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sua) pr now begs wt aes Sears Oe baad Cos poee Neca Case +g Sea at ee mae SanP dl presane teint ra. US" Nowa Co Hi lit Cid fens Rer es Nt “REPS, ‘Rane Comme tothe Nal Bale Ce Nata ‘oreo. Norazion ‘The following symbols are sed I ths oper: lent gr parameter {an pressure coeticint Preset coticent for oof with parapet: ’ coe Sin oe Soriaee Cie eens (crue 8 pert 2 2 Fema nome manne = Syrame very reset Bang es ones diy nc Rr eiveect ay og wid eee = Beametuog te te oe ot SSktiom poses y > eating = Mind direction and INSPECTION AND RePaIR OF FATIGUE CRACKS IN CRANE Runway Girnins 1 Ha Kamas ad tongs Hac eshte bom on wey rey iis hero fe st el Tne by rotary pad to ‘he mes promising to for rach inepecion® Mets ot tepals by Fig cracks of th toes of il eed ois have en been reported incre ronvay eer (CROs) Gack ntiese shave esac doe ‘hy ag Deca exesive allowable tex vr were wed in he pase “he purpose ofthis research was to develop rage meio a seston and ep for CHGe under sigur diag is Sons eamonicllyunealiic1o desan's maintenance ie cil ennesting Stctre especialy in fie dean: On these hand, stucee faing ay cai serious ses agile a inte properties and psy fama lives. Therefore, raioal methods of msimtcnaee ne oe of ‘Spr are red to soe ihe tne of otic ate he ok ‘mam stuctre teapot terre ie "is rescach nas intended to answer te following questions abou the ‘igen toton flanges in CRG 1) When should we nspet CRG to Prevent atin fale? (2) Bow math tie alowance canbe cape {etal crack to gam up tow Senousersk™ (3) what ste Be ol oo ‘ict sal crak (at ae the best wey provers tego ‘eka? and (9) there a simple method to move te fg seni Fanove m Borrow Fuances ‘The fatigue craks in CRGS are css nthe owing four types we. | ope cee he el tbat tong nt stant teas atc tao es ad site oO es md ne ee = Sn ag RF Sy SE Das RTT carseat Shale TESS ant Sa Be oa vans ae oon ‘cSirecarinesieent a A ie ec [Ris psper i pot of the Jearnal of Suchet Eapinering Val. fs, Nov Th SSE, WE bsSte Ste May tans Sl 1 "ype Fat Caca in Crane Ruy Gre 2. Tyme 2 = cracks underacath the rip plates weed in he comer the op Range and web the main caseof faugve ere i te eve plan ening ste concentration caused by lel orton produced ty pgs vol ela etch wpe ames 5. type 3 = cracks slong let welds deposited between the op flange and thd; these are mainly snased by concentted eg es ter the vere! whl adm he ncompesy pened wee ot Cy = rc in yb ber nd thee joints, which sa primary the en ofthe designers tear ofthe lad anand ‘othe nny lticed gar hm the mae pnt ser onde the era ‘ecto Rowan ea 98,139. Among thes ou types af fatigue crcks, the racks the op parton ofthe web and ia the eral bac ae rather common fag eur ‘ences However i not iy tht hee Crt lea oto ealape ‘he CRG, becae they ae inthe compression ses Bll a ger these cracks have been inspecied and repled before sen sage Acotding tothe feperte a erane operators shoot the donde of ol floes ofthe CRG caved by thee iypes of racks. On the other and the crack fa the bottom fangs very reno, esas fmay cute tts folapeaf the CRG who any nouceable sj nom Hence, ie paper fccaved oe the nspaction and epi ofthe racks inthe ito fone that ae inated a the weed ots he pss ates inst nevecron Teisnot filet