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You plan on travelling to

Learn the most important
words in Arabic

Here you can find the translation of the 50 most important words and
expressions into Arabic.
If you are about to travel to Arabia, this is exactly what you are
looking for!

We will teach you:

 How to say Hello! and Goodbye in Arabic!

 To say please and thank you in Arabic!
 How to say yes and no in Arabic!
 How do you say “My name is ...” in Arabic?
 To translate “I'd like to pay, please.” into Arabic?
 What does “I don't speak Arabic” mean?
 Learn to count to ten in Arabic.

Learn Arabic »


‫الخير صباح‬
Good morning! (sg/pl)
ṣabāha l-ḫair

‫سعيد يوم‬
Hello! (sg/pl)
yawmun sa ʾīd

‫الخير مساء‬
Good evening! (sg/pl)
basāʾa l-ḫair

‫سعيدة ليلة‬
Good night! (sg/pl)
lailah saʿīdah

‫السالمة مع‬
Bye! (infml)
maʿa s-salamah

‫اللقاء إلى‬
Good bye! (fml.)
ʾilā l-lāʾ

Important vocabulary




Thank you!

You're welcome! (m/f)

Excuse me, … (sg/pl)

‫آسف أنا‬
I'm sorry. (m/f)
ʾana āsif

‫عندي ليس عندي‬

I have … / I don't have ...
ʿindī laisa ʿindī

... ‫عندنا ليس ليس‬...

We (don't) have …
ʿindanā laisa ʿindanā

‫يوجد‬... ‫يوجد ال‬...

There is (no) ...
yūğad lā yūğad







Introducing yourself

My name is ...

‫من أنا‬
I'm from ...
ʾanā min...

‫عمري أنا‬.....‫سنة‬
I'm ... years old.
ʾanā ʿumrī.....sanah

‫متزوجا لست أنا متزوج أنا‬

ʾanā mutazawwiğ ʾ anā lastu I am married. / I am not married.

‫وحدي أسافر ال أنا وحدي أسافر أنا‬

I am traveling alone. / I am not
ʾanā ʾusāfiru waḥdī ʾanā lā ʾusāfiru
traveling alone. (m/f)

‫مع أسافر أنا‬...

I'm traveling with ...
ʾanā ʾusāfiru maʿa ...


‫العربية أتكلم ال أنا‬

I don't speak any Arabic.
ʾanā lā ʾtakallamu l-ʿarabiyyah

‫هذا أفهم ال أنا‬

I don't understand that. (m/f)
ʾanā lā ʾafhamu hāḏā

‫تتكلم هل‬....‫؟‬
Do you speak …? (m/f)
hal tatakallamu... ?
‫هنا ما أحد يتكلم هل‬....‫؟‬
Does anyone here speak ...?
hal yatakallam ʾaḥadun mā hunā... ?



‫فضلك من‬, ‫!هذا أكتب‬

Could you write that down please. (m/f)
min faḍlik, ʾuktub āḏā

‫فضلك من‬, ‫!هذا كرر‬

Could you please repeat that. (m/f)
min faḍlik, karrir hāḏā

‫!فضلك من لحظة‬
Just a moment please.
laḥÛah min faḍlik











‫عشر أحد‬
ʾaḥad ʿaašar

‫عشر اثنا‬
ʾiṯbā ʿaašar

‫عشر ثالثة‬
ṯalaṯata ʿaašar

‫عشر أربعة‬
ʾarbaʿata ʿaašar

‫عشر خمسة‬
ḫamsata ʿaašar

‫عشر ستة‬
sittata ʿaašar

‫عشر سبعة‬
sabʿata ʿaašar

‫عشر ثمانية‬
ṯamaniyata ʿaašar
‫عشر تسعة‬
tisʿata ʿaašar


‫عشرون و واحد‬
waḥidun wa ʿišrūn








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one thousand

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Greetings & Goodbyes

Below you’ll find a list of traditional greetings and other basic conversation
starters, plus common ways to respond to them. For more help with the
language, check out this basic Arabic language course.

