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Matching between Avinash and Mounika Match Horoscope Free at http://www.AstroSage.


Horoscope Matching
Vedic Astrology has an excellent and proven method of
compatibility matching based on nakshatras (Lunar
Constellations), which is called Ashtakoot match or simply
guna milap. It assigns points for factors that influence
marriage. More the points obtained, more the chances
of successful and happy married life. As the name suggests,
Report Price:
maximum possible points are 36. If a matching obtains less than
18 points, it is not considered good and marriage is not
advisable. Apart from 36 Points, this report also considers Mangal Dosha (Manglik or Kuja Dosham)
compatibility and pronounces results by combining these two important factors. Here are the points
obtained for the given details:

SEX Male Female
DATE OF BIRTH 3 : 10 : 1992 21 : 10 : 1995
TIME OF BIRTH 2 : 38 : 0 2 : 21 : 0
DAY OF BIRTH Saturday Saturday
ISHTKAAL 051-56-08 051-03-05
PLACE OF BIRTH Kakinada Amalapuram
TIME ZONE 5.5 5.5
LATITUDE 16 : 55 : N 16 : 34 : N
LONGITUDE 82 : 13 : E 82 : 1 : E
LOCAL TIME CORRECTION 00.01.07 00.01.56
WAR TIME CORRECTION 00.00.00 00.00.00
LMT AT BIRTH 2:36:52 2:19:4
GMT AT BIRTH 21:7:60 20:51:0
TITHI Saptami Dvadasi
HINDU WEEK DAY Friday Friday
PAKSHA Shukla Krishna
YOGA Sobhana Brahma
KARAN Vanij Kolav
PAYA (RASI BASED) Swarna Swarna
DASA BALANCE Ketu 2 Y 8 M 26 D Venus 8 Y 5 M 20 D
LAGNA Cancer Leo
RASHI Sagittarius Leo
NAKSHATRA-PADA Mula - 3 Purvaphalgini - 3

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Avinash Mounika
Lagna Chart Lagna Chart

Ma Me
5 3 6 4
Ju MeSu 6 2 RaVe Su 7 3

Pl Ju
4 5
Ve 7 1 Ma 8 2
10 Pl 11

8 Sa 12 Ne 9 Sa 1 Ke
9 11 10 12
Ra Mo Ur Ur

Navamsa Chart Navamsa Chart

Ve Pl
Ra Ju Ma
1 11 5 3
Su 2 Ma 10 6 2 Sa Me

Sa Mo
12 4
Mo 3 9 Su 7 1 Ke
Pl 6 Ra 10

4 Me 8 8 Ju 12Ve
5 7 9 Ur 11
Ur Ke Ne Ne

Chandra Chart Chandra Chart

Sa Me
10 8 6 4
11 7 Pl Ve RaVe Su 7 3
Mo Mo
Ur Ra Ne
Me Ju
9 5
12 6 Su Ma 8 2
3 Ju Pl 11

1 Ma 5 Ne 9 Sa 1 Ke
2 Ke 4 10 12

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Ashtakoota Points Table

VARNA Kshatriya Kshatriya 1 1 Work
VASYA Manav Vanch 2 0 Dominance
TARA Vipat Janma 3 3 Destiny
YONI Shwan Mushak 4 1 Mentality
MAITRI Jupiter Sun 5 5 Friendliness
GANA Rakshas Manushya 6 0 Temperament
BHAKOOT Sagittarius Leo 7 0 Love
NADI Adi Madhya 8 8 Health

Total Match Points Obtained: 18 Out of 36

Mangal Dosha / Kuja Dosham

Mr. Avinash and Ms. Mounika has 'High Mangal Dosha '.


This Marriage Is Preferable.