to inpect allot ran runway girders ins arg plat sth a Stel mil, becuse ost them have scent long ig aS a is @ 1.2. Speen or Fag Cac non Tt: Pan Seton Det | [hea Speclmen: (Gost rnahed Spee ves in relation to the fequncies of crane traveling. Hence, the fst poron ofthis work ws devoid to finding method tll he rk ‘isto ives af the welded juts hecen the boi fags ad the fetal, where 10mm sau sceted mv a tage rac legit he se. ‘rack Inntin Tet for AsWelded Jas. To determine the 1am cgsck Tes ofthe let welds eteen the stom flanges tc ppt Pte under the aeided condo, figs fst wee cared out sng Ihespecmens shown in Fi 2-Suncc CRGs ae of high dep the bending Sip in bettom Mange canbe saeamed to be unm Thesis the fara penetra lt elds ith eae ects of mda The SSinensons of the specimens are shown in Table I. The expecineal {arbi are et are (10 and (3 mm, see ange (8, 15, a 1D ‘MPa thickness combintion of mal plate and pune pte (301 ad 259| meh fence Gt ma) at ct tte crack tiated and devcope i JIS SMSO sel with 8 Yd Sess and tense engin of 390 Ma and 570 Mi ssperney as ‘tind fom coupon Tests, Repeated loads were appicd ool inthe tes repon so that th stress ali m/e as sua 1901. The ess ge BO no each specimen ao geen Table THe ‘i of tang win Fange of 20-0 cp age cracks in ll specimens were ited a the toes of he lt wes ad they propagated into the tsverse econ ofthe man lates ‘shown in Fig 26) Ths tae behavior was completely deme sh tte actual observed behavior CRGr instal le, Tea ovale re Flea in Fig inthe form ofr = Nw cuven in which Nos de Ie of repeated loads unt the cack grows t 10 sa length. From the bo Noy pt the followin fete set tare (1) Feige stag of sch lletveied joint etwesh a hick fags Hate a TABLE, Omonions an tess Ranges of AW Spine 6 Fate = {TABLE 2. putt FtgunSes aioe "a r ‘Crane dassteanon wines =e . caer | SS — eee | | ae Gre Bangs Eston Te best ray o determin the averge ses in small gusset plate is very low; (2) asthe filet siz is larger, the ie ihe stress calculated fom the Known information onthe posts os ‘of test specimens was not large enough to oblain quantitative relations. “under the variable stress range. en [Sige stress must te the constant stress tat prodices te sane amount ager Ee ee : Seria ee Lo SR ih is pate Careers 10.3 tom cack et Aten Specie 15d; penny the predicts i / igs oveee een nee ttt tetany J ame ‘oe | asking sg acne e re iti ‘oO NamerclEsample. The mm crackle = CRG that supports ae crane corer pt anal aa ha age tt er dy wih and wt ond se 72 resect From Tale 3 the suivante sener under Inde snd noe caps fe 140 MPS {200° 0.7) andb6 Psa 089) reapcctvly. From Ea 1 the sy ek tves for lene apd oad codon re 122 10 and 200 10* respectively. From Mine's the fee damage cerned ha sayin ath 10h + Pata 10) = Ha es Fly the ean ache Ny = 108.6 = 10-9 = 1.160 ays 3.2 Th. hn CRG ‘ost be inpecte teach Hmm crack when te 32 Inapecnon brenvat 2 Even though ne rack it a bolom fange is observed atthe fit Inepocton, te gir shouldbe checked an appropiate Hat inspection, for rch ess han 10 aT nope ters bees than he crack ropgation le, during ich te cack rows fo. ‘dal eg eon th 1m ent ‘rack Propagating Test, To serie the fase propio fe ofthe cruckin bom fap, air cnek propagation fess ere cared ot ‘lagi ipecinen shoving 4 Fah peenen tas antialsitol? | in ramet ecton nd the eet la Ty dines nd ara are the plate thickness (1.7. 