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1. Identify and list all the things that went wrong on Larry’s first day.

Answer: paired with the wrong person, placed in the busiest work station, scheduled on the
busiest night so the trainer had no time to teach, no safety briefing, was not told about
communication in the kitchen, Larry was given the instruction to run, so he did.

2. When selecting an employee to do training, how much does seniority factor in on your
decision, and why?

Answer: Often seniority will be your starting point as they are the ones that usually have the
most knowledge to share, but this alone should not determine your decision. A trainer should
be an employee with experience, but they should also “want to share that experience,” and
know how to communicate it. Not all senior employees are open to that idea.

3. If an employee is good at their job, does that automatically make them a good trainer,
and why?

Not necessarily, there are many workers who are good at what they do but they don’t possess
the proper communication skills to deliver the proper training.

5. As a group, come up with 5 top character traits you would look for in a qualified
trainer. Communication skills, experience, engaging, creative, knowledgeable, patient, fun

6. When organizing a new employee’s training plan, what factors should you consider
when scheduling the shifts

Who will they shadow, what are the most suitable shifts for training (business levels)?


What do you think are the most important business goals for Tires Plus? If you were going
to establish Tires Plus University, what types of strategic training and development
initiatives would you create?

The most important goals for Tires Plus would be to perform the highest customer
satisfaction possible in the market; it can be either for their proper customers or for potential
clients that arrive to their 500 stores. Another important goal that Tires Plus has is to give the
highest needed service available to the customer without giving them extra services that they
do not currently need. Moreover, If I were to make a Tires Plus University these would be the
following strategic training and development initiatives that I would focus on:

▪ Expand who is trained since in Tires Plus the employees are the first and foremost
important contact that they have towards their customers, hence every employee would
need extra training than what managers do because they are a primarily focus point.

▪ Accelerate the pace of employee learning because the employees would quickly identify
the need of each customer that arrives at the store and therefore, they could give them a
high-quality solution to their need without the help of any top manager.

▪ Improve customer service since this the goal and mission of the company since they
ensure that each employee have the entire knowledge of the products and services being
offered. At the same time employees have to have qualified skills so that they can understand
both their role in a sale and the need of a client.

▪ Align training and development with the company’s strategic direction this is a major
strategic training and development initiative because without it the goals and mission of the
company could not be followed properly.

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