show a Yahoo IM Pingbox on
your Resume page.
<div style="clear: left; text-align: left; margin: 0 auto; padding: 0 0 1em; dis
play: inline-block;"><img src="
ault/images/yahoomessenger1.png"><span style="font-size: 1.4em;"> ~ The second
string of numbers/letters & symbols you will need to make your Yahoo Pingbox wo
rk are directly after > flashvars" value=" . 32 characters in all. Here is a n
on-working example of how it looks ><br /> wid=JBMXFsO8Rmzv_1sT6VBg4S3V3g--<br
/> Do not include the quotes. Place that code string into the text input box abo
ve. After you submit these 2 codes you will show a Yahoo IM Pingbox on your Resu
me page.</span></div><hr>
208 My Twitter Tweets 45?
<div style="clear: left; text-align: left; margin: 0 auto; padding: 0 0 1em; dis
play: inline-block;"><img src="
ault/images/twitterlogo1.gif"><span style="font-size: 1.4em;"> ~ If you use Tw
itter to Tweet you can place a widget on your site that displays all of your lat
est Tweets. If you don't yet simply create a Twitter account. Here's a fast trac
k how-to > Go to > <a href="">
up</a>. Fill out the form. Unclick the box that will allow anyone to find you by
your email. Submit. On the next page look to the bottom. All that stuff you ski
p you can return to later. Click > "Next Step: Friends". On the next page click
> "Finish". Again, you can go back & adjust your account settings. Now on this n
ext page click > "Tell the world what's happening in 140 characters or less". No
w you will see a small popup. Into the box type in anything you want. Maybe > "H
ello world! This is my first Tweet! :)". Click > "Tweet". Now you'll be redirect
ed to a page with an alert to > "Confirm your email address to access all of Twi
tter's features". We are in Firefox. If you go to your email account that you us
ed to sign up with & click the link to confirm the page that opens will show you
r first Tweet. That's it. Now Tweet away. The options you will find eventually t
o Tweet are too numerous to mention here. To easily Tweet again simply sign in,
type a Tweet into the box under > "What's Happening". Then click > "Tweet". Now
you "Tweet" & all you need to do now to display your recent Tweets is to enter y
our Twitter "Username" into the box above. A Twitter widget will appear in a sid
ebar of your Resume page with the last 7 Tweets you made. That's it. It will upd
ate in realtime as you Tweet. How you use this is entirely up to your imaginatio
n. Twit On! Remember there is a 140 character limit. If you have been a Twitter
user for a while now undoubtedly you have aquired some Twitter Friends & Followe
rs along the way. Just below you can add them to your Resume page if you want!</
209 My Twitter Friends & Followers 45?
<div style="clear: left; text-align: left; margin: 0 auto; padding: 0 0 1em; dis
play: inline-block;"><img
if"><span style="font-size: 1.4em;"> ~ If
you read the how-to just above you'll know how to create a Twitter account. It'l
l take a little time using Twitter to make a
few Friends & Followers. It does required networking. Aquiring "Friends/Follower
s" at Twitter & Facebook requires having
accounts created at those services & communicating via those services. Also you
will curiously start gathering Friends &
Followers at both of those services if you search for friends of yours that are
already using those services & befriend them
& also by Facebook "Like"ing & Twittering your favorite places you visit online.
Trust us! You will gather Friends &
Followers! :) To display your Twitter "Friends & Followers" on your Resume page
in the main column with their avatars (pics) & their latest Tweets simply place
your Twitter "Username" into the text input box above. That's it. It's a simple
way to declare: "These are people doing things I'm interested in & we all share
a common thread. They are in ways are who I am!". We assume there will be a cert
ain forgiveness factor when one of your friends posts something really stupid. I
t happens :). The collective consciousness displayed by many intelligent friends
, for us, makes this a manageable risk. IT users understand the WWW animal. It'
s up to you of course.</span></div><hr>
210 Google & Microsoft Language Translation Widgets Checkbox
<div style="clear: left; text-align: left; margin: 0 auto; padding: 0 0 1em; dis
play: inline-block;"><img src="
ault/images/translator.png"><span style="font-size: 1.4em;"> ~ If you anticipa
te non-English speaking recruiters to stop by your Resume page then you can elec
t to allow it to be translated by either Google Translate or Microsoft Translato
r. Simply check > "Yes" above. Translations will differ between the two. We have
already added a default Google Translate widget that will appear only when Goog
le detects that a visitor arrives from a non-English world area. If you are shop
ping your Resume into places where English is not the dominant language we recom
mend building one for the language of the area you are targeting. But for a star
ter these 2 translators can do a good job initially. </span></div><hr>
211 My RSS Feeds: 1st Feed Title 50
<div style="clear: left; text-align: left; margin: 0 auto; padding: 0 0 1em; dis
play: inline-block;"><img src="
ault/images/rssiconx.gif"><span style="font-size: 1.4em;"> ~ This is an option
that we simply couldn't resist offering. If you have a blog (i.e. WP or Blogger
etc.) or a photo/image hosting account (i.e.- Flickr, Photobucket etc.) or any
other service you use that has an RSS feed then you can display the feed from th
at service on your Resume page. You can add any RSS feed from any place on the n
et! Maybe you want to display CNN news on your Resume site. Just grab the RSS ur
l & place it here. You MUST also enter a title for each RSS url you include here
. Feeds that reflect positively on you would be obviously preferred. If you choo
se to include RSS feed to your Flickr etc. photos you need to make sure you have
named each photo & added a description to each photo. If you include an RSS fee
d from you blog you surely have titles & descriptions of your posts. This option
is just a simple way to offer links to your own personal work &/or interests. J
ust add titles & feed urls. 3 feeds is the current limit. They will show 10 link
s each with a continually rotating link at the top that will show every link fro
m your feeds (10 links per feed). The following text input fields below are spec
ifically for those titles & feeds. </span></div>
212 My RSS Feeds: 1st Feed Url 75
<div style="clear: left; text-align: left; margin: 0 auto; padding: 0 0 1em; dis
play: inline-block;"><img src="
ault/images/"><span style="font-size: 1.4em;"> ~ </span></div><hr>
213 My RSS Feeds: 2nd Feed Title 50
<div style="clear: left; text-align: left; margin: 0 auto; padding: 0 0 1em; dis
play: inline-block;"><img src="
ault/images/"><span style="font-size: 1.4em;"> ~ </span></div><hr>
214 My RSS Feeds: 2nd Feed Url 75
<div style="clear: left; text-align: left; margin: 0 auto; padding: 0 0 1em; dis
play: inline-block;"><img src="
ault/images/"><span style="font-size: 1.4em;"> ~ </span></div><hr>
215 My RSS Feeds: 3rd Feed Title 50
<div style="clear: left; text-align: left; margin: 0 auto; padding: 0 0 1em; dis
play: inline-block;"><img src="
ault/images/"><span style="font-size: 1.4em;"> ~ </span></div><hr>
218 My RSS Feeds: 3rd Feed Url 75
<div style="clear: left; text-align: left; margin: 0 auto; padding: 0 0 1em; dis
play: inline-block;"><img src="
ault/images/"><span style="font-size: 1.4em;"> ~ </span></div><hr>
<div style="clear: left; text-align: left; margin: 0 auto; padding: 0 0 1em; dis
play: inline-block;"><img src="
ault/images/evocaplayer.gif"><span style="font-size: 1.4em;"> ~ Evoca is an ex
cellent pay service that allows you to accept audio/voice messages through a rec
