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Entrepreneurship is defined as the process of making money, earning profits and increasing the wealth
while consist of characteristics such as risk taking, management, leadership and innovation.
Entrepreneurship simply means starting one’s own business. The concept of entrepreneurship was first
established in the 1700s.Entrepreneurship is neither science nor art, it is a practice.

Entrepreneur – Entrepreneurs create and exploit change, are innovative and have the ability to mobilize
resources to create value by invention or improvement of existing product or service.

The word entrepreneur has a French origin. It is derived from the French word, entreprendre, which
means ‘to undertake’. It originated during the middle ages.

It originated during the Middle Ages when the term entrepreneur was applied to “the man in charge of
the great architectural works: castles and fortifications, public buildings, abbeys and cathedrals”

An entrepreneur is an individual who organizes, manages, and assumes the risk of a business or
enterprise. Entrepreneurs develop new gods or processes that the market demands and are not currently
being supplied. The motivation for the entrepreneur is the success rather profit for their enterprise.

In the 20th century, economist Joseph Schumpeter (1883-1950) focused on how the entrepreneur’s
drive for innovation and improvement creates upheaval and change. Schumpeter viewed
entrepreneurship as a force of “creative destruction

The term Entrepreneurship is a complicated term and gives various meanings depending on the

In crux there are various interchangeable meanings of what is entrepreneurship.

(i) A theory of evolution of economic activities.
(ii) A continuous process and an ingredient of economic development.
(iii) Essentially a creative activity or an innovative function.
(iv) A risk taking factor which is responsible for an end result.
(v) The name given to the factor of production, which performs the functions of enterprise.
(vi) Creates awareness among people about economic activity.
(vii) Generates Self-employment and additional employment.


Four Key Elements of Entrepreneurship.

(i) Innovation
(ii) Risk taking
(iii) Vision
(iv) Organising skills


(i) He is a person who develops and owns his own enterprise.

(ii) He is a moderate risk taker and works under uncertainty for achieving the goal.
(iii) He is innovative
(iv) He peruses the deviant pursuits.
(v) Reflects strong urge to be independent.
(vi) Persistently tries to do something better.
(vii) Dissatisfied with routine activities.
(viii) Prepared to withstand the hard life.
(ix) Determined but patient.
(x) Exhibits sense of leadership.
(xi) Also exhibits sense of competitiveness.
(xii) Takes personals responsibility
(xiii) Oriented towards the future
(xiv) Tends to persist in the face to adversity
(xv) Convert a situation into opportunity.


(i) Mental Ability: entrepreneur must have creative thinking and must be able to analyse problems
and situations. He should be able to anticipate changes.
(ii) Business Secrecy: he should guard his business secrets from his competitors.
(iii) Clear Objectives: he must have clear objectives as to the exact nature of business or the nature
of goods to be produced.
(iv) Human Relation: he must maintain good relations with his customers, employee etc. to
maintain good relationship he should have emotional stability, personal relations, tactfulness and
(v) Communication Ability: he should have good communication skills means both the sender and
the receiver should understand each others message.


1. Doing What You Love

2. Independence and Freedom
3. Recognition and Self Fulfilment
4. Income Potential
5. Own Boss
6. Innovation- Example Steve Jobs

Starting and growing one's own business requires many skills to be successful.
One could be a visionary like Bill Gates or a superstar like Peter Sematimba.
The entrepreneur personality types are the traits and characteristics that blend with the needs of the
business. Understanding the types of entrepreneur personality type helps in enjoying business as well
as providing with what it needs to grow in best.
Each entrepreneur personality type can succeed in the business environment if it is true to character.

Identifying strong traits is essential and can act as a compass for the business.
1. Idealist
(i) The idealist entrepreneur is the most common type of entrepreneur.
(ii) He likes innovation and enjoys working on something new or creative.

2. Optimizers
The optimizer entrepreneur comes in a close second and is content with the personal satisfaction of
simply being a business owner.
It is derived from being optimistic.

3. Hard Workers
(i) The hard workers entrepreneur category includes persons who enjoy putting in
long hours to build a larger and more profitable business.
(ii) They like to challenge themselves and strive harder to attain the same.
(iii) They reap the most rewards if the business turns out to be a multi-million dollar

Hard work comes with all businesses but not everyone works hard for the business to grow as this type
of entrepreneurs does.

4. Sustainers
(i) As the meaning of the word itself implies, sustain is to maintain; the sustainer
type of entrepreneurs comprise of people who like to maintain a balance between
work and a personal life.
(ii) Most often, they do not wish the business to grow too large where it will cut into
their personal life.
(iii) These people just need enough to survive.

5. Improver
(i) The improver types of entrepreneur are the ones who predominantly are focused
to start a business to improve the world.
(ii) Their motto is to work in a manner which is morally and ethically correct so as to
contribute to a noble cause.
(iii) Improvers have an unwavering ability to run their businesses with high integrity.
(iv) At the same time, these people need to be aware of their tendency of being over
critical of employees and clients in order to be a perfectionist.

6. Advisor

(i) These types of people believe in consumer sovereignty where they indulge
excessively in providing customer services.
(ii) This business personality type will provide an extremely high level of assistance
and advice to customers. They want to please their customers.
(iii) Their businesses soon become customer oriented business which involves
providing advisory services to them at a cost to themselves.
7. Superstar
(i) This type of entrepreneur is lead by charisma, charm and high energy.
(ii) An entrepreneur like this has an overwhelming personality which works in his
favour so does in the favour of business.
(iii) This personality often will cause to build business around own personal brand.
(iv) However, such people tend to become too competitive and workaholics; which
can sour the workplace and the market.
(v) Entrepreneur example is Peter Sematimba, CEO of Super FM.

8. Artiste

(i) These are creativity oriented entrepreneurs.

(ii) Thus, the type of business also are those which demand huge levels of creativity
such as; advertising agencies and people in the music industry.
(iii) The artist involves in business activity which is centered around their talents and
creative fields.
(iv) The limitation faced by such entrepreneur is that of over sensitively reacting to
the customers feedbacks if such is a negative one.

9. Visionary

(i) Normally, all the businesses are founded keeping a vision in mind.
(ii) The founding members who visualize a dream and materialize the same are
known as visionary.
(iii) These are thinkers who pursue to make their vision come true.
(iv) Such people are curious in nature and have a long sighted vision which helps
them in understanding the world around better thereby to set up plans to avoid
pitfall and hurdles.
(v) At the same time, these people lack to relate their dreams with reality which
might result in opposite results when it comes to starting up all new.
(vi) Thus it is advisable to act before visualizing.

10. Analyst

(i) These types of entrepreneurs excel at problem solving in a systematic way.

(ii) Thus businesses involving complications suit them a lot.
(iii) They are able to crop up the solution at no cost and less time.
(iv) The challenge is to realize that too much analysis can result in no action being
(v) Secondly, they might get caught in analysis paralysis.

11. Fireball

(i) Fireball is a casual word used for an energetic person so does it imply for
(ii) A business owned and operated by a fireball is full of life, energy and optimism.
(iii) Such businesses are life energizing and makes customers feel the firm has a get it
done attitude.
(iv) Since every coin has two sides, such people have a downside too.
(v) In being too outright and energetic, they may over commit and act too
(vi) Maintaining a balance for impulsiveness with sensitive planning is of utter most

12. Jugglers
(i) A juggler conventionally means entertainer who keeps several plates, knives,
balls, or other objects in the air at once by tossing and catching them.
(ii) The art of juggling has been practiced since antiquity.
(iii) The juggler entrepreneur likes the concept that the business gives them a chance
to handle everything themselves.
(iv) They are usually people with lots of energy and exist on the pressure of meeting
deadlines, paying bills and of course making payroll.

13. Hero

(i) Hero like entrepreneurs are the people with great willingness and efficient
(ii) He inspires others.
(iii) He has an incredible will and ability to lead the world and the business through
any challenge.
(iv) He is the essence of entrepreneurship and can assemble great companies.
(v) Over promising and using force full tactics to get the way out are the bane sides
of being a hero entrepreneur, which definitely is not fruitful in long term.

14. Healer

(i) Healer as the name suggest, nurtures the business by bringing harmony with a
surprising ability to survive with an inner calm.
(ii) Healer is closely related to calmness which lets him avoid the outside harsh
realities of business.
(iii) One must keep a scenario planning to pre prepare for many kind of turmoil.

A person within a large corporation who takes direct responsibility for turning idea into a profitable
finished product through assertive risk taking and innovation is an intrapreneur.

It is derived as INTRA (corporate) + (entre) PRENEUR

The word intrapreneur is the recently coined. This coinage is generally attributed to management
consultant Gifford Pinchot, author of the 1985 book entitled intrapreneur. Intrapreneurship is a
combination of entrepreneurship and management skills. Intrapreneurship is the practice of
entrepreneurship by employee within organization. The trend today is such that everyone who is
capable of managing other business is himself indulging in entrepreneurship. This is resulting in
inadequacy of management staff.
The intrapreneur is made the head of a given business unit and asked to manage it for the
organization while employing innovation skills. As in example, when a company seeks for
diversification options, they can appoint one of their managers as an intrapreneur to launch the
business venture while allowing him to share the part of the profits made by the new business
venture. Manager would do well to take employee who do not appear entrepreneurial but can turn
out to be good intrapreneurial choices.


1: The word entrepreneur has a ________ origin.

(a) English
(b) Greek
(c) French
(d) Latin

2: The concept of Entrepreneurship has wide range of ___________.

(a) Definitions
(b) Meanings
(c) Concepts
(d) Origins

3: Anyone who wants to work for himself is considered to be _______________.

(a) Entrepreneur
(b) Intrapreneur
(c) Businessman
(d) Extrapreneur

4: The entrepreneur is one who is willing to ____________ of a new venture if there is a significant
chance for profit. .

(a) Bear the loss

(b) Bear the risk
(c) Bear the contingencies
(d) Bear the uncertainties

5: The concept of entrepreneurship was first established in the __________.

(a) 1600
(b) 1900
(c) 1800
(d) 1700s

6: The Four Key Elements of Entrepreneurship are

(a) Innovation
(b) Risk taking
(c) Vision
(d) Organising skills
(e) All of the above

7: ______________ is the spark that drives the development of new products or services or ways to
do business.

(a) Creativity
(b) Innovation
(c) Development
(d) Entrepreneurship

8: ____________ is what motivates the entrepreneur to work hard, 12 hours a day or more, even
seven days a week, especially in the beginning, to get the endeavour off the ground.

