DLP PE6 - 1.1 The Learner Describes The Philippines Physical Activity Pyramid.

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Instructional Plan (iPlan) Tool_v.


Instructional Planning is the process of systematically planning, developing, evaluating, and managing
the instructional process by using principles of teaching and learning (DepED Order No. 42, s. 2016).
iPlan No.: 1.1 Learning Grade Level: Quarter: 1 Duration: 40mins.
Area: MAPEH ( P.E) SIX
Learning Competency/ies: Code:
(Taken from the Curriculum The learner describes the Philippines physical activity pyramid. PE6PF-IVa-16
Key Concepts /  The Philippine Physical Activity Pyramid is a plan that is prepared for someone to be
Understandings to be guided in having an active lifestyle.
Developed  It is the division of how much time you should allot to your physical activity.

I. Terminal Learning Objectives (TLO)

A. Cognitive Domain
Knowledge - The fact or condition of knowing something with familiarity gained through experience or association.
Category Behavioral Verbs What should learners know?
Creating generate, hypothesize, plan, design, develop, Develop understanding of participation
The learner can put elements together to form a produce, construct, formulate, assemble, devise and assessment of physical activity and
functional whole, create a new product or point
physical fitness.
of view

Define Physical Activity Pyramid.

B. Psychomotor Domain
Skills (manual or physical skills) - The ability and capacity acquired through deliberate, systematic, and sustained effort to smoothly and adaptively
carryout complex activities or the ability, coming from one's knowledge, practice, aptitude, etc., to do something.
Category Behavioral Verbs What should learners do with what they
Origination arrange, build, combine, compose, construct, create, Initiate and assesses performance in
Creating new movement patterns to fit a design, initiate, make, originate physical activities.
particular situation or specific problem.
Learning outcomes emphasize creativity based
upon highly developed skills. Draw the physical Activity Pyramid.

C. Affective Domain
Attitude – The growth in feelings or emotional areas and a settled way of thinking or feeling about someone or something, typically one that is reflected in
a person’s behavior.
Category Behavioral List of Attitudes What Attitude can be integrated in the
Verbs lesson?
Internalizing values act, self-esteem, self-confidence, wellness, respect, Practice personal discipline by
(Characterization): Has a discriminate, honesty, personal discipline, perseverance, following the Philippines physical
value system that controls
display, sincerity, patience, critical thinking, open- activity pyramid.
their behavior. The behavior
is pervasive, consistent, and influence, mindedness, interest, courteous, obedience, hope,
predictable. Instructional listen, charity, fortitude, resiliency, positive vision,
objectives are concerned modify, acceptance, determined, independent , gratitude,
with the student's general
patterns of adjustment
perform, tolerant, cautious, decisive, self-control, calmness,
(personal, social, practice, responsibility, accountability, industriousness,
emotional). propose, industry, cooperation, optimism, satisfaction,
qualify, persistent, cheerful, reliable, gentle, appreciation
question, of one’s culture, globalism, compassion, work
revise, ethics, creativity, entrepreneurial spirit, financial
serve, literacy, global, solidarity, making a stand for the
solve, good, voluntariness of human act, appreciation of
verify one’s rights, inclusiveness, thoughtful, seriousness,
generous, happiness, modest, authority,
hardworking, realistic, flexible, considerate,
sympathetic, frankness
D. Affective Domain
Values - A learner's principles or standards of behavior; one's judgment of what is important in life. It goes beyond the learner’s life on earth. It includes
more than wealth and fame, and would affect the eternal destiny of millions. It is advocated to intentionally in order to add value to people every day.