order widget on your website or accept voice messages with a special Evoca phone
number you can give out & also has a player so voice recordings can be played o
n your website. This option will explain how to add an Evoca Voice Recorder to y
our Resume page. The recordings go into an email inbox that Evoca will setup for
you at Evoca's website. Just login to your account to hear any messages. This c
ould be useful to allow a recruiter to contact you. You can use this service to
allow contact but still keep all of your personal contact information private. T
hen if you wish you can add a widget to your website to actually play voice reco
rdings that you might create like a simple website voice greeting. Or maybe an "
About Me" recording. The text input box just above is where you can place a smal
l bit of code to display an Evoca recorder widget. The box below is where you wi
ll need to place a small bit of code to show an Evoca Player on your Resume page
if you elect to do so. So first you can create a free account to test it. To cr
eate an 30 day free Evoca account: Go to <a href="
oca-express-free-trial-subscription.jsp">Here</a>. Fill in the required form fie
lds & click > "Sign up". Check the email account of the email address you entere
d. When you recieve the email from Evoca click or follow the confirmation link t
hey sent. Now sign in on the page that opens. Now to do a test phone call record
ing click > "Phone" button in the center of the page. You will be directed to <a
your-phone/">this "How-to" page</a> explaining how to make your first call. On t
hat page is a link to <a href="
and-settings/evoca-phone-numbers/">this page</a> where you will find the phone
number you or anyone else must call to make a recording that will show in your E
voca inbox. To make a recording use the phone associated with the phone number y
ou entered when you created your Evoca account. On <a href="
/evoca-express/how-to/basics-and-settings/evoca-phone-numbers/">this page</a> fi
nd your local number to call. Simply dial any of Evoca s phone numbers, follow the
instructions at the welcome greeting, and hang up once you have completed your
recording. The recording will be automatically saved and immediately accessible
in the My Recordings table on the home page of your Evoca Express Account. Refresh
your Evoca main account page. Scroll to the bottom of your Evoca account page.
You will see a long grey horizontal bar & the words > "My Recordings". Click to
play your voice message. That's it! You are now an Evoca user expert :). If you
want to post a greeting simply experiment til you get it just the way you want i
t. Just delete the ones you don't like & keep the good one. Now how to embed a r
ecorder: Either click > "Embed recorders" in roughly the middle of your Evoca ac
count page just below the "Phone", "Microphone" & "Skype" buttons or go <a href=
"">Here</a>. On the next page you wil
l see 4 different Evoca Voice Recorders & their "embed" codes. The one we will p
lace into a sidebar for you is the one on the bottom right. Paste any of those c
odes into a text editor. In each code is a 5 digit number we need pasted into th
e box above. We only need the 5 digit number from any of those embed code direct
ly after > value="ownerid= . Just those 5 numbers. Place them into the box above
& an Evoca Voice Recorder Mic will show on your Resume page. Anyone can click t
hat recorder & use their computer's microphone to leave you a voice message. Evo
ca how-to videos are at the <a href="">Evoca Youtube
Channel</a> & the Evoca How To guide is <a href="
ress/how-to/"> here</a>. A very advanced communication system. There are a myria
d of ways to use this system. Check it out. Below are simple instructions to add
an Evoca Player to your Resume page.</span></div><hr>
Evoca is an excellent pay service that allows you to accept audio/voice messages
through a recorder widget on your website or accept voice messages with a speci
al Evoca phone number you can give out & also has a player so voice recordings c
an be played on your website. This option will explain how to add an Evoca Voice
Recorder to your Resume page. The recordings go into an email inbox that Evoca
will setup for you at Evoca's website. Just login to your account to hear any me
ssages. This could be useful to allow a recruiter to contact you. You can use th
is service to allow contact but still keep all of your personal contact informat
ion private. Then if you wish you can add a widget to your website to actually p
lay voice recordings that you might create like a simple website voice greeting.
Or maybe an "About Me" recording. The text input box just above is where you ca
n place a small bit of code to display an Evoca recorder widget. The box below i
s where you will need to place a small bit of code to show an Evoca Player on yo
ur Resume page if you elect to do so. So first you can create a free account to
test it. To create an 30 day free Evoca account: Go to <a href="http://www.evoca
.com/signup/evoca-express-free-trial-subscription.jsp">Here</a>. Fill in the req
uired form fields & click > "Sign up". Check the email account of the email addr
ess you entered. When you recieve the email from Evoca click or follow the confi
rmation link they sent. Now sign in on the page that opens. Now to do a test pho
ne call recording click > "Phone" button in the center of the page. You will be
directed to <a href="
/record-using-your-phone/">this "How-to" page</a> explaining how to make your fi
rst call. On that page is a link to <a href="
how-to/basics-and-settings/evoca-phone-numbers/">this page</a> where you will fi
nd the phone number you or anyone else must call to make a recording that will
show in your Evoca inbox. To make a recording use the phone associated with the
phone number you entered when you created your Evoca account. On <a href="http:/
is page</a> find your local number to call. Simply dial any of Evoca s phone numbe
rs, follow the instructions at the welcome greeting, and hang up once you have c
ompleted your recording. The recording will be automatically saved and immediate
ly accessible in the My Recordings table on the home page of your Evoca Express Ac
count. Refresh your Evoca main account page. Scroll to the bottom of your Evoca
account page. You will see a long grey horizontal bar & the words > "My Recordin
gs". Click to play your voice message. That's it! You are now an Evoca user expe
rt :). If you want to post a greeting simply experiment til you get it just the
way you want it. Just delete the ones you don't like & keep the good one. Now ho
w to embed a recorder: Either click > "Embed recorders" in roughly the middle of
your Evoca account page just below the "Phone", "Microphone" & "Skype" buttons
or go <a href="">Here</a>. On the nex
t page you will see 4 different Evoca Voice Recorders & their "embed" codes. The
one we will place into a sidebar for you is the one on the bottom right. Paste
any of those codes into a text editor. In each code is a 5 digit number we need
pasted into the box above. We only need the 5 digit number from any of those emb
ed code directly after > value="ownerid= . Just those 5 numbers. Place them into
the box above & an Evoca Voice Recorder Mic will show on your Resume page. Anyo
ne can click that recorder & use their computer's microphone to leave you a voic
e message. Evoca how-to videos are at the <a href=""
>Evoca Youtube Channel</a> & the Evoca How To guide is <a href="http://www.evoca
.com/evoca-express/how-to/"> here</a>. A very advanced communication system. The
re are a myriad of ways to use this system. Check it out. Below are simple instr
uctions to add an Evoca Player to your Resume page.

