SeamCarving Edited

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Problem Statement:

Input : Image I (resolution: n x m)
new size (resolution : n’ x m’)

Output: Image I’ of size n’ x m’ which will be
“good representative” of the original

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Suggested Solutions:

Drawing a rectangular box and extracting the
desired portion of the image.

Stretching/Squeezing image as needed so it
fits a desired size.

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Problems with suggested solutions:


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Our solution to resizing problem:

Remove unimportant pixels than blend with
their background.

Unimportant : ‘pixels with less energy’

Human vision more sensitive to edges – so
try remove content from smoother areas

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Seam Carving:

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A connected path of pixels from top to
bottom (or left to right).

Exactly one in each row (or column)

Classification of Seam:
1. Vertical Seam
2. Horizontal Seam

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Vertical Seam:

Original Image Vertical Seams 10 / 29

Horizontal Seam:

Original image Horizontal Seams

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Conversion to Energy format:

Original Image Energy format

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Optimal Seam

The optimal seam is one with lowest energy
in the image.

The lowest-energy seam is the one whose
total energy across all the pixels in the seam
is minimized.

Its an optimization problem.

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Why Greedy approach will fail ?

The lowest-energy seam may not pass
through all the lowest-energy pixels in the

It is the total energy of the seam being
minimized, not the individual pixel energies.

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Dynamic Programming to the rescue:

Recurrence relation for finding Cumulative
Minimum Energy Matrix:

M(x,y) : Minimal cost of a seam going

through (x,y)
e(x,y) : Energy at pixel (x,y)

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While Computing Vertical Seam:

PS: Similarly, can be done for Horizontal 16 / 29
Sample Dry Run:

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Backtracking the seam

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What happens to overall energy in the
image during Seam carving ?

During seam carving we remove as many
low energy pixels and as few high energy

As a result the average energy increases.

The inserted energy is due to new edges
created by previously non adjacent pixels
that become neighbors once the seam is

But, the average energy has to be preserved.

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Minimize Inserted Energy

Instead of removing the seam of least
energy, remove the seam that inserts the
least energy to the image

The idea is to look forward while removing
the seams. (Forward Energy)

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Forward Energy:

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Forward vs. Backward

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Object Removal:

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Pigeon removed Girl removed

In object removal, we are attracting the
seams to pass through the object.

This can we done by adding negative weights
to the pixels of the object and then running
the seam carving algorithm.

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To preserve a certain portion of the image,
add higher weights to the corresponding
pixels in the energy matrix.

This ensures that the seam does not pass
through those pixels.

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Failure Cases:

With images that have many long straight

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High frequency background

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