(a) Innovation
(b) Hesitation
(c) Meditation
(d) Dedication

9: ____________ is the extremely strong desire to achieve success.

(a) Creativity
(b) Innovation
(c) Determination
(d) Dedication

10: ____________ is the ability to move quickly in response to changing market needs.

(a) Flexibility
(b) Adaptability
(c) Creativity
(d) Dedication

11: ____________ is the ability to create rules and to set gls.

(a) Flexibility
(b) Dedication
(c) Innovation
(d) Leadership

12: ____________ is what gets entrepreneurs started and keeps them there.

(a) Dedication
(b) Passion
(c) Desire
(d) Interest

13: ____________ comes from thorough planning, which reduces uncertainty and the level of risk.

(a) Self-creativity
(b) Self-motivation
(c) Self-confidence
(d) Self-respect

14: Entrepreneur must have ___________ thinking and must be able to analyse problem and

(a) Leadership
(b) Creative
(c) Creation
(d) Motivation

15: Entrepreneur should guard his business secrets from his ____________.

(a) Competitors
(b) Rivalry firms
(c) Superior firms
(d) Inferior firms

16: One of the advantages of being an entrepreneur is doing what one ___________.

(a) Wants
(b) Loves
(c) Desires
(d) Expects
17: The ___________ entrepreneur is the most common type of entrepreneur.

(a) Creative
(b) Communist
(c) Idealist
(d) Socialist

18: The ___________ entrepreneur comes in a close second and is content with the personal
satisfaction of simply being a business owner.

(a) Optimizer
(b) Pessimiser
(c) Innovative
(d) Idealist

19: The __________ entrepreneur category includes persons who enjoy putting in long hours to
build a larger and more profitable business.

(a) Optimiser
(b) Soft workers
(c) Ideal workers
(d) Hard workers

20: As the meaning of the word itself implies, ____________ is to maintain.

(a) Sustain
(b) Design
(c) Creativity
(d) Motivation

21: The ___________ types of entrepreneur are the ones who predominantly are focused to start a
business to improve the world.

(a) Ideal
(b) Disprover
(c) Improver
(d) Approver

22: ____________ types of people believe in consumer sovereignty where they indulge excessively in
providing customer services.

(a) Supervisor
(b) Advisor
(c) Ideal
(d) Innovative

23: ____________ type of entrepreneur is lead by charisma, charm and high energy.

(a) Idealistic
(b) Average
(c) Star
(d) Superstar

24: __________ are creativity oriented entrepreneurs.

(a) Innovatives
(b) Diplomat
(c) Socialist
(d) Artiste

25: The founding members who visualize a dream and materialize the same are known as

(a) Superstars
(b) Visionary
(c) Idealist
(d) Socialist

26: ____________ types of entrepreneurs excel at problem solving in a systematic way.

(a) Analyst
(b) Catalyst
(c) Idealist
(d) Optimist

27: Fireball is a casual word used for an ____________ so does it imply for entrepreneurs.

(a) Artiste person

(b) Ideal person
(c) Energetic person
(d) Leader person

28: A juggler conventionally means entertainer who keeps several plates, knives, balls, or other
objects in the air at once by ____________ them.

(a) Fetching
(b) Tossing
(c) Catching
(d) Tossing and catching

29: ____________ like entrepreneurs are the people with great willingness and efficient leadership.
(a) Hero
(b) Ideal
(c) Innovative
(d) Creative

30: ____________ as the name suggest, nurtures the business by bringing harmony with a
surprising ability to survive with an inner calm.

(a) Healer
(b) Dealer
(c) Stealer
(d) Miller

31: For many entrepreneurs, one of the most difficult tasks is to make the successful transition from
a creative, task-juggling entrepreneur to a business-skill-applying __________.

(a) Circumstantial skills

(b) Tactics
(c) Manager
(d) Supervisor

32: The terms Entrepreneur and Manager are considered ____________.

(a) Antonyms
(b) Synonym
(c) Different
(d) Same

33: An entrepreneur starts a business enterprise constituting of ideas he comprehends; employing

personal stakes in it where as a manager provides his services in an enterprise established by

(a) Entrepreneur
(b) Intrapreneur
(c) Businessman
(d) Supervision

34: An entrepreneur is the owner of the organization and he bears all the risk and uncertainties
involved in running an organisation where as a manager is an employee and does not undertake
responsibilities for any ____________.

(a) Circumstances
(b) Certainty
(c) Reward
(d) Risk

35: Entrepreneur's objective is to ____________ and he acts as a change agent where as a

manager's objective is to supervise and create routines.
(a) Create
(b) Innovate
(c) Innovate or create
(d) Innovate and create

36: ____________ is faced with more income uncertainties as his income is contingent on the
performance of the firm where as a manager's compensation is less dependent on the performance of
the organisation.

(a) An intrapreneur
(b) An entrepreneur
(c) Healer
(d) Superstar

37: Entrepreneur is required to have certain ____________ like high accomplishment motive,
innovative thinking, forethought, risk-bearing ability etc.

(a) Qualifications
(b) Qualities
(c) Leadership
(d) Qualifications and qualities

38: It's mandatory for a _________ to be educated in the fields of management theories and

(a) Entrepreneur
(b) Manager
(c) Intrapreneur
(d) Supervisor

39: "An entrepreneur could be a manager but a manager cannot be an ____________".

(a) Entrepreneur
(b) Intrapreneur
(c) Businessman
(d) Supervision

40: A manager cannot replace an entrepreneur in spite of performing the allotted duties because a
manager has to work as per the guidelines laid down by the _________.

(a) Entrepreneur
(b) Intrapreneur
(c) Businessman
(d) Supervisor

41: An ____________ entrepreneur is the most common type of entrepreneur.

(a) Adviser
(b) Superstar
(c) Idealist
(d) Socialist

42: An ____________ is an individual who creates something for the first time, is a highly driven
individual motivated by his or her own work and personal ideas.

(a) Intrapreneur
(b) Businessman
(c) Entrepreneur
(d) Supervision

43: The word entrepreneurship is derived from the French word -

(a) Entrepredre
(b) Entreprendur
(c) Entrepreneurde
(d) Entropre

44: "Entrepreneur is someone who actually searches for change responds to it and exploits those
changes as an opportunity" this statement is given by -

(a) Peter Drucker

(b) H.N. Hansen
(c) Koontz o'donnel
(d) Joseph Schumpeter

45: Which one of the following does not include in personal attribute of an entrepreneur -
(a) Dedication
(b) Passion
(c) Flexibility
(d) Biasness

Answer sheet

1 (c) French
2 (b) Meanings
3 (a) Entrepreneur
4 (b) Bear the risk
5 (d) 1700s
6 (e) All of the above
7 (a) Creativity
8 (d) Dedication
9 (c) Determination
10 (a) Flexibility
11 (d) Leadership
12 (b) Passion
13 (c) Self-confidence
14 (b) Creative
15 (a) Competitors
16 (b) Loves
17 (c) Idealist
18 (a) Optimizer
19 (d) Hard workers
20 (a) Sustain
21 (c) Improver
22 (b) Advisor
23 (d) Superstar
24 (d) Artiste
25 (b) Visionary
26 (a) Analyst
27 (c) Energetic person
28 (d) Tossing and catching
29 (a) Hero
30 (a) Healer
31 (c) Manager
32 (d) Same
33 (a) Entrepreneur
34 (d) Risk
35 (d) Innovate and create
36 (b) An entrepreneur
37 (d) Qualifications and qualities
38 (b) Manager
39 (a) Entrepreneur
40 (a) Entrepreneur
41 (c) Idealist
42 (c) Entrepreneur
43 (a) Entreprendre
44 (a) Peter Drucker
45 (d) Biasness
46 (b) Comfort zone, twilight zone
47 (a) Steve jobs
48 (c) That innovation will be constant and will involve the replacement of existing businesses
by comprises using new and better technology.

1: Intrapreneurship is a combination of ______________ and management skills.

(a) Intrapreneurship
(b) Entrepreneurship
(c) Leadership
(d) Advisory

2: An intrapreneur thinks like an _____________ looking out for opportunities, which profits the

(a) Intrapreneurship
(b) Entrepreneurship
(c) Entrepreneur
(d) Advisory

3: It is in the interest of an organization to encourage _____________.

(a) Intrapreneurs
(b) Intrapreneurship
(c) Entrepreneurship
(d) Advisory

4: Intrapreneruship projects are funded by ____________ and agreed percentage of profits are
remitted to the fund provider/head quarters of the business.

(a) Average business organization

(b) Small business organization
(c) Medium business organization
(d) Large business organization

5: Intrapreneurship will cultivate _________ skills/culture within the corporate culture where
managers will be motivated to accept more risk.

(a) Superior
(b) Managerial
(c) Entrepreneurial
(d) Intrapreneurial

6: It adds value to the life of the ___________ as he is being given the task of being an entrepreneur
while receiving necessary training from headquarter.

(a) Superior
(b) Managerial
(c) Intrapreneurial
(d) Intrapreneur

7: It creates wealth for the headquarters as well as for the ____________ through its profit sharing
(a) Intrapreneur
(b) Superior
(c) Managerial
(d) Intrapreneurial

8: __________ takes substantial risk in being the owner and operator of a business with expectations
of financial profit and other rewards that the business may generate.

(a) An entrepreneur
(b) Superior
(c) Managerial
(d) Intrapreneurial

9: ____________ is an individual employed by an organization for remuneration, which is based on

the financial success of the unit he is responsible for.

(a) An intrapreneur
(b) Superior
(c) Managerial
(d) Intrapreneurial

10: The words entrepreneur and intrapreneur have acquired special significance in the content of
___________ in a rapidly changing industrial climate both in developed and developing countries.

(a) General growth

(b) Company growth
(c) Economic growth
(d) National growth

11: ____________ are entrepreneurs who catch hold of a new idea for product service or process
and work to bring this idea to fruition within the framework of the organisation.

(a) Intrapreneurs
(b) Superior
(c) Managerial
(d) Intrapreneurial

12: The _____________ is typically a visionary who spots an opportunity in the marketplace and has
the passion, guile and contact base to set the wheels in motion.

(a) Entrepreneur
(b) Superior
(c) Managerial
(d) Intrapreneurial

13: Not every businessneedsan _______________, but every business needs an Intrapreneur.

(a) Superior
(b) Entrepreneur
(c) Managerial
(d) Intrapreneurial

14: Without the ____________, ideas entrepreneurs and small business are doomed to fail.

(a) Intrapreneur
(b) Superior
(c) Managerial
(d) Intrapreneurial

15: Entrepreneurs can be found anywhere; whereas ______________ are found, rather encouraged
within the confines of an organisation.