 Hello – Salam – ‫سالم‬

 Welcome – Marhaban – ‫مرحبا‬
 Hello, friend (female) – Ahlan sadiqati – ‫صديقتي أهال‬
 Hello, friend (male) – Ahlan sadiqi – ‫صديقي أهال‬
 Good morning – Sabah el kheer – ‫الخير صباح‬
 Good evening – Masaa el kheer – ‫الخير مساء‬
 Long time, no see – Lam naraka mundhu muddah – ‫مدة منذ نرك لم‬
 I missed you so much (female) – Eshtaqto elaiki katheera – ‫إشتقت‬
‫كثيرا إليك‬
 I missed you so much (male) – Eshtaqto elaika katheera – ‫إشتقت‬
‫كثيرا إليك‬
 How are you? (female) – Kaifa haloki? – ‫حالك؟ كيف‬
 How are you? (male) – Kaifa haloka? – ‫حالك؟ كيف‬
 (I’m) good – Jayed – ‫جيد‬
 (I’m) okay – aadee – ‫عادي‬
 I am fine, thank you – Ana bekhair, shokran – ‫شكرا بخير أنا‬
 And what about you? (female) – Wa anti? – ‫أنت؟ و‬
 And what about you? (male) – Wa ant? – ‫أنت؟ و‬
 What is new? – Maljadeed? – ‫مالجديد؟‬
 Nothing new – Lashai jadeed – ‫جديد شيء ال‬
 I have to go – Yajebu an athhaba al aan – ‫اآلن اذهب أن يجب‬
 I will be right back – Sa arje’o halan – ‫حاال سأرجع‬
 Good bye – Ma’a salama – ‫السالمة مع‬
 Good night – Tosbeho (male) / Tosbeheena (female) ‘ala
khair – ‫خير على تصبحين‬
 See you later – Araka (male) / Araki (female) fi ma ba’d – ‫مابعد في أراك‬

With these phrases, you can begin and end simple conversations. For
instance, how might a simple greeting sound like?

Nashida: Hello! How are you?

Karima: I am fine, thank you. What about you?
Nashida: I am okay.
Karima: I will be right back.
Nashida: See you later!
Karima: Good bye!

In Arabic, this conversation would sound like this:

Nashida: Salam! Kaifa haloki?

Karima: Ana bekhair, shokran! Wa anti?
Nashida: ‘Aadee.
Karima: Sa arje’o halan.
Nashida: Araki fi ma ba’d!
Karima: Ma’a salama!

Can you write the conversation above in Arabic? For an introductory

lesson, check out this course on how to read and write Arabic.

Introductions & Small Talk

So once you’ve begun a conversation, you probably want to be able to say
more things in between before you end it. Here are some basic introductions
and other small talk phrases to help get the dialogue going. For more, check
out this course on the basics of Arabic.

 What’s your name? (female) – Ma esmouki? – ‫إسمك؟ ما‬

 What’s your name? (male) – Ma esmouk? – ‫إسمك؟ ما‬
 My name is… – Esmee – ‫…إسمي‬
 Where are you from? (female) – Men ayna anti – ‫أنت؟ أين من‬
 Where are you from? (male) – Men ayna anta – ‫أنت؟ أين من‬
 I’m from… – Ana men… – ‫…من أنا‬
 Where do you live? (female) – Ayna taskuneen? – ‫تسكن؟ أين‬
 Where do you live? (male) – Ayna taskun? – ‫تسكنين؟ أين‬
 I live in the United States/France – A’eesho fel welayat
almotaheda / faransa – ‫ المتحدة الواليات في أعيش‬/ ‫فرنسا‬
 What do you do for a living? (female) – Ma mehnatuki? – ‫ما‬
 What do you do for a living? (male) – Ma mehnatuk? – ‫مهنتك؟ ما‬
 I work as a… – A’mal ka – ‫… أعمل‬
 How old are you? (female) – Kam howa umroki? – ‫عمرك؟ هو كم‬
 How old are you? (male) – Kam howa umruk? – ‫عمرك؟ هو كم‬
 I’m (twenty) years old – Umri eshreen sanah – ‫سنة )عشرين( عمري‬
 It’s nice to meet you (female) – Motasharefatun
bema’refatek – ‫بمعرفتك متشرفة‬
 It’s nice to meet you (male) – Motasharefon bema’refatek – ‫متشرف‬
 Do you speak Arabic? – Hal tatakallam al-lughah al-‘arabīyah? – ‫هل‬
‫العربية؟ اللغة تتكلم‬
 Slightly/Some – Qaleelan – ‫قليال‬

Good Wishes
There are certain phrases you might tell someone on special days like their
birthday, or other holidays. Learn how to say them below.

