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High School Department

Culminating Activity in
English for Academic and Professional Purposes for
2nd Grading Period

Submitted by:
Jean C. Saycon
Christine Joyce Roque
John Kurt Lumibao
Eldie Quijano
Jerecho Gahol
Wilfredo Soverano
Carlos Miguel Castillo

Submitted to:
Ma. Jannine Y. Pajaron
Subject Teacher

I. Introduction

In 2011, the Department of Education has made the historic implementation of shifting from the 10-

year basic education curriculum to the Kinder to 12 Program (K-12) in phases. The added two-year Senior High

Track aims to equip you with knowledge and skills that will help you prepare better for your chosen path -- be it higher

education, employment, or entrepreneurship.

Senior High School (SHS) is the last two years of the K to 12 program that includes Grades 11
and 12. We undertook a survey focusing on their career assessment to help them to decide what track and
strand are they going to pursue.

II. Hypothesis Statement

We hypothesized that most of all students of Grade 10 Pythagoras of MVGFCI will continue their

study in senior high school. Also, they are now sure to their chosen track and strand that’s most useful to

their skill and interest.

III. Method Section

Data of this study were collected using survey questionnaire developed by our group. The

questionnaire was divided into three parts. Part one consisted of personal information of the respondents.

In the second part of questionnaire the respondents were asked to indicate their chosen track and strand.

Part three was designed to collect their personal reason to their chosen track and strand including their

reason if they are creating their career according to their parents or own choice and their interest.
IV. Analysis Section

Overall, students in 10 Pythagoras of MVGFCI are evenly divided between male and female.
There are 13 male students in 10 Pythagoras which is equivalent of 57% and there are 10 female students
in 10 Pythagoras which is equivalent iof 43%. They are managed to chose their track and strand base on
their skills and interest. All of them chose the academic track. The academic track prepares students who
plan to pursue college education, and this comprises four strands .

1. a) ABM—Accountancy, business and management

2. b) STEM—Science, technology, engineering and mathematics

3. c) HUMSS—Humanities and social science

4. d) General academic

This chart show how many students chose those strand such as STEM,HUMSS,ABM AND GAS.

13% 13%

26% ABM

47 %
V. Conclusion

The findings will be presented in three sections according to the following characteristics:

Personal Information of Respondents, Chosen Track and Strand, and Personal Reason why are they going

to pursue that kind of career.

The K to 12 system is meant to empower Filipinos to be on top of their own future . Completion

of senior high school is a requirement for college admission, so if you’re aiming to study a four or five years

degree program in college,finishing senior high school is a must. When it comes to choosing the right strand for

you, remember to play on your strengths. The strand you choose will be the skills and knowledge you’re learning will

be focused so it’ll be wise to actually like what you get yourself into.

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