2848 and 50 mm) te ate wath {200 and 00m and the seas ange (9 ad 120 Po 0 sd 1 MMP)All specimens were made of 1S SMSO ste. Specimen CRGHS wa ETee Fe Hoe 71.4 Spain for Fatigue Cae Propaptin Tet (4 Pi) Seti tide out of a boiom flange of areal CRG that ad fatigue damage Repeated ond wss appli onlin the teasion range eo ha estes | ‘00.1 forthe specimens of 200 ma wth and th imum ses was ‘MPa for specimens of 1060 ym with Te loading te ws dope oat 2 pm or the specimens af 20 im and 1,00) mn wiih eee ‘atk Propzatin La. The ts ress summarized ope form of @uttN) = aK Teaons AK een by ole ea, Rb a fon wo (%3) sl (ir) 2 ltd to tenons = hl eng fe ek We fie i The a)" A cnc of aspect et ‘According to Paris's kw Uotneon and ars) the flowin cad Sas epston fem wa soe fom sly ane ° $2534 10-8 OL x aay ° x tnd AK = stes inten Tator range tn Newions per mitawscts TABLE 4 imerot ad st angst Spc fr age Cre Prope Soeamen | trey | orm | my | nen | pray aa a | | oO 1s | | wt a. Fugu ct Popowon Rte Accowtag wo fracture mechanics theory, Eq, 3 can be applied tothe ese crack of plate tha represents the staal Sone late wits Eis crack, when AK s dened ts (Brown an Same 190) AK = Bo,/A1.9 — 08x + 18.703? — 38480? + 538544) oy in which a = length of he onesifed crac: an x =a. Foran act {ange le «= seagate ofthe crack ngs obscved nthe tad ‘eto sacs rte pate ‘Crit Crk Length Thre are two posible forms of rte a the Soa stage of faigue rack rowan, One plat pure wi te es ft'ihe remaining net wea the crashed scctonveches the ote cath of the male’ "The ober ie acre Wher he ess intent factor reaches the real rae Beene he scwcd inthe yer ats re ec ty ch ge Stil race very tel te occur speci for ick ate Se ‘Therefore, nice the possi o trie rc i imine {pyopehne examination bite Pactre shld beth colspee etn, ‘Tic comeratve enc sree ion actor war Stems a 400 rr By substting te values ofthe ca ses intensity fet a he aximum posse ses toK and mEq respectively. theca {ck len at il actare can becca, Sucquemty fo Ba ite crack propeton i therm 10 an ie cl Sent can be caleulted Tis fatigue erackpropagutn Ie ected ot fheinspection interval To svoa the inepraton of Eq te flonng sake pronation as obtained witha xe of esha 29 Forni {Gs tom snotton a rack ropeaton in fans of 350 mm wil {exe Comms 183" Nag = 10 108 (01 5 “28 la which N= crack propagation tie for (0mm to the erica ent {he preicld Wor ofa! CR ae listed in Table S "eae potato pion mera has fey arn doe tothe fllowing facts (1) relat low value Is aged fr ‘it stes intent factor (the cack mopsgton peor Ney {ackina pat tucks of preater han ID morse both src She plate i not aken into scout and) the cack proptstion pod ot the rack (missed the st ispecton to grow up 10 hm sth ‘amerieal sample. Asime the same conditions forthe previous ‘example Hf the piste wath W i 730" the cial cachet Stein a 37 lw Fhe 00 Nin an 0 Me {osm to 87 mm are 8.05 al Seo cycles for eae ae = 1 MI) indunlouled (be 98 MPa conditions, respetivly. which ae eat fromthe acta ncaration 3. By apg Miner «lean em the fcedion tha the numbers of crane twp day ith en wah ond CTI respectively thenepecton eral shad se 229% However ‘hee thatthe aplicabty of Miner's