 Happy birthday – Eid meelad sa’eed – ‫سعيد ميالد عيد‬

 Happy New Year – Sana sa’eedah – ‫سعيدة سنة‬
 Merry Christmas – A’yaad meelad Saeedah – ‫سعيد ميالد أعياد‬
 Happy Ramadan – Ramadan mobarak – ‫مبارك رمضان‬
 Happy Eid – Eid mobarak – ‫مبارك عيد‬
 Good luck – Bettawfeeq – ‫بالتوفيق‬
 Bless you – Rahimaka Allah – ‫هللا رحمك‬
 Good night, sweet dreams – Laila sa’eda wa ahlaam ladida – ‫ليلة‬
‫لذيذة أحالم و سعيدة‬

Travel Phrases
Maybe you only want to learn enough Arabic to get you by during your
travels. If you’re going through Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates,
Egypt, Iraq, Morocco, or any number of the Arabic-speaking countries,
knowing how to ask people the way around is really important.

If you’re going to be traveling a lot, check out this course on awesome

travel tips and tricks, including how to go around the world saving the
most amount of money. If you’d like at least a bit more Arabic up your sleeve
before you start to travel, check out this advanced Arabic language
course. You can also check out this introductory Arabic language
guide for additional help.

 I’m lost! – Ada’tu tareeqi! – ‫!طريقي أضعت‬

 Can you help me? – Hal beemkanek mosa’adati? – ‫مساعدتي؟ بإمكانك هل‬
 Excuse me (passing by) – Alma’derah – ‫المعذرة‬
 Where is the bathroom? – Ayna ajedu al merhaad? – ‫المرحاض؟ أجد أين‬
 Where is the pharmacy? – Ayna ajedu assaidaliah? – ‫الصيدلية؟ أجد أين‬
 What is this? – Ma hatha? – ‫هذا؟ ما‬
 How much is this? – Kam howa thamanoh? – ‫ثمنه؟ هو كم‬
 Can you speak slowly? – Takalam bebot’ men fadlek (male) /fadleki
(female)? – ‫فضلك من ببطء تكلم‬
 Can you say it again? – A’ed men fadlek! (male) A’eedi men fadleki
(female) – ‫فضلك من ببطء تكلم‬
 I don’t understand – La afham – ‫أفهم ال‬
 I don’t know – La a’ref – ‫أعرف آل‬
 I’m sorry (didn’t hear something) – ‘Afwan – ‫عفوا‬
 My Arabic is bad – Lughati al arabic laisat kama yajib – ‫العربية لغتي‬
‫يجب كما ليست‬

Your Arabic doesn’t have to be bad forever! Check out this course on how
to memorize the vocabulary of any language to help with your studies.
Hear Arabic Survival
The Arabic language lesson offered here is an excerpt from
Transparent Language's Arabic software program. The Basic Arabic
Phrases and the Arabic Phrases for Meeting and Greeting will lead
you to the Arabic Dialog at the end, which shows how these survival
phrases are used in conversational Arabic. Single click on the phrase
to hear the Arabic pronunciation spoken by a native Arabic speaker.
Take advantage of this Arabic language resource as you learn to
speak Arabic!
A note on transliterated Arabic phrases:
The Arabic phrases on this pages are shown in transliterated text,
using English letters, so that people who are beginning to speak
Arabic can focus on the Arabic pronunciation. The software program
uses the actual Arabic alphabet.

Basic Arabic Phrases

naäam. Yes.
laa. No.
min faDlik. Please.
shukran. Thank you.
äafwan. You're welcome.
aläafw. Excuse me.
arjuu almaädhira. I am sorry.
sabaaH alkhayr. Good morning.
masaa' alkhayr. Good evening.
tuSbiH äalaa khayr. Good night.