Category Behavioral List of Values What Values can be integrated in the

Verbs lesson?
Internalizing values act, 1. Maka-Diyos Display/show concern for others
(Characterization): Has a discriminate, love of god, faith, trusting, spirituality, inner
value system that controls in doing the physical activities.
display, peace, love of truth, kindness, humble
their behavior. The behavior
is pervasive, consistent, and influence, 2. Maka-tao
predictable. Instructional listen, concern for others, respect for human rights,
objectives are concerned modify, gender equality, family solidarity, generosity,
with the student's general
patterns of adjustment
perform, helping, oneness
(personal, social, practice, 3. Makakalikasan
emotional). propose, care of the environment, disaster risk management,
qualify, protection of the environment, responsible
question, consumerism, cleanliness, orderliness, saving the
revise, ecosystem, environmental sustainability
serve, 4. Makabansa
solve, peace and order, heroism and appreciation of
verify heroes, national unity, civic consciousness, social
responsibility, harmony, patriotism,
II. Content: Philippine Physical Activity Pyramid Guide

Training Guidelines, FITT Principles

Endurance, Muscle- and Bone-strengthening Activities:
III. Learning Resources: CG, TG, LM, Scope and Sequence
TG: The 21st Century MAPEH in Action Worktext by Ligaya Bautista Garcia-
Quinitio et.al, Copyright,2016 p. 184
IV. Procedures
1. Introductory Activity (2 minutes). This part introduces the lesson content. Although at times optional, it is usually included to serve as a warm-up activity
to give the learners zest for the incoming lesson and an idea about what it to follow. One principle in learning is that learning occurs when it is conducted in a
pleasurable and comfortable atmosphere.
E n a b l e r s
Domain/Categories Behavioral Verbs Curriculum Instructions
C Remembering identify, retrieve, 1. What Local Heritage Theme/s The teacher ask :
that can be used to contextualize
recognize, duplicate, list, What are examples of physical activities
the lesson?
O memorize, repeat, A. Annual Rites (Festivals, and that can be done at home or work?
describe, reproduce Rituals (Historical/Religious
G Festivals, Local Cultural
Understanding interpret, exemplify, Festivals, Local Show picture of the physical activity pyramid.
Delicacies/Products Festivals,
N classify, summarize, infer, Rituals, Wedding Ritual, Palihi Illustration 1
compare, explain, Ritual, Burial Ritual)
I paraphrase, discuss B. Literary Anthologies Written Discuss the activities per level.
In Local Language (BALITAW,
BALAK, Folktales/ Short
T Stories, Local Heroes) The first level are activities you should reduce
C. Historical Events (Indigenous like sitting and sleeping all day, etc.
I Materials, Indigenous Cultural
Communities/ Indigenous
People, Indigenous Games) The second level are recreational activities you
V D. Topography, Flora/ Fauna should do during free time. ( calisthenics,
(Falls, Mountains, River, Cave,
Trees, Flower, Fauna)
martial arts, boxing, etc.)
E. Food & Local products
G. Role Model Family The third level are playing physical games,
street games and exercises. (basketball,
2. What core/enduring values
that can be used to contextualize bicycling, swimming, tennis, volleyball, etc.)
the curriculum?
a) Maka-Diyos The fourth level are activities done everyday
Love of God, Faith, Trusting,
like doing household chores and going to
Spirituality, Inner Peace, Love of
truth, Kindness, Humble school.
b) Maka-tao
Concern for Others, Respect for
human rights, Gender equality,
Applying execute, implement, Family Solidarity, Generosity,
demonstrate, dramatize, Helping, Oneness
interpret, solve, use, c) Makakalikasan
illustrate, convert, Care of the environment,
Disaster Risk Management,
discover Protection of the Environment,
Analyzing differentiate, distinguish, Responsible Consumerism,
compare, contrast, Cleanliness, Orderliness, Saving
organize, outline, the ecosystem, Environmental
attribute, deconstruct d) Makabansa
Evaluating coordinate, measure, Peace and order, Heroism and
detect, defend, judge, Appreciation of Heroes,
National Unity, Civic
argue, debate, describe, Consciousness, Social
critique, appraise, responsibility, Harmony,
evaluate Patriotism, Productivity
P Perception choose, describe, detect,
3. What community situations
differentiate, distinguish, can be used to contextualize the
S identify, isolate, relate, curriculum?
select a) weather condition/climate
Y Set begin, display, explain, b) traditions
c) beliefs
move, proceed, react, d) livelihood
C show, state, volunteer e) advancement of technology
Guided Response copy, trace, follow, react,
H reproduce, respond
Mechanism assemble, construct,
dismantle, display, fasten,
fix, heat, manipulate,
measure, mend, mix,
organize, sketch
Complex overt Skills demonstrated are
response the same with mechanism.
However, adjective must
be added to indicate
better, quicker, and more
accurate performance
Adaptation alter, change, rearrange,
reorganize, revise, vary,
A Receiving ask, choose, describe,
Phenomena erect, follow, give, hold,
F identify, locate, name,
point to, reply, select, sit,
F study, use
Responding to aid, answer, assist,
E Phenomena comply, conform, discuss,
greet, help, label, perform,
C practice, present, read,
recite, report, select, tell,
T write