ale for esc. popepion se {eriad. When the approximation formals of Ea5's eyes Nec ‘50a 20,00 fr te lone and alot fonden nepeesy, tn om Miners re, he rest crack propagation fee lhenovee oF Faneue Strenans Reduction of ses conenaton he oe of let welds expeced teSiecany ices the eck eon ie The meson otros Seacentation is acleed by machining te imeded ures ite & ‘ick Ini Tet or SF Sint To iesta he improve ‘ks te gan tai id at nr eames foe wells re aly machoed by» rary nds, tow a a "rh ris of hes of he ited tice Sn ye ey ‘ero 10 mm diameter) whsh cle the inh: Ths sae ask tao ets on fiaue ‘ie @) By eowvig te ago damn ‘Stumulned lth och wed the ae strom a de {8'G) by reducing the ates concentaon athe los faut eek ‘atone increases “TABLE 5. Omarion and Ste angi of Sed Specimens Fay once | |e |e | een | No | |e | sie Daa ad do A a Dimensions and tess ranges of the speinens are sted in Table 5. ‘shows the dt ofthe i nsh of the specimens, Specimen GWSRG, Scat acne oot tte foe the tantrese wei, ax shows in i (ie) bualleherapecers were Sabet the oes fhe rans ‘*eliand at theend potions of the lonstadia! wel, se showman Fa) “Tat results ih fapet othe bo = No laos ae pote ia Fe ‘Tye lm crack ves of specimen GWAR were short thn expec case of ital rsh he tors ofthe welsh were no removed {eS ish Ale teu cosa specimen CWSRG occured tthe dt of the longa eles, becane there wae a0 SR Ssh onthe Iengtasinal ben ‘The Tm crack ves of GWSRG ae Tele Sorter than hose ofthe openers ha were, fed tthe col barton ofthe lngioinal wel ar well tos the ramvers ell A ‘ther specimens had fatigue each ned In various laces, Such a {he bottom ef the SRnh, a the fot sp at Sa ectsions, bt tht ck intaton ver were apssctly improved in comparison SPheaed specimens vm Crack Life Forma ar SR. The toes of wansverse and song weds shouldbe Skies The fwng IOs crack Epa ected rr te es ren acon Seracs at Nag = SSE x 10 (01 x Bo)->41 6 Even if mo fatigue cack observed atthe frst inspection, a SR ish shone frist for the ides thal ins tecase te Kesh dos Sot roe any spell Sil and, moreover, because is cost igh ® “ew 6 nan Oy lor Trane Wee RPh Beth Tanase ‘Peonghoa wae eK mat wok . 3 oe oe) we 0 a. 7.00 rch Li Fs Specimens Fortin of the ttl maintenance cst, wich nce setting up sealing fe the per forthe inspection, Ia Skah caed ut te nest Iigecibm dae determined by Ea, & fir Mt fe rs oe ih cess he fe eck Iedted. Specimens of a Stns, produced by wale = rotary ba of im a, were eld od hl Som ck hs See hoy Jnraved (CRG Commitee 192) However goats the Hit srs of sca CROs arent always large enough to spy SR fa Th, ‘as ofS som oe paced and aden to improve fig, ‘When the puset plat sachin! st he corer aden! he fans isto sooth Shape a nts rade of sum the gv sent [Reipecte increase, However, the fag texts of species aio 2'mm and $0-mm shoved les improvemeat tha the SKcinish (CRO Commi 183 Insetcnon Toot Thee are some nanderctie tess to npet surface cracks. Pee, tinted magne parle tests wee imvesgted atv St the measurement aarcy of the rack leg and opera ee thee nan lene temporary ak underneath te CRG, Ban ‘te appl to apecineas wh sical fitgue cocks hc st ‘Skit che ig eekinnton ex seins nae ass tn, it ch ag CR ane eerie he Mee magne are et always pve nga rack ag he Penton at thon in Fig