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Problem-Based Learning

Problem-based learning uses an inquiry model or a problem-solving model.In that sense,students are
given a problem,pose questions about the problem,plan on what and how to gather the necessary
information,and come up with their conclusions(Schneiderman et al., 1998).The driving force is the
problem given and the success is the solution of the same,and discovery of several solutions.

- originated in the 1960s and is a teaching pedagogy that is student-centred. Students learn about a topic
through the solving of problems and generally work in groups to solve the problem where, often, there is
no one correct answer. In short, ‘it empowers learners to conduct research, integrate theory and
practice, and apply knowledge and skills to develop a viable solution to a defined problem,’ (Savery,

Steps in Problen-Based Learning

1.Read and analyze the problem scenario.

2.List what is known.

3.Develop a problem statement.

4. List what is needed.

5.List actikns,solutions and hypotheses.

6.Gather information.

7.Analyze information.

8.Present findings and recommendations.

Some Reminders for PBL to Work

1.The problem must be designed in such a way that different appropriate solutions/answers may
apply.They are not intended to generate neat answers.

2.The problem must be a real world scenario.One way would be by constructing a problem
statement,which contains the ffg.

 It casts the student in a particular role

 It contains a problem
 It gives the students a task.

3.The problem must be relevant to the students and must be developmentally appropriate.

4.Guidelines must be set on how the team/group will work together,the expected dates of completion
and group presentation before the class,the procedures in group presentation.

5.Teacher gives guidance but does not give answers to the problem/s.
6.Students must be given a reasonable amount of time to do the work.

7.Teacher makes clear how performance will be assessed.It is best that the Scoring Rubric gets presented
before work begins.

GRASP-it is an acronym that guides teachers in the formulatio of an authentuc performance task like
problem solving.







Project-Based Learning(PrBL/PjBL)

Project-Based Learning-as the name implies involves a project which involves a complex task and some
form of student presentation,and or creating an actual product.

-It focuses on a production model.The driving force is the end-product but the key to success is the skills
acquired during the process of product production.In other words,the learning .effect ia much more
important than the product itself.

-starts with a real world problem or study and ends with proposed solutions.

-begins with a project that is meant to address a problem.It can be said that where the problem-based
learnjng ends,project-based learning begins.

-has its origins back in the work of John Dewey and William Kilpatrick and dates back to 1918 when the
term was first used (Edutopia, 2014).

- is an instructional approach where students learn by investigating a complex question, problem or

challenge. It promotes active learning, engages students, and allows for higher order thinking (Savery,
2006). Students explore real-world problems and find answers through the completion of a project.
Students also have some control over the project they will be working on, how the project will finish, as
well as the end product.

Students can do project-based learning by:

-defining the purpose of creating the end product

-identifying their audience

-doing research on the topic

-designing the product

-implementing the design

-solving the problem that arise

-coming up with the product.

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