(a) Superior
(b) Managerial
(c) Intrapreneurial
(d) Intrapreneurs

16: While entrepreneurs face hurdles in the form of ridicule and setbacks from the society in
general; intrapreneurs have to face __________ within the organization they work.

(a) Rivalry
(b) Zealous
(c) Competition
(d) Criticism

17: Entrepreneurs find it difficult to arrange resources while these are readily available to

(a) Superior
(b) Managerial
(c) Intrapreneurs
(d) Intrapreneurial

18: The term Entrepreneurship is a ___________ term and gives various meaning depending on the

(a) Simple
(b) Complicated
(c) General
(d) Special

19: One who undertakes an endeavor is an________.

(a) Entrepreneur
(b) Superior
(c) Managerial
(d) Intrapreneurial

20: Most successful ________________ share certain personal attributes, including: creativity,
dedication, determination, flexibility, leadership, passion, self-confidence, and smarts.
(a) Superior
(b) Managerial
(c) Entrepreneurs
(d) Intrapreneurial

21: Each ___________ personality type can succeed in the business environment if it is true to

(a) Entrepreneur
(b) Superior
(c) Managerial
(d) Intrapreneurial

22: Intrapreneurship is a combination of __________ and management skills. Intrapreneurship is

the practice of entrepreneurship by employees within an organisation.

(a) Superior
(b) Managerial
(c) Entrepreneurship
(d) Intrapreneurial
1 (b) Entrepreneurship
2 (c) Entrepreneur .
3 (a) Intrapreneurs
4 (d) Large business organization
5 (c) Entrepreneurial
6 (d) Intrapreneur
7 (a) Intrapreneur
8 (a) An entrepreneur
9 (a) An intrapreneur
10 (c) Economic growth
11 (a) Intrapreneurs
12 (a) Entrepreneurs
13 (b) Entrepreneur
14 (a) Intrapreneur
15 (d) Intrapreneurs
16 (a) Rivalry
17 (c) Intrapreneurs
18 (b) Complicated
19 (a) Entrepreneurs
20 (c) Entrepreneurs
21 (a) Entrepreneur
22 (c) Entrepreneurship



Innovation is : Introduction of new ideas, goods, services and practices which can be exploited
commercially. It is conversion of knowledge and ideas into a benefit.
Innovation is the tool employed by entrepreneurs.

Creativity simply means that you have the ability to think and create something new and different. You
are able to bring to life something that you alone have thought.

Innovation is implementation of creative ideas into action which produce something new.
Innovation is tool of entrepreneurship. Creativity and innovation are considered inseparable from
entrepreneurship. Innovation and entrepreneurship demand creativity. All innovation begins with
creative ideas. Creativity is the starting point for innovation.

Within every individual, creativity is a function of three components:
➢ Expertise
➢ Creative Thinking Skills
➢ Motivation.


Innovation is the creation of new value. Innovation is the process that transforms new ideas into new
value. No innovation is possible without creativity. Innovation is the process that combines ideas and
knowledge into new value.
Innovation creates new demand and entrepreneurs bring the innovation to the market. This destroys the
existing markets and creates new ones, which will in turn be destroyed by even newer products or
services. Schumpeter calls, this process , ‘creative destruction’.

The ‘winning performance’ of the entrepreneur and the organization focuses on – Competing on
quality, not prices – Domination of a market niche – Competing in an area of strength – Having
tight financial and operating controls – Frequent product or service innovation

(1) Environment Scanning is careful monitoring of an organization's internal and external
environments for detecting early signs of opportunities and threats that may influence its
current and future plan.

(2) Environmental scanning is a concept from business management by which businesses gather
information from the environment, to better achieve a sustainable competitive advantage.


There are various techniques which may be used in environment scanning namely:

(i) SWOT Analysis

(ii) PEST/PESTEL Analysis
(iii) Industry Analysis

1. SWOT stands for the Strenghts-Weakness-Opportunities-Threats. SWOT Matrix is an
important matching tool that helps managers develop four types of strategies:
(i) SO (strengths-opportunities) Strategies.
(ii) WO (weakness-opportunities) Strategies.
(iii) ST (strengths-threats) Strategies, and
(iv) WT (weakness-threats) Strategies.
Matching key external and internal factors is the most difficult part of developing a SWOT Matrix and
requires good judgment – and there is no one best set of matches. Note in Table below that the first,
second, third, and fourth strategies are SO, WO, ST, and WT strategies, respectively.

Strengths –
What advantages does your idea have? –
How does it serve the society better than anyone else? –
How do you use unique or lowest-cost resources to your idea that others can’t? –
What would be your strengths in the market ones this idea is materialized? –
What factors mean that you “get the sale”? –
What is your innovation’s Unique Selling Proposition (USP)?

Consider your strengths from both an internal perspective, and from the point of view of your customers
and people in your prospective market.

Weaknesses –
What is the further scope of improvement? –
What are the things that need to be avoided? –
What are people in your market likely to see as weaknesses? –
What factors lose you sales?

Opportunities –
What good opportunities can you spot in relation to the innovative idea you have? –
What interesting trends are you aware of?
Useful opportunities can come from such things as – Changes in technology and markets on both a
broad and narrow scale. – Changes in government policy related to your field. – Changes in social
patterns, population profiles, lifestyle changes, and so on. – Local events.
Threats –
What obstacles are likely to be faced? –
What are your competitors doing?
Are quality standards or specifications for your job, products or services changing? –
Is changing technology threatening your position? –
Could any of your weaknesses seriously threaten your business?
1. PESTLE stands for – Political, Economic, Sociological, Technological, Legal and
Environmental. The term PESTLE has been in regular use for last 10 years.

2. PESTLE analysis is in fact, an audit of environmental influences on the business idea with the
purpose of using this information to preascertain the factors affecting the likely project and
thereby guide strategic decision making in accordance.

3. PESTLE analysis is a useful tool for understanding the 'big picture' of the environment in which
an entrepreneur is planning to operate.

4. A scan of the external macro-environment which are likely to influence the business idea can be
expressed in terms of the following factors:
(i) Political Factors.
(ii) Economic Factors.
(iii) Social Factors.
(iv) Technological Factors.
(v) Legal Factors.
(vi) Environmental Factors.

1. PESTLE analysis



PESTLE stands for-
P – Political – Tax policy, employment laws, trade restriction, rule of law etc.
E – Economic – Exchange rates , labour supply , unemployment , demand, supply etc
S – Sociological – lifestyle, age distribution, health awareness etc.
T – Technological – Impact of new technology, research & development etc.
L – Legal – Employment laws, competition laws, foreign law etc.
E – Environment – Energy available, resources, environmental impact.

The term PESTLE has been in regular use for last 10 years.
PESTLE analysis is a useful tool for understanding the ‘big picture’ of the environment in which
an entrepreneur is planning to operate.


1. Another important tool for environment scanning is to conduct industry analysis which is to take
a survey of the existing industry if any, before setting up an entrepreneurial endeavour.
2. The Porter's Five Forces tool is a simple but powerful tool to evaluate the power of business.
3. This is useful, because it helps to understand both the strength of current competitive position,
and the strength of the position, and the strength of the position moving into.
4. Porter's Five Forces Analysis assumes that there are five important forces that determine
competitive power in a business situation. These are:
(i) Supplier Power.
(ii) Buyer Power.
(iii) Competitive Rivalry.
(iv) Threat of Substitution.
(v) Threat of New Entry.

Environmental Scanning Process

This process has several distinct steps:
1. searching for information resources
2. selecting information resources to scan
3. identifying criteria by which to scan
4. scanning
5. determining special actions to take on the scanning results


Conducting a market assessment helps to:
(i) Prepare to enter a new market.
(ii) Launch a new product/service.
(iii) Start a new business.


The marketing assessment process can be laid down into six steps:
1. Defining the problem.
2. Analysis of the situation
3. Obtaining data that is specific to the problem.
4. Analysis and interpreting the data.
5. Fostering ideas and problem solving.
6. Designing a plan.


There are two basic misconceptions for business plans.
(i) Too much work for little or no benefit.
(ii) Business plans are for larger, fancier companies.



The process of starting a new venture is embodied in the entrepreneurial process, which involves more
than just problem solving in a typical management position. An entrepreneur must find, evaluate, and
develop an opportunity by overcoming the forces that resist the creation of something new.


The process has four distinct phases:
➢ identification and evaluation of the opportunity.
➢ development of the business plan.
➢ determination of the required resources.
➢ management of the resulting enterprise.


Opportunity analysis, or what is frequently called an opportunity assessment plan, is one method for
evaluating an opportunity. It is not a business plan. Compared to a business plan, it should be shorter;
focus on the opportunity, not the entire venture; and provide the basis for making the decision of
whether or not to act on the opportunity.


An opportunity assessment plan includes the following:
➢ a description of the product or service.

➢ an assessment of the opportunity.

➢ an assessment of the entrepreneur and the team.

➢ specifications of all the activities and resources needed to translate the opportunity into a viable
business venture.

➢ the source of capital to finance the initial venture as well as its growth.
‘Motivation’ has its origin in the Latin word ‘movere’ meaning ‘to move’.
People certainly don’t work for money alone. Motivation for entrepreneurs is not only profit but success
in terms of recognition of its hard work by himself.
Motivation alone does not work for entrepreneur’s success, but there are various other things. They are-
❖ Self Efficacy – Self efficacy is ‘ the belief in one’s capabilities to organize and execute the
courses of action required to manage prospective situation’
❖ Creativity – Creativity is an important element behind the success of entrepreneur.
❖ Risk taking – Doing business is itself a risk. But entrepreneur faces more risk in their business
because they are the one who start something unique.
❖ Leadership – Entrepreneur is the one who is hold of everything , hence he/she has to posses
leadership qualities in order to manage people at work.
❖ Entrepreneur communication – Communication is also important behind the success of an

In developing developing business plan and business model, entrepreneurs are generally found
apprehensive of myths and misconceptions about the process. These myths need to be aware of and
the realities to be known well before making a wrong plan-

1. Myth- Business plans are only for start up companies

Reality- companies at all stages need to make plans

2. Myth- Business plans should be as detailed as possible, the longer the plan , the better chance
that the company will be financed.
Reality- The plan should be concise and well written

3. Myth- Business plans should emphasize ideas and concepts, not people
Reality- business should make plans for people also rather only resources.

4. Myth- Only the foundation entrepreneur should prepare business plans.

Reality- The plans should not only be made by entrepreneurs, but it shall be made by managers,
lower management.