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Interpretation of Each Point

The boy’s varna is Kshatriya and the girl comes under Kshatriya varna as well. They will have
the understanding of feelings and moods, and have emotional harmony with each other. Both of
them will have very good intuition for one anothers thinking and thus, will be able to
communicate on deeper layers of being. As far as home affairs are concerned, the natives will
be very helpful and cooperating towards each other. Their understating and hard work will lead
them to greater achievements in life. This is a good alliance in all respects.

The boy belongs to Manav vashya whereas the girl belongs to Vanchar vashya. There are
difficulties and problems that will make success harder to achieve. This is said be normal
relationship which may grow rich and can promote family matter. Not a very good understanding
is indicated by this combination. The pair in this case may be a bit more strategic and diplomatic
in handling relationships which seems to be very irritable to each other. Both have their own
attitude which may be not acceptable for both of them. A difficult combination but if other gunas
matches well then the pair is acceptable for an alliance.

Tara for boy is Vipat while the girl belongs to Janam tara. The relationship allows for
imperfection and limitations of both people involved. Compatibility chart of the boy and the girl
indicate growth of family might be hindered or delayed. Difference of opinion may also lead
towards personality clashes. The boy can rise above pettiness and jealousy, if they learn to
share the good with the bad. Through mutual understanding they can get over any adverse
situation. However, if other gunas are matched well, then this match may be taken into

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The boy belongs to Swan yoni and the girl belongs to Moosak yoni. This is an excellent
combination for happiness and good family life. They will be supporting, loving, caring and
sympathetic. They will utilize their fire and energy for the enlistment of their life. They are natural
friends and understand each-other’s mood and feelings. The relationship will be harmonious
and full of happiness. The boy will be full of enthusiasm and energy which will be complemented
well with the restrained, disciplined, and organized approach of the girl. Physically, they will get
on very well too.

The boy belongs to the rasi lord Jupiter and the girl belongs to the rasi lord sun. As far as yoni
compatibility is concerned it is a very nice combination and the natives share mutual generosity
and kindness. The family life will be full of joy and happiness and are very loyal and honest
towards each other. They will share the best moment with each other. Financially, they will
become quite satisfied after this alliance. A perfect understanding as both will boost each others
morale and courage to bring out their respective best in the fields of their activities.

The boy belongs to Rakshasha gan and the girl belongs to Manushya gan. This combination
has not been regarded good by the sages. This combination is characterized by agression, and
over-domination. They will try to control each other will not provide enough emotional space.
They will not be ready to listen and undersand each other and will opt for aggressive and
emotional methods to fulfil their demands. In this combination, girl should not be influenced by
others and should behave natural and as herself. The boy should try to understand girl’s
physical and emotional needs and act accordingly.

The boy's Zodiac sign is Dhanu and the girl comes under Simha sign. This combination is not
appreciated by our sages on the basis of sign compatibility. They could provide each other
stimulating company, if they understand each other's basic need for freedom and expression.
The girl may respect and adore her spouse, but will never give up her own identity. He will be in
trouble, if he tries to give her obedience training. There may be differences over religious and
philosophical beliefs. Difficulties in family and domestic matters may also arise.

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The boy belongs to Aadi and the girl belongs to Madhya nadi. This is considered to be
extremely good combination according to nadi compatibility. Both will have excellent level of
understanding and will be able to comprehend each other’s heart and mind easily. Both of they
will give moral strength to the other and help the other to elate even in bad phase of life. Their
love for one another will keep growing with the time.

We wants to make it clear that we put our best efforts in providing this report but any prediction that you receive from us is not to
be considered as a substitute for advice, program, or treatment that you would normally receive from a licensed professional
such as a lawyer, doctor, psychiatrist, or financial adviser. Although we try our best to give you accurate calculations, we do not
rule out the possibility of errors. The report are provided as-is and we provides no guarantees, implied warranties, or
assurances of any kind, and will not be responsible for any interpretation made or use by the recipient of the information and
data mentioned above. If you are not comfortable with this information, please do not use it. In case any disputes the court of
law shall be the only courts of Agra, UP (India).

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