I Valuing work, complete,

demonstrate, differentiate,
V explain, follow, form,
initiate, invite, join,
E justify, propose, read,
report, select, share, study
Organization adhere, alter, arrange,
combine, compare,
complete, defend, explain,
formulate, generalize,
identify, integrate, modify,
order, organize, prepare,
relate, synthesize
2. Activity/Strategy (8 minutes). This is a direct purposeful experience and an interactive strategy to elicit learner’s prior learning experience. It serves as a
springboard for new learning. It illustrates the principle that learning starts where the learners are. Carefully structured activities such as: individual or group reflective
exercises, group discussion, self-or group assessment, dyadic or triadic interactions, puzzles, simulations or role-play, cybernetics exercise, gallery walk , debates, journal
writing, conferences, essays, stories, poems, storytelling, listening activities, reading, calculations, experiments, comparisons, number games, using evidence, formulating
and testing hypothesis, deductive and inductive reasoning, concept maps, graphs, charts, art products, metaphorical thinking, visualization videos, slides, visual
presentations, athletic activities, manipulatives, hands-on demonstrations, miming/mimicking/representing, playing music, singing, rapping, whistling, clapping,
analyzing sounds and music, community-involvement projects, cooperative learning, team games, per tutoring, social activities, sharing, student choice, journal writing,
self-evaluation, personal instruction, independent study, ecological field trips, environmental study, caring for plants and animals, outdoor work, pattern recognition, and
the like may be created. Clear instructions should be considered in this part of the lesson.
The Framework in Selecting Activities for Differentiated Instruction is presented below:
Climate Knowing the Assessment Learning Tasks
• Nurturing • Complex • Learning Styles • Traditional Assessments- refer to conventional methods of testing, usually TAPS
• Inclusive • Challenging • Thinking Styles standardized and use pen and paper with multiple-choice, true or false or • Total Group
• Multi-sensory • Questioning  Mastery Level of matching type test items. • Alone
• Stimulating Competency • Authentic assessments - refer to assessments wherein students are asked to • Paired
 Gender perform real-world tasks that demonstrate meaningful application of what they • Small Group
have learned.
The Instructional Strategy to be used could be as follows:
Constructivist Inquiry-Based Reflective Collaborative Integrative
• include activities that • utilized activities that are • include activities that • include questions • include • provide historical
promote active learning mentally engaging and promote deeper for meaningful activities and backgrounds for each
• use graphic organizers Interesting exploration of the discussion exercise for idea/skill
to help learners • provide activities for practice content • integrate group • include activities and
understand the concepts and feedback • promote divergent thought-provoking • encourage questions that require
• consider the • use questions that are thinking ideas and cooperation leaners to examine
background knowledge thought-provoking • promote critical challenging among students connections to other
and prior experiences • use activities for thinking and creativity activities • provide disciplines
of the learners differentiated learning • seek deeper • allow the opportunities for • use varied activities based
• include pre- • provide examples, understanding and learners to do group planning on the learning styles
assessment activities explanations, and illustrations appreciation independent study and of the learners
that are relevant to the contexts of concepts evaluation • focus on concept learning
of the learners
E n a b l e r s
Domain/ Behavioral Curriculum Learning Styles Gender and Learner Instructions for
Categories Verbs Contextualizat Characteristics Diverse
ion Learners
Visual Auditory Kinestheti Boys Girls
Modality Modality c/Tactile
C Rememb identify, 1. Local Heritage - Learner - Learner’s - Learner - Show - Generally Present pictures
Theme/s can be remembers papers and starts a more areas demonstrat
ering retrieve, and let them
used to information notebooks project in the brain e a focus
O recognize, contextualize the better if always seem before dedicated on verbal- recognize the
duplicate, lesson: he/she messy. reading the to spatial- emotive recommended
G list, writes it - When directions. mechanical processing times for each
A. Annual Rites down. Iearner - Learner strengths - Girls are
memorize, (Festivals, and - Learner reads, he/she hates to sit at generally
- Often
N repeat, Rituals looking at needs to use a desk for misdiagnos hardwired
describe, (Historical/Religio the person his/her index long periods ed with to be less Illustration 2
I reproduce us Festivals, Local helps keep finger to of time. learning impulsive,
Cultural Festivals, him/her track the - Learner disabilities enabling
Understa interpret, Local focused. place on the prefers first them to sit
T nding exemplify, Delicacies/Produc - Learner line. to see attention- still, focus,