5. Myth- optimism should prevail over realism

Reality- The realistic problem of business should be stated rather only optimism.

There are four skills necessary to successful business.

Engineering Skills- the skill to invent, create, innovate and develop new products (or services).
Manufacturing Skills- the skill to deliver them, consistently and reliably, with quality, service,
and price.
Selling Skills- the skill to sell them.
Business Skills- the skill to make a profit doing the above three.

1: Innovation is the tool of _____________

(a) Entrepreneurship
(b) Intrapreneurship
(c) Creativity
(d) Innovation

2: ____________________ is marked by the ability to create, bring into existence, to invent into a
new form, to produce through imaginative skill, to make to bring into existence something new.

(a) Creativity
(b) Entrepreneurship
(c) Intrapreneurship
(d) Innovation

3: Creativity is an ____________.

(a) Mental state

(b) Desire
(c) Passion
(d) Attitude

4: Creativity is a ______________.

(a) Desire
(b) Passion
(c) Process
(d) Attitude

5: Creativity requires __________.

(a) Fulfilment
(b) Passion
(c) Commitment
(d) Passion and commitment

6: Within every individual, creativity is a function of three components:

(a) Expertise
(b) Creative Thinking Skills
(c) Motivation
(d) All of the above

7: ____________ refers to how you apprch problems and solutions – the capacity to put existing
ideas together in new combinations.

(a) Creativity
(b) Creative thinking
(c) Active thinking
(d) Passive thinking

8: ___________ is the drive and desire to do something, an inner passion and interest.

(a) Motivation
(b) Morale
(c) Leadership
(d) Managership

9: Entrepreneurial activity depends on the process of ________________ following creativity, not on

creativity alone.

(a) Innovation
(b) Motivation
(c) Passion
(d) Commitment

10: _____________ is the process of bringing the best ideas into reality, which triggers a creative
idea, which generates a series of innovative events.

(a) Innovation
(b) Motivation
(c) Passion
(d) Commitment

11: ______________ requires a fresh way of looking at things, an understanding of people, and an
entrepreneurial willingness to take risks and to work hard.
(a) Motivation
(b) Passion
(c) Innovation
(d) Commitment

12: It's very difficult to come up with new, creative, and novel ideas unless you are ______________
about moving society forward.

(a) Creative
(b) Fashionate
(c) Actionate
(d) Passionate

13: Two people can see the exactly the same thing, but perceive it differently based on their ______.

(a) Mission
(b) Vision
(c) Mission or vision
(d) Mission and vision

14: Growth and development cannot be sustained without additional _____________.

(a) Commitment
(b) Passion
(c) Innovations
(d) Motivation

15: Entrepreneurship is, the ________________ involved in the creation of an economic enterprise
based on a new product or service which, differs significantly from products or services offered by
other suppliers in content or in the way its production is organized nor in its marketing.

(a) Quality & result oriented

(b) Business process
(c) Revolutionary process
(d) Innovatory process

1 (a) Entrepreneurship
2 (a) Creativity
3 (d) Attitude
4 (c) Process
5 (d) Passion and commitment
6 (d) All of the above
7 (b) Creative thinking
8 (a) Motivation
9 (a) Innovation
10 (a) Innovation
11 (c) Innovation
12 (d) Passionate
13 (b) Vision
14 (c) Innovations
15 (d) Innovatory process

1: Environment Scanning is ________________ of an organisation's internal and external

environments for detecting early signs of opportunities and threats that may influence its current and
future plans.
(a) Special monitoring
(b) General monitoring
(c) Careful monitoring
(d) Careless monitoring

2: To sustain competitive advantage, the company must also respond to the information gathered
from ________________ by altering its strategies and plans when the need arises.

(a) Environmental scanning

(b) Active scanning
(c) Passive scanning
(d) Indirect scanning

3: When _____________ is taken into consideration; environment scanning is another important

factor to be taken care of with regards to developing a new plan which comprises of innovative ideas
and creative ends so that the same may be developed and offered in the market after a careful
analysis for its possibility of acceptance, opportunity in the market after a careful analysis for its
possibility of acceptance, opportunity in the same, and prospective threats.
(a) Motivation
(b) Morale
(c) Intrapreneurship
(d) Entrepreneurship

4: Entrepreneurs need to carry out environmental scanning to __________________ the results that
their business innovation would result in.

(a) Anticipate and interpret

(b) Anticipate
(c) Interpret
(d) Calculate

5: Companies which scan their business environment are proven to achieve _________________
and revenue growth compared to companies which do not.

(a) Average profits

(b) Medium profits
(c) Higher profits
(d) Desired profits

6: The importance of environmental scanning was first recognized by ________________ in the late
(a) Fire insurance firms
(b) Life insurance firms
(c) Marine insurance firms
(d) General insurance firms

7: Techniques which may be used in environment scanning are

(a) SWOT Analysis

(b) PEST / PESTEL Analysis
(c) Industry Analysis
(d) All of the above

8: Originated by Albert S Humphrey in the ________________.

(a) 1960s
(b) 1970s
(c) 1860s
(d) 1960s

9: SWOT Analysis merges the ________________ (environment analysis, opportunities and threats
identification) with the internal factors (company's resources analysis, company's strengths and
weaknesses identification).

(a) Inside factors

(b) External factors
(c) Outside factors
(d) Industry factors

10: Strengths and weaknesses are often ________________ to your organisation.

(a) Internal
(b) External
(c) Internal or external
(d) Internal and external

11: Opportunities and threats generally relate to _______________.

(a) Economic factors

(b) Industry factors
(c) Internal factors
(d) External factor

12: When looking at ________________, PESTLE Analysis can also help to ensure that you don't
overlook external factors, such as new government regulations, or technological changes in your

(a) Weaknesses
(b) Opportunities
(c) Threats
(d) Opportunities and threats
13: PESTLE analysis is infact, an ________________ of environmental influences on the business
idea with the purpose of using this information to preascertain the factors affecting the likely project
and thereby guide strategic decision-making in accordance.

(a) Visualising
(b) Accounting
(c) Audit
(d) Accounting & auditing

14: PESTLE analysis is a useful tool for understanding the ________________ of the environment
in which an entrepreneur is planning to operate.

(a) Average picture

(b) Big picture
(c) Medium picture
(d) Small picture

15: An important tool for environment scanning is to conduct ________________ which is to take a
survey of the existing industry if any, before setting up an entrepreneurial endeavour. An
entrepreneur is most concerned with the intensity of competition to which his idea is exposed..

(a) Industry analysis

(b) Economic analysis
(c) Situational analysis
(d) Company analysis

16: The Porter's ____________ tool is a simple but powerful tool to evaluate the power of business.

(a) Four Forces

(b) Five Forces
(c) Ten Forces
(d) Three Forces

17: Porter's ________________ Analysis assumes that there are five important forces that determine
competitive power in a business situation.

(a) Five Forces

(b) Four Forces
(c) Ten Forces
(d) Three Forces
18: ____________ assesses how easily suppliers may drive up prices..

(a) Supplier Power

(b) Customer Power
(c) Company Power
(d) Industry Power

19: ____________ evaluates how easy it is for buyers to drive prices down.
(a) Buyer Power
(b) Supplier Power
(c) Customer Power
(d) Industry Power

20: ________________ is affected by the ability of your customers to find a different way of doing
what you do.

(a) Threat of Substitution

(b) Threat in General
(c) Weaknesses
(d) Strong Desire

21: If you have _______________ for your key technologies, then new competitors can quickly
enter your market and weaken your position.

(a) General protection

(b) Little protection
(c) Big protection
(d) Industry protection

22: Environmental scanning beings with gathering information about the ________________

(a) Internal
(b) External
(c) Internal and external
(d) Internal or external

23: ____________ has traditionally been a major source of information about the external world for
most entrepreneurs for decision making on the new product.

(a) Passive scanning

(b) Environmental scanning
(c) Active scanning
(d) Indirect scanning

24: The components of _______________ are quite different from those of passive, scanning.

(a) Environmental scanning

(b) Active scanning
(c) Passive scanning
(d) Indirect scanning

25: The active scanning of an existing resource for a specific item is ______________.

(a) Environmental scanning

(b) Active scanning
(c) Passive scanning
(d) Directed scanning

26: Conducting a market assessment helps to:

(a) Prepare to enter a new market

(b) Launch a new product/service
(c) Start a new business
(d) All of the above.

27: ________________ is research that is pro-actively created for a specific purpose.

(a) Company research

(b) Industry research
(c) Primary research
(d) Primary research

28: _____________ is research that has already been conducted for other purposes.

(a) Company research

(b) Secondary research
(c) Industry research
(d) Primary research

29: Data analysis and interpretation is ____________ in analyzing the market.

(a) Circumstantial
(b) Situational
(c) Critical
(d) Conditional

30: Analysis be done in the support of experts and right results are _____________.

(a) Drafted
(b) Crafted
(c) Rafted
(d) Drafted and crafted

31: _____________ shows the specifics of how the entrepreneur will market or attempt to sell his
product or service.

(a) A marketing plan

(b) A financing plan
(c) A sales plan
(d) A production plan

32: PESTLE is part of which type of environment -

(a) Micro
(b) Macro
(c) External
(d) Business

33: T in SWOT stands for -

(a) Threats
(b) Tasks
(c) Tactics
(d) Technology

34: Industry analysis is given by which of the following -

(a) Porter
(b) H.N. Hansen
(c) Koonts o'donnel
(d) Joseph Schumpeter

35: Which of the following is an economic factor -

(a) Exchange rates

(b) Licensing regulations
(c) Labour courts
(d) Employment needs

36: Sell ____________ and not _____________ is the statement given by steve js. .

(a) Company, customers

(b) Desire, wants
(c) Product, dreams
(d) Dreams, product

37: Which of the following, entrepreneurship does not offer -

(a) Independence and freedom

(b) Recognition
(c) Opportunity of being own boss
(d) Less income

38: Bill gates is considered which of the type of entrepreneur -

(a) Visionary
(b) Superstar
(c) Sustainer
(d) Idealist

39: Charm and high energy relates to which of the following -

(a) Visionary
(b) Superstar
(c) Sustainer
(d) Idealist

40: Intrapreneur faces competition from -

(a) Entrepreneurs
(b) Managers
(c) Employees within the organization
(d) All the above

41: Which of the following is not the characteristics of entrepreneurship

(a) Innovation
(b) Organising skills
(c) Indiffernce approach
(d) Risk-taking

42: Entrepreneurship work for ________________

(a) Profits
(b) Salary
(c) Remuneration
(d) Commission

43: Which of the following is not technique is not used in business environment scanning?

