Philo Quiz

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I. Multiple Choices: Choose the letter of the correct answer.

1. Explanations of the origins of the cosmos went from mythical to rational.

a. Paradigm shift
b. Carbon Footprint
c. Boundless
d. New society
2. Anthropocentric model refers to humans that are superior and central to the universe. The following are human
centered except ?
a. Individualism
b. Mind
c. Culture
d. None of the Above
3. Ecocentric Model is nature centered where the ecological or relational integrity of the humans, provides meaning of our
moral and values which of the following is an ecocentric model?
a. Global/ Technological
b. Culture
c. Holism
d. Calculative
4. Studies reaveals that the the income, the carbon footprints.
a. Lower; Higher
b. Higher; Lower
c. Lower; Lower
d. Higher; Higher
5. It means nature is indeterminate. There are no bounderies between hot and cold, or the moist and dry.
a. Paradigm Shift
b. Carbon Footprint
c. Boundless
d. New society
6. Live of living things.
a. Biophilia
b. Cosmophilia
c. Yin and Yang
d. Cosmic Harmony
7. Love of other living things.
a. Biophilia
b. Cosmophilia
c. Yin and Yang
d. Cosmic Harmony
8. Beauty is ultimately a symbol of morality. We must ignore any practical motives that we have and instead contemplate
the object without being distracted by our desires.
a. Cosmic Harmony
b. Nature and Humanity
c. New society
d. Critique of Judgment
9. All life forms have equal right to exist. Nature should have the right to exist, independent of its utility to humans.
a. Deep Ecology
b. Social Ecology
c. Ecofeminism
d. New society
10. New society that should encourage the emergence of a new human being that will fister prudence and moderation and
frugality toward the environment.
a. Herbert Marcuse
b. Erich Fromm
c. George Herbert Mead
d. Immanuel Kant
11. Ecological crisis is a consequence of male dominance. Whatever superior can do anything to inferior.
a. Deep Ecology
b. Social Ecology
c. Ecofeminism
d. None of the above
12. Protecting nature needs focused conservation, action, political will and support from the industry.
a. Deep Ecology
b. Social Ecology
c. Ecofeminism
d. None of the above
13. Destroying nature is sometimes for profit or self interest.
a. Deep Ecology
b. Social Ecology
c. Ecofeminism
d. None of the above
14. According to him, we do not only have rights, but also duties,
a. Immanuel Kant
b. Herbert Marcuse
c. George Herbert Mead
d. Erich Fromm
15. Based on the assumption that all that happens in the universe is a continuous whole like chain of natural consequences.
a. Anaximander
b. Pythagoras
c. Chinese Cosmic Conception
d. None of the Above
16. Carbon Footprint has eight categories. The following are the categories except ?
a. Construction
b. Shelter
c. Clothing
d. None of the Above
17. Which of the following is a Modern Thinker?
a. Immanuel Kant
b. Herbert Marcuse
c. George Herbert Mead
d. Erich Fromm
18. According to him, there can only be change if we will change our attitude toward the environment.
a. Immanuel Kant
b. Herbert Marcuse
c. George Herbert Mead
d. Erich Fromm
19. He had a vision of the new society and according to him protecting nature needs focused conservation, action, political
will and support.
a. Immanuel Kant
b. Herbert Marcuse
c. George Herbert Mead
d. Erich Fromm
20. We should coexist with all li9ving forms indeed, no more and no less important than all the other elements of the
natural world.
a. True
b. False

1. A
2. D
3. C
4. C/D
5. C
6. A
7. B
8. D
9. A
10. B
11. C
12. D
13. B
14. C
15. C
16. D
17. A
18. B
19. D
20. A

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