Arabic Phrases for Meeting and

hal tataHaddath al'ingiliiziyya? Do you speak English?
hal yuwjad aHad hunaa yataHaddath al'ingiliiziyya? Does anyone here
speak English?
anaa ataHaddath faqaT qaliil min aläarabiyya. I only speak a little
maa ismuk? What is your name?
ismii Hasan. My name is Hasan.
kayfa Haluk? How are you?
anaa bikhayr shukran. I'm fine, thank you.
anaa saäiid jiddan bimuqaabalatak. I am very glad to meet you.
anaa laa afham. I don't understand.
madhaa taquul? What did you say?
hal yumkinuk attaHadduth bibuT'. Can you speak more slowly?
anaa afham tamaaman. I understand perfectly.

Arabic Dialog
assayyida jamiila: SabaaH alkhayr.
Good morning.
hal tataHaddath al'ingiliiziyya?
Do you speak English?
muwaDHDHaf anaa muta'assif.
I'm sorry.
anaa laa ataHaddath al'ingiliiziyya.
I don't speak English.
assayyida jamiila: lil'asaf, anaa ataHaddath faqaT qaliil min
Unfortunately, I only speak a little Arabic.
muwaDHDHaf haadhaa Hasan.
That's all right.
anaa afhamuk.
I understand you.
2. Basic Arabic Phrases and Expressions for Friendly

Below are a few basic phrases and expressions you could find very useful in
most conversations:

Good evening
‫ممممم مممم‬
Masa’o lkhayr

Good morning
‫ممممم مممم‬
Sabaho lkhayr


How are you?

‫ممممم ممم‬
Kayfa haluk?
Where are you?
‫مممم ممم‬
Ayna ant?


No problem
‫ممممم مم‬
La mushkila

Oh my God!
‫مممم مم‬
Ya ilahi

‫مممم مم‬
Ya salam


‫ ممم‬/ ‫ممم‬
Na’am / Ajal

Excuse me
I’m sorry
‫ممم ممم‬
Ana asif

‫ممممممم مم‬
Ma’a Salama

See you soon

‫ممممم مممم‬
Araka lahikan

‫مممم مم‬
Min fazlik


I’m not interested

‫ممممم ممم ممم‬
Ana lastu muhtaman


I can’t
‫مممممم مم‬
La astati’e
How can I …?
‫م…مم مممممم ممم‬
Kayfa yumkinony ann…?

My name is…
‫…مم مممم‬
Ismi hwa…

What’s your name?

‫ممممم مم‬
Ma usmuk?

Nice to meet you

‫مممممم مممم‬
Surertu biliqa’ik

I’m fine
‫مممم ممم‬
Ana bikhayr

What’s you like to do in your free time?

‫مممممم ممممم مم ممممم مممم‬
Maza taf’aluhu fi awqati faraghik?

What do you do?

‫مممممم مم مم‬
Ma hya mihnatuk?

What’s your dream job?

‫مممم مممم مممم ممممممم مم مم‬
Ma hya lwadifato lati tahlomo biha?
What time is it?
‫ممممممم مم‬
Kam i ssa’a?

I appreciate this
‫ممم مممم‬
Oqadiro haza

Enjoy the rest of your day

‫مممم ممم‬
Taba yawmuk

What do you think?

‫ممممم مم‬
Ma ra’eyok?

Sounds good
‫مممم مممم‬
Yabdo jayidan

Never mind
‫ممم مم‬
La yohim

I don’t understand
‫مممم مم‬
La afham

Could you repeat that, please?

‫ممممم مم ممم ممممم ممممم مم‬
Hal yomkinoka i’adato haza min fazlik?
Could you please talk slower?
‫ممممم مممممم ممممم مم‬
Hal yomkinoka tahadusu bobota’e?

What’s your phone number?

‫مممممم ممم مم مم‬
Ma hwa raqmu hatifika?

What does that mean?

‫مممم مممم مممم‬
Maza ya’ani haza?

Give me one minute

‫مممم مم ممممم‬
Daqiqa min fazlik

Sorry for the delay

‫ممممممم ممم مممم‬
Ozran a’ala ata’ekhir
3. Basic Arabic Phrases and Expressions for Traveling
and Shopping

Below are some phrases that could be useful if you’re not native or extremely
familiar with the country you’re visiting:

Where are you from?