<div style="clear: left; text-align: left; margin: 0 auto; padding: 0 0 1em; dis
play: inline-block;"><img src="
ault/images/evocamike.jpg"><span style="font-size: 1.4em;"> ~ We assume you ha
ve messages you want to play on your Resume page already at Evoca & are accessib
le by logging into your Evoca account page & scrolling down to "My Recordings".
Locate the recording you want to place into an Evoca Player on your Resume page.
To the right of it is the word > "View". Click it. Now on this next page notice
it's url. At the very end of it are 6 numbers. Copy those numbers & paste them
into the box above. Your recording will show on your Resume page in an Evoca Pla
yer. If you scroll down that page there are 2 different Evoca Players. The one
we use is on the right. We use a 185px X 160px version of that Player. If you no
tice the 6 digits you need to paste above that are in the url are also the same
digits in the 2 different embed codes. Those are all we need to show your Player
. Easy.</span></div><hr>
We assume you have messages you want to play on your Resume page already at Evoc
a & are accessible by logging into your Evoca account page & scrolling down to "
My Recordings". Locate the recording you want to place into an Evoca Player on y
our Resume page. To the right of it is the word > "View". Click it. Now on this
next page notice it's url. At the very end of it are 6 numbers. Copy those numbe
rs & paste them into the box above. Your recording will show on your Resume page
in an Evoca Player. If you scroll down that page there are 2 different Evoca P
layers. The one we use is on the right. We use a 185px X 160px version of that P
layer. If you notice the 6 digits you need to paste above that are in the url ar
e also the same digits in the 2 different embed codes. Those are all we need to
show your Player. Easy.

