EPT REVIEWER 2019 - Structure

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EPT REVIEWER 2019-2020

Part 1 – Structure

DIRECTIONS: This subset measures your ability to recognize language that is appropriate for standard written

Items 1 – 15 are incomplete sentences. Beneath each sentence, you will see four words or phrases marked A,
B, C, and D. choose the word or phrase that best completes the sentence, then shade the letter corresponding
to your answer in the Answer Sheet.

1. The enterprising daughter who __________ a vast fortune from her super rich and powerful father is going
to Europe to venture into other business deals.
A. Inherit B. inherited C. is inheriting D. was inherited

Reason: Simple Past tense (She wouldn’t be venturing to Europe if she haven’t inherited anything yet.)

2. Helium, a new element in the sun, is the ash left __________ atoms of hydrogen are fused in the furnace of
the sun.
A. While B. unless C. when D. until

Reason: When is used to show a process. While is used for simultaneous activities, Unless is used to show
accompanying conditions or curcumstances, Until is used continuance

3. To everybody’s surprise, the captain, looking __________, is there ahead of all the rest.
A. His best B. at his best C. in his best D. for his best

Reason: looking at (pronoun) best means dressing in the best way

4. People __________ Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA) damage were not necessarily those who had smoked the
longest but those who began smoking at a young age.
A. Of worst B. of worse C. within the worse D. within the worst

Reason: Superlative degree of Adjectives ( bad, worse, worst)

There was also a clue: longest.

5. The primordial purpose __________ schooling is ultimately to learn how to learn.

A. In B. for C. of D. at

Reason: of is used to show characteristics / give meaning

6. Before the seeds germinated, I did not know what kind of plants they __________.
A. Will be B. would be C. can be D. could be

Reason: would is used to show presumption.

The subject doesn’t know what kind of plants did he/she planted, hence the presumption.

7. In April 1906, an earthquake never before equaled in violence __________ a part of the United States,
particularly San Francisco, California.
A. Striked B. stroke C. strikes D. struck

Reason: Struck means to come into contact forcefully

8. Ballooning revenue collections, mushrooming infrastructures and expanding transportation and

communication facilities conspicuously manifest the __________ of the city.
A. Speedily growing economy B. speedy growing economic
C. Speedy economic growing D. growing economic speed

Reason: Adverbs are used to describe verbs, adjectives and another advern.

Speedily – adverb
growing – (participle) adjective
economy - noun
9. The latest addition to the year – round regional cultural showcase is the new, state-of-the-art light and sound
museum which __________ the country’s past and its present.
A. Exhibit B. exhibits C. exhibited D. is exhibiting

Reason: Subject – verb agreement (Singular subjects have verbs that ends with –s)
“new, state-of-the-art light and sound museum” is singular

10. Oral rehydration __________ attempted to replace lost body fluids in the early stages of fever.
A. Is B. would be C. was D. has been

Reason: The sentence shows a process. It’s always in the present tense.

11. It __________ be gleaned from the article that mass media have both positive and negative influence to
A. Would B. could C. must D. might

Reason: could is used to indicate possibility

12. Of all the sports that __________ strong bodies, swimming is the best.
A. Develops B. developed C. develop D. is developing

Reason: Subject-verb agreement

Though Sports can be considered as singular, it was used in the phrase “Of all Sports”. It made “Sports” plural.

13. The legalization of divorce, until such time, has been __________ in our society.
A. A hotly-contested issues B. the hot contested issue
C. A hotly-contesting issue D. the hot contesting issue

Reason: “a hotly-contesting issue” is the only correct phrase in the choices.

a – is used to form adverbial phrases
hotly – adverb describes “contesting” (adjective)

14. A website is limited __________ you to other websites where you can access for more information and
A. until it is linking B. because it links C. since it linked D. while it link

Reason: Until means up to the time that/ up to such time as

15. The happy children, __________, paraded in the busy streets in celebration of their school foundation.
A. Majestic costumes B. majestically costumes C. majestic costumed D. majestically costumed

Reason: Proper order of adverbs and adjectives.

The sets of questions will describe the children.
“Majestically costumed” is correct.
Madjestically – adverb
costumed - adjective

Part 2 – Structure

1. Accounting practice ______ by distinct accounting standards, rules, methods and policies.
a. guide
b. guides
c. is guided
d.was guided

2. The opening ceremony _______ by top officials of big companies last year.
a. is graced
b. was graced
c. has graced
d. had graced
3. Over the years, economic growth _______of greater concern than environmental preservation.
a. has been
b. have been
c. had been
d. will have been

4. The family went for two-week cruise on a _______ ocean liner.

a. brand-new, incredible, Italian
b. Italian, incredible, brand-new
c. incredible, brand-new, Italian
d. incredible, brand-new, Italian

5. We become nervous, doubtful _______ we don’t see our good coming as quickly as we think.
a. while
b. when
c. because
d. therefore

6. A history of depression, denial, injustice and abuse _______the greatest detriment to people of color.
a. has been
b. had been
c. have been
d. having been

7. Our bodies expect a constant supply of sleep _______ they function best when provided full night’s sleep.
a. and
b. but
c. or
d. yet

8. _______and rapid economic growth in recent years have put large and increasing abuses on the water
resources and environment in Ho Chi Minch City of Vietnam.
a. increase population
b. increased population
c. increasing population
d. having increased population

9. The term medical reversal refers to a replacement _______that was widely believed to be beneficial.
a. of a medical practice
b. to a medical practice
c. by a medical practice
d. with a medical practice

10. Foods rich in foliate, at form of vitamin B, _______ reduce the risk of stroke and heart disease.
a. help
b. helps
c. helped
d. is helping

11. History, it is often said, _______by the winners- a saying that suggests bias in historical records.
a. is written
b. was written
c. has been written
d. have been written

12. Tardiagrades- also known as water bears- are microscopic animals that live _______ watery environments and
feed on juices from plant cells.
a. in
b. on
c. for
d. over

13. They _______a few crises in their past, so they were able to handle this situation fairly well.
a. have managed
b. had managed
c. had been managed
d. have been managed

14. The child was advised to stay away _______because of trauma.

a. completed from his father
b. completely from his father
c. completed with his father
d. completely with his father

15. _______should help you better informed about potential risks, but it should not be a source of alarm.
a. know your family history
b. knowing your family history
c. to have your family history known
d. having your family history known


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