Talore, he weeps een recommended forte ack agecton Foun or Weta ‘Welding methods were developed rehabilitate crane rumvay des amen too fae ahs tic wl pres Procure when crack penta the fang chs sown st Shen the crack docs ot pas throug he fage thine and wher ge ‘tok rates the web plate, these cack ca Be so epi a Inchods (CRG Commitee 198) ‘Sine the weking fea ool performed under dificult weling positon, Senous eld defect endo secur Terefeesan apercg ‘Sena or epiced welds nod a mina requirement rhe ea) of welding are necesary (CRG Commitee 198) Wettype pic eh {rates ests wee nected for meptng arcs Sets nd sects respectively ‘No crack i permed for the Teped wel Tolerant Of weld defects by ltason tet and tage test ere termine f shy mr sve han teen pre f e one ‘Stamase ano Conewuson A etod hs een pres fo he npcton and reir offi emia fing nee ry esa md ‘ttm the dee of et pect wat devon from fae ck initon tes, nc the sled tet cack egw 10 man A fakulaton method to determine ninety ttl was devepet om fate wack propaanion sn nck te inspection interval ar cata pepe fm ck ping ne Seated a theft upton, Scmce canes ‘Suc into hfe. A wee mene parte tet wa fund ob te ‘st sae ta for dec sal ks the fae aes A ‘eto a ep waing wo pops hom he Newby Acewomooucirs ‘This sty was supported by Nippon Stet Corporation, Ths supp, andthe permission fo posh thir paper se ical scknowedged. r F | : : i i Z s°U7P - iit | PG. & Comparten ot Mesure Ca Leng b Mat Tet and Petaton| 1.8. tramp of rack Reply Woking (rack a atom Fangs ack ‘ipo Precauee, il precio ue for the cooriton ofthis work by H. Tanaka, main CRS Comite cpat he Nyon Sel Cope tin. Special feconison goes tof Yokota, M~ Nalayans, an ‘Kath, without whose pte experiments would have been pose Tell advice und sugestons were presented alloher meme. he ommitce Fober acknowledoment doe for he rvs tad Gace ‘ts paper by. V. Galanbes, Univers of Minnesota Arran | Rerenences owe, W. Ftc and Semi, J.B (OE, Plage sin sack ounce ‘Sige th me ah” AST Set ck: Pls ie Sigaae tt EES Lio, ad Pai PC 9. A mye rt a td Raa SES pen” ty a in ay ema ihe ch at of frat Se< SSO Jagan CONE of vt. (Baccara ew mn RE SE sn tyme Aarons ES age ee enemies ane MAUR Cum ewes in Ene App Meck 5, tee ‘crack in middle of plate; oa aa ceromemetemeas ‘men for fatigue crack initiation test; a fot = thekvees of main and gust pes, spectively, of the einen fr tine rch inno ee W = itr Bvt fan te = nina mia de, copes, unr Orrmum Desicx oF Hontzonratiy ‘Cunven RIC Stans By Mao He Prk a Ina Ea? Mame ASCE Seg deat eaten cee ein in See ere nee eh cea Sere teins aati ee Senin emd cc te oaemintes Sey aaa eee a ae & comer Gece aeons SE Seen canes Ie eth ten of opzation as eee ame ten op STi een Morte gem ‘ls Sect nts Caen tS ES Seana eh ces tay oncris minuto of the cont mai whe een he Sec Sewn ct Se Seat te pi neti ofa, te lS ps et cng ig eta se tear ant en ana ener SER (Sl rae ta Meter i tea ine a Sie sat seater ER Gate ten ata see ar Shinshu Resist Sen okie etapa ia pr fey ae -ay sh ue sc tes pa tare tat a SUSY pues a lat ue wages Sl SU MOST pny ds Si rere eb oS eg SEG SRE Ruri ta Se ice, De of On. Bap Ua, of Kony, etn, ‘Tes paper i pat of tne Journal of Siac Emploi, Vel. 113, No. SH ph ae eetaeaee ie

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