<?php if($custom_49 != '') { ?>

<div id="evoca_inBlogRecorder_vert"><object width="210" height="250">
<param name="movie" value="
rder_v.swf" />
<param name="quality" value="high" />
<param name="AllowScriptAccess" value="always" />
<param name="wmode" value="transparent" /><param name="FlashVars" value=
"ownerid=<?php echo $custom_49; ?>&teu=
ue" />
<embed src="" All
owScriptAccess="always" FlashVars="ownerid=<?php echo $custom_49; ?>&teu=http://" quality="high" pluginspage="http://www.mac" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="210"
height="250" wmode="transparent" ></embed>
<?php } ?>

54846 >>>>>>> is user id for evoca recorder

219732 >>>>> is recording id needed for placing a player
recorder & player have different id's

<?php if($custom_73 != '') { ?>

<embed src="<?php echo $cust
om_73; ?>&teu=" wmode="transparent" allowscriptaccess="never" type="application/
x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage="" hei
ght="185" width="160">
<?php } ?>

Left w/ Right Sidebar Pages BELOW
Free Main Column Left w/ Right Sidebar:
Free Myspace:
Right w/ Left Sidebar Pages BELOW
Main Content Right w/ Left Sidebar:
Middle Main Content w/ Right & Left Sidebars Pages BELOW
Middle Main Content w/ Right & Left Sidebars:
Main Content Left w/ 2 Right Sidebars Pages BELOW
Main Content Left w/ 2 Right Sidebars:
Main Resume Content Right w/ 2 Left Sidebars Pages BELOW
Main Resume Content Right w/ 2 Left Sidebars:
Classic Traditional:
Full Page, One Column:

<li class="active"><img src="

08/09/ferrari_v4_motorcycle_149.jpg" title=" / Client: Gothenburg Bu
siness RegionClient: Gothenburg Business RegionClient: Gothenburg "></li>
<li><img src="
0-modena-stretched-limo.jpg" title="endrerit fringilla. Aliquam imperdiet ornare
arcu, pulvinar commodo nisl suscipit ut. Duis auctor lectus eget risus "></li>
<li><img src="" title
=" / Client: CNA"></li>
<li><img src="" title="shoe / Client: Fifth Avenue Shoe Repair"></li>
<li><img src="" title=" / Client: Fifth Avenue Shoe Repair"></li>
<li><img src="" title="iamsoarey / Client: I am so are you"></li>
<li><img src="
nzo_20_m.jpg" title=" / Client: Kungliga Biblioteket"></li>
<li><img src=""
title="Client: National Kitchen & Bath Association"></li>
<li><img src="
_Testa_d%5C_Oro.jpg" title=" / Client: Oceanen"></li>
<li><img src="
i-lineup.jpg" title=" / Client: Restaurang Stearin"></li>
<!--<?php if($custom_176 == 'Yes') { ?>
<?php } ?>--> USE????????????????????????????????????????

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