(a) PESTEL analysis

(b) Industry analysis
(c) Swot Analysis
(d) Government analysis

44: In relation to the PESTEL framework which of the following statements is correct:

(a) It assists in the assessment of organizational strengths and weaknesses.

(b) It allows a detailed analysis of the structure of an industry
(c) It can be used as a checklist to understand the different environmental influences in the macro
(d) Takes an historical perspective on the main political, economic, socioculatural, technological,
environmental and legal factors.

45: The five forces that affect the level of competition in an industry are:

(a) Threat of entrants; power of buyers; power of suppliers; threat of substitutes; competitive rivalry.
(b) Threat of buyers; power of entry; power of substitutes; threat of suppliers; threat of recession.
(c) Threat of recession; power of buyers; power of suppliers; threat of management failure;
competitive rivalry
(d) Threat of entry; power of buyers; power of suppliers; threat of substitutes; government action

1 (c) Careful monitoring
2 (a) Environmental scanning
3 (d) Entrepreneurship
4 (a) Anticipate and interpret
5 (c) Higher profits
6 (b) Life insurance firms
7 (d) All of the above
8 (a) 1960s
9 (b) External factors
10 (a) Internal
11 (d) External factors
12 (d) Opportunities and threats
13 (c) Audit
14 (b) Big picture
15 (a) Industry analysis
16 (b) Five Forces
17 (a) Five Forces
18 (a) Supplier Power
19 (a) Buyer Power
20 (a) Threat of Substitution
21 (b) Little protection
22 (c) Internal and external
23 (a) Passive scanning
24 (b) Active scanning
25 (d) Directed scanning
26 (d) All of the above
27 (c) Primary research
28 (b) Secondary research
29 (c) Critical
30 (b) Crafted
31 (a) A marketing plan
32 (b) Macro
33 (a) Threats
34 (a) Porter
35 (b) Licensing regulations
36 (d) Dreams, pruct
37 (d) Less income
38 (a) Visionary
39 (b) Superstar
40 (c) Employees within the organisation
41 (c) Indiffernce approach
42 (a) Profits
43 (d) Government analysis
44 (c) It can be used as a checklist to understand the different environmental influences in the
macro environment.
45 (a) Threat of entrants; power of buyers; power of suppliers; threat of substitutes;
competitive rivalry.


The main objective of business planning is to provide and implement the formal and systematic
business plan.

Stage of development in entrepreneurial firm

Seed stage Start up Early growth Established Corporate

According to Peter F Drucker, innovation is a means by which entrepreneurs exploit change as

an opportunity for a different business or a different service.

Paul H Wilken in his work ‘Entrepreneurship- a comparative and historical study lists the
following innovations by changes brought out by entrepreneurs:
Initial expansion
Subsequent expansion
Factor innovation
Production innovation
Market innovation

Systematic business planning must include these elements

- Strategic planning
- Operational planning

Strategic planning
Strategic planning is the core of the work of an organization. Without a strategic framework you don’t
know where you are going or why you are going there. So, then, it doesn’t really matter how you get

A strategy is an overall approach and plan. So, strategic planning is the overall planning that facilitates
the good management of a process. Strategic planning takes you outside the day to-day activities of
your organization or project. It provides you with the big picture of what you are doing and where you
are going. Strategic planning gives you clarity about what you actually want to achieve and how to go
about achieving it, rather than a plan of action for day to-day operations.

Strategic planning includes strategic management which implemented the following strategic
Environmental scanning
Strategy formulation
Strategy implementation
Evaluation and control

Operational planning
Operational planning defines how to operate in practice to implement action and execute plans. Simply,
operational planning is the conversion of strategic goals into executions.
Operational planning means to make plans on the basis of strategies and it is planning of operations to
give a real existence to imaginative strategies.


Both Central government and various state governments are taking increased interest in promoting the
growth of entrepreneurship. Individuals are provided with government support such as tax incentives,
buildings, roads and a communication system to facilitate this creation process.


Opportunity based entrepreneurship Necessity based entrepreneurship


It is believed that India has an extraordinary talent pool with unlimited potential to become
entrepreneurs. To achieve this, India must focus on four areas –

Create the right Ensure that Ensure that Enable networking

environment for entrepreneurs have entrepreneurs have and exchange
success. access to the right access to smart capital

Challenges before Entrepreneur

No rules protecting employers
Global competition
Changes around the globe
Lack of balance between projects and personnel
Delayed payments
Uncertain return to the investor

Entrepreneur must possess the following characteristics-

 Innovation
There are various types of innovation which is to be implemented in various areas of business-
Initial expansion
Subsequent expansion
Factor innovation
Production innovation
Market innovations

 Risk oriented
 Achievement orientation
 Involves managerial skills and leadership
 Impact of cultural and religious factors
 Entrepreneurship is a practice
 An economic activity
 Resource assessment
 Fixed and working capital
 Funds flow
 Sources of finance
 Means of finance

 Effecting change
 Modernisation
 Expansion
 Diversification

Organizations will face seven trends in the next decade as they flight to survive, grow and
remain competitive. –
Speed and uncertainty will prevail. –
Technology will continue to disrupt and enable. –
Demographics will dictate much of what happens in business. –
Loyalty will erode. –
Work will be done anywhere, anytime. –
Employment as we know it will disappear.


1: The most significant benefit of a business plan is in the periodic review of ________________.

(a) Actual results

(b) Factual results
(c) Standard results
(d) Industry results

2: A manager/owner should take out the business plan on a ________________ and review their
actual results to the forecast.

(a) Quarterly basis

(b) Monthly basis
(c) Bimonthly basis
(d) Yearly basis

3: _______________ do not have to be fancy documents full of charts and graphs.

(a) Production and marketing

(b) Company plans
(c) Economic plans
(d) Business plans

4: _______________ in each functional area of the company will show how to accomplish the goals.

(a) A functional strategy

(b) A company strategy
(c) A advanced strategy
(d) A basic strategy

5: _______________ will show how to pay for it all.

(a) A marketing plan

(b) A financial plan
(c) A selling plan
(d) A production plan

6: ____________ of the goals, objectives, and interim targets bring everyone back in focus with what
they are trying to accomplish.

(a) Yearly Reviews

(b) Half-yearly Reviews
(c) Regular Reviews
(d) Periodic Reviews

7: ______________ are for small companies as well as large.

(a) A production plan
(b) A selling plan
(c) Business plans
(d) A financial plan

8: As an ________________, the best approach to make the creative innovative business idea a
success is to find someone who'll pay for the development of something they need and also let the
entrepreneur keep the right to sell it to others.

(a) Inventor-entrepreneur
(b) Inventor-entrepreneur
(c) Inventor
(d) Entrepreneur

9: Skills necessary to successful business is

(a) Engineering Skills – the skill to invent, create, innovate and develop new products (or services).
(b) Manufacturing Skills – the skill to deliver them, consistently and reliably, with quality, service
and price.
(c) Selling Skills – the skill to sell them.
(d) Business Skills – the skill to make a profit doing the above three.
(e) All of the above.

10: The skills necessary to start a business are ________________.

(a) Innovation
(b) Engineering
(c) Selling
(d) Engineering and Selling

11: Buyers cannot exercise high bargaining power over their suppliers if.

(a) The volume they buy accounts for a large percentage of their suppliers' sales.
(b) There are few buyers in the market.
(c) They have many suppliers to choose from.
(d) There is a high concentration of suppliers.

12: All of the following are recognized as potential sources of entrepreneurial ideas, EXCEPT:

(a) Work experiences, skills, and abilities

(b) Familiar and unfamiliar products and services
(c) Personal interest or hobbies
(d) All of the above are recognized as potential sources of entrepreneurial ideas

13: An ____________ is an individual who creates something for the first time, is a highly driven
individual motivated by his or her own work and personal ideas.

(a) Entrepreneur
(b) Inventor
(c) Juggler
(d) None of the above

1 (a) Actual results
2 (a) Quarterly basis
3 (d) Business plans
4 (d) A basic strategy
5 (b) A financial plan
6 (c) Regular Reviews
7 (c) Business plans
8 (b) Inventor-entrepreneur
9 (e) All of the above
10 (d) Engineering and Selling
11 (d) There is a high concentration of suppliers
12 (d) All of the above are recognized as potential sources of entrepreneurial ideas
13 (b) Inventor
OD 1: _____________ must find, evaluate, and develop an opportunity by overcoming the forces that
resist the creation of something new.

(a) An entrepreneur
(b) An intrapreneur
(c) A businessman
(d) An innovation leader

2: Whether the opportunity is identified by using input from consumers, business associates, channel
members, or technical people, each opportunity must be carefully ________________.

(a) Drafted
(b) Screened
(c) Evaluated
(d) Screened and evaluated

3: A good business plan is essential to developing the opportunity and determining the

(a) Resources required

(b) Obtaining those resources
(c) Successfully managing the resulting venture
(d) Resources required, obtaining those resources, and successfully managing the resulting venture

4: Effective business planning is critical to an entrepreneurial company's _______________ and its

ability to raise capital and grow successfully.

(a) Medium-term success

(b) Short-term success
(c) Long-term success
(d) Average-term success

5: In developing a Business Plan and a Business Model, _____________ are generally found
apprehensive of myths and misconceptions about the process.

(a) Intrapreneur or entrepreneur

(b) Intrapreneurs
(c) Entrepreneurs
(d) Intrapreneur and entrepreneur

6: Business plans are only for ____________ companies.

(a) Running companies

(b) Start-up
(c) Large companies
(d) Small companies

7: Business plans should be as detailed as possible; the longer the plan, the better chance that the
company will be ______________.
(a) Successful
(b) Sound
(c) Sound and successful
(d) Financed

8: Business plans should emphasize ideas and concepts, ______________.

(a) Not finances

(b) Not employees
(c) Not resources
(d) Not people

9: Only the founding ____________ should prepare business plans.

(a) Intrapreneur
(b) Entrepreneur
(c) Intrapreneur or entrepreneur
(d) Intrapreneur and entrepreneur

10: ______________ should prevail over realism.

(a) Optimism
(b) Pessimism
(c) Optimism or pessimism
(d) Optimism and pessimism

11: In a very simple and straightforward manner, _____________ is the ability of creation, that is the
causing of a new thing to exist.

(a) Intrapreneurship
(b) Entrepreneurship
(c) Creativity
(d) Style

12: _____________ is a most welcomed attribute of a business plan analysis, especially when
explaining the product or service to be marketed in terms of its competitive advantages..

