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Seat No.: ________ Enrolment No.

Subject Code:2160506 Date:10/05/2018
Subject Name:Chemical Reaction Engineering - I
Time:10:30 AM to 01:00 PM Total Marks: 70
1. Attempt all questions.
2. Make suitable assumptions wherever necessary.
3. Figures to the right indicate full marks.

Q.1 (a) Differentiate between Elementary and Non-Elementary reactions 03
(b) State the factors affecting the rate of reaction for homogenous and 04
heterogenous reactions
(c) Discuss Classifications of reactions with examples. 07

Q.2 (a) Define single and multiple reactions. Classify multiple reactions 03
(b) Define moleculartiy, order of reaction and rate constant K. State 04
the general unit for rate constant K
(c) State the difference between temperature dependency from 07
Collision theory and that from Transition-state theory
(c) Derive the relationship between total pressure of a system and the 07
partial pressure of reacting materials in a constant volume batch
Q.3 (a) Define autocatalytic reactions with Conversion-time and rate- 03
concentration curves.
(b) Derive the equation for Irreversible Unimolecular-type first order 04
(c) Differentiate between Integral and Differential method of 07
analysis for finding order of reaction
Q.3 (a) Define Homogenous catalyzed reactions along with graph of rate 03
constants for series of runs with different catalyst concentrations
(b) Discuss the theory of maximization of rectangles for finding 04
optimum sizes of two mixed reactors in series.
(c) Derive the equation for over-all order of Irreversible reactions 07
from the Half-life.
Q.4 (a) Explain the concept of Optimum temperature progression 03
(b) Derive the performance equation for steady state mixed flow 04
reactor with diagram
(c) The first order reversible liquid reaction A R, CA0 = 0.5 07
mol/lt, CR0 = 0 takes place in a batch reactor. After 8 minutes,
conversion of A is 33.3% while equilibrium conversion is 66.7%.
Find the rate equation for this reaction
Q.4 (a) State three rules for best arrangement or effective use of the set 03
of given ideal reactors

(b) Define (i) Space time (ii) Space Velocity (iii) Holding time (iv) 04
Half Life

(c) The pyrolysis of ethane proceeds with activation energy of about 07
7500 calories. How much faster is the decomposition at 650
degree than at 500 degree Celsius?
Q.5 (a) State the points to be considered to find the size of reactor 03
required for given duty and for a given temperature progression
(b) Define Recycle Ratio and derive design equation for Recycle 04
reactor with diagram
(c) Explain qualitative discussion about the product distribution for 07
reaction in parallel

Q.5 (a) Discuss effect of temperature on equilibrium conversion as 03
predicted by thermodynamics (pressure fixed)
(b) Define Overall Fractional yield and Instantaneous fractional yield 04
for the decomposition of A into product R.
(c) The aqueous reactions A R + S proceeds as follows, 07

Time, 0 36 65 100 160 ∞

CA, 0.1823 0.1453 0.1216 0.1025 0.0795 0.0494

With CA0 = 0.1823 mol/lt, CR0 = 0, CS0 = 55 mol/lt . Find a rate equation
for this reaction.


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