‫مممم ممم مم‬
Min ayna ant?

I’m American
‫مممممم ممم‬
Ana amrikea

I’m Canadian
‫مممم ممم‬
Ana canadea

I’m English
‫ممممممم ممم‬
Ana injleezea

I’m Australian
‫ممممممم ممم‬
Ana australea

I’m from …
‫…مم ممم‬
Ana min…

How much is this?

‫مممم ممم‬
Bikam haza?
I don’t speak Arabic fluently
‫مممممم ممممممم ممممم مم‬
La atahadathu alarabya bitalaqa

Do you speak English?

‫ممممممممممم مممم مم‬
Hal tojido alinjlizya?

How do you spell this?

‫مممم ممممم ممم‬
Kayfa tatahaja’o haza?

How long have you been here?

‫مممم مممم ممم ممم‬
Munzu mata wa anta huna?

Where are you heading?

‫ممممم ممم ممم ممم‬
Ila ayna anta zahib?

Where can we go hitchhiking?

‫ممممممممم ممممم مممممم ممم‬
Ayna yomkinona tawqifo sayarat?

Where is the nearest main road?

‫ممممممم مممم مممم مم ممم‬
Ayna hya aqrabo tariqin ra’isya?

How much is the ticket?

‫مممممممم ممم‬
Bikam i tazkira?
Can you present me to your family members?
‫ممممممم ممممم ممم مممممم مم ممممم مم‬
Hal yumkinoka an to’aifany ila afradi a’aliatik?

How far is …?
‫م…مممم ممم‬
Bikam yaba’odo …?

Can you teach me some Arabic?

‫مممممممم ممم مممممم ممممم مم‬
Hal yomkinoka ta’alimi ba’ada alarabya?

Can you translate this for me?

‫ممم ممم ممممم ممممم مم‬
Hal yumkinoka tarjamato haza li?

What are the best places to visit in …?

‫م… مم ممممممم ممممممم مممم مم مم‬
Ma hya ahsanu alamakini lizyarati fi …?

What time should we check out?

‫ممممممم ممممم مم ممم ممم‬
Mata yajibo an noghadira alfondoq?

Let’s have some food. I’m hungry.

‫مممممم ممم مممممم‬. ‫مممم ممم‬.
Falnakul ba’ada ta’am. Ana ja’ea

Where is the airport?

‫ممممممم مم ممم‬
Ayna hwa almatar?
4. Basic Arabic Phrases and Expressions for

Below are some phrases to use if you are not native and find yourself in an
emergency situation:


I need help
‫مممممممم ممم ممممم‬
Ahtaju ila almusa’ada

Where is the hospital?

‫ممممممممم مم ممم‬
Ayna hwa almustashfa?

Do you have a phone?

‫ممممم مممم مم‬
Hal ladayka hatif?
I have a fever
‫ممممم مم ممممم‬
O’ani min alhumaa

I’m scared
‫مممم ممم‬
Ana kha’if

Can you call the police?

‫مممممممم ممممممم ممممم مم‬
Hal yumkinoka alitissal bishorta?

ِCan you call the fire department?

‫مممممممم ممممم ممممممم ممممم مم‬
Hal yumkinoka alitisalo bimarkazi litfa’e?

Can you help me?

‫مممممممم ممممم مم‬
Hal yumkinoka musa’adati?

How can I help?

‫ممممممممم مممممم ممم‬
Kayfa yomkinoni almosa’ada?

I’m in danger
‫ممم مم ممم‬
Ana fi khatar

Let’s get out of here

‫ممم مم مممممم‬
Falnakhruj min huna
5. Basic Arabic Phrases and Expressions for Holidays

Below are some phrases if you want to wish someone a happy holiday or

Happy Birthday
‫مممم ممممم ممم‬
Ida mealadin sa’id

Happy Eid
‫مممم ممم‬
Eid Sa’id

Happy New Year

‫مممم ممممم ممم مم‬
Kula a’am wa antum bikhayr

‫ ممممم‬/ ‫ممممم‬
Hani’an / Mabruk
Happy wedding

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