classify, ts Festivals, needs a - Learner something deficit read, and
I summarize, Rituals, Wedding quiet place doesn’t done and issues write at an
Ritual, Palihi to get my follow then to do it - Boys’ earlier age
infer, Ritual, Burial work done. written him/herself. - Girls’
brains need
V compare, Ritual) - When a directions - Learner more rest hardwiring
explain, B. Literary learner well. uses the trial times demonstrat
E paraphrase, Anthologies takes a test, - If learner and error during a es strength
Written In Local he/she can hears approach to day of in
discuss Language see the something, problem- multitaskin
Applying execute, (BALITAW, textbook he/she will solving. - Boys are g
implement, BALAK, page in remembers - Learner hardwired - Girls, on
demonstrate, Folktales/ Short his/her it. likes to read to be the other
Stories, Local head. - Writing has his/her single-task hands, are
dramatize, Heroes) - Learner always been textbook focused more
interpret, C. Historical needs to difficult for while riding predisposed
solve, use, Events write down the learner. an exercise to
illustrate, (Indigenous directions, - Learner bike. cooperative
Materials, not just often negotiation,
convert, Indigenous take them misreads have a
discover Cultural verbally. words from much
Analyzin differentiate, Communities/ - Music or the text- easier time
g distinguish, Indigenous background (i.e.,“them” with
People, noise for “then”). impulse
compare, Indigenous distracts - Learner control, and
contrast, Games) learner would rather can sit
organize, D. Topography, attention listens and “criss-
outline, Flora/ Fauna from the learns than cross-
(Falls, Mountains, task at reads and apple-
attribute, River, Cave, hand. learns. sauce” in
deconstruct Trees, Flower, - Learner - Learner is the reading
Evaluatin coordinate, Fauna) doesn’t not very circle with
g measure, E. Food & always get good at ease
Local products the interpreting
detect, G. Role Model meaning of an
defend, Family a joke. individual’s
judge, argue, - Learner body
debate, 2. Core/enduring doodles and language.
values that can be draws - Pages with
describe, used to pictures on small print or
critique, contextualize the the margins poor quality
appraise, curriculum: of his/her copies are
A. Maka-Diyos notebook difficult for
Love of God, pages. learner to
P Perceptio choose, Faith, Trusting, - Learner read.
n describe, Spirituality, Inner has trouble - Learner’s
S detect, Peace, Love of following eyes tire
truth, Kindness, lectures. quickly, even
differentiate, Humble - Learner though
Y distinguish, B. Maka-tao reacts very his/her
identify, Concern for strongly to vision check-
C isolate, Others, Respect colors. up is always
for human rights, fine.
relate, select Gender equality,
H Set begin, Family Solidarity,
display, Generosity,
O explain, Helping, Oneness
move, Makakalikasan
M proceed, Care of the
react, show, environment,
O state, Disaster Risk
volunteer Protection of the
T Guided copy, trace, Environment,
Response follow, Responsible
O Consumerism,
react, Cleanliness,
reproduce, Orderliness,
R respond Saving the
Mechanis assemble, ecosystem, Sketch/Draw
m construct, sustainability
the Philippines
dismantle, D. Makabansa Physical
display, Peace and order, Activity
fasten, fix, Heroism and Pyramid.
Appreciation of
heat, Heroes, National
manipulate, Unity, Civic Label how
measure, Consciousness, many times it is
mend, mix, Social recommended
organize, Harmony, to do the
sketch Patriotism, activity.
Complex Skills Productivity
overt demonstrate
3. Community
response d are the situations can be
same with
mechanism. used to - Learner - Many - Girls tend
contextualize the takes boys have to verbalize
However, curriculum: frequent a difficult during
adjective a) weather study breaks. time sitting problem
must be condition/climate - Learner has still to hear solving via
added to b) traditions a difficult the cooperation
c) beliefs time giving teacher’s and
indicate d) livelihood step-by-step interactive
story, as
better, e) advancement of instructions. they are learning
quicker, and technology - Learner movement-
more enjoys sports driven
and does (kinesthetic
accurate well at ) in their
performance several learning
Adaptati alter, different process
on change, types of - “Boys do
sports. their best
rearrange, - Learner work when
reorganize, uses his/her teachers
revise, vary, hands when establish
modify describing authentic
things. purpose
A Receivin ask, choose, - Learner has and
g describe, to rewrite or meaningful
F Phenome erect, type his/her , real-life
na follow, give, class notes to connection
reinforce the s.”
F hold, material. (Gurian,
identify, 2006).
E locate, - Topics of
name, point learning
C to, reply, particularly
select, sit, to boys
T study, use include
Receivin ask, choose, ideas they
I g describe, can
Phenome erect, apply to
V na follow, give, their lives
hold, (science
E identify, projects
locate, the
name, point germinatio
to, reply, n of a
select, sit, seed, etc.).
- Allow
study, use boys to
Respondi aid, answer, choose
ng to assist, topics in
Phenome comply, reading
na conform, appeal to
discuss, them
greet, help, (superhero
label, es,
perform, works,
practice, etc.).
read, recite,
select, tell,