(a) Intrapreneurship
(b) Entrepreneurship
(c) Creativity
(d) Style

13: Entrepreneurship is a special skill set. Some great entrepreneurs are not-so-great leaders or
managers, but successful leaders need to master some of the ______________ skill set.

(a) Intrapreneurship
(b) Creativity
(c) Style
(d) Entrepreneurship

14: Successful entrepreneurs require an edge derived from some combination of a ______________
and a superior capacity for execution.

(a) Planned data

(b) Calculated data
(c) Creative idea
(d) Imaginative data

15: ____________ also means anticipating the needs of the market, offering additional quality or
services, organisation efficiently, mastering details, and keeping cost under control.

(a) Innovation
(b) Motivation
(c) Morale
(d) Careful business plan

16: Ongoing scanning at an almost unconscious level is ______________.

(a) Directed scanning

(b) Active scanning
(c) Passive scanning
(d) Indirect Scanning

17: Which of the following does not include in marketing assessment process -

(a) Defining the problem

(b) Festering ideas
(c) Feedback
(d) Designing a plan

18: Business plans are only for start up companies, it is a -

(a) Myth
(b) Reality
(c) Both A and B
(d) None of the above

19: Who claimed that entrepreneurship requires no ordinary sill -

(a) Mill
(b) Smith
(c) Ricardo
(d) None of the above

20: Alfred marshall gave the necessity of entrepreneurship in -

(a) 1880
(b) 1867
(c) 1890
(d) 2002

21: An entrepreneur's primary motivation for starting a business is

(a) To make money

(b) To be independent
(c) To be famous
(d) To be powerful

22: The ____________ plan should contain control points to ascertain progress.

(a) Business
(b) Marketing
(c) Financial
(d) Operational

23: What out of the following is entrepreneurship which is totally internal in an organisation:

(a) Internal Entrepreneurship

(b) Internal Intrapreneurship
(c) Both a) & b)
(d) None of the above

24: ____________ is the one to go through minimum income risk: .

(a) Manager
(b) Entrepreneur
(c) Both a and b
(d) None of them

25: Industry analysis should include information on:

(a) Market size of competitor's product

(b) Growth rate of suppliers
(c) New products entry
(d) Economic conditions

26: The man to coin the word 'Intrapreneur':

(a) Thomas Malthus

(b) Gifford Bentinck
(c) Gifford Pinchot
(d) Thomas Pogge

27: Market innovation refers to ______________.

(a) Discovering new pruct and market

(b) Setting up of a new shop
(c) Acquiring a market place and bring innovation to it.
(d) Procurement of capital to buy market

28: Concept of entrepreneur-ship was referred as ______________.

(a) Board Management

(b) Business Administration
(c) Board Administration
(d) Business Management

29: What is the full form of LDC?

(a) Low Division Countries

(b) Less Developed Countries
(c) Low Development Countries
(d) Less Development Countries

30: The feature of business should be

(a) Unlawful business

(b) No risk
(c) Distinct ownership
(d) No status

1. (a) An entrepreneur
2 (d) Screened and evaluated
3 (d) Resources required, obtaining those resources, and successfully managing the resulting
4 (c) Long-term success
5 (c) Entrepreneurs
6 (b) Start-up
7 (d) Financed
8 (d) Not people
9 (b) Entrepreneur
10 (a) Optimism
11 (c) Creativity
12 (c) Creativity
13 (d) Entrepreneurship
14 (c) Creative idea
15 (a) Innovation
16 (d) Indirect Scanning
17 (c) Feedback
18 (a) Myth
19 (a) Mill
20 (c) 1890
21 (b) To be independent
22 (d) Operational
23 (d) None of the above
24 (a) Manager
25 (d) Economic conditions
26 (c) Gifford Pinchot
27 (a) Discovering new product and market
28 (c) Board Administration
29 (b) Less Developed Countries
30 (c) Distinct ownership




Any organization that uses business methods to address a social or environmental problem in an
innovative way is called Social Entrepreneurship. Social Entrepreneurship is a revolution occurring
around the world today, where people from all walks of life are developing and implementing
innovative, effective, and sustainable solutions in response to social and environmental challenges.
These solutions include products, services, frameworks and interventions brought to market by both
new startups and existing organizations, whether for- profit or non-profit.

Definition of Social Entrepreneurship

Greg Dees, co-founder of the Center for the Advancement of Social Entrepreneurship at Duke
University and a member of the Impact Entrepreneurs advisory board, wrote the definitive definition:

Who is a Social Entrepreneur

Social entrepreneurs are individuals with innovative solutions to society’s most pressing social
problems. They are ambitious and persistent, tackling major social issues and offering new ideas for
wide-scale change.
Rather than leaving societal needs to the government or business sectors, social entrepreneurs find
what is not working and solve the problem by changing the system, spreading the solution, and
persuading entire societies to take new leaps.
Social entrepreneurs often seem to be possessed by their ideas, committing their lives to changing the
direction of their field. They are both visionaries and ultimate realists, concerned with the practical
implementation of their vision above all else.
Each social entrepreneur presents ideas that are user-friendly, understandable, ethical, and engage
widespread support in order to maximize the number of local people that will stand up, seize their
idea, and implement with it. In other words, every leading social entrepreneur is a mass recruiter of
local changemakers—a role model proving that citizens who channel their passion into action can do
almost anything.
Over the past two decades, the citizen sector has discovered what the business sector learned long ago:
There is nothing as powerful as a new idea in the hands of a first-class entrepreneur.

Why “Social” Entrepreneur?

Just as entrepreneurs change the face of business, social entrepreneurs act as the change agents for
society, seizing opportunities others miss and improving systems, inventing new approaches, and
creating solutions to change society for the better. While a business entrepreneur might create
entirely new industries, a social entrepreneur comes up with new solutions to social problems and
then implements them on a large scale.
Historical Examples of Leading Social Entrepreneurs:

Susan B. Anthony (U.S.): Fought for Women’s Rights in the United States, including the right to
control property and helped spearhead adoption of the 19th amendment.

Vinoba Bhave (India): Founder and leader of the Land Gift Movement, he caused the redistribution of
more than 7,000,000 acres of land to aid India’s untouchables and landless.
Dr. Maria Montessori (Italy): Developed the Montessori approach to early childhood education.
Florence Nightingale (U.K.): Founder of modern nursing, she established the first school for nurses
and fought to improve hospital conditions.
Margaret Sanger (U.S.): Founder of the Planned Parenthood Federation of America, she led the
movement for family planning efforts around the world.
John Muir (U.S.): Naturalist and conservationist, he established the National Park System and helped
found The Sierra Club.
Jean Monnet (France): Responsible for the reconstruction of the French economy following World
War II, including the establishment of the European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC). The ECSC
and the European Common Market were direct precursors of the European Union.
Social entrepreneurs play the role of change agents in the social sector by:
1. Adopting a mission to create and sustain social value (not just private value) Recognizing and
relentlessly pursuing new opportunities to serve that mission
2. Engaging in a process of continuous innovation, adaptation, and learning
3. Acting boldly without being limited by resources currently in hand
4. Exhibiting heightened accountability to the constituencies served and for the outcomes created.

How to identify a Social Entrepreneurship Opportunity

Social entrepreneurship is developing dynamically in Europe, solving the problems of

unemployment, social security, civic engagement. The main mission of social entrepreneurship is to
bring benefits to society. Nowadays social entrepreneurship in many countries is a common thing. This
is a dynamic social economic activity with its ideology, mission and definitions. Entrepreneurship
with a social aspect has great potential around the world and in Ukraine as well. Social enterprises
operate in a complex environment. Some may be competing against fully commercial businesses and
some against state subsidized services.
Thus, creating social value (rather than personal or stakeholder wealth) becomes the main driver for
social entrepreneurs, alongside achieving the relevant financial sustainability to maintain that value.
Several types of market niche filled by social enterprises can include:
➢ Markets serving the very poor, where business margins are low and risks tend to be high. In
some sectors, such as microfinance, there is an on-going debate as to whether a fully
commercial operation can fulfill the needs of the poorest client groups more effectively than
modified NGO models. Examples of social enterprises which are operating in this market niche
are micro-clinics run in low income areas; selling affordable irrigation tools to poor,
smallholder farmers.
➢ Other new and challenging markets where high costs may be incurred to stimulate demand and
create new opportunities due to the need to overcome stigma, acclimatize clients to more
complex technology, challenge perceptions that services should be provided by the state.
Examples of social enterprises which are operating in this market niche are providing
counseling services to people living with HIV/AIDS and other socially marginalized groups;
providing microinsurance products to farmers; providing relatively intensive support for
farmers to adopt new and unfamiliar crop cultivation techniques.
➢ Markets for products producing environmental benefits but which may not be fully commercially
competitive. Clearly, many environmentally beneficial business lines are fully commercially
viable. Others, however, are marginal and remain particularly suitable for hybrid social
enterprise models.
Thus, it can be stated, that social entrepreneurs - as individuals, groups, or organizations - are
innovative, proactive risk takers, attempting to create sustainable community, social, or industry-wide
change for addressing endemic social problems. They identify, evaluate, and exploit opportunities with
the aim of creating social value by using a wide range of market-driven and other resources to create
social transformation.

Creating a Social Business Model

Social enterprises apply business solutions to social problems. Since there are no shareholders in a
non-profit organization, the profits from the related social enterprise are completely re-invested in the
work of the organization.
The emergence of revenue-generating activities for non-profits has created a new operating model where
business principles, market characteristics and values (competition, diversification, entrepreneurship,
innovation, and a focus on the bottom line) co-exist and work with traditional public sector values like
responsiveness to community and serving the public interest. Essential to the success of a social
enterprise is an effective business model.
A business model includes two key elements:
1. an operating strategy that includes internal organizational structure and external partnerships
that are crucial for creating the organization’s intended impact; and,
2. a resource strategy that defines where and on what terms the organization will acquire the
resources (financial and human) it needs to do its work.
The business model for a social enterprise is the channel that the social entrepreneur converts inputs
into outcomes; the generation of both social value (measurable impact) and economic value
A social enterprise can be integrated with the non-profit organization in one of several ways:
– The enterprise and the social program are one and the same
– The business is created to serve clients (central to the mission)

– The business activities overlap with the social programs
– The business is created as a funding mechanism and to expand/enhance the mission of the
– Social and business activities are separate and may or may not be related to the mission of the
– The business is created mainly as a funding mechanism to support social activities
The various types of business models are summarized in the table below. These social enterprise
business models can be applied equally to institutions, programs, or service delivery. These models
are designed in accordance with the social enterprises’ financial and social objectives, mission,
marketplace dynamics, client needs or capabilities and legal environment. Most of the business models
are embedded within the organization.

