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CS FOUNDATION - Business Management, Ethics and Communication

1. The _____ of a child made the couple happy.
a. Berth
b. Barth
c. Birth
d. None of the above

2This is the new _____ for the college building

a. Site
b. Cite
c. Sight
d. All of the above

3.Haldane was an _____ from England

a. Immigrant
b. Emigrant
c. Both a & b

4.The split in the party was _____

a. Momentary
b. Memento
c. Momentous

5.We shall take the shortest _____

a. Root
b. Rout
c. None of the above

6.Synonym of Brisk:
a. Collect,
b. Agile

c. Store
7.Synonym of Cogent:
a. Convincing
b. Praise
c. Hypercritical

8.Synonym of Didactic:
a. Conclusive
b. Inadequate
c. Preach

9.Synonym of Gaiety:
a. Merriment
b. Festivity
c. Both a & b

10.Synonym of Penury:
a. Stupid
b. Want
c. Morbid

11.Antonym of Diligent:
a. Dilatory
b. Increase
c. Late

12.Antonym of Flattery:
a. Male
b. Criticism
c. Slow

13.Antonym of Curiosity:
a. Hot
b. Dirty
c. Indifference

14.Antonym of Caustic:
a. Suave
b. Wave
c. Microwave

15.Antonym of Idle:
a. Hell
b. Light
c. None of the above
16.To magnify beyond the limits of truth means: dilemma F

17.Putting to death painlessly especially to end suffering means: euthanasia T

18.A remedy for all diseases or difficulties means: panacea T

19.The place where an aeroplane is housed means: archive F

20.A blood feud started by murder seeking vengeance means: vendetta T

21.To restore consciousness means: sublimate F



a. United Nations Interim Children Emergency Fund

b. United Nations International Children Emergency Fund
c. United Nations Intra-national Children Emergency Fund

a. Federation of Indian Chambers of Culture and Industry
b. Federation of Italian Chambers of Commerce and Industry
c. Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry

3. BBC:
a. British Broadcasting Corporation
b. Bangladesh Broadcasting Corporation
c. Burma Broadcasting Corporation

4. Ms:
a. Miss
b. Manuscript
c. Both a & b

5. Jargon means language which is special to different fields of knowledge. T

6. The same word cannot be used as different parts of speech. F

7. As far as spelling of English Language is concerned, the British prefer ‘z’ over ‘s’, i.e., criticize,
realize, recognize and so on. F

8. Full stop should not be omitted after acronyms which are pronounced as a word. F

9. Apostrophe is never used in a single word. F


10. Abbreviation and Acronyms are the same thing. F

11. An abbreviation is a short way of writing a word or phrase that could not be written out in full. F

CS Foundation- Business Ethics- MCQs

1._________ is a set of principles and expectations that are considered binding on any person
who is member of a particular group.
a. Code of ethics
b. Code of conduct
c. Code of practice
d. All of the above

2. Measures to improve ethical behaviour of business are framed at three levels:

a. At institutional level
b. Government level
c. Societal level
d. All of the above

3. Infringing means to commit a breach. T

4. Percolate means spread instantly.F

5. Whistle blowing is the process where a person informs on another or makes public
disclosure of corruption or wrongdoing.T

6. Businessmen prefer to earn money by exploiting the consumers rather that reducing cost
or gaining production efficiency is act of:
a. Administrative Corruption
b. Greed for Quick Money
c. Absence of well organized consumer movement
d. None of the above

7. An organisation has to behave ethically because it has to exist in the:

a. Competitive environment
b. Non- Competitive environment
c. Relaxed environment
d. Dull environment

8. The term Ethics has been derived from the Greek word Ethanol. F

9. Business Ethics refers to a ‘code of conduct’.T

10. Sexual harassment,affirmative Action, discrimination on the bases of age, gender, race,
religion, disabilities, weight refers to :
a. Ethics in Marketing
b. Production
c. Compliance
d. None

11. Organizations that value high ethics comply with the laws not only in letter but go beyond
what is stipulated or expected of them.T

12. The most unsystematic approach to fostering ethical behavior is to build corporate
cultures that link ethical standards and business practices. F

13. Seller satisfaction is a vital factor in successful business strategy. F

14. Retaining talented people is as big a challenge as getting them in the first place.T

15. Business Ethics has a scientific application.F


16. Business Ethics is a :

a. Non relative Norm
b. Relative Norm
c. SupportiveNorm
d. NegativeNorm

17. EBEN:
a. Ethiopian Business Ethics Network
b. English Business Ethics Network
c. European Business Ethics Network
d. Ernakulum Business Ethics Network

18. Corporate entities are legally considered as persons in USA and in most nations. T

19. Business Ethics is based on well accepted:

a. Moral Values
b. Social Values
c. Ethical Values
d. a & b

20. Business Ethics:

a. Can be enforced by law
b. Cannot be enforced by law
c. None

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