Valuing work,
invite, join,
read, report,
select, share,
Organizat adhere, alter,
ion arrange,

Multiple Descriptions Instructions

Visual-Spatial Think in terms of physical space, as do architects and sailors. Very aware of their
environments. They like to draw, do jigsaw puzzles, read maps, daydream. They can be
taught through drawings, verbal and physical imagery. Tools include models, graphics,
charts, photographs, drawings, 3-D modeling, video, videoconferencing, television,
multimedia, texts with pictures/charts/graphs.
Bodily- Use the body effectively, like a dancer or a surgeon. Keen sense of body awareness.
kinesthetic They like movement, making things, touching. They communicate well through body
language and be taught through physical activity, hands-on learning, acting out, role
playing. Tools include equipment and real objects.
Musical Show sensitivity to rhythm and sound. They love music, but they are also sensitive to
sounds in their environments. They may study better with music in the background.
They can be taught by turning lessons into lyrics, speaking rhythmically, tapping out
time. Tools include musical instruments, music, radio, stereo, CD-ROM, multimedia.
Interpersonal Understanding, interacting with others. These students learn through interaction. They
have many friends, empathy for others, street smarts. They can be taught through group
activities, seminars, dialogues. Tools include the telephone, audio conferencing, time
and attention from the instructor, video conferencing, writing, computer conferencing,
Intrapersonal Understanding one's own interests, goals. These learners tend to shy away from others.
They're in tune with their inner feelings; they have wisdom, intuition and motivation, as
well as a strong will, confidence and opinions. They can be taught through independent
study and introspection. Tools include books, creative materials, diaries, privacy and
time. They are the most independent of the learners.
Linguistic Using words effectively. These learners have highly developed auditory skills and often
think in words. They like reading, playing word games, making up poetry or stories.
They can be taught by encouraging them to say and see words, read books together.
Tools include computers, games, multimedia, books, tape recorders, and lecture.
Logical Reasoning, calculating. Think conceptually, abstractly and are able to see and explore
-Mathematica patterns and relationships. They like to experiment, solve puzzles, ask cosmic questions.
l They can be taught through logic games, investigations, mysteries. They need to learn
and form concepts before they can deal with details.
3. Analysis ( 2 minutes). Essential questions are included to serve as a guide for the teacher in clarifying key understandings about the topic at hand. Critical
points are organized to structure the discussions allowing the learners to maximize interactions and sharing of ideas and opinions about expected issues. Affective
questions are included to elicit the feelings of the learners about the activity or the topic. The last questions or points taken should lead the learners to understand the new
concepts or skills that are to be presented in the next part of the lesson.
E n a b l e r s
Domain/Categories Behavioral Verbs Curriculum Essential/Main Questions
Contextualization (Aligned with content and
performance standards)