How it works Examples Key success factors

Business model
Entrepreneur Sells business support to Microfinance Appropriate training
support its target population. organizations, for the entrepreneur
consulting, or tech
Market Provide services to clients Supply cooperatives like Low start-up costs,
intermediary to help them access fair trade, agriculture and allows clients to stay
markets. handicraft organizations and work in their

Employment Provide employment Disabilities or youth Job training

opportunity and job organizations providing appropriateness
training to clients and work opportunities in and commercial
then sells its products or landscape, cafes, printing, viability
services on the open or other business
Free-for-service Selling social services Membership Establishing the
directly to clients or a organizations, museums, appropriate fee
third- party payer. and clinics structure vis a vis the
Low-income client Similar to fee-for-service Healthcare (prescriptions, Creative distribution
in terms of offering eyeglasses), utility systems, lower
services to clients but programs production and
focuses on providing marketing costs, high
access to those who operating efficiencies
couldn’t otherwise afford
Cooperative Provides members with Bulk purchasing, Members have
benefits through collective bargaining common
collective services. (union), agricultural interests/needs, are
coops, key stakeholders, and
credit unions investors
Market linkage Facilitates trade Import-export, Does not sell
relationships between market research, clients’ products but
clients and the external and broker services connects clients to
market. markets
Service Sells products or services Consulting, Can leverage tangible
subsidization to an external market to counseling, assets (buildings, land,
help fund other social employment training, employees) or
programs. This model is leasing, printing intangible (expertise,
integrated with the non- services, and so forth methodologies, or
profit organization; the relationships)
business activities and
social programs overlap.

Organization Similar to service Similar to service Similar to

al support subsidization, but subsidization– service
applying the external implement any type of subsidization.
model; business business that leverages
activities are separate its assets
from socialprograms
Funding social ventures: Strategies for success

Social enterprises are entrepreneurial organizations that innovate to solve problems. They include
nonprofit and for-profit ventures, and their returns blend social benefit and financial revenues. They
come in many flavors, but they all face the same fundamental question: Can they generate enough
revenue and attract enough investment to cover their costs and grow their activities?
Some social enterprises can earn a profit that is sufficient to get the business funded by investors.
They might provide goods and services to customers willing to pay a premium for a socially
beneficial product—green energy, say, or organic food. They might sell an essential service to poor
customers at a decent profit while still providing that service more affordably than other suppliers do.
But many, if not most, social enterprises cannot

fund themselves entirely through sales or investment. They are not profitable enough to access
traditional financial markets, resulting in a financial-social return gap. The social value of providing
poor people with affordable health care, basic foodstuffs, or safe cleaning products is enormous, but the
cost of private funding often outweighs the monetary return. Many social enterprises survive only
through the largesse of government subsidies, charitable foundations, and a handful of high-net-worth
individuals who will make donations or accept lower financial returns on their investments in social
projects. The ability of those enterprises to provide their products and services rises or falls with the
availability of capital from these sources, and their fundraising efforts consume time and energy that
could be spent on their social missions.
The lack of funding opportunities is one of the major disadvantages social enterprises face.

Social Enterprise’s New Balance Sheet

To see how the process works, imagine that a social enterprise operating in Africa requires an
investment of
$100,000 to build new health clinics and expects the clinics to earn $5,000 a year—a return of 5% on
the investment.
Unfortunately, 5% is too low to attract private sources of capital. Traditionally the enterprise would
obtain the
$100,000 from a charitable foundation instead. But suppose the enterprise asked the donor for only
$50,000. It could then offer a financial investor a 10% return on the remaining $50,000. The donor
would receive no repayment—but it would have $50,000 to give to another socially worthy
You can think of a charitable donation as an investment, just as debt and equity are investments. The
difference is that the return on the donation is not financial. The donor does not expect to get its
money back; it expects its money to generate a social benefit. It considers the investment a failure
only if that social benefit is not created. And with a donor-investor willing to subsidize half the cost,
the social enterprise becomes valuable and less risky to conventional investors. The traditional model
of social enterprise leaves this value on the table. Donors lose out because they fully subsidize a
project that could have attracted investment capital, and investors do not participate at all.

Innovation in Practice

Some of the more forward-thinking foundations and social investors have realized that the current
methods of financing social enterprises are inefficient, for the enterprises and themselves, and have
started working to broaden the access to capital. Here are some of the mechanisms they’re

Loan guarantees
The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation now issues loan guarantees, rather than direct funds, to some of
the enterprises it supports, recognizing that this is an efficient way to leverage its donations and provide
organizations with more-certain funding. Its first guarantee allowed a charter school in Houston to raise $67
million in commercial debt at a low rate, saving the school (and its donors) almost $10 million in interest

Quasi-equity debt

Some organizations have developed financial vehicles that combine the properties of equity and debt.
A quasi- equity debt security is particularly useful for enterprises that are legally structured as
nonprofits and therefore cannot obtain equity capital. Such a security is technically a form of debt, but
it has an important characteristic of an equity investment: Its returns are indexed to the organization’s
financial performance. The security holder does not have a direct claim on the governance and
ownership of the enterprise, but the terms and conditions of the loan are carefully designed to give
management incentives to operate the organization efficiently. Social investors purchase these
securities, which perform the function of equity and make it possible for social enterprises to offer banks
and other profit-seeking lenders a competitive investment opportunity

Consider the Bridges Social Entrepreneurs Fund—one of several social funds of the UK
investment company Bridges Ventures. The fund has some £12/ million to invest in social enterprises.
Recently it committed
£1 million to a social loan to HCT, a company that uses surpluses from its commercial London buses,
school buses, and Park & Ride services to provide community transportation for people unable to use
conventional public transportation. This social loan has a quasi-equity feature: The fund takes a
percentage of revenues, thereby sharing some of the business risk and gains. Because the loan is tied to
the top revenue line, it provides HCT with strong incentives to manage the business efficiently.
Covenants on such loans are often added to avoid mission drift from the social goals.


Techniques that involve pooling funds have also opened new financial doors to social enterprises,
because the pooling institution can tailor its liabilities to the needs of different kinds of investors.
The Switzerland-based social capital investor Blue Orchard, for example, assembles portfolios from
many microlenders and bundles them into three tranches. The bottom tranche is BlueOrchard’s
equity, which offers high returns but takes the first loss. The next tranche offers a lower expected
return but has less risk. It takes the second loss, after equity is wiped out, and is analogous to a
convertible bond. The top tranche promises a low but relatively safe return; it is purchased by
conventional debt investors. The pooling model has spread globally, with innovators such as IFMR
Trust, in Chennai, engaged in the securitization and structured finance of microfinance loan
portfolios in which they retain an investment share.

Social Impact Bonds

Another innovation, the social impact bond, deserves special notice for its ability to help
governments fund infrastructure and services, especially as public budgets are cut and municipal
bond markets are stressed. Launched in the UK in 2010, this type of bond is sold to private investors
who are paid a return only if the public project succeeds—if, say, a rehabilitation program lowers the
rate of recidivism among newly released prisoners. It allows private investors to do what they do best:
take calculated risks in pursuit of profits. The government, for its part, pays a fixed return to investors
for verifiable results and keeps any additional savings. Because it shifts the risk of program failure
from taxpayers to investors, this mechanism has the potential to transform political discussions about
expanding social services. From the U.S. to Australia, national and local governments are developing
pilot bonds to fund interventions targeting homelessness, early childhood education, and other issues.
The U.S. could even use this approach to support its finance-starved space program—for instance,
issuing “space bonds” that would pay a return only if a manned mission were to reach Mars on
schedule and under budget.
Developments like these are stretching the boundaries of social enterprise financing. It isn’t hard to
imagine that at some point social enterprises will have an even broader universe of funding options
than conventional businesses do. If you think of charitable donations as a form of investment, and if
an appropriate legal structure is created, then you have, by definition, a new class of investors and a
new type of return (see the exhibit “Financing Social Enterprises”). An organization delivering a

Challenges for the Indian Social Enterprise Sector

Last 10 years have seen emergence of enterprises with a dual mission of profit creation along with
positive social impact. Many young entrepreneurs with stellar academic credentials having given up
lucrative jobs to pursue their passion for social good are changing the landscape of social sector and
how it’s perceived. While improving the lives of people at the Bottom-of-Pyramid (it forms 37% of
the total Indian Population) either by employing them gainfully or by making products & services
targeted at them, these entrepreneurs seek sustained profitability by applying business principles.
Clearly, future governmental policies will have to take them seriously and create a conducive
atmosphere for such entrepreneurs.
However there are major challenges that this new age social enterprise sector faces.
➢ Limited access to early stage capital due to difficulties faced by domestic and foreign
investors when investing in social enterprises is probably one of the biggest challenges.
This potentially inhibits product development, scaling up and hiring top talent.
➢ Indian regulations still don’t formally recognize for-profit social enterprise as a sector thus
depriving them of special benefits like tax breaks etc. (for e.g. India education policy
deems every educational institution to operate as a non-profit restricting equity
investment and entry of private player.




Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship- The Ministry is responsible for co-
ordination of all skill development efforts across the country, removal of disconnect between demand
and supply of skilled manpower, building the vocational and technical training framework, skill up-
gradation, building of new skills, and innovative thinking not only for existing jobs but also jobs that
are to be created.
The Ministry aims to Skill on a large Scale with Speed and high Standards in order to achieve its
vision of a ‘Skilled India’.
It is aided in these initiatives by its functional arms – National Skill Development Agency (NSDA),
National Skill Development Corporation (NSDC), National Skill Development Fund (NSDF) and 33
Sector Skill Councils (SSCs) as well as 187 training partners registered with NSDC. The Ministry
also intends to work with the existing network of skill development centres, universities and other
alliances in the field. Further, collaborations with relevant Central Ministries, State governments,
international organizations, industry and NGOs have been initiated for multi-level engagement and
more impactful implementation of skill development efforts.
National Skill Development Agency (NSDA)- The National Skill Development Agency (NSDA), an
autonomous body, (registered as a Society under the Society’s Registration Act 1860) was created
with the mandate to co- ordinate and harmonise the skill development activities in the country, is part
of the Ministry of Skill Development & Entrepreneurship (MSDE).
National Skill Development Corporation- The National Skill Development Corporation India
(NSDC) was setup as a one of its kind, Public Private Partnership Company with the primary mandate
of catalysing the skills landscape in India. NSDC is a unique model created with a well thought
through underlying philosophy based on the following pillars:
1. Create: Proactively catalyse creation of large, quality vocational training institutions.
2. Fund: Reduce risk by providing patient capital including grants and equity.
3. Enable: the creation and sustainability of support systems required for skill development. This
includes the Industry led Sector Skill Councils.
The main objectives of the NSDC are to:
➢ Upgrade skills to international standards through significant industry involvement and
develop necessary frameworks for standards, curriculum and quality assurance

➢ Enhance, support and coordinate private sector initiatives for skill development through
appropriate Public- Private Partnership (PPP) models; strive for significant operational
and financial involvement from the private sector
➢ Play the role of a “market-maker” by bringing financing, particularly in sectors where
market mechanisms are ineffective or missing
➢ Prioritize initiatives that can have a multiplier or catalytic effect as opposed to one-off


NSDC operates through partnerships with multiple stakeholders in catalysing and evolving the skilling
➢ Private Sector – Areas of partnerships include awareness building, capacity creation,
loan financing, creation and operations of Sector Skill Councils, assessment leading to
certification, employment generation, Corporate Social Responsibility, World Skills
competitions and participation in Special Initiatives like Udaan focused on J&K.

