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Chernobyl Nuclear

Chernobyl disaster is a nuclear accident which
happened on 26 April 1986 in the Chernobyl nuclear
power plant. It is considered the worst nuclear disaster
in history and one of the two nuclear disasters which
are rated at 7 which is considered the maximum
severity on the on International Nuclear Event Scale,
the other one occurring in Japan. The Chernobyl
accident in was the result of a flawed reactor design
that was operated with inadequately trained personnel.
The accident occurred during a safety test a nuclear
reactor. The test was a simulation of an electrical power
outage to aid the development of a safety procedure for
maintaining cooling water circulation until the back-up
generators could provide power. They conducted 3 tests
but all of them failed. The operating shift was not
present on the 4 attempt as it was delayed by 10 hours.
The test supervisor violated safety protocols and it
created unstable conditions, resulting into an
uncontrolled nuclear reaction. As a result of that
uncontrolled nuclear reaction a large amount of heat
was released, vaporizing the coolant and rupturing the
nuclear core in a highly destructive steam explosion.
This was immediately followed by open air reactor core
fire which released radioactive toxic contamination for
9 days which covered parts of USSR and Western
Europe before finally being contained on 4 May 1986.
There were many casualties which occurred due to the
accident. 134 Firemen and site workers were
hospitalized due to the contamination. They included a
lot of deaths too. Scientists estimated that the zone
around the plant won’t be habitable for another 20000
years. The nuclear disasters happen as a result of poor
safety protocols and limited knowledge about the
procedure, causing unwanted reactions which are a
threat to the area around the nuclear plant. Many
nuclear disasters happened in India as well. There was
an accident in Kalpakkam. “This is the worst accident in
radiation exposure in the history of India.” Said the
director of BARC(Bhaba Atomic Research Center). This
incident happened on January 21, which led to the
indefinite shutting down of the plant, raising serious
questions over the safety of the production of potential
weapons grade plutonium at KARP, and also the safety
of the workers and human habitations around
Kalpakkam. Many people also speculated that it might
be a mini-Chernobyl. The accident occurred due to a
valve failure which led to six workers receiving
extraordinarily high doses of radioactive radiation.
All of these nuclear disasters occur due to
serious lapses in safety protocols or in following them.
To reduce accidents all nuclear power plants should
increase safety of the procedure and should follow
them as they are endangering a lot of lives if they
violate the safety protocols. They should have
development in the technology of power plants and
should have sufficient information and knowledge
about what they are doing before they perform it. All
power plants should have good alarm and failsafe
systems and should contain the contamination if any
accident occurs as it will affect the people and area
around it.

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