C Remembering identify, retrieve, recognize, duplicate, list, 1. What Local Heritage Display the physical fitness
Theme/s that can be used to
memorize, repeat, describe, reproduce activity pyramid guide.
contextualize the lesson?
O A. Annual Rites (Festivals,
and Rituals Let the pupil identify the
G (Historical/Religious physical activities they have
Festivals, Local Cultural
Festivals, Local
done at home and in the
N Delicacies/Products school.
Festivals, Rituals, Wedding
I Understanding interpret, exemplify, classify, summarize, infer, Ritual, Palihi Ritual, Burial
compare, explain, paraphrase, discuss B. Literary Anthologies
T Written In Local Language
Applying execute, implement, demonstrate, dramatize,
interpret, solve, use, illustrate, convert, discover Folktales/ Short Stories,
Analyzing differentiate, distinguish, compare, contrast, Local Heroes) Can some sporting events be
C. Historical Events
V organize, outline, attribute, deconstruct (Indigenous Materials, classified as lifetime physical
Indigenous Cultural activities?
E Evaluating coordinate, measure, detect, defend, judge, Communities/ Indigenous
argue, debate, describe, critique, appraise, People, Indigenous Games)
D. Topography, Flora/ Fauna
evaluate (Falls, Mountains, River,
P Perception choose, describe, detect, differentiate, Cave, Trees, Flower, Fauna)
distinguish, identify, isolate, relate, select E. Food & Local products
G. Role Model Family
S Set begin, display, explain, move, proceed, react,
show, state, volunteer 2. What core/enduring
Y values that can be used to
Guided copy, trace, follow, react, reproduce, respond contextualize the
Response curriculum?
C a) Maka-Diyos
Mechanism assemble, construct, dismantle, display, fasten, Love of God, Faith,
H fix, heat, manipulate, measure, mend, mix, Trusting, Spirituality, Inner
Peace, Love of truth,
organize, sketch Kindness, Humble
O Complex overt Skills demonstrated are the same with b) Maka-tao
response mechanism. However, adjective must be added Concern for Others, Respect
M to indicate better, quicker, and more accurate for human rights, Gender
equality, Family Solidarity,
performance Generosity, Helping,
O Adaptation alter, change, rearrange, reorganize, revise, vary, Oneness
modify c) Makakalikasan
T Care of the environment,
Disaster Risk Management,
Protection of the
O Environment, Responsible
Consumerism, Cleanliness,
R Orderliness, Saving the
A Receiving ask, choose, describe, erect, follow, give, hold, ecosystem, Environmental
Phenomena identify, locate, name, point to, reply, select, sit, d) Makabansa
F study, use Peace and order, Heroism
Responding to aid, answer, assist, comply, conform, discuss, and Appreciation of Heroes,
F National Unity, Civic
Phenomena greet, help, label, perform, practice, present,
Consciousness, Social
read, recite, report, select, tell, write responsibility, Harmony,
E Patriotism, Productivity
Valuing work, complete, demonstrate, differentiate, Explain the importance of
C 3. What community
explain, follow, form, initiate, invite, join, situations can be used to
Philippines Physical Activity
justify, propose, read, report, select, share, study contextualize the Pyramid.
T Organization adhere, alter, arrange, combine, compare, curriculum?
complete, defend, explain, formulate, a) weather condition/climate
b) traditions
I generalize, identify, integrate, modify, order, c) beliefs
organize, prepare, relate, synthesize d) livelihood
e) advancement of
V technology