➢ International Engagement – Investments, technical assistance, transnational standards,

overseas jobs and other areas.
➢ Central Ministries – Participation in flagship programmes like Make in India, Swachh
Bharat, Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana, Smart City, Digital India and Namami Ganga,
among many others.
➢ State Governments – Development of programs and schemes, alignment to NSQF and
capacity building, operationalization of program, capacity building efforts among others.
➢ University/School systems – Vocationalisation of education through specific training
programs, evolution of credit framework, entrepreneur development, etc.
➢ Non-profit organizations – Capacity building of marginalized and special groups,
development of livelihood, self-employment and entrepreneurship programs.
➢ Innovation – Support to early-stage social entrepreneurs working on innovative business
models to address gaps in the skilling ecosystem, including programs for persons with


➢ Over 5.2 million students trained

➢ 235 private sector partnerships for training and capacity building, each to train at least
50,000 persons over a 10-year period.

➢ 38 Sector Skill Councils (SSC) approved in services, manufacturing, agriculture & allied
services, and informal sectors. Sectors include 19 of 20 high priority sectors identified by
the Government and 25 of the sectors under Make in India initiative.
➢ 1386 Qualification Packs with 6,744 unique National Occupational Standards (NOS).
These have been validated by over 1000 companies.
➢ Vocational training introduced in 10 States, covering 2400+ schools, 2 Boards,
benefitting over 2.5 lakh students. Curriculum based on National Occupational Standards
(NOS) and SSC certification. NSDC is working with 21 universities, Community
Colleges under UGC/AICTE for alignment of education and training to NSQF.
➢ Designated implementation agency for the largest voucher-based skill development
program, Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana.
➢ Skill Development Management System (SDMS) with 1400 training partners, 28179
training centres, 16479 trainers, 20 Job portals, 77 assessment agencies and 4983
empanelled assessors. Hosting infrastructure certified by ISO 20000/27000 supported by
dedicated personnel.


What is Start-up?

The government has also come a big way in promoting startups. The question therefore what needs
to be answered is what is a start-up? A start-up is a company that is in the first stage of its operations.
These companies are often initially bank rolled by their entrepreneurial founders as they attempt to
capitalize on developing a product or service for which they believe there is a demand. The start-up
and SMEs appear to be of the same size with limited revenues, high cost of operation, job creating
but they operate on entirely different business models. The difference between a start-up and a SME
unit is that a startup is new organization designed to search for a repeatable and scalable business
model. A start-up according to Steve Blank –‘is searching for answers to the product it will sell, the
customers it will serve and the way it will make money from delivering value
to its customers’. A SME, according to the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) is an
“independently owned and operated, organized for profit, and not dominant in its field.” SMEs
generally sell known products to known customers in known local markets. Thesestartup needs an
appropriate ecosystem to thrive which includes adequate funds for startups to help them grow;
government to create an environment of ease of doing business; ready availability of essential services
like office space, location, supplies telecom connectivity etc.; and mentors to provide strategic advice


Latest Policy Initiatives for Start-ups- Ease of Doing Business

To simplify the regulatory framework the government introduced the Ease of Doing Business wherein
an MSME unit has to fill in a single one page self-declaration online form called UdyogAadhaar. The
Apprentices Act, 1961 was amended to enable even the MSME units engage apprentices which will
enable the units to get trained labour as well as in turn supply skilled labour. Under the Apprentice
ProtsahanYojana, 50 percent of the stipend payable to the apprentices would be reimbursed by the
Government for the first two years which is an incentive for MSME units to take in more apprentices.
To give boost to the Make in India programme, the MSME Ministry has launched the ASPIRE
scheme in March 2015, a Scheme for Promotion of Innovation, Rural Industry and Entrepreneurship.
The objective of the scheme is to set up a network of technology and incubation centers to accelerate
entrepreneurship and also to promote start-ups for innovation and entrepreneurship in agro-industry.
To ease the credit availability requirements of startups the Government had announced the MUDRA
scheme- Micro Units Development & Refinancing Agency, operated by SIDBI for providing refinance
to micro units. This would improve the liquidity of the micro units who right now have to borrow
from NBFCs and moneylenders at high rates of interest.
Atal Innovation Mission (AIM)- This programme operated from NITI Aayog is about an Innovation
Promotion Platform involving academics, entrepreneurs and researchers and draw upon national
and international experiences to foster a culture of innovation, R&D and scientific research in India.
The platform will promote a network of worldclass innovation hubs and grand challenges for India.
The overarching purpose of this mission is to promote a culture of entrepreneurship and innovation
in India. The key objectives of the AIM are:
➢ To create an umbrella structure to oversee innovation eco-system of the country;
➢ To provide platform and collaboration opportunities for different stakeholders;
➢ To study and suggest best and novel practices to be adopted by different January, 2016 25
Special Article stakeholders in the innovation chain;
➢ To provide policy inputs to NITI Aayog and various Government Departments and
➢ To create awareness and provide knowledge inputs in creating innovation challenges and
funding mechanism to government; and,
➢ To develop new programmes and policies for fostering innovation in different sectors of

SETU (Self Employment and Talent Utilization)

SETU meaning bridge in Hindi is a Techno-Financial, Incubation and Facilitation Programme to support
all aspects of startup businesses and other self-employment activities, particularly in technology driven

areas operated from NITI Aayog. An Expert Committee on Innovation & Entrepreneurship for working
out the detailed contours of the Atal Innovation Mission (AIM) and SETU was constituted by NITI
Aayog. The Expert Committee has identified five major drivers for creating a vibrant entrepreneurial eco
system viz; (i) catalytic government policy and regulatory framework (ii) easy access to equity capital
and debt (iii) businesses as entrepreneurial hubs (iv) culture and institutions which encourage
entrepreneurship over careerism (v) adequate and effective collaboration forums.

➢ Electronics Development Fund – The Ministry of C&IT has launched the Electronics
Development Fund (EDF) to promote innovation, research and development, and
product development in the field of semiconductors, nano-electronics, IT and associated
sectors by bringing in established companies and startups on board. The objective is to do
research, design and develop electronic products within the country for which the startup
units would be provided supportive financial assistance from the EDF.
➢ Digital India – Digital India Programme has been launched to provide broadband
connectivity in rural and urban areas. Introduction of digital rural connectivity would give
a big boost in developing traditional rural arts, crafts or other innovative ideas into
business models.
➢ Intellectual Property Rights – With the growing number of startups it is essential to protect
one’s products from impersonators. The startups need to go for design patents,
trademarks, copyright or trade secrets protection as the need maybe before marketing
their product.
➢ India Aspiration Fund – A Rs. 2000 crore India Aspiration Fund (IAF) was launched by
SIDBI in August 2015 to boost the startupsfundof-funds ecosystem in the country. This
fund would invest in various venture capital funds for meeting the equity requirement of
MSME start-ups. A SIDBI Make in India Loan for Small Enterprises (SMILE) Scheme of
Rs.10,000 crore has also been launched to catalyze tens of thousands of crores of equity
investment in start-ups and MSMEs, creating employment for lakhs of persons, mostly
educated youth over the next 4-5 years. The objective of SMILE is to provide soft loans
in the nature of quasi-equity and term loans on relatively soft terms to MSMEs to meet
the required debt-equity ratio norm. The 25 sectors under the ‘Make in India’ programme’
would be the focus with emphasis on financing smaller enterprises in the MSME sector.
There will be concessional terms for the enterprises promoted by (SC) / (ST) / Persons
with Disabilities (PwD) and women. The scheme is expected to benefit approximately
13,000 enterprises, with employment for nearly 2 lakh persons. These two schemes are in
addition to the Rs.20000 crore MUDRA scheme. Together the three finance schemes
should boost the startups as well as MSMEs already in the transition phase and create good
number of jobs in the years to come.
Till date the startups have been successful in e-commerce, and other IT based applications of service
sector. The startups in manufacturing sector are yet to take off in a big way. The launch of the above-

mentioned policy initiatives should give a boost to startups in manufacturing as well. As of 16th
November 2015, 806 startups have taken off during the year and the main sources of funding were seed
funding and private equity and the products were mainly IT based applications in the service sector15. In
the Global Competitiveness Index (GCI) 2015-16 India has scored 16 points and moved up from its
earlier ranking of 71 to 55 out of a total of 144 countries. Region-wise among the emerging and
developing Asia India ranks sixth after Malaysia (18), China (28), Thailand (32), Indonesia (37) and
Philippines (47). India does have the potential to move ahead of these countries. In the World Bank’s
Ease of Doing Business Ranking 2015 India is placed at 142 place out of a total of 189 economies. But
on the startup front India ranks third position globally with 4200 startups.


The Stand Up India scheme provides loans to entrepreneurs of the Scheduled Caste and Scheduled
Tribes, as well as women. The loans range from Rs 10 lakh to Rs 1 crore. According to the
government, these are sectors of the population that are often underprivileged or under-served. Both
these sectors are upcoming, and fast. The scheme helps them out by facilitating loans for non-farm
sector entrepreneurship.


1. SC/ST and/or Women entrepreneurs, above 18 years of age.

2. Loans under the scheme is available for only green field project. Green field signifies, in this
context, the first time venture of the beneficiary in the manufacturing or services or trading
3. In-case of non-individual enterprises, 51% of the shareholding and controlling stake should be
held by either SC/ST and/or Women Entrepreneur.
4. Borrower should not be in default to any bank/financial institution.
5. The product must be related to commercialization
6. The age of the company must not exceed 5 years
7. Certification from DIPP

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