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Laura Ramirez Cervantes

Cyanide is a monovalent anion of CN- representation. It contains the cyanide group
(: C≡N :), formed by a carbon atom and a nitrogen atom linked by a triple bond.
It is used in the industrial, mining, electroplating electroplating of zinc, gold, copper
and especially silver and is used in the production of acrylic-based plastics. It is very
toxic, potentially fatal.
Undoubtedly, the gaseous form of cyanide is the one that causes the most damage,
but also its ingestion.
The problem with the gaseous form is that it normally occurs in closed places where
gas is trapped, evaporates and disperses through open spaces, hence it is a cause of
occupational mortality.
This essay will talk about the causes and effects that cyanide can have on the body.
The causes and effects in general depends on how the person has been in contact
with cyanide
Acute ingestion or inhalation of cyanide causes immediate unconsciousness,
seizures and death in a period that can vary between one and 15 minutes. Also, its
ingestion causes congestion and corrosion of the gastric mucosa
In less than lethal doses, the substance “causes vomiting, headaches, vertigo, rapid
breathing, lowering of blood pressure, increased pulse and unconsciousness
Soluble cyanide salts, as well as hydrocyanic acid are very fast-acting toxins and
their toxicity mechanism is blocking the respiratory chain, which determines a tissue
hypoxia and lactic acidosis.
their intake causes blockage of cellular respiration by first attacking those organs
that require more oxygen such as the heart and brain. A dose of 200 ml is enough to
lose your life. Its corrosive properties produce lesions in the mucosa of the
esophagus, throat and stomach.
The most important harmful and lethal effect of the different cyanide varieties is to
prevent the oxygen that is carried by the red blood cells from reaching the other cells
of the body, thus preventing the process of cellular respiration. "This also increases
the amount of lactate in the body, which cannot be reached in the liver for
In nature it is found naturally in bitter almedras, cherry seeds, plums, apricots and
peaches. If you eat too much bitter almonds or other seeds that contain cyanides it
can lead to toxic symptoms appear between 15 minutes and one hour.
In conclusion, cyanide can cause many negative effects that would affect our health,
it can even lead to death, so in my opinion it is important to know the compound
before using it in addition to using safety equipment while it is being used to avoid
having these problems.
 Website TitleLA GACETA Salta
 Publication Day19
 Publication MonthApril
 Publication Year2018
 Access Day17
 Access Monthnovember
 Access Year2019
 Article Title¿Qué efectos tiene el cianuro en el cuerpo humano?

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