Transition Question Is it important to have an active lifestyle? Why?
4. Abstraction ( 12 minutes). This outlines the key concepts, important skills that should be enhanced, and the proper attitude that should be emphasized. This is
organized as a lecturette (individual, paired, small group) that summarizes the learning highlighted from the activity, analysis, and new inputs in this part of the lesson.
1. Present here the key concepts/understanding you want the learners to develop. Do this in an interactive manner (direct and
purposeful experience for the learners).

 What is Physical Activity Pyramid?

 What benefit can you get by following the pyramid activity guide?

2. Let the learners (Add here the objective for Knowledge) using the (state here what you will use: activity sheet, template, table,
etc.) with clear instructions provided.

3. When applicable, Let the learners (Add here the objective for Attitude) using the (state here what you will use: activity sheet,
template, table, etc.) with clear instructions provided.

4. When applicable, Let the learners (Add here the objective for Values) using the (state here what you will use: activity sheet,
template, table, etc.) with clear instructions provided.

5. Application (6 minutes). This part is structured to ensure the commitment of the learners to do something to apply their new learning in their own environment.
1. Let the learners (Add here the objective for Skill) using the (state here what you will use: activity sheet, template, table, etc.)
with clear instructions provide

Plan your Daily Physical Activity and write them on the pyramid.

Illustration 3

Activities you should lessen

Recreational activities you do

Exercises and games you play

Activities you do everyday

2. When applicable, Let the learners (Add here the objective for Attitude) using the (state here what you will use: activity sheet,
template, table, etc.) with clear instructions provided.

3. When applicable, Let the learners (Add here the objective for Values) using the (state here what you will use: activity sheet,
template, table, etc.) with clear instructions provided.

6. Assessment ( 6 minutes). Assessment is for the Teacher to: a) Assess whether learning objectives have been met for a specified duration, b) Remediate
and/or enrich with appropriate strategies as needed, and c) Evaluate whether learning intentions and success criteria have been met. (Reminder: Formative Assessment
may be given before, during, or after the lesson). The Teacher may choose any from the Assessment Methods below:
Assessment Methods Sample Assessment Specific Instructions
Are the ways you gather evidence of a Activities
learner’s progress over time. The four
assessment methods commonly used to
find out what learners know and
understand (knowledge) and what they
can do (skills) are:
a) Observation Investigative activities,
(Teachers make formal and informal Role Play, Oral
observations of learners’ performance Presentations, Dances,
or behaviors based on assessment Musical Performances,
criteria) Skill Demonstrations,
Group Activities (e.g.
Choral Reading),
Debates, Motor &
Psychomotor Games,
Simulation Activities,
Science Experiments
b) Talking to Learners / Hands-on Math Activities,
Written Work and Essays,
Conferencing Picture Analyses, Comic
(Teachers talk to and question learners
Strips, Panel Discussions,
to gain insights on their understanding
Interviews, Think-Pair-
and progress and to clarify their
Share Activities, Reading
thinking; often referred to as
c) Analysis of Learners’ Worksheets for all Read carefully and answer questions correctly.
learning areas, Essays,
Products Concept Maps/Graphic
(Teachers judge the quality of products 1. What visual representation demonstrates on how to increase physical
Organizers, Projects,
created by learners according to
agreed criteria)
Models, Artworks, Multi- activity?
media Presentations,
Products made in
learning areas
d) Tests Skills Performance Tests, The teacher will presents metacards bearing the different physical activities .
(Teachers set quizzes to determine Practicum, Pen and
Learners will classify these according to the following categories:
learners’ ability to demonstrate Paper Tests, Pre and Post
mastery of a skill or knowledge and Test, Diagnostic Tests,
understanding of content) Oral Tests One a week 1-3 times a 3-5 times a Everyday
week week

7. Assignment (_2_minutes). Fill-in below any of the four purposes of the assignment:

 Reinforcing / strengthening the day’s lesson

 Enriching / inspiring the day’s lesson

 Enhancing / improving the day’s lesson

 Preparing for the new lesson

8. Wrap-up/Concluding Activity (_2_minutes). Physical fitness is generally achieved through proper nutrition, moderate-
Describe how you will complete the lesson and bring the work to a vigorous physical exercise, and sufficient rest.
conclusion/end. This can be done by:
a) Summarizing; recapitulating.
b) Providing a brief but affective closing activity such as a strong
quotation, a short song, an anecdote, parable or a letter that inspires
the learners to do something to practice their new learning.
V. Remarks - Indicate below special cases including but not limited to continuation of lesson plan to the following day in case of re-teaching or lack of time,
transfer of lesson to the following day, in cases of class suspension, etc.
(Note: This part is accomplished after lesson presentation.)

VI. Reflections - Reflect on your teaching and assess yourself as a teacher. Think about your student’s progress this week. What works? What else needs to be
done to help the students learn? Identify what help your instructional supervisors can provide for you so when you meet them, you can ask them relevant questions.
Indicate below whichever is/are appropriate.
(Note: This part is accomplished after lesson presentation.)
A. No. of learners who
earned 80% in the
B. No. of learners who
require additional
activities for remediation.
C. Did the remedial lessons
work? No. of learners
who have caught up with
the lesson.
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my learning
strategies worked well?
Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I wish
to share with other

(P.S. To the users of this Comments Suggestions

To improve this DLP,
please send your
comments and
suggestions to the writer
whose details appear
below. Thanks.)

User Name School Division/Office Contact Details

Cellphone email

Created by:
Name: Farah S. Torreta School: OPAO ELEMENTARY SCHOOL
Position/Designation: T1 Division/Office: MANDAUE CITY
Contact Number: 09952276041 Email address: farah.torreta@deped.gov.ph


Appendices: (attach all materials that will be used)

1. Activity Sheet …
2. Formative Assessment …
3. Answer Key …
4. Handouts …
5. PowerPoint Presentation …
6. Others
Illustration 1
Illustration 2

Plan your Daily Physical Activity and write them on the pyramid.

Illustration 3

Physical Education 6 - First Quarter

Performance Task 1

The teacher will presents metacards bearing the different physical activities like:

playing basketball feeding a pet brisk walking cleaning the yard watching tv

swimming gardening dancing

washing the car playing golf

Learners will classify these according to the following categories:

One a week 1-3 times a week 3-5 times a week Everyday

Performance Task 2

Group Activity :

Each group will demonstrate the assign physical activity that they have done at home or in the
school. ( 10 points)
Other group will guess the name of the physical activity.
The first group who guess correctly will have additional 5 points.

Group 1: beach swimming

Group 2: playing basketball
Group 3: playing patintero
Group 4: playing computer games
Group 5: painting

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